51 research outputs found

    Tolerance for Ambiguity as a Potential Barrier to Intercultural Interactions

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    Online teaching brings both unique challenges and opportunities to students and faculty (e.g, Prensky, 2009). Some of these challenges and opportunities are in the area of perceptions of online teaching itself (e.g, Osborne, Kriese, Tobey and Johnson, 2009a), some involve unrealistic expectations or lack of appropriate preparation on the part of students (e.g, Clark, 2010) and others involve the match between faculty teaching styles, student learning styles and digital instruction (e.g, Chen, Kinshuk, Wei & Liu, 2010; Sheng-Wen, Yu-Ruei, Gwo-Jen & Nian-Shing, 2011). These challenges might present particular difficulties when the goal is to change attitudes (e.g, Bolliger & Martindale, 2004). The current study assessed the relationships between Tolerance for Ambiguity (Budner, 1962; MacDonald, 1970; McClain, 1993), Munroe Multicultural Attitudes (Munroe & Pearson, 2006) and student performance in an online course on the Prejudice, Discrimination and Hatred. As hypothesized, changes in Tolerance for Ambiguity and Munroe Multicultural Attitudes across the semester were predictive of course grades

    Sixth-Grade Sight-Singing for Low Vision Students: A Course to Enhance Confidence and Music Reading Ability

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    Students enter the private or public-school system with a wide variety of emotional, mental, and physical impairments that impact their confidence, self-esteem, and overall path to their future. One misunderstood and under-represented population of students are those who are not fully blind but fall under the category of low vision. Since the low vision spectrum is wide, students must advocate for themselves according to their unique visual condition. While some students may be nearsighted, others may experience color blindness, tunnel vision, a wide variety of partial blindness in one or both eyes, and more. If educators are not aware of a student\u27s slight visual impairment and students are not comfortable advocating for themselves, students could be missing out on fully exploring their passion and aptitude for music. This study will examine the existing research on the array of low vision impairments and how to help sixth-grade students understand and overcome their impairments using tailored techniques to successfully meet their goals of sight-singing music. A twelve-week curriculum is provided to guide music educators as they help low vision sixth-grade students meet musical goals despite their visual impairment

    Study of affordances of iPads and teacher's private theories

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    Post-PC TouchPad mobile devices are increasingly being used in educational contexts. Growing investment isplanned by higher education institutions in Hong Kong and by the HKSAR Education Bureau in relation to educational uses ofTouchPad technology. However, current research intoeducational applications of this technology is limited. This paper reports an ongoing qualitative study that investigates how higher education teachers use iPad technology to facilitate their practice. The emergent study results provide insight intoboth the educational affordances of iPad technology and theways in which teachers’ personal or private theories mediate these affordances and transform through the process. The studyoutcomes will contribute to theoretical understanding of higher education teacher changes through adoption of technology. Furthermore, the outcomes will provide a set of recommendations for applications of TouchPad technology inhigher education and ways to support teachers to effectively adopt such technology in their practices.published_or_final_versio

    Analysis of learning styles in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes

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    The purpose of this study is to determine the domains of knowledge, skills and attitudes of students which are dominantly influenced by learning styles. The approach used is quantitative research with a correlation method in the form of a survey on 71 high school students in the Aceh Tengah area. The data collection instrument used a questionnaire for learning style data and documentation study for student learning outcomes data. The results of data analysis using descriptive and inferential statistics show that there is a significant relationship between learning styles and knowledge, skills and attitudes with an average contribution of 17.67%, 14.77% and 72.4% respectively. Based on the types of learning styles selected in this study, the visual learning style is more highly related to students' knowledge, skills and attitudes. The conclusion from the results of this study is that teachers as educators need to know and understand the characteristics of each student's learning style, so as to be able to place students in the right position during the learning process


