12,744 research outputs found

    An efficient parallel method for mining frequent closed sequential patterns

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    Mining frequent closed sequential pattern (FCSPs) has attracted a great deal of research attention, because it is an important task in sequences mining. In recently, many studies have focused on mining frequent closed sequential patterns because, such patterns have proved to be more efficient and compact than frequent sequential patterns. Information can be fully extracted from frequent closed sequential patterns. In this paper, we propose an efficient parallel approach called parallel dynamic bit vector frequent closed sequential patterns (pDBV-FCSP) using multi-core processor architecture for mining FCSPs from large databases. The pDBV-FCSP divides the search space to reduce the required storage space and performs closure checking of prefix sequences early to reduce execution time for mining frequent closed sequential patterns. This approach overcomes the problems of parallel mining such as overhead of communication, synchronization, and data replication. It also solves the load balance issues of the workload between the processors with a dynamic mechanism that re-distributes the work, when some processes are out of work to minimize the idle CPU time.Web of Science5174021739

    On Optimally Partitioning Variable-Byte Codes

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    The ubiquitous Variable-Byte encoding is one of the fastest compressed representation for integer sequences. However, its compression ratio is usually not competitive with other more sophisticated encoders, especially when the integers to be compressed are small that is the typical case for inverted indexes. This paper shows that the compression ratio of Variable-Byte can be improved by 2x by adopting a partitioned representation of the inverted lists. This makes Variable-Byte surprisingly competitive in space with the best bit-aligned encoders, hence disproving the folklore belief that Variable-Byte is space-inefficient for inverted index compression. Despite the significant space savings, we show that our optimization almost comes for free, given that: we introduce an optimal partitioning algorithm that does not affect indexing time because of its linear-time complexity; we show that the query processing speed of Variable-Byte is preserved, with an extensive experimental analysis and comparison with several other state-of-the-art encoders.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 15 April 201

    i-Eclat: performance enhancement of eclat via incremental approach in frequent itemset mining

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    One example of the state-of-the-art vertical rule mining technique is called equivalence class transformation (Eclat) algorithm. Neither horizontal nor vertical data format, both are still suffering from the huge memory consumption. In response to the promising results of mining in a higher volume of data from a vertical format, and taking consideration of dynamic transaction of data in a database, the research proposes a performance enhancement of Eclat algorithm that relies on incremental approach called an Incremental-Eclat (i-Eclat) algorithm. Motivated from the fast intersection in Eclat, this algorithm of performance enhancement adopts via my structured query language (MySQL) database management system (DBMS) as its platform. It serves as the association rule mining database engine in testing benchmark frequent itemset mining (FIMI) datasets from online repository. The MySQL DBMS is chosen in order to reduce the preprocessing stages of datasets. The experimental results indicate that the proposed algorithm outperforms the traditional Eclat with 17% both in chess and T10I4D100K, 69% in mushroom, 5% and 8% in pumsb_star and retail datasets. Thus, among five (5) dense and sparse datasets, the average performance of i-Eclat is concluded to be 23% better than Eclat

    Telecommunications Network Planning and Maintenance

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    Telecommunications network operators are on a constant challenge to provide new services which require ubiquitous broadband access. In an attempt to do so, they are faced with many problems such as the network coverage or providing the guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS). Network planning is a multi-objective optimization problem which involves clustering the area of interest by minimizing a cost function which includes relevant parameters, such as installation cost, distance between user and base station, supported traffic, quality of received signal, etc. On the other hand, service assurance deals with the disorders that occur in hardware or software of the managed network. This paper presents a large number of multicriteria techniques that have been developed to deal with different kinds of problems regarding network planning and service assurance. The state of the art presented will help the reader to develop a broader understanding of the problems in the domain

    Identification des régimes et regroupement des séquences pour la prévision des marchés financiers

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    Abstract : Regime switching analysis is extensively advocated to capture complex behaviors underlying financial time series for market prediction. Two main disadvantages in current approaches of regime identification are raised in the literature: 1) the lack of a mechanism for identifying regimes dynamically, restricting them to switching among a fixed set of regimes with a static transition probability matrix; 2) failure to utilize cross-sectional regime dependencies among time series, since not all the time series are synchronized to the same regime. As the numerical time series can be symbolized into categorical sequences, a third issue raises: 3) the lack of a meaningful and effective measure of the similarity between chronological dependent categorical values, in order to identify sequence clusters that could serve as regimes for market forecasting. In this thesis, we propose a dynamic regime identification model that can identify regimes dynamically with a time-varying transition probability, to address the first issue. For the second issue, we propose a cluster-based regime identification model to account for the cross-sectional regime dependencies underlying financial time series for market forecasting. For the last issue, we develop a dynamic order Markov model, making use of information underlying frequent consecutive patterns and sparse patterns, to identify the clusters that could serve as regimes identified on categorized financial time series. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our two regime models show good performance on both regime identification and forecasting, while our dynamic order Markov clustering model also demonstrates good performance on identifying clusters from categorical sequences.L'analyse de changement de régime est largement préconisée pour capturer les comportements complexes sous-jacents aux séries chronologiques financières pour la prédiction du marché. Deux principaux problèmes des approches actuelles d'identifica-tion de régime sont soulevés dans la littérature. Il s’agit de: 1) l'absence d'un mécanisme d'identification dynamique des régimes. Ceci limite la commutation entre un ensemble fixe de régimes avec une matrice de probabilité de transition statique; 2) l’incapacité à utiliser les dépendances transversales des régimes entre les séries chronologiques, car toutes les séries chronologiques ne sont pas synchronisées sur le même régime. Étant donné que les séries temporelles numériques peuvent être symbolisées en séquences catégorielles, un troisième problème se pose: 3) l'absence d'une mesure significative et efficace de la similarité entre les séries chronologiques dépendant des valeurs catégorielles pour identifier les clusters de séquences qui pourraient servir de régimes de prévision du marché. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un modèle d'identification de régime dynamique qui identifie dynamiquement des régimes avec une probabilité de transition variable dans le temps afin de répondre au premier problème. Ensuite, pour adresser le deuxième problème, nous proposons un modèle d'identification de régime basé sur les clusters. Notre modèle considère les dépendances transversales des régimes sous-jacents aux séries chronologiques financières avant d’effectuer la prévision du marché. Pour terminer, nous abordons le troisième problème en développant un modèle de Markov d'ordre dynamique, en utilisant les informations sous-jacentes aux motifs consécutifs fréquents et aux motifs clairsemés, pour identifier les clusters qui peuvent servir de régimes identifiés sur des séries chronologiques financières catégorisées. Nous avons mené des expériences sur des ensembles de données synthétiques et du monde réel. Nous démontrons que nos deux modèles de régime présentent de bonnes performances à la fois en termes d'identification et de prévision de régime, et notre modèle de clustering de Markov d'ordre dynamique produit également de bonnes performances dans l'identification de clusters à partir de séquences catégorielles