54 research outputs found

    Effects of game technology on elementary student learning in mathematics

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    This paper reports the effects of game technology on student learning in mathematics as investigated in two data sets collected from slightly different subjects. In the first, 41 second graders (7 or 8 years old) from two classes used either a technology‐based game or a paper‐based game for 5 weeks. For the next 13 weeks, both classes used a technology‐based game either two times per week, or more than three times per week. A quasi‐experimental control‐group design with repeated measures analysis of variance and analysis of covariance was employed to explore performance differences between groups. The second study examined student learning in relation to characteristics such as their game performance, attitudes toward the game and toward mathematics, and gender and ethnicity. During a 4‐month period, 50 second grade students from three classes played a technology‐based game under conditions that varied depending on their teacher's direction. Multiple regression was used to determine the relationship between students' arithmetic scores and learner characteristics. Descriptive analyses by ability level, gender and ethnicity, and interview data about attitudes toward the technology game were also analyzed. Results from the two studies revealed that using a technology‐based game in the classroom was beneficial to students of all ability levels in learning arithmetic skills. Practitioner notes What is already known about this topic •  Technology and games have yielded consistently positive results with regard to motivation, persistence, curiosity, attention and attitude toward learning. •  The accessibility and flexibility of handheld devices can provide students with more integral and spontaneous opportunities to fully take advantage of “off‐moments” from classroom activity to support learning. •  There are insufficient data to validate the contribution of technology to student learning. What this paper adds •  This paper provides evidence that game technology positively impacts elementary students' learning of arithmetic, regardless of ability level. •  The paper proposes research‐based design principles, generated from a literature review, to guide the development of individualized technology game environments to support student learning. •  This paper suggests various research methodologies to provide empirical evidence of the impact of technology on academic achievement. Implications for practice and/or policy •  To select appropriate games for target students, practitioners should consider the importance of clear goals and rules, flexible learner control and tasks at an appropriate level of challenge for the learner, with feedback provided. •  Teachers are more likely to implement technology if learning goals meet state or federally mandated standards for which teachers are already accountable. •  Identifying significant classroom variables (eg. teacher, student and classroom variables) is an important step in successfully implementing technology in educational settings. Further research is needed to understand how such variables influence learners' engagement in technology‐based games and which circumstances are most advantageous for successfully implementing technology‐based games in classrooms.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/92095/1/bjet1197.pd

    Penggunaan Media Permainan Dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Untuk Pengembangan Karakter Siswa Di SMP Negeri 24 Surakarta

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    This research aims to know the: (1) Setting the space for students learning mathematics using media game. (2) the process of media use in the management of the learning of mathematics. (3) teacher-student Interaction, students in learning mathematics using media games, and (4) character development of students after learning of mathematics which is measured based on the behavior of SMP Negeri 24 Surakarta.. This type of research is qualitative research. Research design using Design Ethnography. The technique of data collection conducted with interview techniques, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques using the analysis of case studies. Research results concluded that: (1) a State of settings space students in junior high Country learning of mathematics during the Surakarta 24 use media game on its implementation is in compliance, (2) the process of media usage in the management game mathematical learning in SMP Negeri 24 Surakarta not regardless of the level of understanding and learning different from learners, (3) teacher-student Interaction, students in learning mathematics using media game on the SMP Negeri 24 Surakarta was realised quite well. (4) character development of students after learning of mathematics which is measured based on the behavior of SMP Negeri 24 Surakarta can be seen on the nature of kekonsistenannya, from the nature of this mathematics teaches a person to obey the rules and responsible

    Winning Paper: Effectiveness of Curriculum-Based Technology in Student Learning

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    As technology changes and becomes more prevalent in society, there is greater push to integrate technology into classroom instruction (Nganji, 2018). One of the main focuses in education has become developing the best way to integrate the technology to support student learning of the content while building students’ technology skills (Ozerbas & Erdogan, 2016). Many teachers continue to build their own lessons integrating various programs and websites as they see fit for their instruction. Textbook and curriculum developers create digital-based content to support this growing need. The effectiveness of technology in classroom instruction, such as websites, word processing, and searching the internet, has been established in many studies throughout the world (Garavaglia et al., 2012; Joshi et al., 2019; Kardanova et al., 2018; Ozerbas & Erdogan, 2016). These studies compare technology rich classrooms with the traditional classroom. I propose an experimental design be applied to the research question how effective is the integration of technology derived from a prepared curriculum in students’ retention and performance compared to general websites and digital activities integrated into lesson plans? This would fill the gap in the existing research regarding the effectiveness of various types of technology in the classroom

    Encouraging Diversity in Computer Science among Young People: Using a Games Design Intervention based on an Integrated Pedagogical Framework

