27 research outputs found

    Hardware Accelerators for Animated Ray Tracing

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    Future graphics processors are likely to incorporate hardware accelerators for real-time ray tracing, in order to render increasingly complex lighting effects in interactive applications. However, ray tracing poses difficulties when drawing scenes with dynamic content, such as animated characters and objects. In dynamic scenes, the spatial datastructures used to accelerate ray tracing are invalidated on each animation frame, and need to be rapidly updated. Tree update is a complex subtask in its own right, and becomes highly expensive in complex scenes. Both ray tracing and tree update are highly memory-intensive tasks, and rendering systems are increasingly bandwidth-limited, so research on accelerator hardware has focused on architectural techniques to optimize away off-chip memory traffic. Dynamic scene support is further complicated by the recent introduction of compressed trees, which use low-precision numbers for storage and computation. Such compression reduces both the arithmetic and memory bandwidth cost of ray tracing, but adds to the complexity of tree update.This thesis proposes methods to cope with dynamic scenes in hardware-accelerated ray tracing, with focus on reducing traffic to external memory. Firstly, a hardware architecture is designed for linear bounding volume hierarchy construction, an algorithm which is a basic building block in most state-of-the-art software tree builders. The algorithm is rearranged into a streaming form which reduces traffic to one-third of software implementations of the same algorithm. Secondly, an algorithm is proposed for compressing bounding volume hierarchies in a streaming manner as they are output from a hardware builder, instead of performing compression as a postprocessing pass. As a result, with the proposed method, compression reduces the overall cost of tree update rather than increasing it. The last main contribution of this thesis is an evaluation of shallow bounding volume hierarchies, common in software ray tracing, for use in hardware pipelines. These are found to be more energy-efficient than binary hierarchies. The results in this thesis both confirm that dynamic scene support may become a bottleneck in real time ray tracing, and add to the state of the art on tree update in terms of energy-efficiency, as well as the complexity of scenes that can be handled in real time on resource-constrained platforms

    Higher Performance Traversal and Construction of Tree-Based Raytracing Acceleration Structures

