397 research outputs found

    Recording and Analysis of Head Movements, Interaural Level and Time Differences in Rooms and Real-World Listening Scenarios

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    The science of how we use interaural differences to localise sounds has been studied for over a century and in many ways is well understood. But in many of these psychophysical experiments listeners are required to keep their head still, as head movements cause changes in interaural level and time differences (ILD and ITD respectively). But a fixed head is unrealistic. Here we report an analysis of the actual ILDs and ITDs that occur as people naturally move and relate them to gyroscope measurements of the actual motion. We used recordings of binaural signals in a number of rooms and listening scenarios (home, office, busy street etc). The listener's head movements were also recorded in synchrony with the audio, using a micro-electromechanical gyroscope. We calculated the instantaneous ILD and ITDs and analysed them over time and frequency, comparing them with measurements of head movements. The results showed that instantaneous ITDs were widely distributed across time and frequency in some multi-source environments while ILDs were less widely distributed. The type of listening environment affected head motion. These findings suggest a complex interaction between interaural cues, egocentric head movement and the identification of sound sources in real-world listening situations

    Auditory Displays and Assistive Technologies: the use of head movements by visually impaired individuals and their implementation in binaural interfaces

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    Visually impaired people rely upon audition for a variety of purposes, among these are the use of sound to identify the position of objects in their surrounding environment. This is limited not just to localising sound emitting objects, but also obstacles and environmental boundaries, thanks to their ability to extract information from reverberation and sound reflections- all of which can contribute to effective and safe navigation, as well as serving a function in certain assistive technologies thanks to the advent of binaural auditory virtual reality. It is known that head movements in the presence of sound elicit changes in the acoustical signals which arrive at each ear, and these changes can improve common auditory localisation problems in headphone-based auditory virtual reality, such as front-to-back reversals. The goal of the work presented here is to investigate whether the visually impaired naturally engage head movement to facilitate auditory perception and to what extent it may be applicable to the design of virtual auditory assistive technology. Three novel experiments are presented; a field study of head movement behaviour during navigation, a questionnaire assessing the self-reported use of head movement in auditory perception by visually impaired individuals (each comparing visually impaired and sighted participants) and an acoustical analysis of inter-aural differences and cross- correlations as a function of head angle and sound source distance. It is found that visually impaired people self-report using head movement for auditory distance perception. This is supported by head movements observed during the field study, whilst the acoustical analysis showed that interaural correlations for sound sources within 5m of the listener were reduced as head angle or distance to sound source were increased, and that interaural differences and correlations in reflected sound were generally lower than that of direct sound. Subsequently, relevant guidelines for designers of assistive auditory virtual reality are proposed

    3D Sound applied to the design of Assisted Navigation Devices for the Visually Impaired

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    This work presents an approach to generate 3D sound by using a set of artificial neural networks (ANNs). The proposed method is capable to reconstruct the Head Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) by means of spatial interpolation. In order to cover the whole reception auditory space, without increasing the network complexity, a structure of multiple networks (set), each one modeling a specific area was adopted. The three main factors that influence the model accuracy --- the network's architecture, the reception area's aperture angles and the HRIR's time shifts --- are investigated and an optimal setup is presented. The computational effort to process the ANN is shown to be slightly smaller than traditional interpolation methods and all error calculation reached very low levels, validating the method to be used in the design of a 3D sound emitter capable of provide navigation aid for the visually impaired. Two approaches are presented in order to detect obstacles, one which makes use of computational vision techniques and other with laser proximity sensors. Este trabajo presenta un abordaje para generar sonido 3D utilizando un conjunto de redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs). El método propuesto es capaz de reconstruir la Respuestas Impulsivas Asociadas a Cabeza Humana (HRIRs) mediante interpolación espacial. Con el fin de cubrir todo el espacio de recepción auditivo, sin aumentar la complejidad de la red, fue adoptada una estructura de múltiples redes (conjunto), cada una modelando un área específica. Los tres factores principales que influyen en la exactitud del modelo --- la arquitectura de la red, ángulos de apertura de la zona de recepción y los cambios de tiempo del HRIR --- son investigados y es presentada una configuración óptima. El esfuerzo computacional necesario para procesar la RNA muestra ser menor que métodos tradicionales de interpolación y todos los cálculos de error alcanzan niveles muy bajos, validando el método para ser utilizado en el diseño de un emisor de sonido 3D capaz de proporcionar asistencia en la navegación de discapacitados visuales. Dos enfoques se presentan con el fin de detectar obstáculos, uno que hace uso de técnicas de visión computacional y otro con sensores de proximidad de láser.&nbsp

