284 research outputs found

    A Systematic Review Establishing the Current State-of-the-Art, the Limitations, and the DESIRED Checklist in Studies of Direct Neural Interfacing With Robotic Gait Devices in Stroke Rehabilitation

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    Background: Stroke is a disease with a high associated disability burden. Robotic-assisted gait training offers an opportunity for the practice intensity levels associated with good functional walking outcomes in this population. Neural interfacing technology, electroencephalography (EEG), or electromyography (EMG) can offer new strategies for robotic gait re-education after a stroke by promoting more active engagement in movement intent and/or neurophysiological feedback. Objectives: This study identifies the current state-of-the-art and the limitations in direct neural interfacing with robotic gait devices in stroke rehabilitation. Methods: A pre-registered systematic review was conducted using standardized search operators that included the presence of stroke and robotic gait training and neural biosignals (EMG and/or EEG) and was not limited by study type. Results: From a total of 8,899 papers identified, 13 articles were considered for the final selection. Only five of the 13 studies received a strong or moderate quality rating as a clinical study. Three studies recorded EEG activity during robotic gait, two of which used EEG for BCI purposes. While demonstrating utility for decoding kinematic and EMG-related gait data, no EEG study has been identified to close the loop between robot and human. Twelve of the studies recorded EMG activity during or after robotic walking, primarily as an outcome measure. One study used multisource information fusion from EMG, joint angle, and force to modify robotic commands in real time, with higher error rates observed during active movement. A novel study identified used EMG data during robotic gait to derive the optimal, individualized robot-driven step trajectory. Conclusions: Wide heterogeneity in the reporting and the purpose of neurobiosignal use during robotic gait training after a stroke exists. Neural interfacing with robotic gait after a stroke demonstrates promise as a future field of study. However, as a nascent area, direct neural interfacing with robotic gait after a stroke would benefit from a more standardized protocol for biosignal collection and processing and for robotic deployment. Appropriate reporting for clinical studies of this nature is also required with respect to the study type and the participants' characteristics

    Rehabilitative devices for a top-down approach

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    In recent years, neurorehabilitation has moved from a "bottom-up" to a "top down" approach. This change has also involved the technological devices developed for motor and cognitive rehabilitation. It implies that during a task or during therapeutic exercises, new "top-down" approaches are being used to stimulate the brain in a more direct way to elicit plasticity-mediated motor re-learning. This is opposed to "Bottom up" approaches, which act at the physical level and attempt to bring about changes at the level of the central neural system. Areas covered: In the present unsystematic review, we present the most promising innovative technological devices that can effectively support rehabilitation based on a top-down approach, according to the most recent neuroscientific and neurocognitive findings. In particular, we explore if and how the use of new technological devices comprising serious exergames, virtual reality, robots, brain computer interfaces, rhythmic music and biofeedback devices might provide a top-down based approach. Expert commentary: Motor and cognitive systems are strongly harnessed in humans and thus cannot be separated in neurorehabilitation. Recently developed technologies in motor-cognitive rehabilitation might have a greater positive effect than conventional therapies

    Brain-machine interfaces for rehabilitation in stroke: A review

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    BACKGROUND: Motor paralysis after stroke has devastating consequences for the patients, families and caregivers. Although therapies have improved in the recent years, traditional rehabilitation still fails in patients with severe paralysis. Brain-machine interfaces (BMI) have emerged as a promising tool to guide motor rehabilitation interventions as they can be applied to patients with no residual movement. OBJECTIVE: This paper reviews the efficiency of BMI technologies to facilitate neuroplasticity and motor recovery after stroke. METHODS: We provide an overview of the existing rehabilitation therapies for stroke, the rationale behind the use of BMIs for motor rehabilitation, the current state of the art and the results achieved so far with BMI-based interventions, as well as the future perspectives of neural-machine interfaces. RESULTS: Since the first pilot study by Buch and colleagues in 2008, several controlled clinical studies have been conducted, demonstrating the efficacy of BMIs to facilitate functional recovery in completely paralyzed stroke patients with noninvasive technologies such as the electroencephalogram (EEG). CONCLUSIONS: Despite encouraging results, motor rehabilitation based on BMIs is still in a preliminary stage, and further improvements are required to boost its efficacy. Invasive and hybrid approaches are promising and might set the stage for the next generation of stroke rehabilitation therapies.This study was funded by the Bundesministerium fĂŒr Bildung und Forschung BMBF MOTORBIC (FKZ13GW0053)andAMORSA(FKZ16SV7754), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), the fortĂŒne-Program of the University of TĂŒbingen (2422-0-0 and 2452-0-0), and the Basque GovernmentScienceProgram(EXOTEK:KK2016/00083). NIL was supported by the Basque Government’s scholarship for predoctoral students

