245 research outputs found

    Clustering in Recommendation Systems Using Swarm Intelligence

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    Ένα σύστημα συστάσεων είναι μία εφαρμογή που εκμεταλλεύεται πληροφορίες για να βοηθήσει τους χρήστες στη λήψη αποφάσεων προτείνοντας αντικείμενα που μπορεί να τους αρέσουν. Ένα σύστημα συστάσεων που βασίζεται στην τεχνική του συνεργατικού φιλτραρίσματος (collaborative filtering) δημιουργεί συστάσεις στους χρήστες με βάση τις προτιμήσεις παρόμοιων χρηστών. Ωστόσο, αυτός ο τύπος συστήματος συστάσεων δεν είναι τόσο αποτελεσματικός όταν τα δεδομένα αυξάνονται σε μεγάλο βαθμό (scalability) ή όταν δεν υπάρχει αρκετή πληροφορία (sparsity), καθώς δεν ομαδοποιούνται σωστά οι παρόμοιοι χρήστες. Αυτή η διπλωματική εργασία προτείνει τρείς υβριδικούς αλγορίθμους που ο καθένας συνδυάζει τον αλγόριθμο k-means με έναν αλγόριθμο ευφυΐας σμήνους για να βελτιώσει την ομαδοποίηση των χρηστών, και κατ’ επέκταση την ποιότητα των συστάσεων. Οι αλγόριθμοι ευφυΐας σμήνους που χρησιμοποιούνται είναι o αλγόριθμος τεχνητής κοινωνίας μελισσών (artificial bee colony), ο αλγόριθμος βελτιστοποίησης αναζήτησης κούκων (cuckoo search optimization) και ο αλγόριθμος βελτιστοποίησης γκρίζων λύκων (grey-wolf optimization). Οι προτεινόμενες μέθοδοι αξιολογήθηκαν χρησιμοποιώντας ένα σύνολο δεδομένων του MovieLens. Η αξιολόγηση δείχνει πως τα προτεινόμενα συστήματα συστάσεων αποδίδουν καλύτερα σε σύγκριση με τις ήδη υπάρχουσες τεχνικές όσον αφορά τις μετρικές του μέσου απόλυτου σφάλματος (mean absolute error - MAE), της ακρίβειας (precision), του αθροίσματος των τετραγωνικών σφαλμάτων (sum of squared errors - SSE) και της ανάκλησης (recall). Επιπλέον, τα αποτελέσματα της αξιολόγησης δείχνουν πως ο υβριδικός αλγόριθμος που χρησιμοποιεί την μέθοδο της τεχνητής κοινωνίας μελισσών αποδίδει ελαφρώς καλύτερα από τους άλλους δύο προτεινόμενους αλγορίθμους.A recommender system (RS) is an application that exploits information to help users in decision making by suggesting items they might like. A collaborative recommender system generates recommendations to users based on their similar neighbor’s preferences. However, this type of recommender system faces the data sparsity and scalability problems making the neighborhood selection a challenging task. This thesis proposes three hybrid collaborative recommender systems that each one combines the k-means algorithm with a different bio-inspired technique to enhance the clustering task, and therefore to improve the recommendation quality. The used bio-inspired techniques are artificial bee colony (ABC), cuckoo search optimization (CSO), and grey-wolf optimizer (GWO). The proposed approaches were evaluated over a MovieLens dataset. The evaluation shows that the proposed recommender systems perform better compared to already existing techniques in terms of mean absolute error (MAE), precision, sum of squared errors (SSE), and recall. Moreover, the experimental results indicate that the hybrid recommender system that uses the ABC method performs slightly better than the other two proposed hybrid algorithms

    Automatic Metadata Generation using Associative Networks

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    In spite of its tremendous value, metadata is generally sparse and incomplete, thereby hampering the effectiveness of digital information services. Many of the existing mechanisms for the automated creation of metadata rely primarily on content analysis which can be costly and inefficient. The automatic metadata generation system proposed in this article leverages resource relationships generated from existing metadata as a medium for propagation from metadata-rich to metadata-poor resources. Because of its independence from content analysis, it can be applied to a wide variety of resource media types and is shown to be computationally inexpensive. The proposed method operates through two distinct phases. Occurrence and co-occurrence algorithms first generate an associative network of repository resources leveraging existing repository metadata. Second, using the associative network as a substrate, metadata associated with metadata-rich resources is propagated to metadata-poor resources by means of a discrete-form spreading activation algorithm. This article discusses the general framework for building associative networks, an algorithm for disseminating metadata through such networks, and the results of an experiment and validation of the proposed method using a standard bibliographic dataset

    Living analytics methods for the social web

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    Improved collaborative filtering using clustering and association rule mining on implicit data

