16,124 research outputs found

    Social relationship based routing for delay tolerant Bluetooth-enabled PSN communications

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    PhDOpportunistic networking is a concept derived from the mobile ad hoc networking in which devices have no prior knowledge of routes to the intended destinations. Content dissemination in opportunistic networks thus is carried out in a store and forward fashion. Opportunistic routing poses distinct challenges compared to the traditional networks such as Internet and mobile ad hoc networks where nodes have prior knowledge of the routes to the intended destinations. Information dissemination in opportunistic networks requires dealing with intermittent connectivity, variable delays, short connection durations and dynamic topology. Addressing these challenges becomes a significant motivation for developing novel applications and protocols for information dissemination in opportunistic networks. This research looks at opportunistic networking, specifically at networks composed of mobile devices or, pocket switched networks. Mobile devices are now accepted as an integral part of society and are often equipped with Bluetooth capabilities that allow for opportunistic information sharing between devices. The ad hoc nature of opportunistic networks means nodes have no advance routing knowledge and this is key challenge. Human social relationships are based on certain patterns that can be exploited to make opportunistic routing decisions. Targeting nodes that evidence high popularity or high influence can enable more efficient content dissemination. Based on this observation, a novel impact based neighbourhood algorithm called Lobby Influence is presented. The algorithm is tested against two previously proposed algorithms and proves better in terms of message delivery and delay. Moreover, unlike other social based algorithms, which have a tendency to concentrate traffic through their identified routing nodes, the new algorithm provides a fairer load distribution, thus alleviating the tendency to saturate individual nodes

    QoS-Based Web Service Discovery in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using Swarm Strategies

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    Mobile ad hoc networks are noncentralised, multihop, wireless networks that lack a common infrastructure and hence require self-organisation. Their infrastructureless and dynamic nature entails the implementation of a new set of networking technologies in order to provide efficient end-to-end communication according to the principles of the standard TCP/IP suite. Routing, IP address autoconfiguration and Web service discovery are among the most challenging tasks in the ad hoc network domain. Swarm intelligence is a relatively new approach to problem solving that takes inspiration from the social behaviours of insects, such as ants and bees. Self-organization, decentralization, adaptivity, robustness, and scalability make swarm intelligence a successful design paradigm for the above-mentioned problems. In this paper we proposeBeeAdHocServiceDiscovery, a new service discovery algorithm based on the bee metaphor, which also takes into account quality metrics estimates. The protocol has been specifically designed to work in mobile ad hoc network scenarios operating withBeeadhoc, a well-known routing algorithm inspired by nature. We present both the protocol strategy and the formal evaluation of the discovery overhead and route optimality metrics showing thatBeeAdHocServiceDiscoveryguarantees valuable performances even in large scale ad hoc wireless networks. Eventually, future research suggestions are sketched

    Message forwarding techniques in Bluetooth enabled opportunistic communication environment

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    These days, most of the mobile phones are smart enough with computer like intelligence and equipped with multiple communication technologies such as Bluetooth, wireless LAN, GPRS and GSM. Different communication medium on single device have unlocked the new horizon of communication means. Modern mobile phones are not only capable of using traditional way of communication via GSM or GPRS; but, also use wireless LANs using access points where available. Among these communication means, Bluetooth technology is very intriguing and unique in nature. Any two devices equipped with Bluetooth technology can communicate directly due to their unique IDs in the world. This is opposite to GSM or Wireless LAN technology; where devices are dependent on infrastructure of service providers and have to pay for their services. Due to continual advancement in the field of mobile technology, mobile ad-hoc network seems to be more realised than ever using Bluetooth. In traditional mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs), before information sharing, devices have partial or full knowledge of routes to the destinations using ad-hoc routing protocols. This kind of communication can only be realised if nodes follow the certain pattern. However, in reality mobile ad-hoc networks are highly unpredictable, any node can join or leave network at any time, thus making them risky for effective communication. This issue is addressed by introducing new breed of ad-hoc networking, known as opportunistic networks. Opportunistic networking is a concept that is evolved from mobile ad-hoc networking. In opportunistic networks nodes have no prior knowledge of routes to intended destinations. Any node in the network can be used as potential forwarder with the exception of taking information one step closer to intended destination. The forwarding decision is based on the information gathered from the source node or encountering node. The opportunistic forwarding can only be achieved if message forwarding is carried out in store and forward fashion. Although, opportunistic networks are more flexible than traditional MANETs, however, due to little insight of network, it poses distinct challenges such as intermittent connectivity, variable delays, short connection duration and dynamic topology. Addressing these challenges in opportunistic network is the basis for developing new and efficient protocols for information sharing. The aim of this research is to design different routing/forwarding techniques for opportunistic networks to improve the overall message delivery at destinations while keeping the communication cost very low. Some assumptions are considered to improved directivity of message flow towards intended destinations. These assumptions exploit human social relationships analogies, approximate awareness of the location of nodes in the network and use of hybrid communication by combining several routing concept to gain maximum message directivity. Enhancement in message forwarding in opportunistic networks can be achieved by targeting key nodes that show high degree of influence, popularity or knowledge inside the network. Based on this observation, this thesis presents an improved version of Lobby Influence (LI) algorithm called as Enhanced Lobby Influence (ELI). In LI, the forwarding decision is based on two important factors, popularity of node and popularity of node’s neighbour. The forwarding decision of Enhanced Lobby Influence not only depends on the intermediate node selection criteria as defined in Lobby Influence but also based on the knowledge of previously direct message delivery of intended destination. An improvement can be observed if nodes are aware of approximate position of intended destinations by some communication means such as GPS, GSM or WLAN access points. With the knowledge of nodes position in the network, high message directivity can be achieved by using simple concepts of direction vectors. Based on this observation, this research presents another new algorithm named as Location-aware opportunistic content forwarding (LOC). Last but not least, this research presents an orthodox yet unexplored approach for efficient message forwarding in Bluetooth communication environment, named as Hybrid Content Forwarding (HCF). The new approach combines the characteristics of social centrality based forwarding techniques used in opportunistic networks with traditional MANETs protocols used in Bluetooth scatternets. Simulation results show that a significant increase in delivery radio and cost reduction during content forwarding is observed by deploying these proposed algorithms. Also, comparison with existing technique shows the efficiency of using the new schemes