    Effect of lower limb exoskeleton on the modulation of neural activity and gait classification

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    : Neurorehabilitation with robotic devices requires a paradigm shift to enhance human-robot interaction. The coupling of robot assisted gait training (RAGT) with a brain-machine interface (BMI) represents an important step in this direction but requires better elucidation of the effect of RAGT on the user's neural modulation. Here, we investigated how different exoskeleton walking modes modify brain and muscular activity during exoskeleton assisted gait. We recorded electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) activity from ten able-bodied volunteers walking with an exoskeleton with three modes of user assistance (i.e., transparent, adaptive and full assistance) and during free overground gait. Results identified that exoskeleton walking (irrespective of the exoskeleton mode) induces a stronger modulation of central mid-line mu (8-13 Hz) and low-beta (14-20 Hz) rhythms compared to free overground walking. These modifications are accompanied by a significant re-organization of the EMG patterns in exoskeleton walking. On the other hand, we observed no significant differences in neural activity during exoskeleton walking with the different assistance levels. We subsequently implemented four gait classifiers based on deep neural networks trained on the EEG data during the different walking conditions. Our hypothesis was that exoskeleton modes could impact the creation of a BMI-driven RAGT. We demonstrated that all classifiers achieved an average accuracy of 84.13 ± 3.49% in classifying swing and stance phases on their respective datasets. In addition, we demonstrated that the classifier trained on the transparent mode exoskeleton data can classify gait phases during adaptive and full modes with an accuracy of 78.3 ± 4.8%, while the classifier trained on free overground walking data fails to classify the gait during exoskeleton walking (accuracy of 59.4 ± 11.8%). These findings provide important insights into the effect of robotic training on neural activity and contribute to the advancement of BMI technology for improving robotic gait rehabilitation therapy

    Brain-controlled cycling system for rehabilitation following paraplegia with delay-time prediction

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    Objective: Robotic rehabilitation systems have been investigated to assist with motor dysfunction recovery in patients with lower-extremity paralysis caused by central nervous system lesions. These systems are intended to provide appropriate sensory feedback associated with locomotion. Appropriate feedback is thought to cause synchronous neuron firing, resulting in the recovery of function. Approach: In this study, we designed and evaluated an ergometric cycling wheelchair, with a brain-machine interface (BMI), that can force the legs to move by including normal stepping speeds and quick responses. Experiments were conducted in five healthy subjects and one patient with spinal cord injury (SCI), who experienced the complete paralysis of the lower limbs. Event-related desynchronization (ERD) in the ÎČ band (18‐28 Hz) was used to detect lower-limb motor images. Main results: An ergometer-based BMI system was able to safely and easily force patients to perform leg movements, at a rate of approximately 1.6 seconds/step (19 rpm), with an online accuracy rate of 73.1% for the SCI participant. Mean detection time from the cue to pedaling onset was 0.83±0.31 s Significance: This system can easily and safely maintain a normal walking speed during the experiment and be designed to accommodate the expected delay between the intentional onset and physical movement, to achieve rehabilitation effects for each participant. Similar BMI systems, implemented with rehabilitation systems, may be applicable to a wide range of patients

    Enhancement of Robot-Assisted Rehabilitation Outcomes of Post-Stroke Patients Using Movement-Related Cortical Potential

