2,282 research outputs found

    User interface and function library for ground robot navigation

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    Master's Project (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017A web application user interface and function library were developed to enable a user to program a ground robot to navigate autonomously. The user interface includes modules for generating a grid of obstacles from a map image, setting waypoints for a path through the map, and programming a robot in a code editor to navigate autonomously. The algorithm used for navigation is an A* algorithm modified with obstacle padding to accommodate the width of the robot and path smoothing to simplify the paths. The user interface and functions were designed to be simple so that users without technical backgrounds can use them, and by doing so they can engage in the development process of human-centered robots. The navigation functions were successful in finding paths in test configurations, and the performance of the algorithms was fast enough for user interactivity up to a certain limit of grid cell sizes

    User interface and function library for ground robot navigation

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    Master's Project (M.S.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2017A web application user interface and function library were developed to enable a user to program a ground robot to navigate autonomously. The user interface includes modules for generating a grid of obstacles from a map image, setting waypoints for a path through the map, and programming a robot in a code editor to navigate autonomously. The algorithm used for navigation is an A* algorithm modified with obstacle padding to accommodate the width of the robot and path smoothing to simplify the paths. The user interface and functions were designed to be simple so that users without technical backgrounds can use them, and by doing so they can engage in the development process of human-centered robots. The navigation functions were successful in finding paths in test configurations, and the performance of the algorithms was fast enough for user interactivity up to a certain limit of grid cell sizes

    Usage of a mechatronics software for efficient machine development

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    Industrial machine manufactures face an increasing demand to deliver new high-quality products in a short time and at a reasonable price. Customers expect to receive machines that are productive, robust and flexible enough to adapt to their needs. Meeting these requirements while developing new technologies is a great business challenge. The development process is complex and with high degrees of uncertainty. Thus, the industry needs new development methods and tools that help them deal with complexity, be more efficient, and reduce costs. These tools are software that emulates physical systems into virtual models. By using them, engineers can verify machine concepts, integrate designs or validate control programs to make informed decisions before any hardware is built. In this context, this project shows a case study where a system is developed using a modelbased approach. The system is a prototype meant to automatically pick 3D printed parts and place them in a packaging box. The machine model is developed to validate and optimize the pick and place algorithms before testing them in the physical equipment. The final simulation can understand the position, speed and acceleration values introduced by the user and provide a correct 3D visualization of the machine movement. The model includes the physical properties and kinematics of all the moving machine components, the behaviour of the motor drives and the data exchange between the controller and the peripheries. The simulation is governed by the same control program that is executed in the real machine. The virtual model is validated by a 3D visualization of the machine motion as well as an analysis of the motion graphs of several movement sequences. The project also includes an analysis of the costs and the environmental impact of this work. This thesis also analyses the advantages and implications of using a virtual model to develop a machine. This is done through a literature review and observations made during the development of the case study

    Stiffness Compensation and External Control of Gantry-Tau Robots

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    This master thesis describes how to compensate for the compliance of the Gantry-Tau robot. The main reason for this is to improve the performance of the robot. The compliance is modeled as nine springs, one for each cart and each link. The model seems promising but has only been tested in homing position of the robot but shows a positive result in decreasing the compliance. External control of the CNC software ISG and its drivers for a Gantry-Tau robot F1 is also investigated. A way to add external measurement equipment and adding external position references was implemented

    Mechatronics Design Process with Energy Optimization for Industrial Machines

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    The need for designing industrial machines with higher energy efficiency, reliability, flexibility, and accuracy has increased to satisfy market demand for higher productivity at reduced costs in a sustainable manner. As machines become more complex, model-based design is essential to overcome the challenges in mechatronic system design. However, a well-designed mechanical system with a well-designed and tuned control system are not sufficient for machines to operate at high-performance conditions; this also heavily depends on trajectory planning and the appropriate selection of the motors controlling the axes of the machine. In this work, a model-based design approach to properly select motors for single-axes or multi-axes coordinated systems was proposed. Additionally, a trajectory planning approach was also proposed to improve performance of industrial machines. The proposed motor selection process and trajectory planning approach were demonstrated via modeling, simulation, and experimental validation for three systems: two-inertia system, planar robot, and self-balancing transporter. Over 25% of the electric energy delivered in the U.S. in 2013 was used in the industrial sector according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, with an estimated efficiency of 80% according to the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. This entails major responsibility by the industry to utilize energy efficiently and promote sustainable energy usage. To help improve the energy efficiency in the industrial sector, a novel method to optimize the energy of single-axis and multi-axis coordinated systems of industrial machines was developed. Based on trajectory boundaries and the kinetic model of the mechanism and motors, this proposed energy optimization method performs iterations to recalculate the shape of the motion profile for each motor of the system being optimized until it converges to a motion profile with optimal energy cost and within these boundaries. This method was validated by comparing the energy consumption of those three systems while commanded by the optimized motion profile and then by motion profiles typically used in industrial applications. The energy saved was between 5% and 10%. The implementation cost of this method in industrial systems resides in machine-code changes; no physical changes are needed