    Realidad Virtual Acústica: El Abordaje de las Redes Neuronales Artificiales

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    This work presents a new approach to obtain the Binaural Impulse Responses (BIRs) for an auralization system by using a committee of artificial neuronal networks (ANNs). The proposed method is capable to reconstruct the desired modified Head Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) by means of spectral modification and spatial interpolation. In order to cover the entire auditory reception space, without increasing the network’s architecture complexity, a structure with multiple RNAs (committee) was adopted, where each network operates in la specific reception region (bud). The modeling error, in the frequency domain, is investigated considering the logarithmic nature of the human hearing. It was observed that the proposed methodology obtained a computational gain of approximately 62%, in terms of processing time reduction, compared to the classical signal processing method used to obtain auralizations.The applicability of the new method in auralization systems is validated by comparative analysis of the results, which includes the BIR’s generation and calculation of one binaural acoustic parameter (IACF), showing very low magnitude errors. En este trabajo se presenta un nuevo abordaje para obtener las respuestas impulsivas biauriculares (BIRs) para un sistema de aurilización utilizando un conjunto de redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs). El método propuesto es capaz de reconstruir las respuestas impulsivas asociadas a la cabeza humana (HRIRs) por medio de modificación espectral y de interpolación espacial. Para poder cubrir todo el espacio auditivo de recepción, sin aumentar la complejidad de la arquitectura de la red, una estructura con varias RNAs (conjunto) fue adoptada, donde cada red opera en una región específica del espacio (gomo). El error de modelaje en el dominio de la frecuencia es investigado considerando la naturaleza logarítmica de la audición humana. A través de la metodología propuesta se obtuvo un ahorro del tiempo de procesamiento computacional de aproximadamente 62% en relación al método tradicional de procesamiento de señales utilizado para aurilización. La aplicabilidad del nuevo método en sistemas de aurilización es reforzada mediante un análisis comparativo de los resultados, que incluyen la generación de las BIRs y el cálculo de un parámetro acústico biauricular (IACF), los cuales muestran errores con magnitudes reducidas

    Assessment of Audio Interfaces for use in Smartphone Based Spatial Learning Systems for the Blind

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    Recent advancements in the field of indoor positioning and mobile computing promise development of smart phone based indoor navigation systems. Currently, the preliminary implementations of such systems only use visual interfaces—meaning that they are inaccessible to blind and low vision users. According to the World Health Organization, about 39 million people in the world are blind. This necessitates the need for development and evaluation of non-visual interfaces for indoor navigation systems that support safe and efficient spatial learning and navigation behavior. This thesis research has empirically evaluated several different approaches through which spatial information about the environment can be conveyed through audio. In the first experiment, blindfolded participants standing at an origin in a lab learned the distance and azimuth of target objects that were specified by four audio modes. The first three modes were perceptual interfaces and did not require cognitive mediation on the part of the user. The fourth mode was a non-perceptual mode where object descriptions were given via spatial language using clockface angles. After learning the targets through the four modes, the participants spatially updated the position of the targets and localized them by walking to each of them from two indirect waypoints. The results also indicate hand motion triggered mode to be better than the head motion triggered mode and comparable to auditory snapshot. In the second experiment, blindfolded participants learned target object arrays with two spatial audio modes and a visual mode. In the first mode, head tracking was enabled, whereas in the second mode hand tracking was enabled. In the third mode, serving as a control, the participants were allowed to learn the targets visually. We again compared spatial updating performance with these modes and found no significant performance differences between modes. These results indicate that we can develop 3D audio interfaces on sensor rich off the shelf smartphone devices, without the need of expensive head tracking hardware. Finally, a third study, evaluated room layout learning performance by blindfolded participants with an android smartphone. Three perceptual and one non-perceptual mode were tested for cognitive map development. As expected the perceptual interfaces performed significantly better than the non-perceptual language based mode in an allocentric pointing judgment and in overall subjective rating. In sum, the perceptual interfaces led to better spatial learning performance and higher user ratings. Also there is no significant difference in a cognitive map developed through spatial audio based on tracking user’s head or hand. These results have important implications as they support development of accessible perceptually driven interfaces for smartphones