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    Post-stroke rehabilitation is essential for stroke survivors to help them regain independence and to improve their quality of life. Among various rehabilitation strategies, robot-assisted rehabilitation is an efficient method that is utilized more and more in clinical practice for motor recovery of post-stroke patients. However, excessive assistance from robotic devices during rehabilitation sessions can make patients perform motor training passively with minimal outcome. Towards the development of an efficient rehabilitation strategy, it is necessary to ensure the active participation of subjects during training sessions. This thesis uses the Electroencephalography (EEG) signal to extract the Movement-Related Cortical Potential (MRCP) pattern to be used as an indicator of the active engagement of stroke patients during rehabilitation training sessions. The MRCP pattern is also utilized in designing an adaptive rehabilitation training strategy that maximizes patients’ engagement. This project focuses on the hand motor recovery of post-stroke patients using the AMADEO rehabilitation device (Tyromotion GmbH, Austria). AMADEO is specifically developed for patients with fingers and hand motor deficits. The variations in brain activity are analyzed by extracting the MRCP pattern from the acquired EEG data during training sessions. Whereas, physical improvement in hand motor abilities is determined by two methods. One is clinical tests namely Fugl-Meyer Assessment (FMA) and Motor Assessment Scale (MAS) which include FMA-wrist, FMA-hand, MAS-hand movements, and MAS-advanced hand movements’ tests. The other method is the measurement of hand-kinematic parameters using the AMADEO assessment tool which contains hand strength measurements during flexion (force-flexion), and extension (force-extension), and Hand Range of Movement (HROM)

    Advanced technology for gait rehabilitation: An overview

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    Most gait training systems are designed for acute and subacute neurological inpatients. Many systems are used for relearning gait movements (nonfunctional training) or gait cycle training (functional gait training). Each system presents its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of functional outcomes. However, training gait cycle movements is not sufficient for the rehabilitation of ambulation. There is a need for new solutions to overcome the limitations of existing systems in order to ensure individually tailored training conditions for each of the potential users, no matter the complexity of his or her condition. There is also a need for a new, integrative approach in gait rehabilitation, one that encompasses and addresses all aspects of physical as well as psychological aspects of ambulation in real-life multitasking situations. In this respect, a multidisciplinary multinational team performed an overview of the current technology for gait rehabilitation and reviewed the principles of ambulation training

    Neuromechanical Biomarkers for Robotic Neurorehabilitation

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    : One of the current challenges for translational rehabilitation research is to develop the strategies to deliver accurate evaluation, prediction, patient selection, and decision-making in the clinical practice. In this regard, the robot-assisted interventions have gained popularity as they can provide the objective and quantifiable assessment of the motor performance by taking the kinematics parameters into the account. Neurophysiological parameters have also been proposed for this purpose due to the novel advances in the non-invasive signal processing techniques. In addition, other parameters linked to the motor learning and brain plasticity occurring during the rehabilitation have been explored, looking for a more holistic rehabilitation approach. However, the majority of the research done in this area is still exploratory. These parameters have shown the capability to become the "biomarkers" that are defined as the quantifiable indicators of the physiological/pathological processes and the responses to the therapeutical interventions. In this view, they could be finally used for enhancing the robot-assisted treatments. While the research on the biomarkers has been growing in the last years, there is a current need for a better comprehension and quantification of the neuromechanical processes involved in the rehabilitation. In particular, there is a lack of operationalization of the potential neuromechanical biomarkers into the clinical algorithms. In this scenario, a new framework called the "Rehabilomics" has been proposed to account for the rehabilitation research that exploits the biomarkers in its design. This study provides an overview of the state-of-the-art of the biomarkers related to the robotic neurorehabilitation, focusing on the translational studies, and underlying the need to create the comprehensive approaches that have the potential to take the research on the biomarkers into the clinical practice. We then summarize some promising biomarkers that are being under investigation in the current literature and provide some examples of their current and/or potential applications in the neurorehabilitation. Finally, we outline the main challenges and future directions in the field, briefly discussing their potential evolution and prospective