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    The recommender systems are recently becoming more significant due to their ability in making decisions on appropriate choices. Collaborative Filtering (CF) is the most successful and most applied technique in the design of a recommender system where items to an active user will be recommended based on the past rating records from like-minded users. Unfortunately, CF may lead to poor recommendation when user ratings on items are very sparse (insufficient number of ratings) in comparison with the huge number of users and items in user-item matrix. In the case of a lack of user rating on items, implicit feedback is used to profile a user’s item preferences. Implicit feedback can indicate users’ preferences by providing more evidences and information through observations made on users’ behaviors. Data mining technique, which is the focus of this research, can predict a user’s future behavior without item evaluation and can too, analyze his preferences. In order to investigate the states of research in CF and implicit feedback, a systematic literature review has been conducted on the published studies related to topic areas in CF and implicit feedback. To investigate users’ activities that influence the recommender system developed based on the CF technique, a critical observation on the public recommendation datasets has been carried out. To overcome data sparsity problem, this research applies users’ implicit interaction records with items to efficiently process massive data by employing association rules mining (Apriori algorithm). It uses item repetition within a transaction as an input for association rules mining, in which can achieve high recommendation accuracy. To do this, a modified preprocessing has been employed to discover similar interest patterns among users. In addition, the clustering technique (Hierarchical clustering) has been used to reduce the size of data and dimensionality of the item space as the performance of association rules mining. Then, similarities between items based on their features have been computed to make recommendations. Experiments have been conducted and the results have been compared with basic CF and other extended version of CF techniques including K-Means Clustering, Hybrid Representation, and Probabilistic Learning by using public dataset, namely, Million Song dataset. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique exhibits improvements of an average of 20% in terms of Precision, Recall and Fmeasure metrics when compared to the basic CF technique. Our technique achieves even better performance (an average of 15% improvement in terms of Precision and Recall metrics) when compared to the other extended version of CF techniques, even when the data is very sparse

    Swarm intelligence for clustering dynamic data sets for web usage mining and personalization.

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    Swarm Intelligence (SI) techniques were inspired by bee swarms, ant colonies, and most recently, bird flocks. Flock-based Swarm Intelligence (FSI) has several unique features, namely decentralized control, collaborative learning, high exploration ability, and inspiration from dynamic social behavior. Thus FSI offers a natural choice for modeling dynamic social data and solving problems in such domains. One particular case of dynamic social data is online/web usage data which is rich in information about user activities, interests and choices. This natural analogy between SI and social behavior is the main motivation for the topic of investigation in this dissertation, with a focus on Flock based systems which have not been well investigated for this purpose. More specifically, we investigate the use of flock-based SI to solve two related and challenging problems by developing algorithms that form critical building blocks of intelligent personalized websites, namely, (i) providing a better understanding of the online users and their activities or interests, for example using clustering techniques that can discover the groups that are hidden within the data; and (ii) reducing information overload by providing guidance to the users on websites and services, typically by using web personalization techniques, such as recommender systems. Recommender systems aim to recommend items that will be potentially liked by a user. To support a better understanding of the online user activities, we developed clustering algorithms that address two challenges of mining online usage data: the need for scalability to large data and the need to adapt cluster sing to dynamic data sets. To address the scalability challenge, we developed new clustering algorithms using a hybridization of traditional Flock-based clustering with faster K-Means based partitional clustering algorithms. We tested our algorithms on synthetic data, real VCI Machine Learning repository benchmark data, and a data set consisting of real Web user sessions. Having linear complexity with respect to the number of data records, the resulting algorithms are considerably faster than traditional Flock-based clustering (which has quadratic complexity). Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that scalability was gained without sacrificing quality. To address the challenge of adapting to dynamic data, we developed a dynamic clustering algorithm that can handle the following dynamic properties of online usage data: (1) New data records can be added at any time (example: a new user is added on the site); (2) Existing data records can be removed at any time. For example, an existing user of the site, who no longer subscribes to a service, or who is terminated because of violating policies; (3) New parts of existing records can arrive at any time or old parts of the existing data record can change. The user\u27s record can change as a result of additional activity such as purchasing new products, returning a product, rating new products, or modifying the existing rating of a product. We tested our dynamic clustering algorithm on synthetic dynamic data, and on a data set consisting of real online user ratings for movies. Our algorithm was shown to handle the dynamic nature of data without sacrificing quality compared to a traditional Flock-based clustering algorithm that is re-run from scratch with each change in the data. To support reducing online information overload, we developed a Flock-based recommender system to predict the interests of users, in particular focusing on collaborative filtering or social recommender systems. Our Flock-based recommender algorithm (FlockRecom) iteratively adjusts the position and speed of dynamic flocks of agents, such that each agent represents a user, on a visualization panel. Then it generates the top-n recommendations for a user based on the ratings of the users that are represented by its neighboring agents. Our recommendation system was tested on a real data set consisting of online user ratings for a set of jokes, and compared to traditional user-based Collaborative Filtering (CF). Our results demonstrated that our recommender system starts performing at the same level of quality as traditional CF, and then, with more iterations for exploration, surpasses CF\u27s recommendation quality, in terms of precision and recall. Another unique advantage of our recommendation system compared to traditional CF is its ability to generate more variety or diversity in the set of recommended items. Our contributions advance the state of the art in Flock-based 81 for clustering and making predictions in dynamic Web usage data, and therefore have an impact on improving the quality of online services