    Modelling, identification and control of robotic manipulator

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    Táto diplomová práca sa zaoberá identifikáciou, modelovaním a riadením manipulátoru s tromi stupňami voľnosti. Diplomová práca je súčasťou projektu [17], ktorého cieľom je vytvorenie edukačnej platformy. V práci je testované riadenie modelu kyvadla pomocou PID regulátoru a pomocou PID regulátoru s doprednou kompenzáciou. Ďalej je vytvorený model jednosmerných motorov, ktoré boli použité na výrobu manipulátoru a taktiež sa vytvoril model inverznej dynamiky celého manipulátoru. Tento model sa následne použil na riadenie manipulátoru metódou riadenia s doprednou kompenzáciou. V záverečnej časti bola vytvorená aplikácia v ktorá umožňuje manipulátoru naučiť sa a neskôr vykonávať rôzne pohyby. Pre jednoduchšie ovládanie aplikácie bolo naprogramované používateľské rozhranie.Main aim of this master’s thesis is to identify, model and control robotic manipulator with three degrees of freedom. The thesis is a part of major project [17], the aim of which is to create an educational platform. In the thesis the simple PID control and the PID with feedforward compensation control is tested on the model of simple pendulum. In the next part models of DC motors, which are used for construction of the manipulator, are developed and the inverse dynamics model of manipulator is developed. This model is used for feedforward control of the manipulator. In the final part the application was developed, which allows the manipulator to be taught some movements, which can be later on, executed. For the simple control of the application the graphical user interface was programmed.

    Applied Mathematics for Pharmaceutical Problems Using Robotics as Assistive Tools for Learning: A Comprehensive Review

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    Smart machine endures getting smarter as they are going to access more about the facts and pieces of evidence that make our work even more authentic than before. The term “robot” was created in 1920 by Czechoslovakian playwright Karel Capek and has been a principal point in science fiction ever since. Pharmacy automation involves machine-driven or mechanical processes of distributing, dispensing and managing medications. Pharmaceutical organizations take advantage of robotics to manoeuvre biological or chemical samples around to integrate novel chemical structure or to test the pharmaceutical value of remaining organic material. Pharmaceutical applications with aid of robotic systems are progressively accepted for enhanced throughput and proficiency to satisfy this growing demand, within a rapidly ageing population that directly requires sophisticated medical devices and newer drugs. According to Robot IQ, mathematics is one of the few main robotics attributes that cannot be learned along the way. A good background in many fields of mathematics and science is needed for robotics at the very least. Several studies have shown that robotics is an effective medium for teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) skills to students. Thus, Novel methods are under development in machine learning, symbolic reasoning and signal processing which may be utilized in production and packaging concerned to the pharmaceuticals. The target is to review the Planning, Safety, Reliability, Accuracy, Quality, Flexibility, Redeployment, Efficiency and other vital applications of Robotics in Pharmacy

    A Mechatronic Approach to Control of 6 DOF Parallel Manipulator

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    This paper presents a practical implementation, using reconfigurable computing applied to robotic problems. Through the proposal a hierarchical architecture, distributing the several control actions in growing levels of complexity and using resources of reconfigurable computing is possible to take into account the easiness of future modifications, updates and improvements in the robotic applications. A practical example is presenting using reconfigurable computing, of Stewart- Gough platform control, where the developed software and hardware are structured in independent blocks, through open architecture implementation, allowing the easy expansion of the system, better adapting the platform to the tasks associated to it. This open architecture implementation allows an easy expansion of the system and a better adaptation of the platform to its related tasks.N/

