951 research outputs found

    Design, implementation and experimental evaluation of a network-slicing aware mobile protocol stack

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorWith the arrival of new generation mobile networks, we currently observe a paradigm shift, where monolithic network functions running on dedicated hardware are now implemented as software pieces that can be virtualized on general purpose hardware platforms. This paradigm shift stands on the softwarization of network functions and the adoption of virtualization techniques. Network Function Virtualization (NFV) comprises softwarization of network elements and virtualization of these components. It brings multiple advantages: (i) Flexibility, allowing an easy management of the virtual network functions (VNFs) (deploy, start, stop or update); (ii) efficiency, resources can be adequately consumed due to the increased flexibility of the network infrastructure; and (iii) reduced costs, due to the ability of sharing hardware resources. To this end, multiple challenges must be addressed to effectively leverage of all these benefits. Network Function Virtualization envisioned the concept of virtual network, resulting in a key enabler of 5G networks flexibility, Network Slicing. This new paradigm represents a new way to operate mobile networks where the underlying infrastructure is "sliced" into logically separated networks that can be customized to the specific needs of the tenant. This approach also enables the ability of instantiate VNFs at different locations of the infrastructure, choosing their optimal placement based on parameters such as the requirements of the service traversing the slice or the available resources. This decision process is called orchestration and involves all the VNFs withing the same network slice. The orchestrator is the entity in charge of managing network slices. Hands-on experiments on network slicing are essential to understand its benefits and limits, and to validate the design and deployment choices. While some network slicing prototypes have been built for Radio Access Networks (RANs), leveraging on the wide availability of radio hardware and open-source software, there is no currently open-source suite for end-to-end network slicing available to the research community. Similarly, orchestration mechanisms must be evaluated as well to properly validate theoretical solutions addressing diverse aspects such as resource assignment or service composition. This thesis contributes on the study of the mobile networks evolution regarding its softwarization and cloudification. We identify software patterns for network function virtualization, including the definition of a novel mobile architecture that squeezes the virtualization architecture by splitting functionality in atomic functions. Then, we effectively design, implement and evaluate of an open-source network slicing implementation. Our results show a per-slice customization without paying the price in terms of performance, also providing a slicing implementation to the research community. Moreover, we propose a framework to flexibly re-orchestrate a virtualized network, allowing on-the-fly re-orchestration without disrupting ongoing services. This framework can greatly improve performance under changing conditions. We evaluate the resulting performance in a realistic network slicing setup, showing the feasibility and advantages of flexible re-orchestration. Lastly and following the required re-design of network functions envisioned during the study of the evolution of mobile networks, we present a novel pipeline architecture specifically engineered for 4G/5G Physical Layers virtualized over clouds. The proposed design follows two objectives, resiliency upon unpredictable computing and parallelization to increase efficiency in multi-core clouds. To this end, we employ techniques such as tight deadline control, jitter-absorbing buffers, predictive Hybrid Automatic Repeat Request, and congestion control. Our experimental results show that our cloud-native approach attains > 95% of the theoretical spectrum efficiency in hostile environments where stateof- the-art architectures collapse.This work has been supported by IMDEA Networks InstitutePrograma de Doctorado en Ingeniería Telemática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Francisco Valera Pintor.- Secretario: Vincenzo Sciancalepore.- Vocal: Xenofon Fouka

    Artificial Intelligence for Elastic Management and Orchestration of 5G Networks

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    The emergence of 5G enables a broad set of diversified and heterogeneous services with complex and potentially conflicting demands. For networks to be able to satisfy those needs, a flexible, adaptable, and programmable architecture based on network slicing is being proposed. A softwarization and cloudification of the communications networks is required, where network functions (NFs) are being transformed from programs running on dedicated hardware platforms to programs running over a shared pool of computational and communication resources. This architectural framework allows the introduction of resource elasticity as a key means to make an efficient use of the computational resources of 5G systems, but adds challenges related to resource sharing and efficiency. In this article, we propose Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a built-in architectural feature that allows the exploitation of the resource elasticity of a 5G network. Building on the work of the recently formed Experiential Network Intelligence (ENI) industry specification group of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to embed an AI engine in the network, we describe a novel taxonomy for learning mechanisms that target exploiting the elasticity of the network as well as three different resource elastic use cases leveraging AI. This work describes the basis of a use case recently approved at ETSI ENI.Part of this work has been performed within the 5G-MoNArch project (Grant Agreement No. 761445), part of the Phase II of the 5th Generation Public Private Partnership (5G-PPP) program partially funded by the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Framework Program. This work was also supported by the the 5G-Transformer project (Grant Agreement No. 761536)