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    Ray tracing is an important computational primitive used in different algorithms including collision detection, line-of-sight computations, ray tracing-based sound propagation, and most prominently light transport algorithms. It computes the closest intersections for a given set of rays and geometry. The geometry is usually modeled with a set of geometric primitives such as triangles or quadrangles which define a scene. An efficient ray tracing implementation needs to rely on an acceleration structure to decouple ray tracing complexity from scene complexity as far as possible. The most common ray tracing acceleration structures are kd-trees and bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) which have an O(log n) ray tracing complexity in the number of scene primitives. Both structures offer similar ray tracing performance in practice. This thesis presents theoretical insights and practical approaches for higher quality, improved graphics processing unit (GPU) ray tracing performance, and faster construction of BVHs and kd-trees, where the focus is on BVHs. The chosen construction strategy for BVHs and kd-trees has a significant impact on final ray tracing performance. The most common measure for the quality of BVHs and kd-trees is the surface area metric (SAM). Using assumptions on the distribution of ray origins and directions the SAM gives an approximation for the cost of traversing an acceleration structure without having to trace a single ray. High quality construction algorithms aim at reducing the SAM cost. The most widespread high quality greedy plane-sweep algorithm applies the surface area heuristic (SAH) which is a simplification of the SAM. Advances in research on quality metrics for BVHs have shown that greedy SAH-based plane-sweep builders often construct BVHs with superior traversal performance despite the fact that the resulting SAM costs are higher than those created by more sophisticated builders. Motivated by this observation we examine different construction algorithms that use the SAM cost of temporarily constructed SAH-built BVHs to guide the construction to higher quality BVHs. An extensive evaluation reveals that the resulting BVHs indeed achieve significantly higher trace performance for primary and secondary diffuse rays compared to BVHs constructed with standard plane-sweeping. Compared to the Spatial-BVH, a kd-tree/BVH hybrid, we still achieve an acceptable increase in performance. We show that the proposed algorithm has subquadratic computational complexity in the number of primitives, which renders it usable in practical applications. An alternative construction algorithm to the plane-sweep BVH builder is agglomerative clustering, which constructs BVHs in a bottom-up fashion. It clusters primitives with a SAM-inspired heuristic and gives mixed quality BVHs compared to standard plane-sweeping construction. While related work only focused on the construction speed of this algorithm we examine clustering heuristics, which aim at higher hierarchy quality. We propose a fully SAM-based clustering heuristic which on average produces better performing BVHs compared to original agglomerative clustering. The definitions of SAM and SAH are based on assumptions on the distribution of ray origins and directions to define a conditional geometric probability for intersecting nodes in kd-trees and BVHs. We analyze the probability function definition and show that the assumptions allow for an alternative probability definition. Unlike the conventional probability, our definition accounts for directional variation in the likelihood of intersecting objects from different directions. While the new probability does not result in improved practical tracing performance, we are able to provide an interesting insight on the conventional probability. We show that the conventional probability function is directly linked to our examined probability function and can be interpreted as covertly accounting for directional variation. The path tracing light transport algorithm can require tracing of billions of rays. Thus, it can pay off to construct high quality acceleration structures to reduce the ray tracing cost of each ray. At the same time, the arising number of trace operations offers a tremendous amount of data parallelism. With CPUs moving towards many-core architectures and GPUs becoming more general purpose architectures, path tracing can now be well parallelized on commodity hardware. While parallelization is trivial in theory, properties of real hardware make efficient parallelization difficult, especially when tracing so called incoherent rays. These rays cause execution flow divergence, which reduces efficiency of SIMD-based parallelism and memory read efficiency due to incoherent memory access. We investigate how different BVH and node memory layouts as well as storing the BVH in different memory areas impacts the ray tracing performance of a GPU path tracer. We also optimize the BVH layout using information gathered in a pre-processing pass by applying a number of different BVH reordering techniques. This results in increased ray tracing performance. Our final contribution is in the field of fast high quality BVH and kd-tree construction. Increased quality usually comes at the cost of higher construction time. To reduce construction time several algorithms have been proposed to construct acceleration structures in parallel on GPUs. These are able to perform full rebuilds in realtime for moderate scene sizes if all data completely fits into GPU memory. The sheer amount of data arising from geometric detail used in production rendering makes construction on GPUs, however, infeasible due to GPU memory limitations. Existing out-of-core GPU approaches perform hybrid bottom-up top-down construction which suffers from reduced acceleration structure quality in the critical upper levels of the tree. We present an out-of-core multi-GPU approach for full top-down SAH-based BVH and kd-tree construction, which is designed to work on larger scenes than conventional approaches and yields high quality trees. The algorithm is evaluated for scenes consisting of up to 1 billion triangles and performance scales with an increasing number of GPUs

    Software-Based Ray Tracing for Mobile Devices

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    Ray tracing is a way to produce realistic images of three dimensional virtual scenes. It scales more to the number of pixels in the image than to the amount of details in the scene. This makes it an interesting application for mobile systems, which in general have smaller screens. Modern high-performance ray tracing depends on special acceleration data structures such as bounding volume hierarchies. Compressing the size of the bounding volume hierarchy leads to smaller memory bandwidth usage. This should be especially beneficial for mobile systems, which in general have smaller memory bandwidth. Compression also reduces cache misses and memory usage. Unfortunately, compression reduces the quality of the data structure, leading the ray traversal into unnecessary computations. In addition, compression increases the amount of work which needs to be carried out in the performance critical inner loop. The previous work on bounding volume hierarchy compression concentrates on inferring some of the coordinates from other coordinates or using different integer precisions. This thesis concentrates on using half-precision floating-point numbers, which have potential due to their greater dynamic range. If the halfs are too inaccurate for use as plain world coordinates, they can be used with hierarchical encoding. This restores the quality of the data structure back to original, but it requires even more work in the inner loop. Halfs reduce the whole memory usage by 7% and cache misses by 16%. Furthermore, they reduce power usage by 1.7%. The halfs’ effect on the performance is heavily dependent on the targeted hardware’s support for them. If decompression of the halfs is too slow, they will have a negative impact. Compared to integers, halfs have better performance in the so-called teapot-in-a-stadium problem

