1,262 research outputs found


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    The article is devoted to the disclosure of socio-cultural and aesthetic aspects of the formation of the professional orientation of a student – a future elementary school teacher. The authors reveal the socio-cultural and aesthetic potential of university disciplines in the personal development of a student – a future teacher. They characterize the features of the formation of the teacher’s professional orientation, the basis of which are his/her humanitarian and pedagogical culture and spirituality as the highest level of development and self-regulation of a mature personality, on which the highest human values become the main reference points of his/her life. Further, on the basis of the characteristics of the research methods, the article presents the results of the diagnostics of the formation of socio-cultural and aesthetic aspects of the professional orientation of the students of the pedagogical university – future elementary school teachers, reflecting the positive dynamics of the development of the qualities we consider in subjects in the experimental group.Статья посвящена раскрытию социокультурных и эстетических аспектов формирования профессиональной направленности студента – будущего современного учителя начальной школы. Раскрыт социокультурный и эстетический потенциал вузовских дисциплин в личностном становлении студента – будущего учителя. Охарактеризованы особенности формирования профессиональной направленности педагога, базисом которой являются его гуманитарно-педагогическая культура и духовность как высший уровень развития и саморегуляции зрелой личности, на котором основными ориентирами ее жизнедеятельности становятся высшие человеческие ценности. Далее, на основе характеристики методов исследования, в статье представлены результаты диагностики сформированности социокультурных и эстетических сторон профессиональной направленности у студентов педагогического вуза – будущих учителей начальных классов, отражающие положительную динамику развития рассматриваемых нами качеств у испытуемых в экспериментальной группе

    Pedagogy of the Twenty-First Century: Innovative Teaching Methods

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    In the twenty-first century, significant changes are occurring related to new scientific discoveries, informatization, globalization, the development of astronautics, robotics, and artificial intelligence. This century is called the age of digital technologies and knowledge. How is the school changing in the new century? How does learning theory change? Currently, you can hear a lot of criticism that the classroom has not changed significantly compared to the last century or even like two centuries ago. Do the teachers succeed in modern changes? The purpose of the chapter is to summarize the current changes in didactics for the use of innovative teaching methods and study the understanding of changes by teachers. In this chapter, we consider four areas: the expansion of the subject of pedagogy, environmental approach to teaching, the digital generation and the changes taking place, and innovation in teaching. The theory of education, figuratively speaking, has two levels. At the macro-level, in the “education-society” relationship, decentralization and diversification, internationalization of education, and the introduction of digital technologies occur. At the micro-level in the “teacher-learner” relationship, there is an active mix of traditional and innovative methods, combination of an activity approach with an energy-informational environment approach, cognition with constructivism and connectivism

    Digital technologies in art education: problems, solutions

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    Digital technologies, which entered education at the beginning of the 21th century, are actively developing in connection with the prevailing conditions in society throughout the planet in 2020-2021. They have influenced both the education system in general and the artistic direction, especially in distance learning. The developments of scientists and teachers presented at the last congress of sociologists ROS and psychological and pedagogical concepts of humanistic, personality-oriented education contain a discussion of the existing digital space and proposals for the organization of digital education in higher education, including the artistic students' specialization. Based on this and the didactic concept of teaching, we continued the author's methods of optimizing the artistic activity of students in distance learning at a university, described in previous articles, reflecting its specificity, results of the application, and outlined prospects for this direction of creative activity that develops personality in modern conditions

    Digitalization of Higher Education in the Context of Globalization

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    The researchers analyzed numerous publications on the digitalization of education in the context of globalization. The authors thereby identified the most relevant areas related to the introduction of digital technologies and digital tools into the educational process. These included the creation of a virtual (digital) educational environment, transition to online learning, and learning in a mixed format. In all observed aspects, the impact of globalization processes on the problem field of education, including the higher education system, was noticeable. This impact can be viewed both from the positive side and from the point of view of social risks of transforming higher education institutions under the influence of digitalization, and expressing situations of uncertainty in changing the configuration of relations between the subjects of the new educational reality. The purpose of this research was to study the processes of transformation of higher education institutions in expanding digitalization in the context of globalization. Data were collected through a quantitative questionnaire and observations. Under the influence of globalization, the role of the teacher and student is changing, and the field of digitalization in the management and technological spheres is expanding. Digitalization expands the possibilities of flexibility in education, promotes openness, increases student involvement in the learning process, improves the interaction of universities, and increases the speed of innovation. However, it is necessary to calculate the possible negative consequences of this transformation. Keywords: digitalization, online education, virtual educational environmen

    Virtual University As a Horizon of Higher Education Modernization

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    The research aim is to analyze the ontological foundations of virtual education in an information society. Among the methods of research used are analysis, synthesis, abstraction, comparison, interpretation, systematization, classification, conceptualization, structural, functional and prognostic methods. The Virtual University is considered as a networking institution that creates unique opportunities for both spontaneous and purposeful manipulation of human development. It is argued that a virtual university must be built with new values in mind: openness, accessibility, democracy, non-discrimination for people with disabilities and other needs of the individual and society. It is argued that the formation of a new picture of the world, which assumes the responsibility of mankind to himself \herself and to nature, the increase of the value of human life, freedom of choice, is also the reason for the formation of new axiological markers that define the virtual university as an information society phenomenon. The research has fixed that the presence of a virtual knowledge environment, in which the learning process unfolds, gives rise to the need to develop a virtual culture, which is a special form of communication between the education subjects in the process of knowledge production and consumption. Virtual communication is defined as a subspecies of semantic communication, which involves the exchange of both information and knowledge. An information society based on the world information economy (knowledge economy) stimulates the development of a planetary information infrastructure that defines the educational trends of the 21st century. In the information society, economic activity is ensured by the information and communication environment, an integral part of which is education. Along with the virtual economy, the virtual financial system, etc., there are virtual educational phenomena, including a virtual university. Keywords: virtual university, educational space, global informatics, post-material values, innovatio

