1,730 research outputs found

    Understanding the Impact of Emotional Comments and Image on Resistance Intention and Participation: A Study of Taiwanese Consumers\u27 Buying

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    Consumer resistance behavior is becoming increasingly prevalent in the age of social media, and this study aims to investigate the influence of emotional comments on such behavior and its underlying mechanisms. To achieve this objective, an eye-tracking experiment was conducted, with online comments from actual users on a popular social media platform used as stimuli. The findings indicate that both positive and negative emotional comments are associated with resistance intention and resistance participation, which, in turn, affect consumers\u27 purchasing behavior. Product image was found to be linked to resistance intention, whereas brand image had little impact. Participants\u27 liking or disliking of a comment description may serve as a basis for their behavior. The study underscores the importance of prompt action by managers in addressing inappropriate behaviors in the face of resistance movements. They can accomplish this by highlighting the specific differences between the product before and after improvement and targeting young potential resistance groups to receive the brand\u27s message before they join the resistance movement

    The impact of digital technologies on sustomer experience in experiential tourism

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    Masteroppgave i International Business and Marketing - Nord universitet 202

    Relationship between social media marketing practices and customer response with mediating role of brand equity dimensions: an empirical investigation

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    This study aims to investigate the relationship between social media marketing practices and customer response with consideration of the mediating role of brand equity dimensions through structural equation modeling in an empirical case study. Data are analyzed using structural equation modeling. The following findings are found: The results show that there is a significant relationship between social media marketing practices and customer response in the survey sample. Additionally, the hypothesis about the mediating role of brand equity dimensions is also supported. The results of our research augment our understanding of the role of social media marketing practices in stimulating customer response (electronic word-of-mouth and commitment) and the role of brand equity dimensions (brand awareness and brand image)

    Customer journey analysis in household waste management services

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    Abstract. This Master’s Thesis studies the customer journey, value elements and the customers’ broad value creation process in the business context of private household waste management for first-time house-owners. The main research question is defined as follows: What are the value elements for the customer in different touchpoints of the customer journey upon acquiring and using private household waste management services? The objective is to create a customer journey map for the case company’s defined segment of first-time house-owners, and to provide relevant research data and insight about what is perceived valuable in their service. By applying the customer journey and the mapped service touchpoints with the discovered value elements, the thesis client will be able to embed the studied value elements to their service offering and journey for a better service experience for new house-owners. The main theoretical framework consists of customer journey as a timeline for the customer experience in a purchase process; phases of a purchase process and service touchpoints included. Service-dominant logic and further complementary critical service logic and its value creation spheres depict how value is created in use by the customer, facilitated by dynamic, reciprocal value proposition. These aspects are adapted and combined in a novel framework by the researcher to illustrate the customer journey as an experience of a purchase process and value creation as value-in-use in the customer’s own sphere. The research method used in the study is justifiably a qualitative case study as an empirical method to study social phenomena of particular interest to real-life stakeholders such as organizations and their managerial processes within important contextual conditions. The data collection is carried out by conducting semi-structured interviews to customers in the target segment. Eight households are interviewed, at which point data saturation for generalizing the findings is seen to have been reached. The data analysis of all the respective customer journey blueprints enables the researcher to compose a conclusive illustration of a fifteen-step customer journey map and to identify the main touchpoints and value elements as part of the broad value creation process of the target customer segment. The output of the customer journey analysis is also applied to the previously created own theoretical framework, and the most relevant theoretical aspects are further discussed. The researched value elements in different touchpoints of the customer journey can be summarized as affordability; supporting local business; prompt, simple and friendly customer service; service offering fulfilling own needs; service delivery on schedule; reliable, effortless usage of the service. Conclusions as managerial implications in the client’s behalf are also provided. Lastly, the quality of the research is evaluated in the case study’s context and some discussion of this and future research in the case company’s context is had