    Interactive ray tracing of massive and deformable models

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    Ray tracing is a fundamental algorithm used for many applications such as computer graphics, geometric simulation, collision detection and line-of-sight computation. Even though the performance of ray tracing algorithms scales with the model complexity, the high memory requirements and the use of static hierarchical structures pose problems with massive models and dynamic data-sets. We present several approaches to address these problems based on new acceleration structures and traversal algorithms. We introduce a compact representation for storing the model and hierarchy while ray tracing triangle meshes that can reduce the memory footprint by up to 80%, while maintaining high performance. As a result, can ray trace massive models with hundreds of millions of triangles on workstations with a few gigabytes of memory. We also show how to use bounding volume hierarchies for ray tracing complex models with interactive performance. In order to handle dynamic scenes, we use refitting algorithms and also present highly-parallel GPU-based algorithms to reconstruct the hierarchies. In practice, our method can construct hierarchies for models with hundreds of thousands of triangles at interactive speeds. Finally, we demonstrate several applications that are enabled by these algorithms. Using deformable BVH and fast data parallel techniques, we introduce a geometric sound propagation algorithm that can run on complex deformable scenes interactively and orders of magnitude faster than comparable previous approaches. In addition, we also use these hierarchical algorithms for fast collision detection between deformable models and GPU rendering of shadows on massive models by employing our compact representations for hybrid ray tracing and rasterization

    QuadStack: An Efficient Representation and Direct Rendering of Layered Datasets

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    We introduce QuadStack, a novel algorithm for volumetric data compression and direct rendering. Our algorithm exploits the data redundancy often found in layered datasets which are common in science and engineering fields such as geology, biology, mechanical engineering, medicine, etc. QuadStack first compresses the volumetric data into vertical stacks which are then compressed into a quadtree that identifies and represents the layered structures at the internal nodes. The associated data (color, material, density, etc.) and shape of these layer structures are decoupled and encoded independently, leading to high compression rates (4× to 54× of the original voxel model memory footprint in our experiments). We also introduce an algorithm for value retrieving from the QuadStack representation and we show that the access has logarithmic complexity. Because of the fast access, QuadStack is suitable for efficient data representation and direct rendering. We show that our GPU implementation performs comparably in speed with the state-of-the-art algorithms (18-79 MRays/s in our implementation), while maintaining a significantly smaller memory footprint

    Fortgeschrittene Entrauschungs-Verfahren und speicherlose Beschleunigungstechniken für realistische Bildsynthese

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    Stochastic ray tracing methods have become the industry's standard for today's realistic image synthesis thanks to their ability to achieve a supreme degree of realism by physically simulating various natural phenomena of light and cameras (e.g. global illumination, depth-of-field, or motion blur). Unfortunately, high computational cost for more complex scenes and image noise from insufficient simulations are major issues of these methods and, hence, acceleration and denoising are key components in stochastic ray tracing systems. In this thesis, we introduce two new filtering methods for advanced lighting and camera effects, as well as a novel approach for memoryless acceleration. In particular, we present an interactive filter for global illumination in the presence of depth-of-field, and a general and robust adaptive reconstruction framework for high-quality images with a wide range of rendering effects. To address complex scene geometry, we propose a novel concept which models the acceleration structure completely implicit, i.e. without any additional memory cost at all, while still allowing for interactive performance. Our contributions advance the state-of-the-art of denoising techniques for realistic image synthesis as well as the field of memoryless acceleration for ray tracing systems.Stochastische Ray-Tracing Methoden sind heutzutage der Industriestandard für realistische Bildsynthese, da sie einen hohen Grad an Realismus erzeugen können, indem sie verschiedene natürliche Phänomene (z.B. globale Beleuchtung, Tiefenunschärfe oder Bewegungsunschärfe) physikalisch korrekt simulieren. Offene Probleme dieser Verfahren sind hohe Rechenzeit für komplexere Szenen sowie Bildrauschen durch unzulängliche Simulationen. Demzufolge sind Beschleunigungstechniken und Entrauschungsverfahren essentielle Komponenten in stochastischen Ray-Tracing-Systemen. In dieser Arbeit stellen wir zwei neue Filter-Methoden für erweiterte Beleuchungs- und Kamera-Effekte sowie ein neuartiges Verfahren für eine speicherlose Beschleunigungsstruktur vor. Im Detail präsentieren wir einen interaktiven Filter für globale Beleuchtung in Kombination mit Tiefenunschärfe und einen generischen, robusten Ansatz für die adaptive Rekonstruktion von hoch-qualitativen Bildern mit einer großen Auswahl an Rendering-Effekten. Für das Problem hoher geometrischer Szenen-Komplexität demonstrieren wir ein neuartiges Konzept für die implizierte Modellierung der Beschleunigungsstruktur, welches keinen zusätzlichen Speicher verbraucht, aber weiterhin interaktive Laufzeiten ermöglicht. Unsere Beiträge verbessern sowohl den aktuellen Stand von Entrauschungs-Verfahren in der realistischen Bildsynthese als auch das Feld der speicherlosen Beschleunigungsstrukturen für Ray-Tracing-Systeme