    Mengenal pasti masalah pemahaman dan hubungannya dengan latar belakang matematik, gaya pembelajaran, motivasi dan minat pelajar terhadap bab pengawalan kos makanan di Sekolah Menengah Teknik (ert) Rembau: satu kajian kes.

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji hubungan korelasi antara latar belakang Matematik, gaya pembelajaran, motivasi dan minat dengan pemahaman pelajar terhadap bab tersebut. Responden adalah seramai 30 orang iaitu terdiri daripada pelajar tingkatan lima kursus Katering, Sekolah Menengah Teknik (ERT) Rembau, Negeri Sembilan. Instrumen kajian adalah soal selidik dan semua data dianalisis menggunakan program SPSS versi 10.0 untuk mendapatkan nilai min dan nilai korelasi bagi memenuhi objektif yang telah ditetapkan. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa hubungan korelasi antara gaya pembelajaran pelajar terhadap pemahaman pelajar adalah kuat. Manakala hubungan korelasi antara latar belakang Matematik, motivasi dan minat terhadap pemahaman pelajar adalah sederhana. Nilai tahap min bagi masalah pemahaman pelajar, latar belakang Matematik, gaya pembelajaran, motivasi dan minat terhadap bab Pengawalan Kos Makanan adalah sederhana. Kajian ini mencadangkan penghasilan satu Modul Pembelajaran Kendiri bagi bab Pengawalan Kos Makanan untuk membantu pelajar kursus Katering dalam proses pembelajaran mereka

    ESAHR: Energy Efficient Swarm Adaptive Hybrid Routing Topology for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

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    Ad hoc networks consist of independent self structured nodes. Nodes use a wireless medium for exchange their message or data, therefore two nodes can converse directly if and only if they are within each other2019;s broadcast range. Swarm intelligence submits to complex behaviors that occur from very effortless individual activities and exchanges, which is frequently experienced in nature, especially amongst social insects such as ants. Although each individual (an ant) has little intelligence and simply follows basic rules using local information gained from the surroundings, for instance ant2019;s pheromone track arranging and following activities, globally optimized activities, such as discovering a shortest route, appear when they work together as a group. In this regard in our earlier work we proposed a biologically inspired metaphor based routing in mobile ad hoc networks that referred as Swarm Adaptive Hybrid Routing (SAHR). . With the motivation gained from SAHR, here in this paper we propose a energy efficient swarm adaptive hybrid routing topology (ESAHR). The goal is to improve transmission performance along with energy conservation that used for packet transmission In this paper we use our earlier proposed algorithm that inspired from Swarm Intelligence to obtain these characteristics. In an extensive set of simulation tests, we evaluate our routing algorithm with state-of-the-art algorithm, and demonstrate that it gets better performance over a wide range of diverse scenarios and for a number of different assessment measures. In particular, we show that it scales better in energy conservation with the number of nodes in the network

    Robust Ant Colony Based Routing Algorithm For Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)This thesis discusses about developing a routing protocol of mobile ad hoc networks in a bio inspired manner. Algorithms inspired by collective behaviour of social insect colonies, bird flocking, honey bee dancing, etc., promises to be capable of catering to the challenges faced by tiny wireless sensor networks. Challenges include but are not limited to low bandwidth, low memory, limited battery life, etc. This thesis proposes an energy efficient multi-path routing algorithm based on foraging nature of ant colonies and considers many other meta-heuristic factors to provide good robust paths from source node to destination node in a hope to overcome the challenges posed by resource constrained sensors.2020-12-3
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