31 research outputs found

    State-variable modelling of CLL resonant converters

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    The paper presents the derivation and application of state-variable models to high-order topologies of resonant converters. In particular, a 3rd order CLL resonant circuit is considered with bridge rectification and both a capacitive output filter (voltage output), and an LC output filter (current output). The state-variable model accuracy is verified against component-based simulation packages (Spice) and practical measurements, and it is shown that the resulting models facilitate rapid analysis compared to their integration-based counterparts (Spice, Saber), without the loss of accuracy normally associated with fundamental mode approximation (FMA) techniques. Moreover, unlike FMA, the models correctly predict the resonant peaks associated with harmonic excitation of the tank resonance. Subsequently, it is shown that excitation of the resonant tank by odd harmonics of the input voltage can be utilised to provide overcurrent protection in the event of an output short-circuit. Further, through judicious control of operating frequency, it is shown that 'inductive' zero voltage switching (ZVS) can still be obtained, facilitating reductions in gate-drive switching losses, thereby improving efficiency and thermal management of the supply under fault conditions. Although the results are ultimately generic to other converter counterparts, measured results from two prototype 36 V input, 11-14.4V output, 3rd - order CLL converters are included to practically demonstrate the attributes of the proposed analysis and control schemes

    Optimization And Design Of Photovoltaic Micro-inverter

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    To relieve energy shortage and environmental pollution issues, renewable energy, especially PV energy has developed rapidly in the last decade. The micro-inverter systems, with advantages in dedicated PV power harvest, flexible system size, simple installation, and enhanced safety characteristics are the future development trend of the PV power generation systems. The double-stage structure which can realize high efficiency with nice regulated sinusoidal waveforms is the mainstream for the micro-inverter. This thesis studied a double stage micro-inverter system. Considering the intermittent nature of PV power, a PFC was analyzed to provide additional electrical power to the system. When the solar power is less than the load required, PFC can drag power from the utility grid. In the double stage micro-inverter, the DC/DC stage was realized by a LLC converter, which could realize soft switching automatically under frequency modulation. However it has a complicated relationship between voltage gain and load. Thus conventional variable step P&O MPPT techniques for PWM converter were no longer suitable for the LLC converter. To solve this problem, a novel MPPT was proposed to track MPP efficiently. Simulation and experimental results verified the effectiveness of the proposed MPPT. The DC/AC stage of the micro-inverter was realized by a BCM inverter. With duty cycle and frequency modulation, ZVS was achieved through controlling the inductor current bi-directional in every switching cycle. This technique required no additional resonant components and could be employed for low power applications on conventional full-bridge and half-bridge inverter topologies. Three different current mode control schemes were derived from the basic theory of the proposed technique. They were referred to as Boundary Current Mode (BCM), Variable Hysteresis Current Mode (VHCM), and Constant Hysteresis Current Mode (CHCM) individually in this paper with their advantages and disadvantages analyzed in detail. Simulation and experimental iv results demonstrated the feasibilities of the proposed soft-switching technique with the digital control schemes. The PFC converter was applied by a single stage Biflyback topology, which combined the advantages of single stage PFC and flyback topology together, with further advantages in low intermediate bus voltage and current stresses. A digital controller without current sampling requirement was proposed based on the specific topology. To reduce the voltage spike caused by the leakage inductor, a novel snubber cell combining soft switching technique with snubber technique together was proposed. Simulation and experimental waveforms illustrated the same as characteristics as the theoretical analysis. In summary, the dissertation analyzed each power stage of photovoltaic micro-inverter system from efficiency and effectiveness optimization perspectives. Moreover their advantages were compared carefully with existed topologies and control techniques. Simulation and experiment results were provided to support the theoretical analysis

    Analysis of CLL voltage-output resonant converters using describing functions

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    A new ac equivalent circuit for the CLL voltage output resonant converter is presented, that offers improved accuracy compared with traditional FMA-based techniques. By employing describing function techniques, the nonlinear interaction of the parallel inductor, rectifier and load is replaced by a complex impedance, thereby facilitating the use of ac equivalent circuit analysis methodologies. Moreover, both continuous and discontinuous rectifier-current operating conditions are addressed. A generic normalized analysis of the converter is also presented. To further aid the designer, error maps are used to demonstrate the boundaries for providing accurate behavioral predictions. A comparison of theoretical results with those from simulation studies and experimental measurements from a prototype converter, are also included as a means of clarifying the benefits of the proposed techniques