    Characterizing the specifications of a 6 DoF industrial robotic arm

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    En aquest projecte es presenta l’estudi i la caracterització de les especificacions més importants del braços robòtics de sis graus de llibertat. El document presenta un protocol replicable de proves vàlid per a qualsevol tipus de robot industrial, però està centrat en el braç robòtic CM607-L de CM robotics. L’objectiu principal del projecte és crear i presentar un protocol de tests i alguns possibles equipaments necessaris per realitzar les proves per a què en un futur es pugui utilitzar en la caracterització de diversos robots, tot i això es crearan alguns setups i es realitzaran de forma pràctica algunes de les proves per comprovar que el protocol és correcte. Degut a la curta durada del projecte, i la gran quantitat de proves necessàries per a la total caracterització del robot, en aquest document es presentaran els resultats de les proves de velocitat de cada eix, la velocitat total i el màxim rang de funcionament de cada eix. El document està dividit en diverses seccions. En el primer apartat es poden trobar la motivació i els objectius del projecte, el segon apartat comenta les principals característiques del robot utilitzat (CM607-L), el tercer apartat presenta les diferents alternatives estudiades i el protocol de test definitiu, el quart apartat mostra els setups dissenyats per a realitzar les proves pràctiques i en el cinquè apartat estan recollits els resultats de les proves. Finalment, es poden trobar l’estudi ambiental, l’econòmic i les conclusions.En este proyecto se presenta el estudio y caracterización de las especificaciones más importantes de los brazos robóticos de seis grados de libertad. El documento presenta un protocolo replicable de pruebas válido para cualquier tipo de robot industrial, pero está centrado en el brazo robótico CM607-L de CM robotics. El objetivo principal del proyecto es crear y presentar un protocolo de tests y algunos posibles equipamientos necesarios para realizar las pruebas para que en un futuro se pueda utilizar en la caracterización de varios robots, sin embargo, se crearán algunos setups y se realizarán de forma práctica algunas de las pruebas para comprobar que el protocolo es correcto. Debido a la corta duración del proyecto, y la gran cantidad de pruebas necesarias para la total caracterización del robot, en este documento se presentarán los resultados de las pruebas de velocidad de cada eje, la velocidad total y el máximo rango de funcionamiento de cada eje. El documento está dividido en varias secciones. En el primer apartado se puede encontrar la motivación y los objetivos del proyecto, el segundo apartado comenta las principales características del robot utilizado (CM607-L), el tercer apartado presenta las diferentes alternativas estudiadas y el protocolo de test definitivo, el cuarto apartado muestra los setups diseñados para realizar las pruebas prácticas y en el quinto apartado están recogidos los resultados de las pruebas. Por último, se pueden encontrar el estudio ambiental, el económico y las conclusiones.This project presents the study and characterization of the most important specifications of the robotic arm with six degrees of freedom. The paper presents a replicable test protocol valid for any type of industrial robot, but is focused on the CM robotics CM607-L robotic arm. The main objective of the project is to create and present a test protocol and some possible equipment needed to carry out the tests so that in the future it can be used in the characterization of several robots, although some setups will be created and carried out to practice some of the tests to verify that the protocol is correct. Due to the short duration of the project, and the large number of tests necessary for the full characterization of the robot, this document will present the results of the speed tests of each axis, the total speed and the maximum operating range of each shaft The document is divided into several sections. In the first section you can find the motivation and objectives of the project, the second section comments on the main characteristics of the robot used (CM607-L), the third section presents the different alternatives studied and the definitive test protocol, the fourth section shows the setups designed to carry out the practical tests and in the fifth section the results of the tests are collected. Finally, you can find the environmental study, the economic study and the conclusions

    Modeling, Analysis, and Control of a Mobile Robot for \u3ci\u3eIn Vivo\u3c/i\u3e Fluoroscopy of Human Joints during Natural Movements

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    In this dissertation, the modeling, analysis and control of a multi-degree of freedom (mdof) robotic fluoroscope was investigated. A prototype robotic fluoroscope exists, and consists of a 3 dof mobile platform with two 2 dof Cartesian manipulators mounted symmetrically on opposite sides of the platform. One Cartesian manipulator positions the x-ray generator and the other Cartesian manipulator positions the x-ray imaging device. The robotic fluoroscope is used to x-ray skeletal joints of interest of human subjects performing natural movement activities. In order to collect the data, the Cartesian manipulators must keep the x-ray generation and imaging devices accurately aligned while dynamically tracking the desired skeletal joint of interest. In addition to the joint tracking, this also requires the robotic platform to move along with the subject, allowing the manipulators to operate within their ranges of motion. A comprehensive dynamic model of the robotic fluoroscope prototype was created, incorporating the dynamic coupling of the system. Empirical data collected from an RGB-D camera were used to create a human kinematic model that can be used to simulate the joint of interest target dynamics. This model was incorporated into a computer simulation that was validated by comparing the simulation results with actual prototype experiments using the same human kinematic model inputs. The computer simulation was used in a comprehensive dynamic analysis of the prototype and in the development and evaluation of sensing, control, and signal processing approaches that optimize the subject and joint tracking performance characteristics. The modeling and simulation results were used to develop real-time control strategies, including decoupling techniques that reduce tracking error on the prototype. For a normal walking activity, the joint tracking error was less than 20 mm, and the subject tracking error was less than 140 mm