6,555 research outputs found

    A Cross-Institutional Perspective of Pre Laboratory Activities in Undergraduate Chemistry

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    Pre-laboratory exercises may help reduce cognitive load in the laboratory, boost confidence, develop theoretical understanding and skills, and improve grades on assessment tasks. This study compared pre-laboratory activities at two institutions, Go8-1 and Go8-2, to evaluate which attributes of pre-laboratory activities were perceived by students to best prepare them for laboratory classes. Students were surveyed towards the end of their laboratory course, and were asked a series of Likert-style and open response questions. Factor analysis was used to construct three scales, incorporating items relating to performance and understanding, items relating to affective and personal laboratory experience, and items relating to requiring support with laboratory equipment. No difference between cohorts was observed between the two institutions regarding requiring support with equipment. While Go8-1 students rated performance and understanding more highly than Go8-2 students, the opposite result was observed for affective and personal factors. The factor analysis results and responses to the open response questions indicated that students felt most prepared for laboratory exercises when the pre-class activities touched upon all aspects of the laboratory class. It is recommended that quizzes and video be used in pre-laboratory activities, with these resources covering theory, aims, methods, calculations and data analysis

    Auto-evaluación previa a las prácticas de laboratorio químico: introducción al autoaprendizaje

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    In this work a strategy to improve learning outcomes of laboratory sessions of a Chemistry subject of the Bachelor's Degree in Rural and Agrifood Engineering is shown. In this experience the e-learning platform PoliformaT was used to propose timed pre-lab questionnaires to allow self-assessment of students before laboratory sessions, this allowed an increase in the preparation and the interest of the student on the performance of the laboratory session. The effectiveness of this strategy was established from the analysis of data collected during its application and also by means of an opinion call. It is noteworthy that these questionnaires have induced change of attitude among students, encouraging an active posture (and positive) towards the laboratory session.[ES] : En este trabajo se muestra una estrategia para mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje en las prácticas de laboratorio en una asignatura de Química del Grado en Ingeniería Agroalimentaria y del Medio Rural realizando cuestionarios previos temporizados usando la plataforma e-learning PoliformaT. De este modo, se ha permitido la auto-evaluación de los alumnos antes de realizar una sesión de prácticas, fomentando la preparación y el interés del alumno en su realización y consiguiendo un mayor aprovechamiento de los recursos. La eficacia de esta estrategia se ha establecido a partir del análisis de datos recogidos durante la aplicación y realizando un sondeo de opinión. La aplicación de estos cuestionarios ha permitido un cambio de actitud en los alumnos, fomentando una actitud activa (y positiva) hacia las prácticas y consiguiendo un mayor aprovechamiento de las mismasNoguera Murray, PS.; Tortajada Genaro, LA.; Atienza Boronat, MJ.; Herrero Villen, MA. (2011). Auto-evaluación previa a las prácticas de laboratorio químico: introducción al autoaprendizaje. Arbor. 187(3):267-272. doi:10.3989/arbor.2011.Extra-3n3156S2672721873Burewicz, A., & Miranowicz, N. (2006). Effectiveness of multimedia laboratory instruction. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 7(1), 1-12. doi:10.1039/b4rp90006eDalgarno, B., Bishop, A. G., Adlong, W., & Bedgood, D. R. (2009). Effectiveness of a Virtual Laboratory as a preparatory resource for Distance Education chemistry students. Computers & Education, 53(3), 853-865. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2009.05.005Limniou, M., Papadopoulos, N., & Whitehead, C. (2009). Integration of simulation into pre-laboratory chemical course: Computer cluster versus WebCT. Computers & Education, 52(1), 45-52. doi:10.1016/j.compedu.2008.06.006Reid, N., & Shah, I. (2007). The role of laboratory work in university chemistry. Chem. Educ. Res. Pract., 8(2), 172-185. doi:10.1039/b5rp90026cRoffe, I. (2002). E‐learning: engagement, enhancement and execution. Quality Assurance in Education, 10(1), 40-50. doi:10.1108/09684880210416102Yang, Y.-F., & Tsai, C.-C. (2010). Conceptions of and approaches to learning through online peer assessment. Learning and Instruction, 20(1), 72-83. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2009.01.00