    Current Use and Future Perspectives of Spatial Audio Technologies in Electronic Travel Aids

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    Electronic travel aids (ETAs) have been in focus since technology allowed designing relatively small, light, and mobile devices for assisting the visually impaired. Since visually impaired persons rely on spatial audio cues as their primary sense of orientation, providing an accurate virtual auditory representation of the environment is essential. This paper gives an overview of the current state of spatial audio technologies that can be incorporated in ETAs, with a focus on user requirements. Most currently available ETAs either fail to address user requirements or underestimate the potential of spatial sound itself, which may explain, among other reasons, why no single ETA has gained a widespread acceptance in the blind community. We believe there is ample space for applying the technologies presented in this paper, with the aim of progressively bridging the gap between accessibility and accuracy of spatial audio in ETAs.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement no. 643636.Peer Reviewe

    Distributed Implementation of eXtended Reality Technologies over 5G Networks

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe revolution of Extended Reality (XR) has already started and is rapidly expanding as technology advances. Announcements such as Meta’s Metaverse have boosted the general interest in XR technologies, producing novel use cases. With the advent of the fifth generation of cellular networks (5G), XR technologies are expected to improve significantly by offloading heavy computational processes from the XR Head Mounted Display (HMD) to an edge server. XR offloading can rapidly boost XR technologies by considerably reducing the burden on the XR hardware, while improving the overall user experience by enabling smoother graphics and more realistic interactions. Overall, the combination of XR and 5G has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology and experience the world around us. However, XR offloading is a complex task that requires state-of-the-art tools and solutions, as well as an advanced wireless network that can meet the demanding throughput, latency, and reliability requirements of XR. The definition of these requirements strongly depends on the use case and particular XR offloading implementations. Therefore, it is crucial to perform a thorough Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) analysis to ensure a successful design of any XR offloading solution. Additionally, distributed XR implementations can be intrincated systems with multiple processes running on different devices or virtual instances. All these agents must be well-handled and synchronized to achieve XR real-time requirements and ensure the expected user experience, guaranteeing a low processing overhead. XR offloading requires a carefully designed architecture which complies with the required KPIs while efficiently synchronizing and handling multiple heterogeneous devices. Offloading XR has become an essential use case for 5G and beyond 5G technologies. However, testing distributed XR implementations requires access to advanced 5G deployments that are often unavailable to most XR application developers. Conversely, the development of 5G technologies requires constant feedback from potential applications and use cases. Unfortunately, most 5G providers, engineers, or researchers lack access to cutting-edge XR hardware or applications, which can hinder the fast implementation and improvement of 5G’s most advanced features. Both technology fields require ongoing input and continuous development from each other to fully realize their potential. As a result, XR and 5G researchers and developers must have access to the necessary tools and knowledge to ensure the rapid and satisfactory development of both technology fields. In this thesis, we focus on these challenges providing knowledge, tools and solutiond towards the implementation of advanced offloading technologies, opening the door to more immersive, comfortable and accessible XR technologies. Our contributions to the field of XR offloading include a detailed study and description of the necessary network throughput and latency KPIs for XR offloading, an architecture for low latency XR offloading and our full end to end XR offloading implementation ready for a commercial XR HMD. Besides, we also present a set of tools which can facilitate the joint development of 5G networks and XR offloading technologies: our 5G RAN real-time emulator and a multi-scenario XR IP traffic dataset. Firstly, in this thesis, we thoroughly examine and explain the KPIs that are required to achieve the expected Quality of Experience (QoE) and enhanced immersiveness in XR offloading solutions. Our analysis focuses on individual XR algorithms, rather than potential use cases. Additionally, we provide an initial description of feasible 5G deployments that could fulfill some of the proposed KPIs for different offloading scenarios. We also present our low latency muti-modal XR offloading architecture, which has already been tested on a commercial XR device and advanced 5G deployments, such as millimeter-wave (mmW) technologies. Besides, we describe our full endto- end complex XR offloading system which relies on our offloading architecture to provide low latency communication between a commercial XR device and a server running a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is one of the first successful XR offloading implementations for complex ML algorithms in a commercial device. With the goal of providing XR developers and researchers access to complex 5G deployments and accelerating the development of future XR technologies, we present FikoRE, our 5G RAN real-time emulator. FikoRE has been specifically designed not only to model the network with sufficient accuracy but also to support the emulation of a massive number of users and actual IP throughput. As FikoRE can handle actual IP traffic above 1 Gbps, it can directly be used to test distributed XR solutions. As we describe in the thesis, its emulation capabilities make FikoRE a potential candidate to become a reference testbed for distributed XR developers and researchers. Finally, we used our XR offloading tools to generate an XR IP traffic dataset which can accelerate the development of 5G technologies by providing a straightforward manner for testing novel 5G solutions using realistic XR data. This dataset is generated for two relevant XR offloading scenarios: split rendering, in which the rendering step is moved to an edge server, and heavy ML algorithm offloading. Besides, we derive the corresponding IP traffic models from the captured data, which can be used to generate realistic XR IP traffic. We also present the validation experiments performed on the derived models and their results.This work has received funding from the European Union (EU) Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie ETN TeamUp5G, grant agreement No. 813391.Programa de Doctorado en Multimedia y Comunicaciones por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid y la Universidad Rey Juan CarlosPresidente: Narciso García Santos.- Secretario: Fernando Díaz de María.- Vocal: Aryan Kaushi