    Applied Linguistics, Computational Linguistics and Other Interdisciplinary Sciences as Effective Intercultural Communication Strategies

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    The article deals with the issues of interaction of linguistics and modern computer information technologies. It systematizes the actual problems and ways of their integration based on the analysis of the latest scientific works and the appropriate educational programs in higher education institutions all over the world. It draws attention to interdisciplinary sciences such as applied linguistics, computational linguistics, linguistic informatics, quantitative linguistics, mathematical linguistics, Internet linguistics, and integrated knowledge. The cooperation of two different areas is very productive and prospective. It contributes to the development of artificial intelligence and provides wider professional opportunities, effective intercultural communication and further improvement of society. The representatives of two, very different fields become mutually beneficial and complete each other successfully. The result of this interaction is a universal specialist which is in great demand nowadays. The main issues of the interaction of linguistics and modern information technologies are the following: 1) the role of virtual space and modern information technology in the development of linguistics; 2) the role of linguistics in the development of virtual space and information technologies, and the training of computer specialists; 3) the place of virtual space and modern information technologies in preparing linguists and translators (machine translation, translation systems, etc.); 4) the emergence of interdisciplinary sciences and educational courses at the intersection of two areas to provide society with professionals with integrated knowledge; duplication of their conceptual and terminological apparatus and research methods (due to their novelty); methodological support of the integrated educational process

    On the difficulties of acquiring mathematical experience: Case rural education

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    Based on a variety of philosophical approaches and my own work for decades in pure and applied mathematics teaching and research, I explain my view upon the basic difficulties of acquiring the Mathematical Experience (in the sense of P.J. Davis and R. Hersh 1981) and submit a list of claims how these difficulties can and should be confronted.Comment: 17 pages, substantial bibliography. To appear in EM TEIA | Revista de Educa\c{c}\~ao Matem\'atica e Tecnol\'ogica Iberoamericana, 4/4 (December 2013), Thematic issue on "Rural Education: Contributions From Mathematics and Technological Education", http://www.gente.eti.br/revistas/index.php/emteia

    Social values of students in conditions of digitalization of education and COVID-19

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    Introduction. During the COVID-19 pandemic variety of digital tools and technologies were demonstrated owing to the global digitalization of education and the total transition to online learning. The purpose of present research is to determine factors of digitalization of education and their effect on transformation of social values among high school students in conditions of the COVID-19. The results of research on social values of students were considered using comparative analysis. It was revealed that the paradigm of values among young people changed from an individual-personal one at the beginning of the XXI century to the social oriented paradigm - tolerance, openness, public recognition through social networks, self-development and contribution to the community. Materials and Methods. The analysis of pedagogical experience in the field of digitalization of education allowed to formulate the main factors of global digitalization of education and to highlight positive and negative aspects of online learning. According to M. Rokich's method, an empirical study of instrumental values transformations was carried out among 137 students of Ural Federal University in the conditions of full-time online learning. A questionnaire method was implemented to determine students' attitude to online learning during COVID-19 pandemic and possibility for further development of this form of learning. Results. It was revealed that only 13.7% of respondents did not notice any decrease in the quality of learning and did not experience discomfort in obtaining knowledge in online form. According to the students' opinion the values that are subjected to transformation are the following: efficiency, self-control, responsibility, honesty. It can be concluded that the era of network personality and new scientific knowledge in pedagogy has begun. Online learning is a fait accompli which requires scientific substantiation of a new didactics and social values system development among students in a digital education environment. Discussion and Conclusion. Achieved results contribute to ecological system of new digital services that change life and educational activities of a human, as well as transform his personality and values system. Thus, for the purpose of health and emotional intelligence preservation in students the continuation of interdisciplinary study of various aspects of education digitalization is required. © Rezer T. M., 2021.Present work is supported by grant of the Institute of Public Administration and Entrepreneurship of Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. This research has is funded by the Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Grant No. АР08856570)

    Online studying at university during the period of COVID-19 virus pandemic: students’ motivation and resilience

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    In the chapter Online studying at the University during the period of covid-19 virus pandemic: students’ motivation and resilience author Olga Mikhailova considers the problems of organizing distance learning at universities during a pandemic, as well as the characteristics of the motivation and resilience of students studying remotely. The paper presents a theoretical analysis of the phenomena of motivation and resilience, as well as the results of empirical research. Тhe survey involved 84 students aged 18 to 22 years, studying for a Bachelor’s degree at the humanities and technical departments of various Moscow universities. The results obtained reflected the characteristics of the motivation and resilience of students in the first months of the pandemic and revealed a number of problems in the conduct and organization of distance learning at the university.Collection name: LIBRARY "PEDAGOGICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE" 5