    An Isolated ZVS DC/DC Converter with Diode-connected MOSFET in Rectifier

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    © 2021, IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This is the accepted manuscript version of a conference paper which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1109/APCCAS51387.2021.9687717This paper presents an isolated resonant zero voltage switching ZVS converter with a diode-connected MOSFET in a rectifier. The active resonant network is the composition of a resonant capacitor, a transformer leakage inductance and a diode-connected MOSFET. The output capacitor of the main switches together with their reverse recovery diodes provide zero-voltage switching condition for all switches. The input voltage/current of the proposed circuit is 0.35V/500uA while the output voltage/current is 1.5V/75uA. The simulated circuit in PSIM is presented to verify the proposed converter performance

    Extension of Zero Voltage Switching Capability for CLLC Resonant Converter

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    TheCLLC resonant converter has been widely used to obtaina high power conversion efficiency with sinusoidal current waveforms and a soft switching capability. However, it has a limited voltage gain range according to the input voltage variation. The current-fed structure canbe one solution to extend the voltage gain range for the wide input voltage variation, butit has a limited zero voltage switching (ZVS) range. In this paper, the current-fed CLLC resonant converter with additional inductance is proposed to extend the ZVS range. The operational principle is analyzed to design the additional inductance for obtaining the extended ZVS range. The design methodology of the additional inductance is proposed to maximize the ZVS capability for the entire load range. The performance of the proposed method is verified with a 20 W prototype converter

    Modelling, analysis and design of LCLC resonant power converters.

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    The thesis investigates the modelling, analysis, design and control of 4th -order LCLC resonant power converters. Both voltage-output and current-output variants, are considered. Key research outcomes are the derivation of new frequency- and time-domain models of the converters, based on normalised component ratios, and including the effects that parasitic elements have on circuit behaviour, and a detailed account of multi-resonant characteristics; extensions to the use of cyclicmode modelling methods for application to LCLC converters, to provide rapid steady-state analysis, thereby facilitating the use of the derived methodologies as part of an interactive design tool; the formulation of analytical methods to predict the electrical stresses on tank components-an important consideration when designing resonant converters, as they are often higher than for hard-switched converter counterparts; the characterisation of both continuous and discontinuous modes of operation and the boundary conditions that separate them; and a substantial treatment of the modelling, analysis and design of LCLC converters that can provide multiple regulated outputs by the integrated control of both excitation frequency and pulse-width-modulation. The proposed methodologies are employed, for validation purposes, in the realisation of two proof-of concept demonstrator converters. The first, to satisfy the requirements for delivering 65V (rms) to an electrode-less, SW, fluorescent lamp, to improve energy efficiency and lifetime, and operating at a nominal frequency of 2.65 MHz, is used to demonstrate capacitively-coupled operation through the lamp tube, thereby mitigating the normally detrimental effects of excitation via the electrodes. The second prototype considers the realization of an LCLC resonant power supply that can provide multiple regulated outputs without the need for post-regulation circuitry. The two outputs of the supply are independently, closed-loop regulated, to provide asymmetrical output voltage distributions, using a combination of frequency- and duty-control. Although, an analysis of the supply shows that the behaviour is extremely complex, due, in particular, to the highly non-linear interaction between the mUltiple outputs and parasitic inductances, and rectifier, an analysis to provide optimum performance characteristics, is proposed. Moreover, a PICIFPGA-based digital controller is developed that allows control of the transient performance of both outputs under start-up and steady-state conditions