    Orchestration of the Marketing Strategy under Competitive Dynamics

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    Constructing suitable marketing strategy and implementing it effectively is an art and science both like orchestration of a symphony. The discussion in this paper blends this analogy with the science of marketing demonstrating the levels of strategy development in a competitive marketplace. The paper presents the marketing-mix in contemporary context and argues that performance of a marketing firm can be maximized, when a firm develops a creative marketing strategy and achieves marketing strategy implementation effectiveness. The discussion in the paper reveals that marketing managers of different levels simultaneously operate within the firm and perceive the need for strategy development with varied preferences. A consequence of this is development of robust strategies and their effective implementation which, in turn, leads to increased market performance. Thus, it is important for researchers to investigate various strategy integration perspectives and this paper provides guidance by reviewing the existing literature.Marketing strategy, strategy integration, marketing-mix, customer value,strategy implementation, market competition, risk factors, brand building, customer centric strategy, routes to market

    Path Analysis of Perceived Value Influence on Shopping Satisfaction of Online Customers in the View of Mental Accounting

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    As a kind of psychological activity in the individuals, families or organizations, mental accounting focuses on economic activity, coding and evaluation. It is of practical significance to explore customer behavior patterns and psychological changes, and improve customer satisfaction through reasonable marketing. Online enterprises need to pay attention to the perceived value of consumers and enhance overall consumer satisfaction so as to achieve long-term and stable development under the background of economic globalization. Enterprises and organizations obtain complete and accurate personalized demand information of consumers in order to achieve a win-win situation for both consumers and enterprises. This study focuses on the influencing factors of online shopping satisfaction of consumers in the new environment of online and offline integration, and explores the path dependence and influence of online consumer perceived value and the website features of consumer satisfaction. Based on the theory of mental accounting and consumer behavior, this study combines the Howard-Sheth model with the consumer perception value theory to construct a theoretical framework. This study extends prior work by using structural equation model to test the effect of perceived value on website features, trust and customer satisfaction from the perspective of mental accounting. It is hoped that this study can provide data reference and theoretical guidance for online enterprises in marketing and knowledge management, in a bid to develop accurate marketing strategies, customer segmentation and differentiated services, improve the operation mechanism of network market and promote online services


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    This study aims to analyze social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and consumer attachment to brand loyalty in Grab Indonesia. The research design used is quantitative research with a causal approach that examines the effect of exogenous variables (social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and consumer attachment) on endogenous variables (brand loyalty). The population in this study were consumers of social media followers (Instagram) grab with an infinite number, therefore sampling was carried out using purposive sampling with the consideration of respondents as followers of Instagram grab with a minimum period of following is 6 months and has given "likes" to the grab Instagram posts. The sample used in this study were consumers of online transportation companies (grab) as many as 300 respondents. This research analysis tool uses a structural equation model (SEM). The results showed that the exogenous variables (social media marketing, electronic word of mouth, and consumer attachment) positively and significantly affect endogenous variables (brand loyalty). The variable that has the highest value in influencing brand loyalty is social media marketing. Meanwhile, the variable that directly influences brand loyalty with the lowest regression coefficient is electronic word of mouth

    Branding in social media: A bibliometric Analyssi

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    To have a clearer insight into how branding has evolved over the past ten years (2012-2022) in social media, a comprehensive bibliographic analysis is conducted on selected papers in the journals included in Web of Science database on branding in social media. We employ the VOSViewer tool to complete our bibliographic analysis. VOSViewer is used for graphical representations of network maps. We will be using this tool to explore the co-occurrence of keywords in the branding area. This work provides a basis for the scope of strategic approaches to branding in social media by investigating the scope of research to find areas of opportunity for scholars. We expound on the existing scholarly research on branding in social media, offer a procedural overview of the VOSViewer tool, provide managerial implications of this work, discuss limitations, and recommend areas for future researc

    Customer equity drivers and emotions on algarve 5-star hotel clients´ satisfaction and loyalty

