580 research outputs found

    Continuous Nearest Neighbor Queries over Sliding Windows

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    Abstract—This paper studies continuous monitoring of nearest neighbor (NN) queries over sliding window streams. According to this model, data points continuously stream in the system, and they are considered valid only while they belong to a sliding window that contains 1) the W most recent arrivals (count-based) or 2) the arrivals within a fixed interval W covering the most recent time stamps (time-based). The task of the query processor is to constantly maintain the result of long-running NN queries among the valid data. We present two processing techniques that apply to both count-based and time-based windows. The first one adapts conceptual partitioning, the best existing method for continuous NN monitoring over update streams, to the sliding window model. The second technique reduces the problem to skyline maintenance in the distance-time space and precomputes the future changes in the NN set. We analyze the performance of both algorithms and extend them to variations of NN search. Finally, we compare their efficiency through a comprehensive experimental evaluation. The skyline-based algorithm achieves lower CPU cost, at the expense of slightly larger space overhead. Index Terms—Location-dependent and sensitive, spatial databases, query processing, nearest neighbors, data streams, sliding windows.

    SkyFlow: heterogeneous streaming for skyline computation using FlowGraph and SYCL

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    The skyline is an optimization operator widely used for multi-criteria decision making. It allows minimizing an n-dimensional dataset into its smallest subset. In this work we present SkyFlow, the first heterogeneous CPU+GPU graph-based engine for skyline computation on a stream of data queries. Two data flow approaches, Coarse-grained and Fine-grained, have been proposed for different streaming scenarios. Coarse-grained aims to keep in parallel the computation of two queries using a hybrid solution with two state-of-the-art skyline algorithms: one optimized for CPU and another for GPU. We also propose a model to estimate at runtime the computation time of any arriving data query. This estimation is used by a heuristic to schedule the data query on the device queue in which it will finish earlier. On the other hand, Fine-grained splits one query computation between CPU and GPU. An experimental evaluation using as target architecture a heterogeneous system comprised of a multicore CPU and an integrated GPU for different streaming scenarios and datasets, reveals that our heterogeneous CPU+GPU approaches always outperform previous only-CPU and only-GPU state-of-the-art implementations up to 6.86×and 5.19×, respectively, and they fall below 6% of ideal peak performance at most. We also evaluate Coarse-grained vs Fine-Grained finding that each approach is better suited to different streaming scenarios.This work was partially supported by the Spanish projects PID2019-105396RB-I00, UMA18-FEDERJA-108 and P20-00395-R. // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA

    DRSP : Dimension Reduction For Similarity Matching And Pruning Of Time Series Data Streams

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    Similarity matching and join of time series data streams has gained a lot of relevance in today's world that has large streaming data. This process finds wide scale application in the areas of location tracking, sensor networks, object positioning and monitoring to name a few. However, as the size of the data stream increases, the cost involved to retain all the data in order to aid the process of similarity matching also increases. We develop a novel framework to addresses the following objectives. Firstly, Dimension reduction is performed in the preprocessing stage, where large stream data is segmented and reduced into a compact representation such that it retains all the crucial information by a technique called Multi-level Segment Means (MSM). This reduces the space complexity associated with the storage of large time-series data streams. Secondly, it incorporates effective Similarity Matching technique to analyze if the new data objects are symmetric to the existing data stream. And finally, the Pruning Technique that filters out the pseudo data object pairs and join only the relevant pairs. The computational cost for MSM is O(l*ni) and the cost for pruning is O(DRF*wsize*d), where DRF is the Dimension Reduction Factor. We have performed exhaustive experimental trials to show that the proposed framework is both efficient and competent in comparison with earlier works.Comment: 20 pages,8 figures, 6 Table

    Maintaining sliding window skylines on data streams

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    Efficient processing of large-scale spatio-temporal data