    A Review to Weigh the Pros and Cons of Online, Remote, and Distance Science Laboratory Experiences

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    The effectiveness of traditional face to face labs versus non-traditional online, remote, or distance labs is difficult to assess due to the lack of continuity in the literature between terminology, standard evaluation metrics, and the use of a wide variety non-traditional laboratory experience for online courses. This narrative review presents a representative view of the existing literature in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of non-traditional laboratories and to highlight the areas of opportunity for research. Non-traditional labs are increasingly utilized in higher education. The research indicates that these non-traditional approaches to a science laboratory experience are as effective at achieving the learning outcomes as traditional labs. While this is an important parameter, this review outlines further important considerations such as operating and maintenance cost, growth potential, and safety. This comparison identifies several weaknesses in the existing literature. While it is clear that traditional labs aid in the development of practical and procedural skills, there is a lack of research exploring if non-traditional laboratory experiments hinder student success in subsequent traditional labs. Additionally, remote lab kits blur the lines between modality by bringing experiences that are more tactile to students outside of the traditional laboratory environment. Though novel work on non-traditional labs continues to be published, investigations are still needed regarding cost differences, acquisition of procedural skills, preparation for advanced work, and instructor contact time between traditional and non-traditional laboratories

    The Use of Virtual Reality in A Chemistry Lab and Its Impact on Students’ Self-Efficacy, Interest, Self-Concept and Laboratory Anxiety

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of virtual reality on undergraduate students’ self-efficacy, self-concept, interest, and laboratory anxiety in an introductory chemistry course. We used a mixed-methods approach to improve our understanding of how these factors mediate student learning. The findings showed that (i) the use of the virtual reality application had an overall positive impact on students’ self-efficacy, self-concept, interest, and anxiety; and (ii) students who expressed some anxiety about doing the lab prior to the course reported the use of the virtual reality application decreased their levels of anxiety at the end of the lab. The implications of these findings speak to the potential value of the use of virtual reality applications in higher education and especially in situations when distance learning is the only option as well as in situations where the costs of real laboratories cannot be afforded


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    The aim of this study is to determine the opinions of the students studying in chemical and chemical processing technologies departments on take chemistry education in the form of distance education. The research sample consists of students studying in chemistry and petrochemical technology programs in Kocaeli Vocational School. It was applied to students studying in related departments in the fall semester of 2018-2019. The sample consists of 149 students. The mixed method has been adopted in the research. Scale and interview questions were prepared with the literature review. The reliability coefficient of the Chemistry Distance Education Scale was 0.945. There was a high correlation between the dimensions of the scale consisting of three dimensions. In quantitative research; a relationship was found between income and chemistry distance education. It was found that students with low income level were eligible for distance education in chemistry. Distance education diminish students' costs of housing and transportation. In addition, there is no relationship between the gender of the students, the type of education, the level of education of the parents, the department and the class. The qualitative research findings are: a large part of the students indicate that the distance education infrastructure is not sufficient. According to the students, chemistry education is considered to be sufficient for theoretical knowledge only as distance education. Students do not want to take laboratory applications as distance education. Distance education cannot eliminate the need to touch materials while adding visuality. It is determined that students are not ready to take chemistry education from distance education as cultural and cognitive.  Article visualizations

    Online Support and Online Assessment for Teaching and Learning Chemistry

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    In this chapter, examples of innovative approaches that use educational technology to support active learning in chemistry lectures, tutorials and laboratory sessions are considered. The scope of the chapter is limited to blended learning. The strengths and weaknesses of e-learning are examined and the options available for online assessment using electronic tests and e-portfolios are discussed. In addition to the literature references provided in the chapter, several examples of good practice involving the implementation of information and communication technology for chemistry teaching in higher education are incorporated. A list of online resources for lecturers is also included

    Education and outreach activities within the biological weapons convention

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