    Optimization and improvements in spatial sound reproduction systems through perceptual considerations

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    [ES] La reproducción de las propiedades espaciales del sonido es una cuestión cada vez más importante en muchas aplicaciones inmersivas emergentes. Ya sea en la reproducción de contenido audiovisual en entornos domésticos o en cines, en sistemas de videoconferencia inmersiva o en sistemas de realidad virtual o aumentada, el sonido espacial es crucial para una sensación de inmersión realista. La audición, más allá de la física del sonido, es un fenómeno perceptual influenciado por procesos cognitivos. El objetivo de esta tesis es contribuir con nuevos métodos y conocimiento a la optimización y simplificación de los sistemas de sonido espacial, desde un enfoque perceptual de la experiencia auditiva. Este trabajo trata en una primera parte algunos aspectos particulares relacionados con la reproducción espacial binaural del sonido, como son la escucha con auriculares y la personalización de la Función de Transferencia Relacionada con la Cabeza (Head Related Transfer Function - HRTF). Se ha realizado un estudio sobre la influencia de los auriculares en la percepción de la impresión espacial y la calidad, con especial atención a los efectos de la ecualización y la consiguiente distorsión no lineal. Con respecto a la individualización de la HRTF se presenta una implementación completa de un sistema de medida de HRTF y se introduce un nuevo método para la medida de HRTF en salas no anecoicas. Además, se han realizado dos experimentos diferentes y complementarios que han dado como resultado dos herramientas que pueden ser utilizadas en procesos de individualización de la HRTF, un modelo paramétrico del módulo de la HRTF y un ajuste por escalado de la Diferencia de Tiempo Interaural (Interaural Time Difference - ITD). En una segunda parte sobre reproducción con altavoces, se han evaluado distintas técnicas como la Síntesis de Campo de Ondas (Wave-Field Synthesis - WFS) o la panoramización por amplitud. Con experimentos perceptuales se han estudiado la capacidad de estos sistemas para producir sensación de distancia y la agudeza espacial con la que podemos percibir las fuentes sonoras si se dividen espectralmente y se reproducen en diferentes posiciones. Las aportaciones de esta investigación pretenden hacer más accesibles estas tecnologías al público en general, dada la demanda de experiencias y dispositivos audiovisuales que proporcionen mayor inmersión.[CA] La reproducció de les propietats espacials del so és una qüestió cada vegada més important en moltes aplicacions immersives emergents. Ja siga en la reproducció de contingut audiovisual en entorns domèstics o en cines, en sistemes de videoconferència immersius o en sistemes de realitat virtual o augmentada, el so espacial és crucial per a una sensació d'immersió realista. L'audició, més enllà de la física del so, és un fenomen perceptual influenciat per processos cognitius. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'optimització i simplificació dels sistemes de so espacial amb nous mètodes i coneixement, des d'un criteri perceptual de l'experiència auditiva. Aquest treball tracta, en una primera part, alguns aspectes particulars relacionats amb la reproducció espacial binaural del so, com són l'audició amb auriculars i la personalització de la Funció de Transferència Relacionada amb el Cap (Head Related Transfer Function - HRTF). S'ha realitzat un estudi relacionat amb la influència dels auriculars en la percepció de la impressió espacial i la qualitat, dedicant especial atenció als efectes de l'equalització i la consegüent distorsió no lineal. Respecte a la individualització de la HRTF, es presenta una implementació completa d'un sistema de mesura de HRTF i s'inclou un nou mètode per a la mesura de HRTF en sales no anecoiques. A mès, s'han realitzat dos experiments diferents i complementaris que han donat com a resultat dues eines que poden ser utilitzades en processos d'individualització de la HRTF, un model paramètric del mòdul de la HRTF i un ajustament per escala de la Diferencià del