1,255 research outputs found

    Issues in designing transport layer multicast facilities

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    Multicasting denotes a facility in a communications system for providing efficient delivery from a message's source to some well-defined set of locations using a single logical address. While modem network hardware supports multidestination delivery, first generation Transport Layer protocols (e.g., the DoD Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) (15) and ISO TP-4 (41)) did not anticipate the changes over the past decade in underlying network hardware, transmission speeds, and communication patterns that have enabled and driven the interest in reliable multicast. Much recent research has focused on integrating the underlying hardware multicast capability with the reliable services of Transport Layer protocols. Here, we explore the communication issues surrounding the design of such a reliable multicast mechanism. Approaches and solutions from the literature are discussed, and four experimental Transport Layer protocols that incorporate reliable multicast are examined

    A survey of performance enhancement of transmission control protocol (TCP) in wireless ad hoc networks

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    This Article is provided by the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund - Copyright @ 2011 Springer OpenTransmission control protocol (TCP), which provides reliable end-to-end data delivery, performs well in traditional wired network environments, while in wireless ad hoc networks, it does not perform well. Compared to wired networks, wireless ad hoc networks have some specific characteristics such as node mobility and a shared medium. Owing to these specific characteristics of wireless ad hoc networks, TCP faces particular problems with, for example, route failure, channel contention and high bit error rates. These factors are responsible for the performance degradation of TCP in wireless ad hoc networks. The research community has produced a wide range of proposals to improve the performance of TCP in wireless ad hoc networks. This article presents a survey of these proposals (approaches). A classification of TCP improvement proposals for wireless ad hoc networks is presented, which makes it easy to compare the proposals falling under the same category. Tables which summarize the approaches for quick overview are provided. Possible directions for further improvements in this area are suggested in the conclusions. The aim of the article is to enable the reader to quickly acquire an overview of the state of TCP in wireless ad hoc networks.This study is partly funded by Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Pakistan, and the Higher Education Commission, Pakistan

    Data adaptor unit for an electronic exchange: system design and simulation study

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    The development of pulse code modulation systems and electronic exchanges, together with the increase in volume of data traffic, have made it desirable to establish a means for handling both voice and data trarfic in the telephone network. A technique is required whereby integrated voice and data switching may be accomplished in an electronic exchange. It is proposed that a data adaptor unit be incorporated in electronic exchanges for the ourpose of concentrating data traffic onto PCM highways. A conceptual design for the architecture of such a unit is presented and its performance evaluated. The protocols for connecting data adaptors into a network, and the use of flow control procedures for regulating data traffic within the network, are described. The hardware implementation of the unit is not considered. The proposed data adaptor operates on the packet switching principle. It is comprised of three types of modules each dedicated to carrying out a particular communication function. The modules are the interface processor that interacts with data transmitting devices, the network processor for sending data over PCM channels between adaptors, and the supervisory processor for regulating activities within the adaptor unit

    Fly-By-Wireless for Next Generation Aircraft: Challenges and Potential solutions

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    ”Fly-By-Wireless” paradigm based on wireless connectivity in aircraft has the potential to improve efficiency and flexibility, while reducing weight, fuel consumption and maintenance costs. In this paper, first, the opportunities and challenges for wireless technologies in safety-critical avionics context are discussed. Then, the assessment of such technologies versus avionics requirements is provided in order to select the most appropriate one for a wireless aircraft application. As a result, the design of a Wireless Avionics Network based on Ultra WideBand technology is investigated, considering the issues of determinism, reliability and security

    The Scalability of Multicast Communication

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    Multicast is a communication method which operates on groups of applications. Having multiple instances of an application which are addressed collectively using a unique, multicast address, allows elegant solutions to some of the more intractable problems in distributed programming, such as providing fault tolerance. However, as multicast techniques are applied in areas such as distributed operating systems, where the operating system may span a large number of hosts, or on faster network architectures, where the problems of congestion reduce the effectiveness of the technique, then the scalability of multicast must be addressed if multicast is to gain a wider application. The main scalability issue was considered to be packet loss due to buffer overrun, the most common cause of this buffer overrun being the mismatch in packet arrival rate and packet consumption at the multicast originator, the so-called implosion problem. This issue affects positively acknowledged and transactional protocols. As these two techniques are the most common protocol designs, it was felt that an investigation into the problems of these types of protocol would be most effective. A model for implosion was developed which was simulated in order to investigate the parameters of implosion. A measure of this implosion was derived from the data, this index of implosion allowing the severity of implosion to be described as well as the location of the implosion in the model. This implosion index was derived by dividing the rate at which buffers were occupied by the rate at which packets were generated by the model. The value may then be used to predict the number of buffers required given the number of packets expected. A number of techniques were developed which may be used to offset implosion, either by artificially increasing the inter-packet gap, or by distributing replies so that no one host receives enough packets to cause an implosion. Of these alternatives, the latter offers the most promise, although requiring a large effort to maintain the resulting hierarchical structure in the presence of multiple failures

    Scalable parallel communications

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    Coarse-grain parallelism in networking (that is, the use of multiple protocol processors running replicated software sending over several physical channels) can be used to provide gigabit communications for a single application. Since parallel network performance is highly dependent on real issues such as hardware properties (e.g., memory speeds and cache hit rates), operating system overhead (e.g., interrupt handling), and protocol performance (e.g., effect of timeouts), we have performed detailed simulations studies of both a bus-based multiprocessor workstation node (based on the Sun Galaxy MP multiprocessor) and a distributed-memory parallel computer node (based on the Touchstone DELTA) to evaluate the behavior of coarse-grain parallelism. Our results indicate: (1) coarse-grain parallelism can deliver multiple 100 Mbps with currently available hardware platforms and existing networking protocols (such as Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) and parallel Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) rings); (2) scale-up is near linear in n, the number of protocol processors, and channels (for small n and up to a few hundred Mbps); and (3) since these results are based on existing hardware without specialized devices (except perhaps for some simple modifications of the FDDI boards), this is a low cost solution to providing multiple 100 Mbps on current machines. In addition, from both the performance analysis and the properties of these architectures, we conclude: (1) multiple processors providing identical services and the use of space division multiplexing for the physical channels can provide better reliability than monolithic approaches (it also provides graceful degradation and low-cost load balancing); (2) coarse-grain parallelism supports running several transport protocols in parallel to provide different types of service (for example, one TCP handles small messages for many users, other TCP's running in parallel provide high bandwidth service to a single application); and (3) coarse grain parallelism will be able to incorporate many future improvements from related work (e.g., reduced data movement, fast TCP, fine-grain parallelism) also with near linear speed-ups

    Application of hybrid ARQ to controller area networks

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    This thesis proposes two types of Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) schemes for the Controller Area Network (CAN) to combat Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) and improve network efficiency. The proposed HARQ schemes encode the original CAN data frames by a Reed-Solomon (R-S) code so that burst errors due to EMI may be corrected at the receive nodes. Therefore, the probability of error frames is reduced, thereby reducing the probability of retransmission. Hence, the network efficiency of the system is improved --Abstract, page iii