8 research outputs found

    A Survey on PiCode: Picture-Embedding 2D Barcode

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    In this Review paper discusses about the last few years, conventional Two-Dimensional (2D) barcodes and some existing beautified QR codes. Quick Response (QR) code is widely used in many applications such as marketing, for industrial applications, retail applications, health care applications, manufacturing, and product tracking etc.This paper explains the basic concept of QR images, i.e. a recently proposed beautified QR code. We focus on revising preprocessing methods by proposing block division and source & channel coding methods. In the traditional decoding procedure decoding steps consist of image binarization, corner detection, perspective transformation and error correction. So the existing barcodes have some limitations, so the new picture-embedding 2D barcode system: Picode proposed. PiCode technology improves the aesthetic value of the picture embedded barcode. To preserve both the perceptual quality of the embedded image and the decoding robustness of the encoded message PiCode is designed with careful considerations. Advantage of using PiCode in advertisement business to link customers in a more interactive, interesting, and unique way. So the PiCode enable pictures/logo to be integrated with a 2D barcode to achieve enhanced visual appearance and high decoding reliability


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    Qrcodes which is called as fast feedback code is a 2D barcodes. Qrcodes have the info regarding the thing where it is connected. Qrcode include black squares set up in a square grid where info's exist in both straight and also upright parts of the photo. This paper presents the principle of QR codes, an automated approach to conceal details making use of QR codes and also to install QR codes right into colour photos with bounded chance of discovery mistake. The embedding techniques are created to be suitable with conventional with complete location protection. The decoding procedure will certainly initially draw out the QR code from the shade photo then translating is put on the QR code to obtain the details which is ingrained inside the QR code. In the standard decoding treatment deciphering actions include picture binarization, edge discovery, and viewpoint makeover as well as mistake improvement. So the existing barcodes have some restrictions, so the brand-new picture-embedding 2D barcode system: Picode suggested. PiCode innovation enhances the visual worth of the photo ingrained barcode

    O zdolności odróżniającej symboli kodów QR w prawie znaków towarowych

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    The contactless new normal dictated by the global pandemic has re-introduced the nearly three-decade-old QR codes as a new standard of conveyance of information. Not only are they now ubiquitous to the general public but also inseparable to social, commercial and bureaucratic life. Recent history has been witnessing plenty of technical and artistic effort to make these normally abstract and unattractive clusters of dark and light quadratic shapes more eye-catching. In commercial terms, this is particularly motivated by the aim of rendering the code symbols a point of attraction as such, thus securing a more engaging customer interaction. Customized QR codes, having often been associated with brand images and commercial identities, are observed to come closer to the proximity of trademark law. However, the ubiquity and the technically necessary format standards of QR symbols tend to root against the primary premise of the trademarks: distinctiveness. This article seeks to answer whether the signs consisting of or incorporating QR symbols could fulfill the distinctiveness requirement within the framework of the EU law. Given the lack of jurisprudential apprehension of the question at hand, the article, first, sets about reasoning a distinctiveness test on the face of the EU trademark law and that of the relatable jurisprudential interpretations. Secondly, it goes on to administer this test on the signs that consist of or incorporate QR symbols. In the latter respect, limited jurisprudential hints from the Member States and the EUIPO practices shall be put in perspective and compounded with the imperatives of substantive law. The article, consequently substantiates that there is no one-fits-all formula to the question at hand and that QR symbols shall not be excluded as trademarks merely because they are essentially standardized.Nowa, bezkontaktowa rzeczywistość, podyktowana globalną pandemią, ponownie wprowadziła kody QR, o niemal trzydziestoletniej historii, jako nowy standard przekazywania informacji. Są one teraz nie tylko wszechobecne w codziennym życiu ludzi, lecz także nierozerwalnie związane z obrotem społecznym, handlowym i urzędowym. Ostatnio podejmuje się wiele technicznych i artystycznych starań, aby owe zazwyczaj abstrakcyjne i nieatrakcyjne zbiory biało-czarnych kwadratów bardziej przyciągały wzrok. Uczynienie z symboli kodu czegoś, co przyciąga uwagę, zapewniając tym samym głębszą interakcję z klientem, jest pożądane z handlowego punktu widzenia. Co ciekawe, indywidualnie zaprojektowane kody QR, często związane z wizerunkami marek i systemami handlowej identyfikacji, zbliżają się w swej istocie do sfery prawa znaków towarowych. Jednakże wszechobecność i technicznie niezbędne standardy formatu znaków QR dążą w kierunku przeciwnym do podstawowej przesłanki znaków towarowych, czyli zdolności odróżniającej. Celem artykułu jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy oznaczenia składające się z symboli QR lub je zawierające mogą spełniać wymóg dotyczący zdolności odróżniającej przewidziany w prawie Unii Europejskiej. Ze względu na brak orzecznictwa dotyczącego tej kwestii w opracowaniu najpierw omówiono kryteria sprawdzania zdolności odróżniającej w świetle unijnego prawa znaków towarowych oraz związane z nimi interpretacje orzecznicze. Następnie zwrócono uwagę na zastosowanie tych kryteriów do znaków składających się z symboli QR lub je zawierających. W tym ostatnim zakresie ograniczone wskazówki orzecznicze z państw członkowskich i praktyki EUIPO ujęte zostały w perspektywie prawa materialnego i uzupełnione jego wymogami. W artykule potwierdzono, że nie istnieje uniwersalna formuła rozstrzygnięcia rozpatrywanej kwestii oraz że symbole QR nie powinny być wykluczane jako znaki towarowe tylko dlatego, że są zasadniczo znormalizowane