    A flexible network architecture for 5G systems

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    In this paper, we define a flexible, adaptable, and programmable architecture for 5G mobile networks, taking into consideration the requirements, KPIs, and the current gaps in the literature, based on three design fundamentals: (i) split of user and control plane, (ii) service-based architecture within the core network (in line with recent industry and standard consensus), and (iii) fully flexible support of E2E slicing via per-domain and cross-domain optimisation, devising inter-slice control and management functions, and refining the behavioural models via experiment-driven optimisation. The proposed architecture model further facilitates the realisation of slices providing specific functionality, such as network resilience, security functions, and network elasticity. The proposed architecture consists of four different layers identified as network layer, controller layer, management and orchestration layer, and service layer. A key contribution of this paper is the definition of the role of each layer, the relationship between layers, and the identification of the required internal modules within each of the layers. In particular, the proposed architecture extends the reference architectures proposed in the Standards Developing Organisations like 3GPP and ETSI, by building on these while addressing several gaps identified within the corresponding baseline models. We additionally present findings, the design guidelines, and evaluation studies on a selected set of key concepts identified to enable flexible cloudification of the protocol stack, adaptive network slicing, and inter-slice control and management.This work has been performed in the framework of the H2020 project 5G-MoNArch co-funded by the E

    End-to-end slices to orchestrate resources and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum

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    Fog computing, combined with traditional cloud computing, offers an inherently distributed infrastructure – referred to as the cloud-to-edge continuum – that can be used for the execution of low-latency and location-aware IoT services. The management of such an infrastructure is complex: resources in multiple domains need to be accessed by several tenants, while an adequate level of isolation and performance has to be guaranteed. This paper proposes the dynamic allocation of end-to-end slices to perform the orchestration of resources and services in such a scenario. These end-to-end slices require a unified resource management approach that encompasses both data centre and network resources. Currently, fog orchestration is mainly focused on the management of compute resources, likewise, the slicing domain is specifically centred solely on the creation of isolated network partitions. A unified resource orchestration strategy, able to integrate the selection, configuration and management of compute and network resources, as part of a single abstracted object, is missing. This work aims to minimise the silo-effect, and proposes end-to-end slices as the foundation for the comprehensive orchestration of compute resources, network resources, and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum, as well acting as the basis for a system implementation. The concept of the end-to-end slice is formally described via a graph-based model that allows for dynamic resource discovery, selection and mapping via different algorithms and optimisation goals; and a working system is presented as the way to build slices across multiple domains dynamically, based on that model. These are independently accessible objects that abstract resources of various providers – traded via a Marketplace – with compute slices, allocated using the bare-metal cloud approach, being interconnected to each other via the connectivity of network slices. Experiments, carried out on a real testbed, demonstrate three features of the end-to-end slices: resources can be selected, allocated and controlled in a softwarised fashion; tenants can instantiate distributed IoT services on those resources transparently; the performance of a service is absolutely not affected by the status of other slices that share the same resource infrastructure

    End-to-end slices to orchestrate resources and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum

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    Fog computing, combined with traditional cloud computing, offers an inherently distributed infrastructure – referred to as the cloud-to-edge continuum – that can be used for the execution of low-latency and location-aware IoT services. The management of such an infrastructure is complex: resources in multiple domains need to be accessed by several tenants, while an adequate level of isolation and performance has to be guaranteed. This paper proposes the dynamic allocation of end-to-end slices to perform the orchestration of resources and services in such a scenario. These end-to-end slices require a unified resource management approach that encompasses both data centre and network resources. Currently, fog orchestration is mainly focussed on the management of compute resources, likewise, the slicing domain is specifically centred solely on the creation of isolated network partitions. A unified resource orchestration strategy, able to integrate the selection, configuration and management of compute and network resources, as part of a single abstracted object, is missing. This work aims to minimise the silo-effect, and proposes end-to-end slices as the foundation for the comprehensive orchestration of compute resources, network resources, and services in the cloud-to-edge continuum, as well acting as the basis for a system implementation. The concept of the end-to-end slice is formally described via a graph-based model that allows for dynamic resource discovery, selection and mapping via different algorithms and optimisation goals; and a working system is presented as the way to build slices across multiple domains dynamically, based on that model. These are independently accessible objects that abstract resources of various providers – traded via a Marketplace – with compute slices, allocated using the bare-metal cloud approach, being interconnected to each other via the connectivity of network slices. Experiments, carried out on a real testbed, demonstrate three features of the end-to-end slices: resources can be selected, allocated and controlled in a softwarised fashion; tenants can instantiate distributed IoT services on those resources transparently; the performance of a service is absolutely not affected by the status of other slices that share the same resource infrastructure