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    This research to practice full paper presents the results from using a games design intervention to encourage diversity in the uptake of computer science by young people, explore stereotypes with them and increase their awareness of careers in the sector. The intervention is based on an integrated pedagogical framework appropriate for use with primary age school children (age 7 - 11 years). Despite the increasing use of technology, the percentage of young people taking up a computer science education-career path remains stubbornly low in the UK and across a number of other countries, particularly for females and those from lower socio-economic backgrounds. Previous research suggests that games can be used to generate interest and engage young people with computer science. Other studies advocate targeting young people at an earlier age (7 years or below) and sustaining engagement throughout their education to widen participation in a particular sector. In this intervention, young people designed and developed individual games through a three stage process: design and story development; game building; testing and evaluation. This research adopts elements from two pedagogical learning theories Direct Instruction and Cognitive Constructivism to create an integrated pedagogical framework to support the game creation process and enable effective learning. This provides an approach that can cater for a range of participants' abilities along the novice-expert spectrum and provide an engaging and age appropriate educational experience.The intervention was completed in two cycles: cycle 1 consisted of a series of workshop sessions with 20 young people aged 9-10 years over a period of 5 weeks; and cycle 2 was a single session with 19 young people aged 7-11 years. A quasi-experimental approach was adopted for evaluating the intervention using the following instruments; pre and post questionnaires, planning sheets, the games created by the participants and a set of already developed engagement factors. Results show an increase from 5% to 25% in participants' aspiration towards a computer science career. 45% of the young people also knew more careers in the game industry post-intervention. Girls chose a variety of diversity in their lead characters while boys chose mainly male human lead characters in the games that they designed. Participants' evaluation of each other's games using the engagement factors showed girls were more interested in receiving feedback than boys. This paper highlights the effectiveness of combining different learning approaches to provide an age appropriate intervention. It also presents evidence on the positive effect of using games in the classroom to explore stereotypes, and learn about, and encourage career choices in computer science


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    Penelitian pengembangan ini mengembangkan mediai CAI yang bertujuan untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan proses pengembangan media CAI Matematika Pintar pada materi FPB dan KPK untuk siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar (2) Mendeskripsikan kelayakan media CAI Matematika Pintar pada materi FPB dan KPK untuk siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar. Subjek uji coba penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar di wilayah Kecamatan Dolopo. Proses pengembangan media CAI Matematika Pintar menggunakan model penelitian pengembangan tipe ADDIE. Model pengembangan tipe ADDIE terdiri dari tahap analisis, desain, pengembangan, implementasi, dan evaluasi. Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan, hasil kelayakan media didapat dari validator materi dengan persentase 90% (sangat layak), dan dari validator ahli media dengan persentase 86,36% (sangat layak). Uji coba kepada siswa mendapatkan persentase sebesar 97,2% dan guru mendapatkan persentase sebesar 92,2%. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, dapat disimpulkan bahwa media CAI Matematika Pintar layak digunakan pada materi FPB dan KPK untuk kelas IV Sekolah Dasar

    Active methodologies and digital technologies: In defense of a de-centered pedagogy

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    The aim of this article is to explore how active methodologies and digital technologies can foster a more active participation of students in their learning process and suggests possible changes in pedagogical practices. Blended learning, conceived in a stricter sense as the mix of face-to-face and online activities, and in a broader sense as the mix of different methodologies and spaces, is considered the future of educational activities. The following methodologies are discussed: flipped classroom, peer instruction, problem-based learning, project-based learning, and game-based learning. Research shows that these methodologies, when adequately combined with information and communication technologies, result in greater motivation and involvement of the students. Although these strategies do not generate improvement in immediate retention of knowledge, more complex skills are developed when compared to traditional education methods, such as: problem solving, the transfer of knowledge to reality, and retention of knowledge in the longer term. The article concludes with a critique of the contemporary discourses that position the student at the center of the teaching and learning process, claiming for a de-centered pedagogy, in which students interact with each other, teachers and other actors, in collaboratively groups where there is no need for a center, or in which each of these actors can alternatively perform a central function

    Game-based number learning effects on Special Education students’ mathematics performance and motivation

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    This paper presents a study of game-based number learning in special education settings. The experience was carried out at a Singular Education Action Center in Spain, that is, a center in which students’ socioeconomic status is low and their academic performance is under average compared to the national standards. A pretest-posttest design with no control group was carried out to evaluate the mathematics performance of the students before and after the game-based number learning experience. Likewise, focus groups were held to find out students' motivation towards this methodology. Statistical significant improvements (Students’ t-test = 4.58, p <0.01) and a moderate effect size (Hedge’s g = 0.32) was reported for students’ mathematics performance after the GBNL implementation

    Disseny d'un tauler de joc per impartir la prevenció de riscos laborals

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    Els següent treball anomenat Disseny d'un tauler de joc per impartir la prevenció de riscos laborals descriu la solució buscada a impartir una assignatura considerada poc interessant tant per l’alumnat com pels professors que la imparteixen i transformar-la en una classe divertida on els alumnes gaudeixin aprenent. Per aconseguir aquest fi he dissenyat un prototip, ja portat a la pràctica, i descric les principals característiques. També es fa una revisió al concepte de gamificació i les definicions d’alguns experts en la matèri

    Educational Intervention through a Board Game for the Teaching of Mathematics to Dyslexic Greek Students

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an intervention strategy in teaching mathematics based on a board game, using the curriculum of mathematics in Greece, called Adapted Analytical Programs (A.A.P.). This research was conducted on secondary students in Greek General Schools over a period of five weeks. One hundred and twenty-four 12-to-13-year-old dyslexic students participated in the study. A pre-test and a post-test with exercises in the chapter of fractions were used to assess the improvement in students’ performance. The assessment showed that this intervention strategy improved dyslexic students’ performance. Τhe results of the research indicate that integrating a board game adapted to mathematics into the secondary school curriculum could have positive effects on dyslexic students