309 research outputs found

    Systematic Derivation for Quadrature Oscillators Using CCCCTAs

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    According to 16 nullor-mirror models of the current-controlled current conveyor transconductance amplifier (CCCCTA) and using nodal admittance matrix (NAM) expansion method, three different classes of the double-mode quadrature oscillators employed CCCCTAs and two grounded capacitors are synthesized. The class I oscillators have 32 different forms, the class II oscillators have 16 different forms, and the class III oscillators have four different forms. In all, 52 quadrature oscillators using CCCCTAs are obtained. Having used canonic number of components, the circuits are easy to be integrated and the condition for oscillation and the frequency of oscillation can be tuned by tuning bias currents of the CCCCTAs. The circuit analysis and simulation results have been included to support the generation method

    On the Systematic Synthesis of OTA-Based KHN Filters

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    According to the nullor-mirror descriptions of OTA, the NAM expansion method for three different types of KHN filters employing OTAs is considered. The type-A filters employing five OTAs have 32 different forms, the type-B filters employing four OTAs have 32 different forms, and the type-C filters employing three OTAs have eight different forms. At last a total of 72 circuits are received. Having used canonic number of components, the circuits are easy to be integrated and both pole frequency and Q-factor can be tuned electronically through tuning bias currents of the OTAs. The MULTISIM simulation results have been included to verify the workability of the derived circuit

    Novel Floating General Element Simulators Using CBTA

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    In this study, a novel floating frequency dependent negative resistor (FDNR), floating inductor, floating capacitor and floating resistor simulator circuit employing two CBTAs and three passive components is proposed. The presented circuit can realize floating FDNR, inductor, capacitor or resistor depending on the passive component selection. Since the passive elements are all grounded, this circuit is suitable for fully integrated circuit design. The circuit does not require any component matching conditions, and it has a good sensitivity performance with respect to tracking errors. Moreover, the proposed FDNR, inductance, capacitor and resistor simulator can be tuned electronically by changing the biasing current of the CBTA or can be controlled through the grounded resistor or capacitor. The high-order frequency dependent element simulator circuit is also presented. Depending on the passive component selection, it realizes high-order floating circuit defining as V(s) = snAI(s) or V(s) = s-nBI(s). The proposed floating FDNR simulator circuit and floating high-order frequency dependent element simulator circuit are demonstrated by using PSPICE simulation for 0.25 μm, level 7, TSMC CMOS technology parameters

    Behavioral Modeling of Mixed-Mode Integrated Circuits

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    Open Access.-- et al.This work is partially supported by CONACyT through the grant for the sabbatical stay of the first author at University of California at Riverside, during 2009-2010. The authors acknowledge the support from UC-MEXUS-CONACYT collaboration grant CN-09-310; by Promep México under the project UATLX-PTC-088, and by Consejeria de Innovacion Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucia, Spain, under the project number TIC-2532. The third author thanks the support of the JAE-Doc program of CSIC, co-funded by FSE.Peer Reviewe

    Unconventional Signals Oscillators

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    Dizertační práce se zabývá elektronicky nastavitelnými oscilátory, studiem nelineárních vlastností spojených s použitými aktivními prvky a posouzením možnosti vzniku chaotického signálu v harmonických oscilátorech. Jednotlivé příklady vzniku podivných atraktorů jsou detailně diskutovány. V doktorské práci je dále prezentováno modelování reálných fyzikálních a biologických systémů vykazujících chaotické chování pomocí analogových elektronických obvodů a moderních aktivních prvků (OTA, MO-OTA, CCII ±, DVCC ±, atd.), včetně experimentálního ověření navržených struktur. Další část práce se zabývá možnostmi v oblasti analogově – digitální syntézy nelineárních dynamických systémů, studiem změny matematických modelů a odpovídajícím řešením. Na závěr je uvedena analýza vlivu a dopadu parazitních vlastností aktivních prvků z hlediska kvalitativních změn v globálním dynamickém chování jednotlivých systémů s možností zániku chaosu v důsledku parazitních vlastností použitých aktivních prvků.The doctoral thesis deals with electronically adjustable oscillators suitable for signal generation, study of the nonlinear properties associated with the active elements used and, considering these, its capability to convert harmonic signal into chaotic waveform. Individual platforms for evolution of the strange attractors are discussed in detail. In the doctoral thesis, modeling of the real physical and biological systems exhibiting chaotic behavior by using analog electronic building blocks and modern functional devices (OTA, MO-OTA, CCII±, DVCC±, etc.) with experimental verification of proposed structures is presented. One part of theses deals with possibilities in the area of analog–digital synthesis of the nonlinear dynamical systems, the study of changes in the mathematical models and corresponding solutions. At the end is presented detailed analysis of the impact and influences of active elements parasitics in terms of qualitative changes in the global dynamic behavior of the individual systems and possibility of chaos destruction via parasitic properties of the used active devices.

    Current-Controlled Current-Mode Universal Biquad Employing Multi-Output Transconductors

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    This paper deals with RC active biquad working in the so-called current mode (CM). The design approach uses only three transconductors (OTA) with the minimum necessary number of outputs and with only three passive grounded elements. The proposed filter has simple circuit configuration providing all standard transfer functions such as high-pass (HP), band-pass (BP), low-pass (LP), band-reject (BR) and all-pass (AP). Electronic tuning and independent adjusting of the quality factor and bandwidth of BP filter is possible. The presented circuits are verified by PSpice simulations utilizing OTAs on transistor level of abstraction. The linear parasitic effects of the real active elements in each suggested circuit are briefly discussed. Experimental verification is also given. Designed networks can be used in many applications such as antialiasing filters, in high-speed data telecommunication systems, for signal processing in the cable modems, in regulation and measurement techniques etc

    High input impedance trans-admittance mode biquad universal filter employing DVCCTAs and grounded passive elements

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    In this paper a new high input impedance trans-admittance-mode biquad filter has been proposed and investigated which has been designed using  two differential voltage current conveyor trans-conductance amplifiers (DVCCTAs) and all grounded passive elements in the form of two capacitors and three resistors only. The proposed TAM filter has the ability to realize all five standard filtering functions, simultaneously. Apart from these characteristics, the proposed filter also enjoys the desirable features such as low active and passive sensitivities, low power consumption, high impedance for both input voltage and output current signal and orthogonal electronic tunability of pole frequency and quality factor. The overall performance of the presented filter has been investigated using mathematical analysis, pre-layout and post-layout simulation results obtained by PSPICE in 0.18 µm CMOS process technology

    Contributions to switched capacitor filter synthesis

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    A new differential configuration suitable for realization of high CMRR, all-pass/notch filters

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    #yayıncısurumuyok# ; Tam metin hakemden geçmiş kopyadır.In this paper, a new configuration suitable for realization of differential input-differential output first order, second order all-pass and notch filters with high CMRR is given. The proposed configuration uses two negative type second-generation current conveyors (CCII-), and three admittances. Two first order and one second order all-pass filters and a notch filter (tunable if current controlled conveyor CCCII is used) are extracted from the proposed configuration. Tracking error, element mismatch, sensitivity analysis, simulation and experimental results are included

    Mutual coupling studies in stacked waveguide slot arrays

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