    Data-Driven resource orchestration in sliced 5G Networks

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    En los últimos años la quinta generación de comunicaciones móviles ha comenzado a desarrollarse. El 5G supone un gran cambio si se compara con las anteriores generaciones de comunicaciones móviles, puesto que no se centra meramente en aumentar el ancho de banda, reducir la latencia o mejorar la eficiencia espectral, sino en ofrecer un amplio rango de servicios y aplicaciones, con requisitos muy dispares entre sí, a una gran variedad de tipos de usuario. Estos objetivos pretenden ser alcanzados empleando nuevas tecnologías: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Máster es analizar el soporte actual de end-to-end Network Slicing en un entorno 5G Open Source y desarrollar una maqueta 5G con software que admita Network-slicing.In the past few years the fifth generation in mobile communications started to arise. 5G supposes a great change compared with the past mobile communication generations, it doesn’t aim merely at improving bandwidth, reducing delay or upgrading spectral efficiency but at offering a wide range of services and applications, with huge differentrequirements, to a vast variety of users. These objectives are to be accomplished using new technologies such as: Network Function Virtualization, Software Defined Networks, Network Slicing, Mobile Edge Computing, etc. The objective of this Master Thesisis to analyze the current support for end-to-end Network Slicing in a 5G Open Source environment and to developan open source5GTestbedwith recent Software contributions in Network Slicing.Máster Universitario en Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (M125

    Fatias de rede fim-a-fim : da extração de perfis de funções de rede a SLAs granulares

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    Orientador: Christian Rodolfo Esteve RothenbergTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Nos últimos dez anos, processos de softwarização de redes vêm sendo continuamente diversi- ficados e gradativamente incorporados em produção, principalmente através dos paradigmas de Redes Definidas por Software (ex.: regras de fluxos de rede programáveis) e Virtualização de Funções de Rede (ex.: orquestração de funções virtualizadas de rede). Embasado neste processo o conceito de network slice surge como forma de definição de caminhos de rede fim- a-fim programáveis, possivelmente sobre infrastruturas compartilhadas, contendo requisitos estritos de desempenho e dedicado a um modelo particular de negócios. Esta tese investiga a hipótese de que a desagregação de métricas de desempenho de funções virtualizadas de rede impactam e compõe critérios de alocação de network slices (i.e., diversas opções de utiliza- ção de recursos), os quais quando realizados devem ter seu gerenciamento de ciclo de vida implementado de forma transparente em correspondência ao seu caso de negócios de comu- nicação fim-a-fim. A verificação de tal assertiva se dá em três aspectos: entender os graus de liberdade nos quais métricas de desempenho de funções virtualizadas de rede podem ser expressas; métodos de racionalização da alocação de recursos por network slices e seus re- spectivos critérios; e formas transparentes de rastrear e gerenciar recursos de rede fim-a-fim entre múltiplos domínios administrativos. Para atingir estes objetivos, diversas contribuições são realizadas por esta tese, dentre elas: a construção de uma plataforma para automatização de metodologias de testes de desempenho de funções virtualizadas de redes; a elaboração de uma metodologia para análises de alocações de recursos de network slices baseada em um algoritmo classificador de aprendizado de máquinas e outro algoritmo de análise multi- critério; e a construção de um protótipo utilizando blockchain para a realização de contratos inteligentes envolvendo acordos de serviços entre domínios administrativos de rede. Por meio de experimentos e análises sugerimos que: métricas de desempenho de funções virtualizadas de rede dependem da alocação de recursos, configurações internas e estímulo de tráfego de testes; network slices podem ter suas alocações de recursos coerentemente classificadas por diferentes critérios; e acordos entre domínios administrativos podem ser realizados de forma transparente e em variadas formas de granularidade por meio de contratos inteligentes uti- lizando blockchain. Ao final deste trabalho, com base em uma ampla discussão as perguntas de pesquisa associadas à hipótese são respondidas, de forma que a avaliação da hipótese proposta seja realizada perante uma ampla visão das contribuições e trabalhos futuros desta teseAbstract: In the last ten years, network softwarisation processes have been continuously diversified and gradually incorporated into production, mainly through the paradigms of Software Defined Networks (e.g., programmable network flow rules) and Network Functions Virtualization (e.g., orchestration of virtualized network functions). Based on this process, the concept of network slice emerges as a way of defining end-to-end network programmable paths, possibly over shared network infrastructures, requiring strict performance metrics associated to a par- ticular business case. This thesis investigate the hypothesis that the disaggregation of network function performance metrics impacts and composes a network slice footprint incurring in di- verse slicing feature options, which when realized should have their Service Level Agreement (SLA) life cycle management transparently implemented in correspondence to their fulfilling end-to-end communication business case. The validation of such assertive takes place in three aspects: the degrees of freedom by which performance of virtualized network functions can be expressed; the methods of rationalizing the footprint of network slices; and transparent ways to track and manage network assets among multiple administrative domains. In order to achieve such goals, a series of contributions were achieved by this thesis, among them: the construction of a platform for automating methodologies for performance testing of virtual- ized network functions; an elaboration of a methodology for the analysis of footprint features of network slices based on a machine learning classifier algorithm and a multi-criteria analysis algorithm; and the construction of a prototype using blockchain to carry out smart contracts involving service level agreements between administrative systems. Through experiments and analysis we suggest that: performance metrics of virtualized network functions depend on the allocation of resources, internal configurations and test traffic stimulus; network slices can have their resource allocations consistently analyzed/classified by different criteria; and agree- ments between administrative domains can be performed transparently and in various forms of granularity through blockchain smart contracts. At the end of his thesis, through a wide discussion we answer all the research questions associated to the investigated hypothesis in such way its evaluation is performed in face of wide view of the contributions and future work of this thesisDoutoradoEngenharia de ComputaçãoDoutor em Engenharia ElétricaFUNCAM

