33 research outputs found

    Call Sequence Prediction through Probabilistic Calling Automata

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    Predicting a sequence of upcoming function calls is important for optimizing programs written in modern managed languages (e.g., Java, Javascript, C#.) Existing function call predictions are mainly built on statistical patterns, suitable for predicting a single call but not a sequence of calls. This paper presents a new way to enable call sequence prediction, which exploits program structures through Probabilistic Calling Automata (PCA), a new program representation that captures both the inherent ensuing relations among function calls, and the probabilistic nature of execution paths. It shows that PCA-based prediction outperforms existing predictions, yielding substantial speedup when being applied to guide Just-In-Time compilation. By enabling accurate, efficient call sequence prediction for the first time, PCA-based predictors open up many new opportunities for dynamic program optimizations

    Automated caching of behavioral patterns for efficient run-time

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    Run-time monitoring is a powerful approach for dy- namically detecting faults or malicious activity of software systems. However, there are often two obsta- cles to the implementation of this approach in prac- tice: (1) that developing correct and/or faulty be- havioral patterns can be a difficult, labor-intensive process, and (2) that use of such pattern-monitoring must provide rapid turn-around or response time. We present a novel data structure, called extended action graph, and associated algorithms to overcome these drawbacks. At its core, our technique relies on ef- fectively identifying and caching specifications from (correct/faulty) patterns learnt via machine-learning algorithm. We describe the design and implementa- tion of our technique and show its practical applicabil- ity in the domain of security monitoring of sendmail software

    Inlined monitors for security policy enforcement in web applications

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    Abstraction-based Malware Analysis Using Rewriting and Model Checking

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    International audienceWe propose a formal approach for the detection of high-level malware behaviors. Our technique uses a rewriting-based abstraction mechanism, producing abstracted forms of program traces, independent of the program implementation. It then allows us to handle similar be- haviors in a generic way and thus to be robust with respect to variants. These behaviors, defined as combinations of patterns given in a signa- ture, are detected by model-checking on the high-level representation of the program. We work on unbounded sets of traces, which makes our technique useful not only for dynamic analysis, considering one trace at a time, but also for static analysis, considering a set of traces inferred from a control flow graph. Abstracting traces with rewriting systems on first order terms with variables allows us in particular to model dataflow and to detect information leak

    Enabling Parallel Execution via Principled Speculation.

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    Efficient Automata Techniques and Their Applications

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    Tato práce se zabývá vývojem efektivních technik pro konečné automaty a jejich aplikace. Zejména se věnujeme konečným automatům použitých pří detekci útoků v síťovém provozu a automatům v rozhodovacích procedurách a verifikaci. V první části práce navrhujeme techniky přibližné redukce nedeterministických automatů, které snižují spotřebu zdrojů v hardwarově akcelerovaném zkoumání obsahu paketů. Druhá část práce je je věnována automatům v rozhodovacích procedurách, zejména slabé monadické logice druhého řádů k následníků (WSkS) a teorie nad řetězci. Navrhujeme novou rozhodovací proceduru pro WS2S založenou na automatových termech, umožňující efektivně prořezávat stavový prostor. Dále studujeme techniky předzpracování WSkS formulí za účelem snížení velikosti konstruovaných automatů. Automaty jsme také aplikovali v rozhodovací proceduře teorie nad řetězci pro efektivní reprezentaci důkazového stromu. V poslední části práce potom navrhujeme optimalizace rank-based komplementace Buchiho automatů, které snižuje počet generovaných stavů během konstrukce komplementu.This thesis develops efficient techniques for finite automata and their applications. In particular, we focus on finite automata in network intrusion detection and automata in decision procedures and verification. In the first part of the thesis, we propose techniques of approximate reduction of nondeterministic automata decreasing consumption of resources of hardware-accelerated deep packet inspection. The second part is devoted to automata in decision procedures, in particular, to weak monadic second-order logic of k successors (WSkS) and the theory of strings. We propose a novel decision procedure for WS2S based on automata terms allowing one to effectively prune the state space. Further, we study techniques of WSkS formulae preprocessing intended to reduce the sizes of constructed intermediate automata. Moreover, we employ automata in a decision procedure of the theory of strings for efficient handling of the proof graph. The last part of the thesis then proposes optimizations in rank-based Buchi automata complementation reducing the number of generated states during the construction.