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    People tend to lose their sense of direction in closed environments and the role of indoor maps is to assist the user in navigating in these spaces, through understanding the environment, identifying reference points or positioning. Among the several forms of achieving positioning in indoor environments, this research used the method based on image recognition through identification of QR-Code labels, because of their low cost, easy implementation, and because their accuracy is not affected by the environment. As such, this article presents the use of QR-Code markers affixed to possible reference points to determine user positioning in an indoor environment using a mobile device. This study seeks to discover which are the most appropriate sites for placing QR-Codes in an environment, by evaluating what reference points and what type thereof are most used in indoor environments. This study is therefore based on the hypothesis that if initial positioning is obtained only through reference points this is sufficient for users to orient themselves. Through analysis of the results obtained from navigation tasks done by users we were able to obtain data regarding elements most cited as references. The results show that people orient themselves in distinct ways in the same environment and use as their main reference points structural elements of the environment such as stairways, lifts, and decision-making points; in general structural reference points were those most used to support orientation and navigation

    A intenção de adoção do QR code em Portugal pelos utilizadores finais

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    Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoEste trabalho estuda qual a intenção de adoção da tecnologia Qr Code em Portugal pelos utilizadores finais. Este é um código bidimensional bastante utilizado no quotidiano, não só pelas suas características bastante diferentes dos habituais códigos de barras, mas também porque fornece um rápido acesso a informação uma vez que pode ser lido por smartphones. O objetivo deste estudo foi não só saber qual a intenção de adoção desta tecnologia por parte dos consumidores finais portugueses mas também quais os principais fatores que a influenciam. Para tal foi utilizado o modelo UTAUT 2, uma extensão ao modelo original UTAUT ? Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. Foi lançado um inquérito online que obteve um total de 165 respostas, tratando-se de uma amostra de conveniência não representativa da população. A técnica de análise de dados utilizada foi a modelação de equações estruturais onde foi utilizado o SmartPLS para análise da regressão por mínimos quadrados parciais. No final da avaliação concluiu-se que os constructos que mais influenciam positivamente o uso efetivo do Qr code são o Hábito e a Intenção de Uso. Por sua vez, a Expectativa de Desempenho foi a variável que mostrou ter maior influência na Intenção de Uso do Qr Code. O mesmo não se verificou com a Expectativa de Esforço e Influência Social. Neste estudo, estes constructos mostraram não ter impacto na Intenção de adoção do Qr code.The main objective of this work was to understand the QR Code adoption intention in Portugal. This is a two-dimensional code widely used in daily life, not only for its very different characteristics from the usual bar codes, but also because it provides quick access to information as it can be read by smartphones. The aim of this study was to know the intention to adopt this technology by Portuguese final consumers and the main factors that influence it. It was used an online survey that follows the UTAUT 2 model, an extension of the original UTAUT model - Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology. The survey received 165 responses, a non-representative sample of the population. The technique used for data analysis was the modeling of structural equation modeling. It was used the PLS (Partial Least Squares) program. The results showed that habit and intention of use were the constructs that positively influence the most the use of QR Code. In turn, the Performance Expectancy was the variable that showed the highest influence on the Intent of Use QR Code. The same did not happen with the Effort Expectancy and Social Influence. In this study, these constructs showed no impact on the QR code adoption.N/

    Railway e-commerce model based on advanced internet technologies

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