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    The development of Science and technology requires everyone to be able to use it well for advancement in the era of globalization. Covid-19 Pandemic conditions make students and teachers carry out teaching and learning activities from home. Independence in learning and the perception of learning resources that the teacher is not the only source of knowledge becomes very important in order to improve student achievement. Thus, difficulties in conducting learning activities that are integrate with technology that can be controll. However, on the other hand it remains related to the challenges in increasing student motivation, concentration and independence on learning tasks; In addition, it is also important to provide a way to manage students' perceptions of technology to be effective and efficient in their knowledge. Therefore, research related to the perception of learning resources and independence becomes an important and difficult problem in improving student achievement so that it can compensate for technological development. This research can discuss the source of learning and independence in learning and its effect on student achievement. With the existence of independent attitudes and perceptions of learning resources within students, learning objectives will succeed in achieving what is expected. This research was conduct at Class XI Private Vocational High School Students in the East Jakarta Region. The population used in this study were all students of class XI with total 450 students. Sampling used by purposive sampling technique. The number of samples obtained was 80 respondents. Based on the results of the analysis, there is significance obtained by students from learning resources and learning independence on the learning achievements of social studies students

    Research on ICT in K-12 schools e A review of experimental and survey-based studies in computers & education 2011 to 2015

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    International audienceWhat is the role of a journal? Is it to follow the research or lead it? For the former, it is to serve as an archival record of the scholarship in a field. It can serve to permit the research community to engage with each other via the written record. But, for the latter, it can serve the research community by pointing out gaps in the research based on the archival record. This review is intended to do just that

    Ubiquitous learning in occupational health and safety for vocational education

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    This research aimed to develop instructional media for occupational safety and health android-based for vocational schools. The second aim is to determine the feasibility of instructional media and student responses. The type of research is research and development (R&D) with the Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation (ADDIE) method, namely, analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire with fourth scales. Data collection used an assessment questionnaire for two experts and 103 users. Research data analysis techniques used quantitative descriptive analysis. This study's results have produced products in the form of android-based instructional media for Occupational Safety and Health. In this study, we designed and developed an application called Zerosicks for mobile devices to help students learn occupational safety and health principles. The results of testing for all features and navigation work well and under their functions. The assessment results by content experts, media experts, and students as users indicate that this media has a very decent level of eligibility. Suggestions for product development are to add videos to the media, provide selected music, and add discussion forums for users

    Teenagers Perceptions of Teachers: A Developmental Argument

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    Using the concept of a developmental lens (Brighton, 2007; Caskey & Anfara, 2014; Davis, 2006; J-F, Pullen, & Carroll, 2013; National Middle School Association, 2010; Peterson, 2010), this article focuses on young teenage students’ perceptions of teachers. School teachers play an important role in the educational development of teenagers but little is known about how teachers cater for teenage students’ social, emotional, physical and cognitive developmental domains. Even less is known about teenage students’ perceptions of their teachers. The current study asked a cohort of Year 9 students in a secondary school in Brisbane, Australia (N=182) to comment on what they “liked” about their teachers. The students’ responses were mapped against each of the four developmental domains. Analysis of the data showed that students’ emotional and social domains were more salient than their physical and cognitive domains. Specifically, the young teenage students reported liking their teachers when the teachers’ were emotionally positive and socially accommodating. The findings of this paper are discussed via a developmental lens with regard to the implications for teacher education

    Secondary students' Sensory preferences and their influence on science academic achievement

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    Evidence has been found that some students seem to have learning obstacles associated with particular sensory preferences when dealing with instructional materials. Therefore, knowing students' sensory preferences could help teachers improve instructional resources. Our objectives were: (1) to describe Secondary students' sensory preferences according to gender and age; (2) to analyse the possible association between students' sensory preferences and their general academic achievement in science. We conducted a synchronic, cross-sectional descriptive study in a sample of 582 male and female students from 7th to 11th grade using the VARK questionnaire. There was a significant predominance of sensory preferences containing the Kinesthetic mode, and the preferences containing the Visual mode were the least frequent. Girls or boys showed similar distributions of sensory preferences. Using linear regression to predict students' general academic achievement from VARK scores, we obtained a significant contribution of the Kinesthetic score, and a minor but still significant single contribution of the Reading/Writing score
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