372 research outputs found

    Extremal properties for dissections of convex 3-polytopes

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    A dissection of a convex d-polytope is a partition of the polytope into d-simplices whose vertices are among the vertices of the polytope. Triangulations are dissections that have the additional property that the set of all its simplices forms a simplicial complex. The size of a dissection is the number of d-simplices it contains. This paper compares triangulations of maximal size with dissections of maximal size. We also exhibit lower and upper bounds for the size of dissections of a 3-polytope and analyze extremal size triangulations for specific non-simplicial polytopes: prisms, antiprisms, Archimedean solids, and combinatorial d-cubes.Comment: 19 page

    Decompositions of a polygon into centrally symmetric pieces

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    In this paper we deal with edge-to-edge, irreducible decompositions of a centrally symmetric convex (2k)(2k)-gon into centrally symmetric convex pieces. We prove an upper bound on the number of these decompositions for any value of kk, and characterize them for octagons.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figure

    On Dissecting Polygons into Rectangles

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    What is the smallest number of pieces that you can cut an n-sided regular polygon into so that the pieces can be rearranged to form a rectangle? Call it r(n). The rectangle may have any proportions you wish, as long as it is a rectangle. The rules are the same as for the classical problem where the rearranged pieces must form a square. Let s(n) denote the minimum number of pieces for that problem. For both problems the pieces may be turned over and the cuts must be simple curves. The conjectured values of s(n), 3 <= n <= 12, are 4, 1, 6, 5, 7, 5, 9, 7, 10, 6. However, only s(4)=1 is known for certain. The problem of finding r(n) has received less attention. In this paper we give constructions showing that r(n) for 3 <= n <= 12 is at most 2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 4, 7, 4, 9, 5, improving on the bounds for s(n) in every case except n=4. For the 10-gon our construction uses three fewer pieces than the bound for s(10). Only r(3) and r(4) are known for certain. We also briefly discuss q(n), the minimum number of pieces needed to dissect a regular n-gon into a monotile.Comment: 26 pages, one table, 41 figures, 14 reference

    Hinged Dissections Exist

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    We prove that any finite collection of polygons of equal area has a common hinged dissection. That is, for any such collection of polygons there exists a chain of polygons hinged at vertices that can be folded in the plane continuously without self-intersection to form any polygon in the collection. This result settles the open problem about the existence of hinged dissections between pairs of polygons that goes back implicitly to 1864 and has been studied extensively in the past ten years. Our result generalizes and indeed builds upon the result from 1814 that polygons have common dissections (without hinges). We also extend our common dissection result to edge-hinged dissections of solid 3D polyhedra that have a common (unhinged) dissection, as determined by Dehn's 1900 solution to Hilbert's Third Problem. Our proofs are constructive, giving explicit algorithms in all cases. For a constant number of planar polygons, both the number of pieces and running time required by our construction are pseudopolynomial. This bound is the best possible, even for unhinged dissections. Hinged dissections have possible applications to reconfigurable robotics, programmable matter, and nanomanufacturing.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figure

    Meshes Preserving Minimum Feature Size

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    The minimum feature size of a planar straight-line graph is the minimum distance between a vertex and a nonincident edge. When such a graph is partitioned into a mesh, the degradation is the ratio of original to final minimum feature size. For an n-vertex input, we give a triangulation (meshing) algorithm that limits degradation to only a constant factor, as long as Steiner points are allowed on the sides of triangles. If such Steiner points are not allowed, our algorithm realizes \ensuremathO(lgn) degradation. This addresses a 14-year-old open problem by Bern, Dobkin, and Eppstein
