129 research outputs found

    Examining the Mediating Role of Agile Supply Chain Approach between ERP System implementation and Organizational Performance

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    The study examine relationship between implementing ERP systems on the boosting of the organizational performance, in addition, to examine the mediating role of agile supply chain approach to achieve the targeted performance enhancements in manufacturing listed firms in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE). The study population entails all manufacturing listed firms in Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), particularly the top retail firms operate in the Jordanian market constitutes of (77) firms. The consent of conducting an interview has been taken with a total of (367) questionnaire were self-distributed. The unit of analysis is at a firm level, the deployed sample is a purposive sample. The study revealed that the ERP solutions are widely implemented in the mid and large sized organizations, due to its contribution in making all sub systems and modules communicate effectively, allowing the access to timely, and accurate information, under the set of authorization levels. Therefore, the Firm performance boosted as a result of implementing an effective ERP system. On the other side the study indicated that the implementing the agile supply chain approach as a method that would help in responding successfully to the customer and market demands, with no risk of having accumulated inventory on the stock. The study fulfils a novel aspect in examining the effect of ERP in the case of implementing the agility approach. The study encourages to consult expertise with the best practices to implement the ERP solutions in parallel with agile supply chain, also the yet to coming research need to focus of such factors rather than ERP effectiveness

    The impact of implementing enterprise resources planning (ERP) project on firm performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating

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    ERP implementation requires a substantial investment and typically built through project management, which needs a rigorous and in limited time management. ERP implementation requires enormous efforts to implement because it involves all business functions in the organization and partners (ERP vendors and consultants) This paper aims to examine the impact of implementing an enterprise resources planning project on firm performance and organizational citizenship behavior as a moderating variable. The study has surveyed 61 respondents representing 61 manufacturing companies domiciled in the region of East Java, Indonesia, which has adopted an ERP system for more than five years. Survey used questionnaire designed with a five-point Likert scale. The respondent is the key user who is responsible for the success of the ERP system in its business functions of the company. Data analysis used SPSS version 25 to assess the indicator validity and examine the hypothesis developed. The result showed that the implementation of the enterprise resources planning project directly affected firm performance. Second, organizational citizenship behavior directly influences firm performance. Third, the implementation of the ERP project influences firm performance with organizational citizenship behavior as a moderator vari-able. This research provides an insight to project manager in building employee relationship to complete the projects on time. This study also enriches the current research in the supply chain theory

    A Model of Knowledge-sharing for the 21st Century Organizations

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    Organizations’ survival ability is increasingly constrained by their innovation possibilities, that is, by their capacity to create and share knowledge in order to cope with new and more complex challenges. Aiming for the three axes on which new organizational models must be based (economic, technological, and social innovation), this article carries out a systematic review among five databases on the variables related to innovation in organizations. After applying exclusion criteria, 132 papers out of the 1,215 originally found were analyzed. As a result, an integrating theoretical model was proposed from the organizational psychology perspective: the model of knowledge-sharing organizations. The model allows for cultural, psychosocial, and technological aspects and proposes three levels of analysis: 1) innovative culture and governance (that groups together the characteristics of a culture oriented towards innovation, and the organizational policies into which it is translated); 2) leadership, teams, and people (that includes variables that impact people’s innovative capacity, leadership styles, and forms of teamwork); and 3) technological tools for innovation (that focus on how technology can be used, specifically ICT, to enhance the organization’s innovative capacity). Future directions as well as limitations are addressed at the end of the article. La capacidad de supervivencia de las organizaciones está cada vez más condicionada por sus posibilidades de innovación, es decir, por su capacidad de crear y compartir conocimiento para hacer frente a nuevos y más complejos retos. Atendiendo a los tres ejes en los que deben basarse los nuevos modelos organizativos (innovación económica, tecnológica y social), el artículo realiza una revisión sistemática en cinco bases de datos sobre las variables relacionadas con la innovación en las organizaciones. Tras aplicar criterios de exclusión, se analizaron 132 trabajos de los 1,215 encontrados inicialmente. Como resultado, se propuso un modelo teórico integrador desde la perspectiva de la psicología organizacional: el modelo de organizaciones creadoras de conocimiento compartido. El modelo contempla aspectos culturales, psicosociales y tecnológicos, y propone tres niveles de análisis: 1) cultura innovadora y gobernanza (que agrupa las características de una cultura orientada a la innovación y las políticas organizativas en las que se traduce); 2) liderazgo, equipos y personas (que incluye las variables que inciden en la capacidad innovadora de las personas, los estilos de liderazgo y las formas de trabajo en equipo); 3) herramientas tecnológicas para la innovación (que se centra en cómo se puede utilizar la tecnología, concretamente las TIC, para potenciar la capacidad innovadora de la organización). Finalmente, se abordan las limitaciones del estudio y se proponen futuras líneas de investigación

    The effect of BPO Capability on Business Performance through Collaboration Practices and ERP Development