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    Millionen GerĂ€te, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone, Autos und Umweltsensoren senden ihre Positionen zusammen mit einem Zeitstempel und weiteren Nutzdaten an einen Server zu verschiedenen Analysezwecken. Die Positionsinformationen und ĂŒbertragenen Ereignisinformationen werden als Punkte oder Polygone dargestellt. Eine weitere Art rĂ€umlicher Daten sind Rasterdaten, die zum Beispiel von Kameras und Sensoren produziert werden. Diese großen rĂ€umlich-zeitlichen Datenmengen können nur auf skalierbaren Plattformen wie Hadoop und Apache Spark verarbeitet werden, die jedoch z.B. die Nachbarschaftsinformation nicht ausnutzen können - was die AusfĂŒhrung bestimmter Anfragen praktisch unmöglich macht. Die wiederholten AusfĂŒhrungen der Analyseprogramme wĂ€hrend ihrer Entwicklung und durch verschiedene Nutzer resultieren in langen AusfĂŒhrungszeiten und hohen Kosten fĂŒr gemietete Ressourcen, die durch die Wiederverwendung von Zwischenergebnissen reduziert werden können. Diese Arbeit beschĂ€ftigt sich mit den beiden oben beschriebenen Herausforderungen. Wir prĂ€sentieren zunĂ€chst das STARK Framework fĂŒr die Verarbeitung rĂ€umlich-zeitlicher Vektor- und Rasterdaten in Apache Spark. Wir identifizieren verschiedene Algorithmen fĂŒr Operatoren und analysieren, wie diese von den Eigenschaften der zugrundeliegenden Plattform profitieren können. Weiterhin wird untersucht, wie Indexe in der verteilten und parallelen Umgebung realisiert werden können. Außerdem vergleichen wir Partitionierungsmethoden, die unterschiedlich gut mit ungleichmĂ€ĂŸiger Datenverteilung und der GrĂ¶ĂŸe der Datenmenge umgehen können und prĂ€sentieren einen Ansatz um die auf Operatorebene zu verarbeitende Datenmenge frĂŒhzeitig zu reduzieren. Um die AusfĂŒhrungszeit von Programmen zu verkĂŒrzen, stellen wir einen Ansatz zur transparenten Materialisierung von Zwischenergebnissen vor. Dieser Ansatz benutzt ein Entscheidungsmodell, welches auf den tatsĂ€chlichen Operatorkosten basiert. In der Evaluierung vergleichen wir die verschiedenen Implementierungs- sowie Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten in STARK und identifizieren Szenarien wann Partitionierung und Indexierung eingesetzt werden sollten. Außerdem vergleichen wir STARK mit verwandten Systemen. Im zweiten Teil der Evaluierung zeigen wir, dass die transparente Wiederverwendung der materialisierten Zwischenergebnisse die AusfĂŒhrungszeit der Programme signifikant verringern kann.Millions of location-aware devices, such as mobile phones, cars, and environmental sensors constantly report their positions often in combination with a timestamp to a server for different kinds of analyses. While the location information of the devices and reported events is represented as points and polygons, raster data is another type of spatial data, which is for example produced by cameras and sensors. This Big spatio-temporal Data needs to be processed on scalable platforms, such as Hadoop and Apache Spark, which, however, are unaware of, e.g., spatial neighborhood, what makes them practically impossible to use for this kind of data. The repeated executions of the programs during development and by different users result in long execution times and potentially high costs in rented clusters, which can be reduced by reusing commonly computed intermediate results. Within this thesis, we tackle the two challenges described above. First, we present the STARK framework for processing spatio-temporal vector and raster data on the Apache Spark stack. For operators, we identify several possible algorithms and study how they can benefit from the underlying platform's properties. We further investigate how indexes can be realized in the distributed and parallel architecture of Big Data processing engines and compare methods for data partitioning, which perform differently well with respect to data skew and data set size. Furthermore, an approach to reduce the amount of data to process at operator level is presented. In order to reduce the execution times, we introduce an approach to transparently recycle intermediate results of dataflow programs, based on operator costs. To compute the costs, we instrument the programs with profiling code to gather the execution time and result size of the operators. In the evaluation, we first compare the various implementation and configuration possibilities in STARK and identify scenarios when and how partitioning and indexing should be applied. We further compare STARK to related systems and show that we can achieve significantly better execution times, not only when exploiting existing partitioning information. In the second part of the evaluation, we show that with the transparent cost-based materialization and recycling of intermediate results, the execution times of programs can be reduced significantly

    A systematic literature review of skyline query processing over data stream

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    Recently, skyline query processing over data stream has gained a lot of attention especially from the database community owing to its own unique challenges. Skyline queries aims at pruning a search space of a potential large multi-dimensional set of objects by keeping only those objects that are not worse than any other. Although an abundance of skyline query processing techniques have been proposed, there is a lack of a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on current research works pertinent to skyline query processing over data stream. In regard to this, this paper provides a comparative study on the state-of-the-art approaches over the period between 2000 and 2022 with the main aim to help readers understand the key issues which are essential to consider in relation to processing skyline queries over streaming data. Seven digital databases were reviewed in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews (PRISMA) procedures. After applying both the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 23 primary papers were further examined. The results show that the identified skyline approaches are driven by the need to expedite the skyline query processing mainly due to the fact that data streams are time varying (time sensitive), continuous, real time, volatile, and unrepeatable. Although, these skyline approaches are tailored made for data stream with a common aim, their solutions vary to suit with the various aspects being considered, which include the type of skyline query, type of streaming data, type of sliding window, query processing technique, indexing technique as well as the data stream environment employed. In this paper, a comprehensive taxonomy is developed along with the key aspects of each reported approach, while several open issues and challenges related to the topic being reviewed are highlighted as recommendation for future research direction