    Visualization and inspection of the geometry of particle packings

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    Gegenstand dieser Dissertation ist die Entwicklung von effizienten Verfahren zur Visualisierung und Inspektion der Geometrie von Partikelmischungen. Um das Verhalten der Simulation für die Partikelmischung besser zu verstehen und zu überwachen, sollten nicht nur die Partikel selbst, sondern auch spezielle von den Partikeln gebildete Bereiche, die den Simulationsfortschritt und die räumliche Verteilung von Hotspots anzeigen können, visualisiert werden können. Dies sollte auch bei großen Packungen mit Millionen von Partikeln zumindest mit einer interaktiven Darstellungsgeschwindigkeit möglich sein. . Da die Simulation auf der Grafikkarte (GPU) durchgeführt wird, sollten die Visualisierungstechniken die Daten des GPU-Speichers vollständig nutzen. Um die Qualität von trockenen Partikelmischungen wie Beton zu verbessern, wurde der Korngrößenverteilung große Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet, die die Raumfüllungsrate hauptsächlich beeinflusst und daher zwei der wichtigsten Eigenschaften des Betons bestimmt: die strukturelle Robustheit und die Haltbarkeit. Anhand der Korngrößenverteilung kann die Raumfüllungsrate durch Computersimulationen bestimmt werden, die analytischen Ansätzen in der Praxis wegen der breiten Größenverteilung der Partikel oft überlegen sind. Eine der weit verbreiteten Simulationsmethoden ist das Collective Rearrangement, bei dem die Partikel zunächst an zufälligen Positionen innerhalb eines Behälters platziert werden. Später werden Überlappungen zwischen Partikeln aufgelöst, indem überlappende Partikel voneinander weggedrückt werden. Durch geschickte Anpassung der Behältergröße während der Simulation, kann die Collective Rearrangement-Methode am Ende eine ziemlich dichte Partikelpackung generieren. Es ist jedoch sehr schwierig, den gesamten Simulationsprozess ohne ein interaktives Visualisierungstool zu optimieren oder dort Fehler zu finden. Ausgehend von der etablierten rasterisierungsbasierten Methode zum Darstellen einer großen Menge von Kugeln, bietet diese Dissertation zunächst schnelle und pixelgenaue Methoden zur neuartigen Visualisierung der Überlappungen und Freiräume zwischen kugelförmigen Partikeln innerhalb eines Behälters.. Die auf Rasterisierung basierenden Verfahren funktionieren gut für kleinere Partikelpackungen bis ca. eine Million Kugeln. Bei größeren Packungen entstehen Probleme durch die lineare Laufzeit und den Speicherverbrauch. Zur Lösung dieses Problems werden neue Methoden mit Hilfe von Raytracing zusammen mit zwei neuen Arten von Bounding-Volume-Hierarchien (BVHs) bereitgestellt. Diese können den Raytracing-Prozess deutlich beschleunigen --- die erste kann die vorhandene Datenstruktur für die Simulation wiederverwenden und die zweite ist speichereffizienter. Beide BVHs nutzen die Idee des Loose Octree und sind die ersten ihrer Art, die die Größe von Primitiven für interaktives Raytracing mit häufig aktualisierten Beschleunigungsdatenstrukturen berücksichtigen. Darüber hinaus können die Visualisierungstechniken in dieser Dissertation auch angepasst werden, um Eigenschaften wie das Volumen bestimmter Bereiche zu berechnen. All diese Visualisierungstechniken werden dann auf den Fall nicht-sphärischer Partikel erweitert, bei denen ein nicht-sphärisches Partikel durch ein starres System von Kugeln angenähert wird, um die vorhandene kugelbasierte Simulation wiederverwenden zu können. Dazu wird auch eine neue GPU-basierte Methode zum effizienten Füllen eines nicht-kugelförmigen Partikels mit polydispersen überlappenden Kugeln vorgestellt, so dass ein Partikel mit weniger Kugeln gefüllt werden kann, ohne die Raumfüllungsrate zu beeinträchtigen. Dies erleichtert sowohl die Simulation als auch die Visualisierung. Basierend auf den Arbeiten in dieser Dissertation können ausgefeiltere Algorithmen entwickelt werden, um großskalige nicht-sphärische Partikelmischungen effizienter zu visualisieren. Weiterhin kann in Zukunft Hardware-Raytracing neuerer Grafikkarten anstelle des in dieser Dissertation eingesetzten Software-Raytracing verwendet werden. Die neuen Techniken