410 research outputs found

    Efficiency of Local Learning Rules in Threshold-Linear Associative Networks

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    We derive the Gardner storage capacity for associative networks of threshold linear units, and show that with Hebbian learning they can operate closer to such Gardner bound than binary networks, and even surpass it. This is largely achieved through a sparsification of the retrieved patterns, which we analyze for theoretical and empirical distributions of activity. As reaching the optimal capacity via nonlocal learning rules like back propagation requires slow and neurally implausible training procedures, our results indicate that one-shot self-organized Hebbian learning can be just as efficient

    A learning rule for place fields in a cortical model: theta phase precession as a network effect

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    We show that a model of the hippocampus introduced recently by Scarpetta, Zhaoping & Hertz ([2002] Neural Computation 14(10):2371-96), explains the theta phase precession phenomena. In our model, the theta phase precession comes out as a consequence of the associative-memory-like network dynamics, i.e. the network's ability to imprint and recall oscillatory patterns, coded both by phases and amplitudes of oscillation. The learning rule used to imprint the oscillatory states is a natural generalization of that used for static patterns in the Hopfield model, and is based on the spike time dependent synaptic plasticity (STDP), experimentally observed. In agreement with experimental findings, the place cell's activity appears at consistently earlier phases of subsequent cycles of the ongoing theta rhythm during a pass through the place field, while the oscillation amplitude of the place cell's firing rate increases as the animal approaches the center of the place field and decreases as the animal leaves the center. The total phase precession of the place cell is lower than 360 degrees, in agreement with experiments. As the animal enters a receptive field the place cell's activity comes slightly less than 180 degrees after the phase of maximal pyramidal cell population activity, in agreement with the findings of Skaggs et al (1996). Our model predicts that the theta phase is much better correlated with location than with time spent in the receptive field. Finally, in agreement with the recent experimental findings of Zugaro et al (2005), our model predicts that theta phase precession persists after transient intra-hippocampal perturbation.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, to be published in Hippocampu

    Converging Neuronal Activity in Inferior Temporal Cortex during the Classification of Morphed Stimuli

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    How does the brain dynamically convert incoming sensory data into a representation useful for classification? Neurons in inferior temporal (IT) cortex are selective for complex visual stimuli, but their response dynamics during perceptual classification is not well understood. We studied IT dynamics in monkeys performing a classification task. The monkeys were shown visual stimuli that were morphed (interpolated) between pairs of familiar images. Their ability to classify the morphed images depended systematically on the degree of morph. IT neurons were selected that responded more strongly to one of the 2 familiar images (the effective image). The responses tended to peak ∼120 ms following stimulus onset with an amplitude that depended almost linearly on the degree of morph. The responses then declined, but remained above baseline for several hundred ms. This sustained component remained linearly dependent on morph level for stimuli more similar to the ineffective image but progressively converged to a single response profile, independent of morph level, for stimuli more similar to the effective image. Thus, these neurons represented the dynamic conversion of graded sensory information into a task-relevant classification. Computational models suggest that these dynamics could be produced by attractor states and firing rate adaptation within the population of IT neurons

    A Re-Examination of Hebbian-Covariance Rules and Spike Timing-Dependent Plasticity in Cat Visual Cortex in vivo

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    Spike timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) is considered as an ubiquitous rule for associative plasticity in cortical networks in vitro. However, limited supporting evidence for its functional role has been provided in vivo. In particular, there are very few studies demonstrating the co-occurrence of synaptic efficiency changes and alteration of sensory responses in adult cortex during Hebbian or STDP protocols. We addressed this issue by reviewing and comparing the functional effects of two types of cellular conditioning in cat visual cortex. The first one, referred to as the “covariance” protocol, obeys a generalized Hebbian framework, by imposing, for different stimuli, supervised positive and negative changes in covariance between postsynaptic and presynaptic activity rates. The second protocol, based on intracellular recordings, replicated in vivo variants of the theta-burst paradigm (TBS), proven successful in inducing long-term potentiation in vitro. Since it was shown to impose a precise correlation delay between the electrically activated thalamic input and the TBS-induced postsynaptic spike, this protocol can be seen as a probe of causal (“pre-before-post”) STDP. By choosing a thalamic region where the visual field representation was in retinotopic overlap with the intracellularly recorded cortical receptive field as the afferent site for supervised electrical stimulation, this protocol allowed to look for possible correlates between STDP and functional reorganization of the conditioned cortical receptive field. The rate-based “covariance protocol” induced significant and large amplitude changes in receptive field properties, in both kitten and adult V1 cortex. The TBS STDP-like protocol produced in the adult significant changes in the synaptic gain of the electrically activated thalamic pathway, but the statistical significance of the functional correlates was detectable mostly at the population level. Comparison of our observations with the literature leads us to re-examine the experimental status of spike timing-dependent potentiation in adult cortex. We propose the existence of a correlation-based threshold in vivo, limiting the expression of STDP-induced changes outside the critical period, and which accounts for the stability of synaptic weights during sensory cortical processing in the absence of attention or reward-gated supervision

    State-dependencies of learning across brain scales

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    Learning is a complex brain function operating on different time scales, from milliseconds to years, which induces enduring changes in brain dynamics. The brain also undergoes continuous “spontaneous” shifts in states, which, amongst others, are characterized by rhythmic activity of various frequencies. Besides the most obvious distinct modes of waking and sleep, wake-associated brain states comprise modulations of vigilance and attention. Recent findings show that certain brain states, particularly during sleep, are essential for learning and memory consolidation. Oscillatory activity plays a crucial role on several spatial scales, for example in plasticity at a synaptic level or in communication across brain areas. However, the underlying mechanisms and computational rules linking brain states and rhythms to learning, though relevant for our understanding of brain function and therapeutic approaches in brain disease, have not yet been elucidated. Here we review known mechanisms of how brain states mediate and modulate learning by their characteristic rhythmic signatures. To understand the critical interplay between brain states, brain rhythms, and learning processes, a wide range of experimental and theoretical work in animal models and human subjects from the single synapse to the large-scale cortical level needs to be integrated. By discussing results from experiments and theoretical approaches, we illuminate new avenues for utilizing neuronal learning mechanisms in developing tools and therapies, e.g., for stroke patients and to devise memory enhancement strategies for the elderly

    Evolving Hebbian Learning Rules in Voxel-based Soft Robots

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    According to Hebbian theory, synaptic plasticity is the ability of neurons to strengthen or weaken the synapses among them in response to stimuli. It plays a fundamental role in the processes of learning and memory of biological neural networks. With plasticity, biological agents can adapt on multiple timescales and outclass artificial agents, the majority of which still rely on static Artificial Neural Network (ANN) controllers. In this work, we focus on Voxel-based Soft Robots (VSRs), a class of simulated artificial agents, composed as aggregations of elastic cubic blocks. We propose a Hebbian ANN controller where every synapse is associated with a Hebbian rule that controls the way the weight is adapted during the VSR lifetime. For a given task and morphology, we optimize the controller for the task of locomotion by evolving, rather than the weights, the parameters of the Hebbian rules. Our results show that the Hebbian controller is comparable, often better than a non-Hebbian baseline and that it is more adaptable to unforeseen damages. We also provide novel insights into the inner workings of plasticity and demonstrate that “true” learning does take place, as the evolved controllers improve over the lifetime and generalize well