959 research outputs found

    Reliable networks design and modeling (foreword)

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    An exact approach for finding bicriteria maximally SRLG-disjoint/shortest path pairs in telecommunication networks

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    The paper addresses a bicriteria optimisation problem in telecommunication networks that aims at finding Pareto efficient pairs of paths between two given nodes, seeking to minimise the number of SRLGs (Shared Risk Link Groups) common to both paths and the path pair cost. This problem is of particular importance in telecommunication routing design, namely concerning resilient routing models where both a primary and a backup paths have to be calculated to minimise the risk of failure of a connection between origin and terminal nodes, in case of failure in the primary path. An exact resolution method is applied for solving this problem, enabling the calculation of the whole set of Pareto optimal solutions, which combines a transformation of the network representation with a path ranking algorithm. A comprehensive experimental study on the application of this approach, using reference network topologies, considering random SRLG assignments to the links and random link bandwidth occupations, together with the discussion on typical examples of solution selection and potential advantages of the method, are presented

    Survivable mesh-network design & optimization to support multiple QoP service classes

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    Every second, vast amounts of data are transferred over communication systems around the world, and as a result, the demands on optical infrastructures are extending beyond the traditional, ring-based architecture. The range of content and services available from the Internet is increasing, and network operations are constantly under pressure to expand their optical networks in order to keep pace with the ever increasing demand for higher speed and more reliable links

    Analysis and optimization of highly reliable systems

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    In the field of network design, the survivability property enables the network to maintain a certain level of network connectivity and quality of service under failure conditions. In this thesis, survivability aspects of communication systems are studied. Aspects of reliability and vulnerability of network design are also addressed. The contributions are three-fold. First, a Hop Constrained node Survivable Network Design Problem (HCSNDP) with optional (Steiner) nodes is modelled. This kind of problems are N P-Hard. An exact integer linear model is built, focused on networks represented by graphs without rooted demands, considering costs in arcs and in Steiner nodes. In addition to the exact model, the calculation of lower and upper bounds to the optimal solution is included. Models were tested over several graphs and instances, in order to validate it in cases with known solution. An Approximation Algorithm is also developed in order to address a particular case of SNDP: the Two Node Survivable Star Problem (2NCSP) with optional nodes. This problem belongs to the class of N P-Hard computational problems too. Second, the research is focused on cascading failures and target/random attacks. The Graph Fragmentation Problem (GFP) is the result of a worst case analysis of a random attack. A fixed number of individuals for protection can be chosen, and a non-protected target node immediately destroys all reachable nodes. The goal is to minimize the expected number of destroyed nodes in the network. This problem belongs to the N P-Hard class. A mathematical programming formulation is introduced and exact resolution for small instances as well as lower and upper bounds to the optimal solution. In addition to exact methods, we address the GFP by several approaches: metaheuristics, approximation algorithms, polytime methods for specific instances and exact methods in exponential time. Finally, the concept of separability in stochastic binary systems is here introduced. Stochastic Binary Systems (SBS) represent a mathematical model of a multi-component on-off system subject to independent failures. The reliability evaluation of an SBS belongs to the N P-Hard class. Therefore, we fully characterize separable systems using Han-Banach separation theorem for convex sets. Using this new concept of separable systems and Markov inequality, reliability bounds are provided for arbitrary SBS

    Fairness in Communication and Computer Network Design

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    In communication networks, fair sharing of resources is an important issue for one main reason. The growth of network capacity is in general not matching the rapid growth of traffic. Consequently, the resources consumed by each user have to be limited. This implies that users cannot always be assigned the end-to-end bandwidth they ask for. Instead, the limited network resources should be distributed to users in a way that assures fair end-to-end bandwidth assignment among them. Obtaining fairness between network users and at the same time assuring efficient network utilization, is a source of non-trivial network optimization problems. Complicating factors are that each user has limited access to the (limited) network resources and that different users require and consume different amounts and types of resources. In this thesis different types of optimization problems associated with fair resource sharing in communication networks are studied. Initially, the notions of max-min fairness, proportional fairness, alpha-fairness etc., are put in a formal framework of fair rational preference relations. A clear, unified definition of fairness is presented. The theory is first applied to different types of allocation problems. Focus is put on convex and non-convex max-min fair traffic allocation problems, and a difference in difficulty between the two groups of problems is demonstrated. The studies are continued by an investigation of proportionally fair dimensioning. Two different cases are studied -- a simpler, when no resilience to failures is required, and a more complicated, assuming the possibility of link failures. In the context of fair sharing of the resources of a communication network, this thesis presents several original theoretical findings as well as solution algorithms for the studied problems. The results are accompanied by numerical results, illustrating algorithm efficiency for virtually all of the studied problems

    Application of traffic weighted multi-maps based on disjoint routing areas for static traffic assignment