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    The tourism and hotel industry are critical drivers for Portugal, particularly for Algarve’s economy. The hotel industry’s demand depends not only on macroeconomic variables of countries of the tourists but also on other customer behavior issues, such as Satisfaction, Loyalty, Emotions, and Customer Equity drivers, which are significantly related. All these items are essential for customer decision making. Therefore, understanding their relations can be useful for academia and, by knowledge transfer, to the industry. This research aimed to clarify the relationships between Customer Equity Drivers and Emotions with Satisfaction and Loyalty of five-star hotel clients from Algarve’s predominant tourist nationalities, contributing to a more integrative conceptual model. For this purpose, the perspectives of two leading hotel brands in Algarve were compared with the perspective of their clients. Questionnaires were administrated amongst five-star hotel clients from the two famous brands, who stayed overnight during July, August, and September of 2019 in the Algarve region. A sample of 133 respondents from the predominant tourist nationalities with valid answers was achieved. The five-star hotels’ management answered the questionnaires based on their data and perception to compare their clients’ perspectives. Complementary, the emotions of tourists about the Algarve region were also studied. The analysis was done in an exploratory approach, using three-way data analysis supported by Multiple Factor Analysis (MFA) developed by Escofier and Pagès (1985). The MFA results confirmed stability between the dimensions constructed with the two hotel brands and clients’ data. It was identified, as expected, an opposition between negative emotions and all other model items. Nonetheless, there was a more evident linkage between positive emotions, joy, and happiness, with overall satisfaction and perception of brand ethics. Another highlighted linkage was between positive emotion enthusiasm, service/product quality, and attitudinal loyalties. The results showed that hotel brand one is a variance with the other two perspectives. This difference was mostly related to Portuguese nationality clients. The presupposes of the proposed conceptual model were aligned with the research results.O turismo é uma das principais formas de desenvolvimento de cada região. O turismo e a hotelaria em particular são fatores críticos para Portugal e em particular para a economia do Algarve. Neste contexto, o alojamento é uma parte importante da indústria do turismo e é significativo para o desenvolvimento dos destinos turísticos. Entre os diferentes tipos de alojamento, os hotéis são o setor mais tipificado e posicionam-se como o principal segmento na maioria dos destinos. Os hotéis têm que competir globalmente para atrair turistas e, numa realidade que é naturalmente dinâmica, as mudanças de preferências, requisitos e expectativas dos clientes tornam evidente a necessidade de investigação constante sobre a realidade ou realidades dos clientes. A procura da indústria hoteleira depende não apenas de variáveis macroeconómicas dos países de origem dos turistas, mas também de outras questões e conceitos associados a aspetos comportamentais do cliente, como a satisfação, a lealdade, as emoções e o valor do cliente, que estão significativamente relacionados. Todos estes itens são essenciais para o processo de tomada de decisão do cliente e entendimento das suas relações é um contributo de interesse para a academia e, por transferência de conhecimento, para a indústria, pois pode fornecer informações relevantes para apoiar os hotéis nas suas atividades relacionadas aos clientes. Investigações anteriores mostraram que a satisfação dos clientes é um fator-chave para o sucesso de todos os negócios, e essa satisfação leva ao suporte e à fidelidade por parte dos clientes, à passa-palavra ou marketing de boca-a-boca positivos, à retenção de clientes, à sua lealdade e traduz-se na diminuição do custo da captação de novos clientes. O reconhecimento da qualidade pelos clientes, intimamente relacionada com os níveis de satisfação, é possível não só em serviços de luxo, mas também em todos serviços que respondam ao que o cliente procura. No entanto, importa referir que, as próprias classificações dos alojamentos normalmente associadas à atribuição de mais estrelas em função da sua categoria, podem ser consideradas indicadores de qualidade. Neste sentido, e também de acordo com resultados de investigações anteriores, os clientes dos hotéis de categoria mais alta são mais exigentes. Particularmente