378 research outputs found

    Diamond Dicing

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    In OLAP, analysts often select an interesting sample of the data. For example, an analyst might focus on products bringing revenues of at least 100 000 dollars, or on shops having sales greater than 400 000 dollars. However, current systems do not allow the application of both of these thresholds simultaneously, selecting products and shops satisfying both thresholds. For such purposes, we introduce the diamond cube operator, filling a gap among existing data warehouse operations. Because of the interaction between dimensions the computation of diamond cubes is challenging. We compare and test various algorithms on large data sets of more than 100 million facts. We find that while it is possible to implement diamonds in SQL, it is inefficient. Indeed, our custom implementation can be a hundred times faster than popular database engines (including a row-store and a column-store).Comment: 29 page

    Efficient computation of iceberg cubes by bounding aggregate functions

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    The iceberg cubing problem is to compute the multidimensional group-by partitions that satisfy given aggregation constraints. Pruning unproductive computation for iceberg cubing when nonantimonotone constraints are present is a great challenge because the aggregate functions do not increase or decrease monotonically along the subset relationship between partitions. In this paper, we propose a novel bound prune cubing (BP-Cubing) approach for iceberg cubing with nonantimonotone aggregation constraints. Given a cube over n dimensions, an aggregate for any group-by partition can be computed from aggregates for the most specific n-dimensional partitions (MSPs). The largest and smallest aggregate values computed this way become the bounds for all partitions in the cube. We provide efficient methods to compute tight bounds for base aggregate functions and, more interestingly, arithmetic expressions thereof, from bounds of aggregates over the MSPs. Our methods produce tighter bounds than those obtained by previous approaches. We present iceberg cubing algorithms that combine bounding with efficient aggregation strategies. Our experiments on real-world and artificial benchmark data sets demonstrate that BP-Cubing algorithms achieve more effective pruning and are several times faster than state-of-the-art iceberg cubing algorithms and that BP-Cubing achieves the best performance with the top-down cubing approach

    Multiway pruning for efficient iceberg cubing

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    Effective pruning is essential for efficient iceberg cube computation. Previous studies have focused on exclusive pruning: regions of a search space that do not satisfy some condition are excluded from computation. In this paper we propose inclusive and anti-pruning. With inclusive pruning, necessary conditions that solutions must satisfy are identified and regions that can not be reached by such conditions are pruned from computation. With anti-pruning, regions of solutions are identified and pruning is not applied. We propose the multiway pruning strategy combining exclusive, inclusive and anti-pruning with bounding aggregate functions in iceberg cube computation. Preliminary experiments demonstrate that the multiway-pruning strategy improves the efficiency of iceberg cubing algorithms with only exclusive pruning

    Computing complex iceberg cubes by multiway aggregation and bounding

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    Iceberg cubing is a valuable technique in data warehouses. The efficiency of iceberg cube computation comes from efficient aggregation and effective pruning for constraints. In advanced applications, iceberg constraints are often non-monotone and complex, for example, "Average cost in the range [51, 52] and standard deviation of cost less than beta". The current cubing algorithms either are efficient in aggregation but weak in pruning for such constraints, or can prune for non-monotone constraints but are inefficient in aggregation. The best algorithm of the former, Star-cubing, computes aggregations of cuboids simultaneously but its pruning is specific to only monotone constraints such as "COUNT(*) greater than or equal to delta". In the latter case, the Divide and Approximate pruning technique can prune for non-monotone constraints but is limited to bottom-up single-group aggregation. We propose a solution that exhibits both efficiency in aggregation and generality and effectiveness in pruning for complex constraints. Our bounding techniques are as general as the Divide and Approximate pruning techniques for complex constraints and yet our multiway aggregation is as efficient as Star-cubing

    Efficient Evaluation of Sparse Data Cubes

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    Computing data cubes requires the aggregation of measures over arbitrary combinations of dimensions in a data set. Efficient data cube evaluation remains challenging because of the potentially very large sizes of input datasets (e.g., in the data warehousing context), the well-known curse of dimensionality, and the complexity of queries that need to be supported. This paper proposes a new dynamic data structure called SST (Sparse Statistics Trees) and a novel, in-teractive, and fast cube evaluation algorithm called CUPS (Cubing by Pruning SST), which is especially well suitable for computing aggregates in cubes whose data sets are sparse. SST only stores the aggregations of non-empty cube cells instead of the detailed records. Furthermore, it retains in memory the dense cubes (a.k.a. iceberg cubes) whose aggregate values are above a threshold. Sparse cubes are stored on disks. This allows a fast, accurate approximation for queries. If users desire more refined answers, related sparse cubes are aggregated. SST is incrementally maintainable, which makes CUPS suitable for data warehousing and analysis of streaming data. Experiment results demonstrate the excellent performance and good scalability of our approach

    Data Cube Approximation and Mining using Probabilistic Modeling

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    On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP) techniques commonly used in data warehouses allow the exploration of data cubes according to different analysis axes (dimensions) and under different abstraction levels in a dimension hierarchy. However, such techniques are not aimed at mining multidimensional data. Since data cubes are nothing but multi-way tables, we propose to analyze the potential of two probabilistic modeling techniques, namely non-negative multi-way array factorization and log-linear modeling, with the ultimate objective of compressing and mining aggregate and multidimensional values. With the first technique, we compute the set of components that best fit the initial data set and whose superposition coincides with the original data; with the second technique we identify a parsimonious model (i.e., one with a reduced set of parameters), highlight strong associations among dimensions and discover possible outliers in data cells. A real life example will be used to (i) discuss the potential benefits of the modeling output on cube exploration and mining, (ii) show how OLAP queries can be answered in an approximate way, and (iii) illustrate the strengths and limitations of these modeling approaches

    Integrating OLAP and Ranking: The Ranking-Cube Methodology

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    Recent years have witnessed an enormous growth of data in business, industry, and Web applications. Database search often returns a large collection of results, which poses challenges to both efficient query processing and effective digest of the query results. To address this problem, ranked search has been introduced to database systems. We study the problem of On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) of ranked queries, where ranked queries are conducted in the arbitrary subset of data defined by multi-dimensional selections. While pre-computation and multi-dimensional aggregation is the standard solution for OLAP, materializing dynamic ranking results is unrealistic because the ranking criteria are not known until the query time. To overcome such difficulty, we develop a new ranking cube method that performs semi on-line materialization and semi online computation in this thesis. Its complete life cycle, including cube construction, incremental maintenance, and query processing, is also discussed. We further extend the ranking cube in three dimensions. First, how to answer queries in high-dimensional data. Second, how to answer queries which involves joins over multiple relations. Third, how to answer general preference queries (besides ranked queries, such as skyline queries). Our performance studies show that ranking-cube is orders of magnitude faster than previous approaches

    Processing of an iceberg query on distributed and centralized databases

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