Temps Interaural (Interaural Time Difference - ITD). En una segona part relacionada amb la reproducció amb altaveus, s'han avaluat distintes tècniques com la Síntesi de Camp d'Ones (Wave-Field Synthesis - WFS) o la panoramització per amplitud. Amb experiments perceptuals, s'ha estudiat la capacitat d'aquests sistemes per a produir una sensació de distància i l'agudesa espacial amb que podem percebre les fonts sonores, si es divideixen espectralment i es reprodueixen en diferents posicions. Les aportacions d'aquesta investigació volen fer més accessibles aquestes tecnologies al públic en general, degut a la demanda d'experiències i dispositius audiovisuals que proporcionen major immersió.[EN] The reproduction of the spatial properties of sound is an increasingly important concern in many emerging immersive applications. Whether it is the reproduction of audiovisual content in home environments or in cinemas, immersive video conferencing systems or virtual or augmented reality systems, spatial sound is crucial for a realistic sense of immersion. Hearing, beyond the physics of sound, is a perceptual phenomenon influenced by cognitive processes. The objective of this thesis is to contribute with new methods and knowledge to the optimization and simplification of spatial sound systems, from a perceptual approach to the hearing experience. This dissertation deals in a first part with some particular aspects related to the binaural spatial reproduction of sound, such as listening with headphones and the customization of the Head Related Transfer Function (HRTF). A study has been carried out on the influence of headphones on the perception of spatial impression and quality, with particular attention to the effects of equalization and subsequent non-linear distortion. With regard to the individualization of the HRTF a complete implementation of a HRTF measurement system is presented, and a new method for the measurement of HRTF in non-anechoic conditions is introduced. In addition, two different and complementary experiments have been carried out resulting in two tools that can be used in HRTF individualization processes, a parametric model of the HRTF magnitude and an Interaural Time Difference (ITD) scaling adjustment. In a second part concerning loudspeaker reproduction, different techniques such as Wave-Field Synthesis (WFS) or amplitude panning have been evaluated. With perceptual experiments it has been studied the capacity of these systems to produce a sensation of distance, and the spatial acuity with which we can perceive the sound sources if they are spectrally split and reproduced in different positions. The contributions of this research are intended to make these technologies more accessible to the general public, given the demand for audiovisual experiences and devices with increasing immersion.Gutiérrez Parera, P. (2020). Optimization and improvements in spatial sound reproduction systems through perceptual considerations [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/142696TESI

    Deliverable D2.1 - Ecosystem analysis and 6G-SANDBOX facility design

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    This document provides a comprehensive overview of the core aspects of the 6G-SANDBOX project. It outlines the project's vision, objectives, and the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and Key Value Indicators (KVIs) targeted for achievement. The functional and non-functional requirements of the 6G-SANDBOX Facility are extensively presented, based on a proposed reference blueprint. A detailed description of the updated reference architecture of the facility is provided, considering the requirements outlined. The document explores the experimentation framework, including the lifecycle of experiments and the methodology for validating KPIs and KVIs. It presents the key technologies and use case enablers towards 6G that will be offered within the trial networks. Each of the platforms constituting the 6G-SANDBOX Facility is described, along with the necessary enhancements to align them with the project's vision in terms of hardware, software updates, and functional improvements