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    Urban traffic congestion is a pressing issue, demanding effective and cost-efficient solutions. This paper develops the Traffic Weighted Multi-Maps (TWM) method to solve the Traffic Assignment Problem in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). TWM offers drivers diverse views of the network, promoting path diversity and adaptability. Providing an optimal TWM configuration to the traffic demand in terms of structure and allocation policy is a challenging issue as it usually depends on the size of the network and its complexity. The paper explores TWM generation and assignment by applying routing areas based on semi-disjointed k-shortest paths and allocating them using a per-sub flow optimized assignment policy. This approach allows obtaining a pseudo-optimal solution for static traffic assignment with similar results in terms of total travel time compared to the direct solution of calculating optimal map weights and the theoretical system optimum. It offers a cost-effective solution valid for wide urban areas, as the TWM calculation depends on the variety of the traffic flows and the number of semi-disjoint routing areas considered instead of the network complexity and size. Urban network experiments with synthetic traffic demands are studied under different TWM adoption rates, comparing results with existing traffic assignment policies and estimation methods. It highlights its potential for enhancing urban traffic management. Overall, TWM presents a promising approach to addressing urban traffic congestion efficiently.UAH - Catedra MANED

    Improving Efficiency and Effectiveness of Multipath Routing in Computer Networks

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    In this dissertation, we studied methods for improving efficiency and effectiveness of multipath routing in computer networks. We showed that multipath routing can improve network performance for failure recovery, load balancing, Quality of Service (QoS), and energy consumption. We presented a method for reducing the overhead of computing dynamic path metrics, one of the obstacles for implementing dynamic multipath routing in real world networks. In the first part, we proposed a method for building disjoint multipaths that could be used for local failure recovery as well as for multipath routing. Proactive failure recovery schemes have been recently proposed for continuous service of delay-sensitive applications during failure transients at the cost of extra infrastructural support in the form of routing table entries, extra addresses, etc. These extra infrastructure supports could be exploited to build alternative disjoint paths in those frameworks, while keeping the lengths of the alternative paths close to those of the primary paths. The evaluations showed that it was possible to extend the proactive failure recovery schemes to provide support for nearly-disjoint paths which could be employed in multipath routing for load balancing and QoS. In the second part, we proposed a method for reducing overhead of measuring dynamic link state information for multipath routing, specifically path delays used in Wardrop routing. Even when dynamic routing could be shown to offer convergence properties without oscillations, it has not been widely adopted. One of reasons was that the expected cost of keeping the link metrics updated at various nodes in the network. We proposed threshold-based updates to propagate the link state only when the currently measured link state differs from the last updated state consider- ably. Threshold-based updates were shown through analysis and simulations to offer bounded guarantees on path quality while significantly reducing the cost of propagating the dynamic link metric information. The simulation studies indicated that threshold based updates can reduce the number of link updates by up to 90-95% in some cases. In the third part, we proposed methods of using multipath routing for reducing energy consumption in computer networks. Two different approaches have been advocated earlier, from traffic engineering and topology control to hardware-based approaches. We proposed solutions at two different time scales. On a finer time granularity, we employed a method of forwarding through alternate paths to enable longer sleep schedules of links. The proposed schemes achieved more energy saving by increasing the usage of active links and the down time of sleeping links as well as avoiding too frequent link state changes. To the best of our knowledge, this was the first technique combining a routing scheme with hardware scheme to save energy consumption in networks. In our evaluation, alternative forwarding reduced energy consumption by 10% on top of a hardware-based sleeping scheme. On a longer time granularity, we proposed a technique that combined multipath routing with topology control. The proposed scheme achieved increased energy savings by maximizing the link utilization on a reduced topology where the number of active nodes and links are minimized. The proposed technique reduced energy consumption by an additional 17% over previous schemes with single/shortest path routing

    Constrained shortest paths for QoS routing and path protection in communication networks.

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    The CSDP (k) problem requires the selection of a set of k > 1 link-disjoint paths with minimum total cost and with total delay bounded by a given upper bound. This problem arises in the context of provisioning paths in a network that could be used to provide resilience to link failures. Again we studied the LP relaxation of the ILP formulation of the problem from the primal perspective and proposed an approximation algorithm.We have studied certain combinatorial optimization problems that arise in the context of two important problems in computer communication networks: end-to-end Quality of Service (QoS) and fault tolerance. These problems can be modeled as constrained shortest path(s) selection problems on networks with each of their links associated with additive weights representing the cost, delay etc.The problems considered above assume that the network status is known and accurate. However, in real networks, this assumption is not realistic. So we considered the QoS route selection problem under inaccurate state information. Here the goal is to find a path with the highest probability that satisfies a given delay upper bound. We proposed a pseudo-polynomial time approximation algorithm, a fully polynomial time approximation scheme, and a strongly polynomial time heuristic for this problem.Finally we studied the constrained shortest path problem with multiple additive constraints. Using the LARAC algorithm as a building block and combining ideas from mathematical programming, we proposed a new approximation algorithm.First we studied the QoS single route selection problem, i.e., the constrained shortest path (CSP) problem. The goal of the CSP problem is to identify a minimum cost route which incurs a delay less than a specified bound. It can be formulated as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem which is computationally intractable. The LARAC algorithm reported in the literature is based on the dual of the linear programming relaxation of the ILP formulation and gives an approximate solution. We proposed two new approximation algorithms solving the dual problem. Next, we studied the CSP problem using the primal simplex method and exploiting certain structural properties of networks. This led to a novel approximation algorithm