    Robust and secure monitoring and attribution of malicious behaviors

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    Worldwide computer systems continue to execute malicious software that degrades the systemsâ performance and consumes network capacity by generating high volumes of unwanted traffic. Network-based detectors can effectively identify machines participating in the ongoing attacks by monitoring the traffic to and from the systems. But, network detection alone is not enough; it does not improve the operation of the Internet or the health of other machines connected to the network. We must identify malicious code running on infected systems, participating in global attack networks. This dissertation describes a robust and secure approach that identifies malware present on infected systems based on its undesirable use of network. Our approach, using virtualization, attributes malicious traffic to host-level processes responsible for the traffic. The attribution identifies on-host processes, but malware instances often exhibit parasitic behaviors to subvert the execution of benign processes. We then augment the attribution software with a host-level monitor that detects parasitic behaviors occurring at the user- and kernel-level. User-level parasitic attack detection happens via the system-call interface because it is a non-bypassable interface for user-level processes. Due to the unavailability of one such interface inside the kernel for drivers, we create a new driver monitoring interface inside the kernel to detect parasitic attacks occurring through this interface. Our attribution software relies on a guest kernelâ s data to identify on-host processes. To allow secure attribution, we prevent illegal modifications of critical kernel data from kernel-level malware. Together, our contributions produce a unified research outcome --an improved malicious code identification system for user- and kernel-level malware.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Giffin, Jonathon; Committee Member: Ahamad, Mustaque; Committee Member: Blough, Douglas; Committee Member: Lee, Wenke; Committee Member: Traynor, Patric

    Behavior Analysis of Malware by Rewriting-based Abstraction - Extended Version

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    We propose a formal approach for the detection of high-level program behaviors. These behaviors, defined as combinations of patterns in a signature, are detected by model-checking on abstracted forms of program traces. Our approach works on unbounded sets of traces, which makes our technique useful not only for dynamic analysis, considering one trace at a time, but also for static analysis, considering a set of traces inferred from a control flow graph. Our technique uses a rewriting-based abstraction mechanism, producing a high-level representation of the program behavior, independent of the program implementation. It allows us to handle similar behaviors in a generic way and thus to be robust with respect to variants. Successfully applied to malware detection, our approach allows us in particular to model and detect information leak

    Automatic Detection and Repair of Input Validation and Sanitization Bugs

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    A crucial problem in developing dependable web applications is thecorrectness of the input validation and sanitization. Bugs in stringmanipulation operations used for validation and sanitization are common,resulting in erroneous application behavior and vulnerabilities that areexploitable by malicious users. In this dissertation, we investigate theproblem of automatic detection and repair of validation and sanitization bugsboth at the client-side (JavaScript) and the server-side (PHP or Java) code.We first present a formal model for input validation and sanitizationfunctions along with a new domain specific intermediate languageto represent them. Then, we show how to extract input validation andsanitization functions in our intermediate language from both client andserver-side code in web applications. After the extraction phase, we useautomata-based static string-analysis techniques to automatically verifyand fix the extracted functions. One of our contributions is the developmentof efficient automata-based string analysis techniques for frequently used,complex string operations.We developed two basic approaches to bug detection and repair: 1)policy-based, and 2) differential. In the policy-based approach, inputvalidation and sanitization policies are expressed using two regularexpressions, one specifying the maximum policy (the upper bound for theset of strings that should be allowed) and the other specifying the minimumpolicy (the lower bound for the set of strings that should be allowed). Usingour string analysis techniques we can identify two types of errors inan input validation and sanitization function: 1) it accepts a set of strings thatis not permitted by the maximum policy (i.e., it is under-constrained),or 2) it rejects a set of strings that is permitted by the minimum policy(i.e., it is over-constrained).Our differential bug detection and repair approach does not require anypolicy specifications. It exploits the fact that, in web applications,developers typically perform redundant input validation and sanitizationin both the client and the server-side since client-side checks canbe by-passed. Using automata-based string analysis, we compare theinput validation and sanitization functions extracted from the client- andserver-side code, and identify and report the inconsistencies between them.Finally, we present an automated differential repair technique that canrepair client and server-side code with respect to each other, or acrossapplications in order to strengthen the validation and sanitizationchecks. Given a reference and a target function, our differential repairtechnique strengthens the validation and sanitization operations in thetarget function based on the reference function by automatically generatinga set of patches.We experimented with a number of real world web applications and found manybugs and vulnerabilities. Our analysis generates counter-example behaviorsdemonstrating the detected bugs and vulnerabilities to help the developerswith the debugging process. Moreover, we automatically generate patchesthat can be used to mitigate the detected bugs and vulnerabilities untildevelopers write their own patches