28 research outputs found

    De la compréhension de programmes en génie logiciel à la reconnaissance d’algorithmes d’apprenants en EIAH

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    International audienceIn order to assess learners in algorithmics, we suggest a methodbased on the automatic understanding of the algorithms proposed by thestudents using comprehension methods from the domain of the softwareengineering. We use prebuilt models of student’s propositions, each onerepresenting algorithms, organized into tasks and subtasks and documentedwith information and pedagogical characteristics. The mark is based on adistance calculus between the model and the proposition. A first experimentoccurs with exam forms. It gives interesting recognition rates and marks forrecognized forms close to the marks obtained during the exam.Dans le but d’évaluer les productions d’apprenants en algorithmique,nous présentons une méthode de reconnaissance des algorithmes proposés parles apprenants basée sur les techniques de compréhension des programmes dugénie logiciel. Notre méthode repose sur une décomposition des algorithmes entâche et sous-tâche à accomplir ; à associer à chaque sous-tâche des « lignescritiques » et des propriétés spécifiques. Cette décomposition/modélisationpermet l’utilisation des techniques de compréhension de programmes de GénieLogiciel et mène à une évaluation/notation des propositions d’algorithmesbasée sur le modèle identifié d’une base de modèles étiquetés et sur la distanceentre le modèle et la proposition. Une première expérimentation à partir decopies d’examen donne des taux de reconnaissance intéressants et des notespour les copies reconnues proches des notations manuelles

    An evaluation of electronic individual peer assessment in an introductory programming course

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    [Abstract]: Peer learning is a powerful pedagogical practice delivering improved outcomes over conventional teacher-student interactions while offering marking relief to instructors. Peer review enables learning by requiring students to evaluate the work of others. PRAISE is an on-line peer-review system that facilitates anonymous review and delivers prompt feedback from multiple sources. This study is an evaluation of the use of PRAISE in an introductory programming course. Use of the system is examined and attitudes of novice programmers towards the use of peer review are compared to those of students from other disciplines, raising a number of interesting issues. Recommendations are made to introductory programming instructors who may be considering peer review in assignments

    A Sustainable Learning Environment based on an Open-Source Content Management System

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    This paper presents our approach for supporting face-to-face courses with software components for e-learning based on a general-purpose content management system (CMS). These components—collectively named eduComponents—can be combined with other modules to create tailormade, sustainable learning environments, which help to make teaching and learning more efficient and effective. We give a short overview of these components, and we report on our practical experiences with the software in our courses

    Item Response Theory for Peer Assessment

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    As an assessment method based on a constructivist approach, peer assessment has become popular in recent years. However, in peer assessment, a problem remains that reliability depends on the rater characteristics. For this reason, some item response models that incorporate rater parameters have been proposed. Those models are expected to improve the reliability if the model parameters can be estimated accurately. However, when applying them to actual peer assessment, the parameter estimation accuracy would be reduced for the following reasons. 1) The number of rater parameters increases with two or more times the number of raters because the models include higher-dimensional rater parameters. 2) The accuracy of parameter estimation from sparse peer assessment data depends strongly on hand-tuning parameters, called hyperparameters. To solve these problems, this article presents a proposal of a new item response model for peer assessment that incorporates rater parameters to maintain as few rater parameters as possible. Furthermore, this article presents a proposal of a parameter estimation method using a hierarchical Bayes model for the proposed model that can learn the hyperparameters from data. Finally, this article describes the effectiveness of the proposed method using results obtained from a simulation and actual data experiments

    Selecting Effective Examples to Train Students for Peer Review of Open‐Ended Problem Solutions

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    Background Students conducting peer review on authentic artifacts require training. In the training studied here, individual students reviewed (score and provide feedback on) a randomly selected prototypical solution to a problem. Afterwards, they are shown a side-by-side comparison of their review and an expert’s review, along with prompts to reflect on the differences and similarities. Individuals were then assigned a peer team’s solution to review. Purpose This paper explores how the characteristics of five different prototypical solutions used in training (and their associated expert evaluations) impacted students’ abilities to score peer teams’ solutions. Design/Method An expert rater scored the prototypical solutions and 147 student teams’ solutions that were peer reviewed using an eight item rubric. Differences between the scores assigned by the expert and a student to a prototypical solution and an actual team solution were used to compute a measure of the student’s improvement as a peer reviewer from training to actual peer review. ANOVA testing with Tukey’s post-hoc analysis was done to identify statistical differences in improvement based on the prototypical solutions students saw during the training phase. Results Statistically significant differences were found in the amount of error a student made during peer review between high and low quality prototypical solutions seen by students during training. Specifically, a lower quality training solution (and associated expert evaluation) resulted in more accurate scoring during peer review. Conclusions While students typically ask to see exemplars of “good solutions”, this research suggests that there is likely greater value, for the purpose of preparing students to score peers’ solutions, in students seeing a low-quality solution and its corresponding expert review

    Diseño colaborativo basado en ThinkLets como apoyo a la enseñanza de la Programación

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    The incorporation of collaborative work in the educational field grows day by day, as do the number of research groups and projects associated with this topic; since the learning activities specified collaboratively promote communication, coordination, and negotiation within the groups. While this strategy's practical usefulness has been demonstrated at different training levels, not much emphasis has been placed on a fundamental part: the design of inherent collaborative processes. Collaboration Engineering highlights collaboration patterns and ThinkLets as primary design units, which has its primary objective reuse. This article presents a proposal for a collaborative activity to be implemented to support the teaching of initial programming courses at the university level, which bases its collaborative design on patterns and ThinkLets.La incorporación del trabajo colaborativo en el ámbito educativo crece día a día, al igual que el número de grupos de investigación y proyectos asociados a este tema, dado que las actividades de aprendizaje especificadas de forma colaborativa promueven la comunicación, la coordinación y la negociación al interior de los grupos. Si bien se ha demostrado la utilidad práctica de esta estrategia en diferentes niveles de formación, no se ha hecho mucho énfasis en una parte fundamental: el diseño de los procesos colaborativos inherentes. La Ingeniería de la Colaboración destaca para ello el uso de patrones de colaboración y de ThinkLets como unidades primarias de diseño, lo cual tiene como objetivo primordial la reutilización. Este artículo presenta una propuesta de actividad colaborativa a implementarse como apoyo en la enseñanza de cursos iniciales de Programación en el ámbito universitario, la cual basa su diseño colaborativo en la utilización de patrones y ThinkLets

    Hacia el aprendizaje activo: un caso práctico en la docencia de Sistemas Operativos

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    El proceso de autoevaluación y reflexión sobre la docencia resulta decisivo para la mejora y perfeccionamiento de la actividad académica. La impartición de la docencia de la asignatura de Sistemas Operativos durante más de una década nos ha permitido mejorar en los aspectos técnicos de la asignatura, en la línea de los objetivos y los contenidos de la misma. Sin embargo la metodología docente ha permanecido prácticamente invariable. Con la inminente implantación del Espacio Común Europeo en materia de Enseñanza Universitaria, una de las directrices planteadas en las que incide es el cambio de metodología docente hacia un modelo de enseñanza basada en el aprendizaje. Este nuevo enfoque nos ha motivado a introducir una serie de técnicas en la línea de este modelo. En este artículo se analizan los problemas detectados en la asignatura de Sistemas Operativos, las técnicas introducidas y un conjunto de resultados y conclusiones obtenidas de esta experienci