799 research outputs found

    The Effects of the architectural design, replacement algorithm, and size parameters of cache memory in uniprocessor computer systems

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    To investigate the effects of cache coherency on multiprocessors, it is helpful to first explore coherency issues within uniprocessors, working with a small part of a big problem instead of attacking the big problem from the start. This thesis will investigate the design and implementation of three different cache designs, varying the mapping strategy, replacement algorithm, and size parameters to determine the effects each have on the cache miss ratio, coherency, and average memory access time. VHDL is used to create software models of each cache design investigated, so that parameter values can be easily changed, and so that no money or time is wasted by first prototyping the cache design in actual hardware. These VHDL implementations are presented, along with several test-bench programs that were used to not only validate the performance of the VHDL implementation, but also to explore the program-dependent performance factors and coherency. Several snoopy cache coherence protocols are presented at the end of the thesis, in order to suggest future research into the VHDL implementation of shared-memory multiprocessors

    Memory performance of and-parallel prolog on shared-memory architectures

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    The goal of the RAP-WAM AND-parallel Prolog abstract architecture is to provide inference speeds significantly beyond those of sequential systems, while supporting Prolog semantics and preserving sequential performance and storage efficiency. This paper presents simulation results supporting these claims with special emphasis on memory performance on a two-level sharedmemory multiprocessor organization. Several solutions to the cache coherency problem are analyzed. It is shown that RAP-WAM offers good locality and storage efficiency and that it can effectively take advantage of broadcast caches. It is argued that speeds in excess of 2 ML IPS on real applications exhibiting medium parallelism can be attained with current technology

    Speedup stacks: identifying scaling Bottlenecks in multi-threaded applications

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    Multi-threaded workloads typically show sublinear speedup on multi-core hardware, i.e., the achieved speedup is not proportional to the number of cores and threads. Sublinear scaling may have multiple causes, such as poorly scalable synchronization leading to spinning and/or yielding, and interference in shared resources such as the lastlevel cache (LLC) as well as the main memory subsystem. It is vital for programmers and processor designers to understand scaling bottlenecks in existing and emerging workloads in order to optimize application performance and design future hardware. In this paper, we propose the speedup stack, which quantifies the impact of the various scaling delimiters on multithreaded application speedup in a single stack. We describe a mechanism for computing speedup stacks on a multi-core processor, and we find speedup stacks to be accurate within 5.1% on average for sixteen-threaded applications. We present several use cases: we discuss how speedup stacks can be used to identify scaling bottlenecks, classify benchmarks, optimize performance, and understand LLC performance

    Directory Based Cache Coherency Protocols for Shared Memory Multiprocessors

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    Directory based cache coherency protocols can be used to build large scale, weakly ordered, shared memory multiprocessors. The salient feature of these protocols is that they are interconnection network independent, making them more scaleable than snoopy bus protocols. The major criticisms of previously defined directory protocols point to the size of memory heeded to store the directory and the amount of communication across the interconnection network required to maintain coherence. This thesis tries solving these problems by changing the entry format of the global table, altering the architecture of the global table, and developing new protocols. Some alternative directory entry formats are described, including a special entry format for implementing queueing semaphores. Evaluation of the various entry formats is done with probabilistic models of shared cache blocks and software simulation. A variable length global table organization is presented which can be used to reduce the size of the global table, regardless of the entry format. Its performance is analyzed using software simulation. A protocol which maintains a linked list of processors which have a particular block cached is presented. Several variations of this protocol induce less interconnection network traffic than traditional protocols

    Quantitative performance evaluation of SCI memory hierarchies

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    Reducing consistency traffic and cache misses in the avalanche multiprocessor

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    Journal ArticleFor a parallel architecture to scale effectively, communication latency between processors must be avoided. We have found that the source of a large number of avoidable cache misses is the use of hardwired write-invalidate coherency protocols, which often exhibit high cache miss rates due to excessive invalidations and subsequent reloading of shared data. In the Avalanche project at the University of Utah, we are building a 64-node multiprocessor designed to reduce the end-to-end communication latency of both shared memory and message passing programs. As part of our design efforts, we are evaluating the potential performance benefits and implementation complexity of providing hardware support for multiple coherency protocols. Using a detailed architecture simulation of Avalanche, we have found that support for multiple consistency protocols can reduce the time parallel applications spend stalled on memory operations by up to 66% and overall execution time by up to 31%. Most of this reduction in memory stall time is due to a novel release-consistent multiple-writer write-update protocol implemented using a write state buffer

    Exploring the value of supporting multiple DSM protocols in Hardware DSM Controllers

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    Journal ArticleThe performance of a hardware distributed shared memory (DSM) system is largely dependent on its architect's ability to reduce the number of remote memory misses that occur. Previous attempts to solve this problem have included measures such as supporting both the CC-NUMA and S-COMA architectures is the same machine and providing a programmable DSM controller that can emulate any DSM mechanism. In this paper we first present the design of a DSM controller that supports multiple DSM protocols in custom hardware, and allows the programmer or compiler to specify on a per-variable basis what protocol to use to keep that variable coherent. This simulated performance of this DSM controller compares favorably with that of conventional single-protocol custom hardware designs, often outperforming the conventional systems by a factor of two. To achieve these promising results, that multi-protocol DSM controller needed to support only two DSM architectures (CC-NUMA and S-COMA) and three coherency protocols (both release and sequentially consistent write invalidate and release consistent write update). This work demonstrates the value of supporting a degree of flexibility in one's DSM controller design and suggests what operations such a flexible DSM controller should support

    Evaluating the potential of programmable multiprocessor cache controllers

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    technical reportThe next generation of scalable parallel systems (e.g., machines by KSR, Convex, and others) will have shared memory supported in hardware, unlike most current generation machines (e.g., offerings by Intel, nCube, and Thinking Machines). However, current shared memory architectures are constrained by the fact that their cache controllers are hardwired and inflexible, which limits the range of programs that can achieve scalable performance. This observation has led a number of researchers to propose building programmable multiprocessor cache controllers that can implement a variety of caching protocols, support multiple communication paradigms, or accept guidance from software. To evaluate the potential performance benefits of these designs, we have simulated five SPLASH benchmark programs on a virtual multiprocessor that supports five directory-based caching protocols. When we compared the off-line optimal performance of this design, wherein each cache line was maintained using the protocol that required the least communication, with the performance achieved when using a single protocol for all lines, we found that use of the "optimal" protocol reduced consistency traffic by 10-80%, with a mean improvement of 25-35%. Cache miss rates also dropped by up to 25%. Thus, the combination of programmable (or tunable) hardware and software able to exploit this added flexibility, e.g., via user pragmas or compiler analysis, could dramatically improve the performance of future shared memory multiprocessors
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