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    This study investigates effect of business process owner (BPO) capability on business performance through collaboration practices and enterprise resource planning (ERP) development with the moderating of vendor competency. Data collection used questionnaire and used PLS. The result is capability BPO provides influence ERP development, collaboration practices and business performance. Vendor competency moderate�s relationship of BPO capability and ERP development. Vendor competency didn�t moderate the relationship of BPO capability and collaboration practices. Collaboration practices influence ERP development and business performance

    Organizational performance and excellence of Dubai Police role of total quality management and enterprise resource planning

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    The main purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating effect of organizational excellence (OE) on the relationship between total quality management (TQM), enterprise resource planning (ERP), entrepreneurial orientation (EO), and organizational performance (OP). At the same time, it also investigated the mediating effect of entrepreneurial organizational culture (EOC) on the relationship between EO and OP. The motivation for this study was driven by the inconsistent findings in the literature concerning the relationships between TQM, ERP, EO, and organizational performance. Due to the inconsistent results, a new research has emerged and this has prompted further investigation on the effect of other variables that may better explain the nature of these links. In the related literature, many theories have suggested that the compatibility between strategies, resources, and capabilities as the keys for success. To achieve this purpose, this study has integrated different theories such as the resource-based view, knowledge-based view, and the innovation theories in order to provide the effect of OE and EOC on successful strategy implementation. Questionnaires were distributed to 565 Sections of the Dubai Police. 355 questionnaires were returned and used in the analysis using the PLS-SEM. The results of this study revealed that TQM, ERP, and EO were positive and have also been proven to be significant predictors of organizational performance. More importantly, the results have also confirmed the mediating effect of organizational excellence on the relationships between TQM, EO, and organizational performance. This study also supported the premises of the resource-based view theory, the knowledge-based view theory, and the innovation theory by reaffirming the importance of the supportive OE and EOC for any successful strategy implementation in enhancing organizational performance through the implementation of innovative practices

    Bounded Rationality and Selective Perception in R&D Decision-Making Process

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    A objetividade que deveria pautar o processo decisório no ambiente organizacional, na visão de autores de orientação mais positivista, não resistiu à análise mais profunda realizada nas últimas décadas por estudos empíricos que originaram novas abordagens. Estudos apontaram a relevância de variáveis de natureza subjetiva, como as relações de poder e os fatores políticos, sobre o processo decisório conduzido em diferentes níveis da estrutura organizacional. A partir deste contexto este estudo tem como objetivo verificar as características dos tomadores de decisões na área de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (P&D) na perspectiva da racionalidade limitada. O método de pesquisa utilizado foi o descritivo utilizando como técnica a análise de narrativas, com abordagem qualitativa, a partir de dois estudos de caso realizados em organizações industriais de base tecnológica localizadas na região sul do Brasil. A análise evidenciou o vínculo entre a percepção seletiva e a racionalidade limitada no processo de tomada de decisões. Esse resultado pode auxiliar no desenvolvimento dos processos de gestão da área de P&D e gerar reflexões sobre as influências que um tomador de decisões recebe, mesmo que esteja atuando em uma área considerada técnica e tradicionalmente mais racional e objetiva.     The objectivity that should guide the decision-making process in the organizational environment, as understand authors with a more positivist orientation, did not withstand a deeper analysis carried out in recent decades by empirical studies that originated new approaches. Studies have pointed out the relevance of variables of a subjective characteristics, such as power relations and political factors, on the decision-making process conducted at different levels of the organizational structure. From this context, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of decision markers in the Research and Development (R&D) area from the limited rationality perspective. The research method used was the descriptive one using as technique the analysis of narratives, with a qualitative approach, based on two case studies carried out in industry organizations technologically oriented, located in southern region of Brazil.  The analysis pointed out the link between selective perception and limited rationality in the decision-making process. This result can help in the development of management processes in the R&D area and foster reflections on the influences that a decision maker receives, even though it is acting in an organizational area considered technical, more rational and objective

    Understanding the determinants of evaluation, adoption and routinisation of ERP technology (Enterprise Resource Planning) in the context of agricultural farms

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor in Information Management, specialization in Information and Decision SystemsThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the determinants of the adoption of ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) technology in agricultural farms in Brazil. The data were collected in 502 personal interviews with farmers of soy, corn, cotton, coffee, beans, wheat, peanuts, fruits, sugarcane and cattle raising, The data gathering instrument used for the quantitative research was built based on the result of the qualitative study in combination with three theories: Diffusion of Innovation Theory (DOI), Technology-Organization-Environment Framework (TOE), and Interorganizational Relations (IORs). Structural Equations (SEM) methodology was used to analyze the data and hypothesis. The results indicate the significant drivers for Evaluation, Adoption, and Routinisation. Also, we analyzed the ERP impact on farm performance based on resource-based view (RBV). We hope this work can bring a theoretical and practical contribution for the agribusiness field and also increase debates about the platforms on cloud computer based on ERP, Enterprise 2,0 and Industry 4.0. The results this thesis provide information to agribusiness owners, managers and administrators to promote and incentivize the use of ERP