    Self-oscillating resonant converters: general approach and applications

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    En aquesta tesi es presenta el funcionament auto-oscil·lant de convertidors ressonants, produït per l'ús apropiat del signe del corrent de l'inductor d'entrada com a mecanisme de canvi de la polaritat de la tensió d'entrada. D'aquesta forma, el corrent d'entrada i el primer harmònic de la tensió d'entrada estan en fase, el que assegura un factor de potència unitari en estat estacionari. Aquest fet confereix una naturalesa de resistor lliure de pèrdues a la descripció del convertidor com biport. Es comprova que aquest mecanisme de generació de l'auto-oscil·lació és efectiu en estructures de segon, tercer i quart ordre. Encara que la creació de l'auto-oscil·lació és una tasca relativament simple, la descripció analítica de la generació del cicle límit associat presenta una elevada complexitat. Aquesta descripció combina l'anàlisi temporal i de freqüència per a justificar que l'espiral generada a partir de condicions inicials nul·les finalment convergeix en una el·lipse. Es demostra l'estabilitat en la generació del cicle límit a partir de l'anàlisi de la recurrència discreta resultant de la consideració de dos creuaments successius per zero del corrent de l'inductor després de completar un cicle d'oscil·lació. Aquest enfocament explica de forma correcta la generació d'espirals bidimensionals i tridimensionals en convertidors de segon i tercer ordre respectivament. Els convertidors ressonants auto-oscil·lants obtinguts mitjançant l'aplicació del mecanisme de commutació previ són sensibles a les pertorbacions de la tensió d'entrada o als canvis de càrrega, pel que és necessari introduir un llaç de regulació de tensió. Aquest fet requereix el modelat previ de la dinàmica del convertidor, que parteix d'una llei de commutació basada en la combinació lineal del corrent de l'inductor i la tensió del condensador. Relacionar les variacions de la constant associada a aquesta combinació lineal amb els canvis de la freqüència de commutació és un aspecte clau del modelat, el qual es duu a terme per a convertidors de segon ordre. El llaç de control resultant mostra un gran ample de banda i una major robustesa que els controladors convencionals.En esta tesis se presenta el funcionamiento auto-oscilante de convertidores resonantes, producido por el uso apropiado del signo de la corriente del inductor de entrada como mecanismo de cambio de la polaridad de la tensión de entrada. De esta forma, la corriente de entrada y el primer armónico de la tensión de entrada están en fase, lo que asegura un factor de potencia unitario en estado estacionario. Este hecho confiere una naturaleza de resistor libre de pérdidas a la descripción del convertidor como bipuerto. Se comprueba que este mecanismo de generación de la auto-oscilación es efectivo en estructuras de segundo, tercer y cuarto orden. Aunque la creación de la auto-oscilación es una tarea relativamente simple, la descripción analítica de la generación del ciclo límite asociado presenta una elevada complejidad. Esta descripción combina análisis temporal y de frecuencia para justificar que la espiral generada a partir de condiciones iniciales nulas finalmente converge en una elipse. Se demuestra la estabilidad en la generación del ciclo límite a partir del análisis de la recurrencia discreta resultante de la consideración de dos cruces sucesivos por cero de la corriente del inductor después de completar un ciclo de oscilación. Este enfoque explica de forma correcta la generación de espirales bidimensionales y tridimensionales en convertidores de segundo y tercer orden respectivamente. Los convertidores resonantes auto-oscilantes obtenidos mediante la aplicación del mecanismo de conmutación previo son sensibles a las perturbaciones de la tensión de entrada o a los cambios de carga, por lo que es necesario introducir un lazo de regulación de tensión. Ello requiere el modelado previo de la dinámica del convertidor, que parte de una ley de conmutación basada en la combinación lineal de la corriente del inductor y la tensión del condensador. Relacionar las variaciones de la constante asociada a esta combinación lineal con los cambios de la frecuencia de conmutación es un aspecto clave del modelado, el cual se lleva a cabo para convertidores de segundo orden. El lazo de control resultante exhibe un amplio ancho de banda y una mayor robustez que los controladores convencionales.In this thesis, self-oscillation in resonant converters is generated by the appropriate use of the input inductor current zero-crossings to change the polarity of the input voltage. As a result, the input current and the first harmonic of the input voltage are in phase, which ensures a unity power factor to the steady-state operation of the resonant converter. This fact confers a nature of loss-free resistor (LFR) on the two-port description of the converter. The self-oscillation generating mechanism is proven to be effective in second, third and fourth order structures. Although the self-oscillation generation is a relatively simple task, the analytical description of the generation is more involved. It combines time-domain and frequency-domain analyses to justify that a spiral starting from zero initial conditions eventually converges into an ellipse that corresponds to the steady-state behavior of the limit cycle. The stability of the generation is demonstrated by proving the stability of the resulting discrete recurrence considering two successive zero-crossings of the input inductor current after completing a generic oscillation cycle. This approach successfully explains the generation of two-dimension and three-dimension spirals in second and third order converters respectively. Self-oscillating resonant converters with the previous mechanism to generate oscillations are a simple procedure to transmit power but they are sensitive to input voltage perturbations or load changes. Hence, a voltage regulation loop has to be added. Inserting a voltage regulation loop requires modeling the dynamic behavior of the self-oscillating resonant converter whose switching law is a linear combination of inductor current and capacitor voltage. Relating the variations of the constant of that linear combination to the changes of the switching frequency is the key aspect of the modeling, which is carried out for second order converters. The resulting closed-loop regulation exhibits larger bandwidth and a better robustness degree than conventional controllers

    Design and Control of Power Converters for High Power-Quality Interface with Utility and Aviation Grids

