11 research outputs found

    Analysis of GF (2m) Multiplication Algorithm: Classic Method v/s Karatsuba-Ofman Multiplication Method

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    In recent years, finite field multiplication in GF(2m) has been widely used in various applications such as error correcting codes and cryptography. One of the motivations for fast and area efficient hardware solution for implementing the arithmetic operation of binary multiplication , in finite field GF (2m), comes from the fact, that they are the most time-consuming and frequently called operations in cryptography and other applications. So, the optimization of their hardware design is critical for overall performance of a system. Since a finite field multiplier is a crucial unit for overall performance of cryptographic systems, novel multiplier architectures, whose performances can be chosen freely, is necessary. In this paper, two Galois field multiplication algorithms (used in cryptography applications) are considered to analyze their performance with respect to parameters viz. area, power, delay, and the consequent Area×Time (AT) and Power×Delay characteristics. The objective of the analysis is to find out the most efficient GF(2m) multiplier algorithm among those considered

    Low Power and Improved Speed Montgomery Multiplier using Universal Building Blocks

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    This paper describes the arithmetic blocks based on Montgomery Multiplier (MM), which reduces complexity, gives lower power dissipation and higher operating frequency. The main objective in designing these arithmetic blocks is to use modified full adder structure and carry save adder structure that can be implemented in algorithm based MM circuit. The conventional full adder design acts as a benchmark for comparison, the second is the modified Boolean equation for full adder and third design is the design of full adder consisting of two XOR gate and a 2-to-1 Multiplexer. Besides Universal gates such as NOR gate and NAND gate, full adder circuits are used to further improve the speed of the circuit. The MM circuit is evaluated based on different parameters such as operating frequency, power dissipation and area of occupancy in FPGA board. The schematic designs of the arithmetic components along with the MM architecture are constructed using Quartus II tool, while the simulation is done using Model sim for verification of circuit functionality which has shown improvement on the full adder design with two XOR gate and one 2-to-1 Multiplexer implementation in terms of power dissipation, operating frequency and area

    Low Power and Improved Speed Montgomery Multiplier using Universal Building Blocks

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    This paper describes the arithmetic blocks based on Montgomery Multiplier (MM), which reduces complexity, gives lower power dissipation and higher operating frequency. The main objective in designing these arithmetic blocks is to use modified full adder structure and carry save adder structure that can be implemented in algorithm based MM circuit. The conventional full adder design acts as a benchmark for comparison, the second is the modified Boolean equation for full adder and third design is the design of full adder consisting of two XOR gate and a 2-to-1 Multiplexer. Besides Universal gates such as NOR gate and NAND gate, full adder circuits are used to further improve the speed of the circuit. The MM circuit is evaluated based on different parameters such as operating frequency, power dissipation and area of occupancy in FPGA board. The schematic designs of the arithmetic components along with the MM architecture are constructed using Quartus II tool, while the simulation is done using Model sim for verification of circuit functionality which has shown improvement on the full adder design with two XOR gate and one 2-to-1 Multiplexer implementation in terms of power dissipation, operating frequency and area

    Speed and Area Optimized Parallel Higher-Radix Modular Multipliers

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    Modular multiplication is the fundamental and compute-intense operation in many Public-Key crypto-systems. This paper presents two modular multipliers with their efficient architectures based on Booth encoding, higher-radix, and Montgomery powering ladder approaches. Montgomery powering ladder technique enables concurrent execution of main operations in the proposed designs, while higher-radix techniques have been adopted to reduce an iteration count which formally dictates a cycle count. It is also shown that by an adopting Booth encoding logic in the designs helps to reduce their area cost with a slight degradation in the maximum achievable frequencies. The proposed designs are implemented in Verilog HDL and synthesized targeting virtex-6 FPGA platform using Xilinx ISE 14.2 Design suite. The radix-4 multiplier computes a 256-bit modular multiplication in 0.93 ms, occupies 1.6K slices, at 137.87 MHz in a cycle count of n/2+2, whereas the radix-8 multiplier completes the operation in 0.69ms, occupies 3.6K slices, achieves 123.43 MHz frequency in a cycle count of n/3+4. The implementation results reveals that the proposed designs consumes 18% lower FPGA slices without any significant performance degradation as compared to their best contemporary designs

    Horner's Rule-Based Multiplication over Fp and Fp^n: A Survey

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    International audienceThis paper aims at surveying multipliers based on Horner's rule for finite field arithmetic. We present a generic architecture based on five processing elements and introduce a classification of several algorithms based on our model. We provide the readers with a detailed description of each scheme which should allow them to write a VHDL description or a VHDL code generator

    Fast Modular Reduction for Large-Integer Multiplication

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    The work contained in this thesis is a representation of the successful attempt to speed-up the modular reduction as an independent step of modular multiplication, which is the central operation in public-key cryptosystems. Based on the properties of Mersenne and Quasi-Mersenne primes, four distinct sets of moduli have been described, which are responsible for converting the single-precision multiplication prevalent in many of today\u27s techniques into an addition operation and a few simple shift operations. A novel algorithm has been proposed for modular folding. With the backing of the special moduli sets, the proposed algorithm is shown to outperform (speed-wise) the Modified Barrett algorithm by 80% for operands of length 700 bits, the least speed-up being around 70% for smaller operands, in the range of around 100 bits

    Entwicklung von neuen Algorithmen der Computerarithmetik in Hinsicht auf ihre Nutzung in der Kryptographie

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    In dieser Arbeit wird eine Reihe neuer Algorithmen aus dem Bereich der ganzzahligen Langzahlcomputerarithmetik für die Anwendungen vor allem aus dem Bereich der modernen Kryptographie entwickelt. Alle hier behandelten Verfahren wurden weiterhin in Bezug auf eine Realisierung in Hardware optimiert. Es werden drei thematische Schwerpunkte behandelt. Als erstes werden neue Methoden zur Berechnung der Modularmultiplikation aufgezeigt, die sich durch ein besonders günstiges Flächen-Zeit-Produkt auszeichnen. Das zweite Thema ist ein zeitoptimaler paralleler Algorithmus für die Modularmultiplikation, der eine Zeitkomplexität von O(log n) aufweist. Das dritte Thema behandelt ein Verfahren für die zeitoptimale Multiplikation, das eine bessere Flächen-Zeit-Komplexität als der in den meisten Prozessoren benutzte Wallace Tree und die Schönhage-Strassen-Multiplikation, welche in ihrer asymptotischen Flächen-Zeit-Komplexität besser ist als alle bisher bekannten Verfahren, aufweist

    Efficient Hardware Architectures for Modular Multiplication on FPGAs

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    The computational fundament of most public-key cryptosystems is the modular multiplication. Improving the efficiency of the modular multiplication is directly associated with the efficiency of the whole cryptosystem. This paper presents an implementation and comparison of three recently proposed, highly efficient architectures for modular multiplication on FPGAs: interleaved modular multiplication and two variants of the Montgomery modular multiplication. This (first) hardware implementation of these designs shows their relative performance regarding area and speed. One of the main findings is that the interleaved multiplication has the least area time product of all investigated architectures. As a typical cryptographic application, we show that a 1024-bit RSA exponentiation can be performed in less than 6.1ms at a clock rate of 69MHz on a Xilinx Virtex FPGA