können auch als Grundlage für die interaktive Visualisierung anderer partikelbasierter Simulationen verwendet werden, bei denen spezielle Bereiche wie Freiräume oder Überlappungen zwischen Partikeln relevant sind.The aim of this dissertation is to find efficient techniques for visualizing and inspecting the geometry of particle packings. Simulations of such packings are used e.g. in material sciences to predict properties of granular materials. To better understand and supervise the behavior of these simulations, not only the particles themselves but also special areas formed by the particles that can show the progress of the simulation and spatial distribution of hot spots, should be visualized. This should be possible with a frame rate that allows interaction even for large scale packings with millions of particles. Moreover, given the simulation is conducted in the GPU, the visualization techniques should take full use of the data in the GPU memory. To improve the performance of granular materials like concrete, considerable attention has been paid to the particle size distribution, which is the main determinant for the space filling rate and therefore affects two of the most important properties of the concrete: the structural robustness and the durability. Given the particle size distribution, the space filling rate can be determined by computer simulations, which are often superior to analytical approaches due to irregularities of particles and the wide range of size distribution in practice. One of the widely adopted simulation methods is the collective rearrangement, for which particles are first placed at random positions inside a container, later overlaps between particles will be resolved by letting overlapped particles push away from each other to fill empty space in the container. By cleverly adjusting the size of the container according to the process of the simulation, the collective rearrangement method could get a pretty dense particle packing in the end. However, it is very hard to fine-tune or debug the whole simulation process without an interactive visualization tool. Starting from the well-established rasterization-based method to render spheres, this dissertation first provides new fast and pixel-accurate methods to visualize the overlaps and free spaces between spherical particles inside a container. The rasterization-based techniques perform well for small scale particle packings but deteriorate for large scale packings due to the large memory requirements that are hard to be approximated correctly in advance. To address this problem, new methods based on ray tracing are provided along with two new kinds of bounding volume hierarchies (BVHs) to accelerate the ray tracing process --- the first one can reuse the existing data structure for simulation and the second one is more memory efficient. Both BVHs utilize the idea of loose octree and are the first of their kind to consider the size of primitives for interactive ray tracing with frequently updated acceleration structures. Moreover, the visualization techniques provided in this dissertation can also be adjusted to calculate properties such as volumes of the specific areas. All these visualization techniques are then extended to non-spherical particles, where a non-spherical particle is approximated by a rigid system of spheres to reuse the existing simulation. To this end a new GPU-based method is presented to fill a non-spherical particle with polydisperse possibly overlapping spheres efficiently, so that a particle can be filled with fewer spheres without sacrificing the space filling rate. This eases both simulation and visualization. Based on approaches presented in this dissertation, more sophisticated algorithms can be developed to visualize large scale non-spherical particle mixtures more efficiently. Besides, one can try to exploit the hardware ray tracing of more recent graphic cards instead of maintaining the software ray tracing as in this dissertation. The new techniques can also become the basis for interactively visualizing other particle-based simulations, where special areas such as free space or overlaps between particles are of interest