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    Power electronics as a subject integrating power devices, electric and electronic circuits, control, and thermal and mechanic design, requires not only knowledge and engineering insight for each subarea, but also understanding of interface issues when incorporating these different areas into high performance converter design.Addressing these fundamental questions, the dissertation studies design and control issues in three types of power converters applied in low-frequency high-power transmission, medium-frequency converter emulated grid, and high-frequency high-density aviation grid, respectively, with the focus on discovering, understanding, and mitigating interface issues to improve power quality and converter performance, and to reduce the noise emission.For hybrid ac/dc power transmission,• Analyze the interface transformer saturation issue between ac and dc power flow under line unbalances.• Proposed both passive transformer design and active hybrid-line-impedance-conditioner to suppress this issue.For transmission line emulator,• Propose general transmission line emulation schemes with extension capability.• Analyze and actively suppress the effects of sensing/sampling bias and PWM ripple on emulation considering interfaced grid impedance.• Analyze the stability issue caused by interaction of the emulator and its interfaced impedance. A criterion that determines the stability and impedance boundary of the emulator is proposed.For aircraft battery charger,• Investigate architectures for dual-input and dual-output battery charger, and a three-level integrated topology using GaN devices is proposed to achieve high density.• Identify and analyze the mechanisms and impacts of high switching frequency, di/dt, dv/dt on sensing and power quality control; mitigate solutions are proposed.• Model and compensate the distortion due to charging transition of device junction capacitances in three-level converters.• Find the previously overlooked device junction capacitance of the nonactive devices in three-level converters, and analyze the impacts on switching loss, device stress, and current distortion. A loss calculation method is proposed using the data from the conventional double pulse tester.• Establish fundamental knowledge on performance degradation of EMI filters. The impacts and mechanisms of both inductive and capacitive coupling on different filter structures are understood. Characterization methodology including measuring, modeling, and prediction of filter insertion loss is proposed. Mitigation solutions are proposed to reduce inter-component coupling and self-parasitics

    Analysis And Design Optimization Of Resonant Dc-dc Converters

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    The development in power conversion technology is in constant demand of high power efficiency and high power density. The DC-DC power conversion is an indispensable stage for numerous power supplies and energy related applications. Particularly, in PV micro-inverters and front-end converter of power supplies, great challenges are imposed on the power performances of the DC-DC converter stage, which not only require high efficiency and density but also the capability to regulate a wide variation range of input voltage and load conditions. The resonant DC-DC converters are good candidates to meet these challenges with the advantages of achieving soft switching and low EMI. Among various resonant converter topologies, the LLC converter is very attractive for its wide gain range and providing ZVS for switches from full load to zero load condition. The operation of the LLC converter is complicated due to its multiple resonant stage mechanism. A literature review of different analysis methods are presented, and it shows that the study on the LLC is still incomplete. Therefore, an operation mode analysis method is proposed, which divides the operation into six major modes based on the occurrence of resonant stages. The resonant currents, voltages and the DC gain characteristics for each mode is investigated. To obtain a thorough view of the converter behavior, the boundaries of every mode are studied, and mode distribution regarding the gain, load and frequency is presented and discussed. As this operation mode model is a precise model, an experimental prototype is designed and built to demonstrate its accuracy in operation waveforms and gain prediction. iv Since most of the LLC modes have no closed-form solutions, simplification is necessary in order to utilize this mode model in practical design. Some prior approximation methods for converter’s gain characteristics are discussed. Instead of getting an entire gain-vs.-frequency curve, we focus on peak gains, which is an important design parameters indicating the LLC’s operating limit of input voltage and switching frequency. A numerical peak gain approximation method is developed, which provide a direct way to calculate the peak gain and its corresponding load and frequency condition. The approximated results are compared with experiments and simulations, and are proved to be accurate. In addition, as PO mode is the most favorable operation mode of the LLC, its operation region is investigated and an approximation approach is developed to determine its boundary. The design optimization of the LLC has always been a difficult problem as there are many parameters affecting the design and it lacks clear design guidance in selecting the optimal resonant tank parameters. Based on the operation mode model, three optimization methods are proposed according to the design scenarios. These methods focus on minimize the conduction loss of resonant tank while maintaining the required voltage gain level, and the approximations of peak gains and PO mode boundary can be applied here to facilitate the design. A design example is presented using one of the proposed optimization methods. As a comparison, the L-C component values are reselected and tested for the same design specifications. The experiments show that the optimal design has better efficiency performance. Finally, a generalized approach for resonant converter analysis is developed. It can be implemented by computer programs or numerical analysis tools to derive the operation waveforms and DC characteristics of resonant converter