29 research outputs found

    An artificial immune system for fuzzy-rule induction in data mining

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    This work proposes a classification-rule discovery algorithm integrating artificial immune systems and fuzzy systems. The algorithm consists of two parts: a sequential covering procedure and a rule evolution procedure. Each antibody (candidate solution) corresponds to a classification rule. The classification of new examples (antigens) considers not only the fitness of a fuzzy rule based on the entire training set, but also the affinity between the rule and the new example. This affinity must be greater than a threshold in order for the fuzzy rule to be activated, and it is proposed an adaptive procedure for computing this threshold for each rule. This paper reports results for the proposed algorithm in several data sets. Results are analyzed with respect to both predictive accuracy and rule set simplicity, and are compared with C4.5rules, a very popular data mining algorithm

    Fuzzy System with Positive and Negative Rules

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    Thermography based breast cancer analysis using statistical features and fuzzy classifications

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    Medical thermography has proved to be useful in various medical applications including the detection of breast cancer where it is able to identify the local temperature increase caused by the high metabolic activity of cancer cells. It has been shown to be particularly well suited for picking up tumours in their early stages or tumours in dense tissue and outperforms other modalities such as mammography for these cases. In this paper we perform breast cancer analysis based on thermography, using a series of statistical features extracted from the thermograms quantifying the bilateral differences between left and right breast areas, coupled with a fuzzy rule-based classification system for diagnosis. Experimental results on a large dataset of nearly 150 cases confirm the efficacy of our approach that provides a classification accuracy of about 80%

    Applying d-XChoquet integrals in classification problems

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    Several generalizations of the Choquet integral have been applied in the Fuzzy Reasoning Method (FRM) of Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems (FRBCS's) to improve its performance. Additionally, to achieve that goal, researchers have searched for new ways to provide more flexibility to those generalizations, by restricting the requirements of the functions being used in their constructions and relaxing the monotonicity of the integral. This is the case of CT-integrals, CC-integrals, CF-integrals, CF1F2-integrals and dCF-integrals, which obtained good performance in classification algorithms, more specifically, in the fuzzy association rule-based classification method for high-dimensional problems (FARC-HD). Thereafter, with the introduction of Choquet integrals based on restricted dissimilarity functions (RDFs) in place of the standard difference, a new generalization was made possible: the d-XChoquet (d-XC) integrals, which are ordered directional increasing functions and, depending on the adopted RDF, may also be a pre-aggregation function. Those integrals were applied in multi-criteria decision making problems and also in a motor-imagery brain computer interface framework. In the present paper, we introduce a new FRM based on the d-XC integral family, analyzing its performance by applying it to 33 different datasets from the literature.Supported by Navarra de Servicios y Tecnologías, S.A. (NASERTIC), CNPq (301618/2019-4, 305805/2021-5), FAPERGS (19/2551-0001660-3), the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (TIN2016-77356-P, PID2019- 108392GB I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Improving the performance of fuzzy rule-based classification systems with interval-valued fuzzy sets and genetic amplitude tuning

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    Among the computational intelligence techniques employed to solve classification problems, Fuzzy Rule-Based Classification Systems (FRBCSs) are a popular tool because of their interpretable models based on linguistic variables, which are easier to understand for the experts or end-users. The aim of this paper is to enhance the performance of FRBCSs by extending the Knowledge Base with the application of the concept of Interval-Valued Fuzzy Sets (IVFSs). We consider a post-processing genetic tuning step that adjusts the amplitude of the upper bound of the IVFS to contextualize the fuzzy partitions and to obtain a most accurate solution to the problem. We analyze the goodness of this approach using two basic and well-known fuzzy rule learning algorithms, the Chi et al.’s method and the fuzzy hybrid genetics-based machine learning algorithm. We show the improvement achieved by this model through an extensive empirical study with a large collection of data-sets.This work has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under projects TIN2008-06681-C06-01 and TIN2007-65981