28,657 research outputs found

    pocl: A Performance-Portable OpenCL Implementation

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    OpenCL is a standard for parallel programming of heterogeneous systems. The benefits of a common programming standard are clear; multiple vendors can provide support for application descriptions written according to the standard, thus reducing the program porting effort. While the standard brings the obvious benefits of platform portability, the performance portability aspects are largely left to the programmer. The situation is made worse due to multiple proprietary vendor implementations with different characteristics, and, thus, required optimization strategies. In this paper, we propose an OpenCL implementation that is both portable and performance portable. At its core is a kernel compiler that can be used to exploit the data parallelism of OpenCL programs on multiple platforms with different parallel hardware styles. The kernel compiler is modularized to perform target-independent parallel region formation separately from the target-specific parallel mapping of the regions to enable support for various styles of fine-grained parallel resources such as subword SIMD extensions, SIMD datapaths and static multi-issue. Unlike previous similar techniques that work on the source level, the parallel region formation retains the information of the data parallelism using the LLVM IR and its metadata infrastructure. This data can be exploited by the later generic compiler passes for efficient parallelization. The proposed open source implementation of OpenCL is also platform portable, enabling OpenCL on a wide range of architectures, both already commercialized and on those that are still under research. The paper describes how the portability of the implementation is achieved. Our results show that most of the benchmarked applications when compiled using pocl were faster or close to as fast as the best proprietary OpenCL implementation for the platform at hand.Comment: This article was published in 2015; it is now openly accessible via arxi

    Dynamic Control Flow in Large-Scale Machine Learning

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    Many recent machine learning models rely on fine-grained dynamic control flow for training and inference. In particular, models based on recurrent neural networks and on reinforcement learning depend on recurrence relations, data-dependent conditional execution, and other features that call for dynamic control flow. These applications benefit from the ability to make rapid control-flow decisions across a set of computing devices in a distributed system. For performance, scalability, and expressiveness, a machine learning system must support dynamic control flow in distributed and heterogeneous environments. This paper presents a programming model for distributed machine learning that supports dynamic control flow. We describe the design of the programming model, and its implementation in TensorFlow, a distributed machine learning system. Our approach extends the use of dataflow graphs to represent machine learning models, offering several distinctive features. First, the branches of conditionals and bodies of loops can be partitioned across many machines to run on a set of heterogeneous devices, including CPUs, GPUs, and custom ASICs. Second, programs written in our model support automatic differentiation and distributed gradient computations, which are necessary for training machine learning models that use control flow. Third, our choice of non-strict semantics enables multiple loop iterations to execute in parallel across machines, and to overlap compute and I/O operations. We have done our work in the context of TensorFlow, and it has been used extensively in research and production. We evaluate it using several real-world applications, and demonstrate its performance and scalability.Comment: Appeared in EuroSys 2018. 14 pages, 16 figure

    Design of multimedia processor based on metric computation

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    Media-processing applications, such as signal processing, 2D and 3D graphics rendering, and image compression, are the dominant workloads in many embedded systems today. The real-time constraints of those media applications have taxing demands on today's processor performances with low cost, low power and reduced design delay. To satisfy those challenges, a fast and efficient strategy consists in upgrading a low cost general purpose processor core. This approach is based on the personalization of a general RISC processor core according the target multimedia application requirements. Thus, if the extra cost is justified, the general purpose processor GPP core can be enforced with instruction level coprocessors, coarse grain dedicated hardware, ad hoc memories or new GPP cores. In this way the final design solution is tailored to the application requirements. The proposed approach is based on three main steps: the first one is the analysis of the targeted application using efficient metrics. The second step is the selection of the appropriate architecture template according to the first step results and recommendations. The third step is the architecture generation. This approach is experimented using various image and video algorithms showing its feasibility

    Coarse-grained reconfigurable array architectures

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    Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Array (CGRA) architectures accelerate the same inner loops that benefit from the high ILP support in VLIW architectures. By executing non-loop code on other cores, however, CGRAs can focus on such loops to execute them more efficiently. This chapter discusses the basic principles of CGRAs, and the wide range of design options available to a CGRA designer, covering a large number of existing CGRA designs. The impact of different options on flexibility, performance, and power-efficiency is discussed, as well as the need for compiler support. The ADRES CGRA design template is studied in more detail as a use case to illustrate the need for design space exploration, for compiler support and for the manual fine-tuning of source code

    FloWaveNet : A Generative Flow for Raw Audio

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    Most modern text-to-speech architectures use a WaveNet vocoder for synthesizing high-fidelity waveform audio, but there have been limitations, such as high inference time, in its practical application due to its ancestral sampling scheme. The recently suggested Parallel WaveNet and ClariNet have achieved real-time audio synthesis capability by incorporating inverse autoregressive flow for parallel sampling. However, these approaches require a two-stage training pipeline with a well-trained teacher network and can only produce natural sound by using probability distillation along with auxiliary loss terms. We propose FloWaveNet, a flow-based generative model for raw audio synthesis. FloWaveNet requires only a single-stage training procedure and a single maximum likelihood loss, without any additional auxiliary terms, and it is inherently parallel due to the characteristics of generative flow. The model can efficiently sample raw audio in real-time, with clarity comparable to previous two-stage parallel models. The code and samples for all models, including our FloWaveNet, are publicly available.Comment: 9 pages, ICML'201

    Fast Quantum Modular Exponentiation

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    We present a detailed analysis of the impact on modular exponentiation of architectural features and possible concurrent gate execution. Various arithmetic algorithms are evaluated for execution time, potential concurrency, and space tradeoffs. We find that, to exponentiate an n-bit number, for storage space 100n (twenty times the minimum 5n), we can execute modular exponentiation two hundred to seven hundred times faster than optimized versions of the basic algorithms, depending on architecture, for n=128. Addition on a neighbor-only architecture is limited to O(n) time when non-neighbor architectures can reach O(log n), demonstrating that physical characteristics of a computing device have an important impact on both real-world running time and asymptotic behavior. Our results will help guide experimental implementations of quantum algorithms and devices.Comment: to appear in PRA 71(5); RevTeX, 12 pages, 12 figures; v2 revision is substantial, with new algorithmic variants, much shorter and clearer text, and revised equation formattin