    End-to-end network slicing architecture and implementation for 5G micro-operator leveraging multi-domain and multi-tenancy

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    Abstract. Local 5G network are emerging as new form of 5G deployment targeted are service delivery for vertical specific purposes and other local users. As such, a well-defined network slicing architecture and implementation procedure is required for a local 5G network. A local 5G network also known as a 5G micro-operator network is targeted a network delivery for vertical-specific services. The aim of the micro-operator concept is to provide enough network flexibility and customization required by different vertical. Previous works on the micro-operator network have established different deployment scenarios that can exist, namely Closed, Open and Mixed Network. Thus, in order for any deployment of a micro-operator network to achieve the network flexibility, customization and privacy required by various vertical, it is essential to have a well-defined network slicing architecture and implementation procedure for local 5G networks. In this thesis, a sophisticated end-to-end network slicing architecture is proposed for different deployment scenarios of a local 5G micro-operator. The aim of the architecture is to address the unavailable description of network slicing for vertical specific network providers, leveraging multi-domain and multi tenancy. The proposed architecture incorporates a broad four-layer concept, leveraging a Multi-tenancy layer for different tenants and their end users, a descriptive Service layer, a multi-domain Slicing MANO layer and a Resource layer. A message sequence diagram is established based on the proposed architecture to describe the flow of information from when a tenant request a slice till the network slices are allocated as communication services to the various targeted user equipment. An actual implementation of network slicing is developed for specific layers of the proposed architecture. To do this, we used a softwarized network based on SDN/NFV, using OpenStack as a cloud infrastructure. On top of that, the network slicing implementation was done using the ETSI Open Source MANO. With these tools, different deployment scenarios’ implementations are achieved. Performance analysis are made based on metrics such as CPU utilization, memory utilization, rate of packet sent and packet received between different network service. These metrics are used to compare shared and non-shared slices within a single or multiple domain slice implementation, which were used as basis for classification of network slice instantiation in 5G micro-operator deployment scenarios. The results from the thesis successfully support the end-to-end network slicing architecture for various deployment scenarios of a local 5G micro-operator network, proposes a slice formation sequence from the end users to the micro-operator network for each deployment scenarios, implement different part of the architecture using different open source tools and measure the performance metrics of different deployment scenarios based on CPU or memory utilization

    View on 5G Architecture: Version 2.0

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    The 5G Architecture Working Group as part of the 5GPPP Initiative is looking at capturing novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture. It also targets at presenting in a harmonized way the architectural concepts developed in various projects and initiatives (not limited to 5GPPP projects only) so as to provide a consolidated view on the technical directions for the architecture design in the 5G era. The first version of the white paper was released in July 2016, which captured novel trends and key technological enablers for the realization of the 5G architecture vision along with harmonized architectural concepts from 5GPPP Phase 1 projects and initiatives. Capitalizing on the architectural vision and framework set by the first version of the white paper, this Version 2.0 of the white paper presents the latest findings and analyses with a particular focus on the concept evaluations, and accordingly it presents the consolidated overall architecture design
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