    An Efficient Recommendation System in E-commerce using Passer learning optimization based on Bi-LSTM

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    Recommendation system services have become crucial for users to access personalized goods or services as the global e-commerce market expands. They can increase business sales growth and lower the cost of user information exploration. Recent years have seen a signifi-cant increase in researchers actively using user reviews to solve standard recommender system research issues. Reviews may, however, contain information that does not help consumers de-cide what to buy, such as advertising or fictitious or fake reviews. Using such reviews to offer suggestion services may reduce the effectiveness of those recommendations. In this research, the recommendation in e-commerce is developed using passer learning optimization based on Bi-LSTM to solve that issue (PL optimized Bi-LSTM). Data is first obtained from the product recommendation dataset and pre-processed to remove any values that are missing or incon-sistent. Then, feature extraction is performed using TF-IDF features and features that support graph embedding. Before submitting numerous features with the same dimensions to the Bi-LSTM classifier for analysis, they are integrated using the feature concatenation approach. The Collaborative Bi-LSTM method employs these features to determine if the model is a recommended product. The PL optimization approach, which efficiently adjusts the classifier's parameters and produces an extract output that measures the f1-score, MSE, precision, and recall, is the basis of this research's contributions. As compared to earlier methods, the pro-posed PL-optimized Bi-LSTM achieved values of 88.58%, 1.24%, 92.69%, and 92.69% for dataset 1, 88.46%, 0.48%, 92.43%, and 93.47% for dataset 2, and 92.51%, 1.58%, 91.90%, and 90.76% for dataset 3

    Personalized Recommendation Systems (PRES): A Comprehensive Study and Research Issues.

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    The type of information systems used to recommend items to the users are called Recommendation systems. The concept of recommendations was seen among cavemen, ants and other creatures too. Users often rely on opinion of their peers when looking for selecting something, this usual behavior of the humans, led to the development of recommendation systems. There exist various recommender systems for various areas. The existing recommendation systems use different approaches. The applications of recommendation systems are increasing with increased use of web based search for users’ specific requirements. Recommendation techniques are employed by general purpose websites such as google and yahoo based on browsing history and other information like user’s geographical locations, interests, behavior in the web, history of purchase and the way they entered the website. Document recommendation systems recommend documents depending on the similar search done previously by other users. Clickstream data which provides information like user behavior and the path the users take are captured and given as input to document recommendation system. Movie recommendation systems and music recommendation systems are other areas in use and being researched to improve. Social recommendation is gaining the momentum because of huge volume of data generated and diverse requirements of the users. Current web usage trends are forcing companies to continuously research for best ways to provide the users with the suitable information as per the need depending on the search and preferences. This paper

    An ACO-based personalized learning technique in support of people with acquired brain injury

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    This is the author’s version of a work that was accepted for publication in Applied Soft Computing . Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published in Applied Soft Computing 47 (2016) 316–331. DOI 10.1016/j.asoc.2016.04.039The ever-increasing cases of acquired brain injury (ABI), especially among young people, have prompted a rapid progress in research involving neurological disorders. One important path is the concept of relearning, which attempts to help people regain basic motor and cognitive skills lost due to illness or accident. The goals of relearning are twofold. First, there must exist a way to properly assess the necessities of an affected person, leading to a diagnosis, followed by a recommendation regarding the exercises, tests and tasks to perform; and second, there must be a way to confirm the results obtained from these recommendations in order to fine-tune and personalize the relearning process. This presents a challenge, as there is a deeply-rooted duality between the personalized and the generalized approach. In this work we propose a personalization algorithm based on the ant colony optimization (ACO), which is a bio-inspired meta-heuristic. As we show, the stochastic nature of ants has certain similarities to the human learning process. We combine the adaptive and exploratory capabilities of ACO systems to respond to rapidly changing environments and the ubiquitous human factor. Finally, we test the proposed solution extensively in various scenarios, achieving high quality results. © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reservedThis research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and by the FEDER funds of the EU under the project SUPEREMOS (TIN2014-60077-R) and insPIre (TIN2012-34003). Kamil Krynicki is supported by the FPI fellowship from Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Krynicki, K.; Jaén Martínez, FJ.; Navarro, E. (2016). An ACO-based personalized learning technique in support of people with acquired brain injury. Applied Soft Computing. 47:316-331. doi:10.1016/j.asoc.2016.04.039S3163314