os clientes ocidentais são mais exigentes, menos leais e mais recetivos a iniciativas de marketing. Assim, Portugal, como destino turístico predominantemente de turistas ocidentais, deve envidar esforços para atrair e reter mais visitantes. Para esse efeito, a apresentação de produtos ou serviços adequados para a satisfação dos clientes, a monitorização e controlo do valor e lealdade dos clientes são as melhores formas de o concretizar. A revisão da história e da literatura teórica mostram que o valor do cliente é um estímulo para a satisfação do cliente. A abordagem pelo valor do cliente é uma estratégia competitiva de marketing assente numa lógica de valores dos recursos investidos por clientes, em organizações específicas. Por outro lado, as emoções desempenham um papel importante no processo de compra dos clientes e sentimentos positivos podem levar a melhores níveis de satisfação e consequentemente à fidelidade ao destino. Neste contexto, os investigadores defendem que os sentimentos positivos podem influenciar positivamente as perceções do consumidor sobre a qualidade do serviço e como toma as suas decisões. Estudos anteriores revelaram diferenças significativas nas características comportamentais com base na nacionalidade e nas especificidades de conceito de produtos de luxo em diferentes culturas. O principal propósito da presente investigação foi esclarecer as relações entre os drivers de valor do cliente, as emoções, a satisfação e lealdade de clientes de hotéis de cinco estrelas, tendo em conta as nacionalidades turísticas predominantes na região do Algarve, contribuindo para um modelo conceptual mais integrador. Para o efeito, foram comparadas as perspetivas de duas marcas hoteleiras famosas na região do Algarve, na categoria de cinco estrelas, com a perspetiva dos seus próprios clientes, no que se refere a Valor do Cliente (10 itens), Emoções (9 itens), Satisfação (4 itens) e Lealdade (4 itens). A gestão dos hotéis de cinco estrelas respondeu aos questionários com base nos seus dados e perceção para comparação com a perspetiva dos seus clientes, também para diferentes nacionalidades turísticas. Complementarmente, foram estudadas as emoções dos turistas sobre a região do Algarve com recurso a 20 itens de Emoções Negativas e Positivas. Os questionários foram aplicados aos clientes de hotéis de cinco estrelas das duas marcas famosas, nos meses de julho, agosto e setembro de 2019 na região do Algarve. Foram obtidas respostas válidas de 133 inquiridos das nacionalidades turísticas predominantes. A gestão dos dois hotéis de cinco estrelas respondeu aos questionários com base nos seus dados e na sua perceção sobre os clientes das várias nacionalidades. A configuração dos dados recolhidos levou à construção de estruturas de dados tridimensionais que exigiram análises multivariadas de três vias. A investigação assentou numa abordagem predominantemente exploratória, utilizando a análise de dados de três vias suportada pela análise fatorial múltipla (AFM) desenvolvida por Escofier e Pagès (1985). Os resultados da AFM confirmaram a estabilidade entre as dimensões construídas com as duas marcas de hotel e dados dos clientes. Identificou-se, como esperado, uma oposição entre as emoções negativas e todos os demais itens do modelo. No entanto, houve uma ligação mais evidente entre as emoções positivas, alegria e felicidade, com a satisfação geral e a perceção da ética da marca. Outra ligação destacada foi entre o entusiasmo nas emoções positivas, com a qualidade do serviço/produto e a lealdade atitudinal. Os resultados mostraram que uma das marcas de hotel encontra-se em divergência com as outras duas perspetivas. Esta diferença está principalmente relacionada com a avaliação de clientes de nacionalidade portuguesa. Os pressupostos do modelo concetual proposto encontram-se alinhados aos resultados da pesquisa. Verificou-se complementarmente, que a região do Algarve se encontra numa situação ideal para os turistas no que se refere ao seu posicionamento no espetro de emoções negativas e positivas. Os itens positivos Simpatia / Interesse / Compaixão, e principalmente os itens relacionados às emoções Admiração / Maravilha / Espanto são menos relevantes para os outros itens positivos, e foram menos experienciados por comparação com as outras emoções positivas. A abordagem metodológica utilizada mostrou-se adequada para compreender relações menos evidentes, ao avaliar as mesmas observações, entre diferentes conjuntos de variáveis por diferentes perspetivas. Por fim, a investigação facilitou sugestões para os processos de decisão da gestão dos hotéis para melhoria seu desempenho e perceção pelos clientes