19 research outputs found

    Geometry Construction Problems in Electronic Educational Environment as a Development Means for the Students’ Conceptual Mental Structure: Socio-Cultural Approach

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    In the context of the sociocultural approach, the authors studied the problem of the development of the students’ conceptual mental structures in the process of geometry teaching. An educational activity for the development of a generalized ability to solve geometry construction problems in electronic educational environment served as a development means. The objective of the research is to introduce a characteristic of the technology for the formation of the students’ generalized ability to solve geometry construction problems in electronic educational environment focusing on the development of conceptual mental structures. The key factor is the transition from the content-based mathematics teaching to instrument and value-based one, which corresponds to the transformation of the content sphere of mathematical knowledge into procedural and contextual. Construction problems introduce fundamentally new for an adolescent form of activity. This kind of work makes it possible to transform declarative knowledge that provides an understanding of educational material into procedural, providing mastering and application of geometric concepts. In addition, value-based knowledge is developed, providing the value positions experience and creating conditions for the formation of the axiological sphere of the student’s personality. The statistical data analysis confirmed the hypothesis that the student’s general proficiency in solving geometry construction problems in terms of socio-culturally oriented education influences positively the development of conceptual mental structures

    Women’s digital skills in the use of social network sites: differences by employment status

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    Este artículo presenta resultados parciales de la investigación “las mujeres como tejedoras de las redes sociales: estrategias relacionales e inclusión digital”, financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. El objetivo del estudio es conocer las competencias digitales de las mujeres en el uso de las redes sociales y determinar perfiles según su nivel de habilidad en las redes. Además, analizamos las diferencias en la competencia digital en función de la situación laboral de las mujeres. Con este fin, se realizó una encuesta de 1340 mujeres con diferentes perfiles en función de su situación laboral y su edad. Se aplicó una escala para medir las competencias digitales en el uso de redes sociales, que obtuvo índices óptimos de validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados muestran un nivel medio-alto de competencias en el uso de las redes sociales, siendo las mujeres profesionales y emprendedoras las que muestran competencias más avanzadas respecto a las mujeres desempleadas. Todas ellas tienen poco desarrolladas las competencias de manejo de información y creación de contenidos, lo que tiene repercusión en la formación para el empleoThis article presents partial results of the investigation “women as weavers of the social networks: relational strategies and digital inclusion”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to know the digital skills of women in the use of social networks and determine the profiles according to their level of skills. In addition, we analyze differences in digital competence depending on women employment status. To this end, we conducted a survey of 1340 women with different profiles depending on their employment status and their age. We applied a scale to measure digital skills in using social networking sites, which had optimal rates of validity and reliability. The results show a medium-high level of digital skills in the use of social networks, finding that women professional and entrepre- neurial show more advanced skills regarding unemployed women. All women surveyed have underdeveloped skills of information management and digital content creation, which has an impact on training for employment

    'E-tivities from the front line': a community of inquiry case study analysis of educators’ blog posts on the topic of designing and delivering online learning

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    Designing and implementing successful online learning has been at the forefront of institutional agendas since digital learning increased in market demand over the last decade. However there is still ongoing debate as to the 'how' of this arduous task. The Community of Inquiry (CoI) is one learning design method that has seen potential in the field, but practical implementation of designing for the important components of Social, Cognitive and Teaching Presence have yet to be fully realised. This paper researches an e-learning design strategy called E-tivities as a suggested possible method for designing for CoI components. The research explored recent online blog posts of experienced learning designers’ and educators’ experience in designing successful online learning using E-tivities. Results suggest the E-tivities do have the potential to cater for all Presences of CoI. Specifically when using E-tivities to design online learning Affective Expression was the highest reported Social Presence design factor. All four components of Cognitive Presence appeared to be present in E-tivities design. The most important component for adequate Teaching Presence factors was the initial Design and Organisation of the course. E-tivities and the 5-Stage Model provides a solid framework for this to occur

    The Impact of Student Completion Requirements Using an LMS (Learning Management System) on Student Achievement and Differentiated Instruction in The Classroom.

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    School classrooms today are immersed with technology and learning management systems that provide teachers with tools to organize their classroom. However, many teachers do not know the capabilities of these LMS programs to differentiate instruction and tailor learning to meet the needs of every student in the classroom. This mixed methods study investigated the impact on student achievement of a Learning Management System called Schoology. The study also examined the Learning Management System’s ability to effectively differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all learners as a means to increase student achievement. Culminating assessment scores were compared from a prior unit without student completion requirements to a unit with 100% mastery student completion requirements. Additionally, participating students took part in a 10 question survey that asked them to share their opinion and experience with Schoology. Results suggest Schoology as an effective learning instrument for students in the classroom. Quantitatively, students are seeing higher assessment scores when given student completion requirements such as 100% mastery. Qualitatively, the survey shows students are recognizing the ability of Schoology to aid in their individual learning, allowing them to pace their own learning in the classroom

    Competencias digitales de las mujeres en el uso de las redes sociales virtuales: diferencias según perfil laboral

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    This article presents partial results of the investigation “women as weavers of the social networks: relational strategies and digital inclusion”, funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to know the digital skills of women in the use of social networks and determine the profiles according to their level of skills. In addition, we analyze differences in digital competence depending on women employment status. To this end, we conducted a survey of 1340 women with different profiles depending on their employment status and their age. We applied a scale to measure digital skills in using social networking sites, which had optimal rates of validity and reliability. The results show a medium-high level of digital skills in the use of social networks, finding that women professional and entrepreneurial show more advanced skills regarding unemployed women. All women surveyed have underdeveloped skills of information management and digital content creation, which has an impact on training for employment.Este artículo presenta resultados parciales de la investigación “las mujeres como tejedoras de las redes sociales: estrategias relacionales e inclusión digital”, financiada por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. El objetivo del estudio es conocer las competencias digitales de las mujeres en el uso de las redes sociales y determinar perfiles según su nivel de habilidad en las redes. Además, analizamos las diferencias en la competencia digital en función de la situación laboral de las mujeres. Con este fin, se realizó una encuesta de 1340 mujeres con diferentes perfiles en función de su situación laboral y su edad. Se aplicó una escala para medir las competencias digitales en el uso de redes sociales, que obtuvo índices óptimos de validez y fiabilidad. Los resultados muestran un nivel medio-alto de competencias en el uso de las redes sociales, siendo las mujeres profesionales y emprendedoras las que muestran competencias más avanzadas respecto a las mujeres desempleadas. Todas ellas tienen poco desarrolladas las competencias de manejo de información y creación de contenidos, lo que tiene repercusión en la formación para el empleo

    Increasing Technology Engagement in the Mass Customized Secondary Classroom

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    The increase in student-centered and self-directed classroom practices and curriculum delivery methods such as proficiency based education (PBE) and mass customized learning (MCL) coupled with 1:1 technology environments requires the student be productive without direct teacher oversight. Using productivity software, this research project examines student digital engagement in a high school classroom employing student-centered MCL and PBE practices in an attempt to answer the following research questions: “Can the use of self-monitoring productivity applications increase positive technology outcomes while decreasing negative technology outcomes?” and “Do student perceptions of their engagement fit their behavior?” This qualitative study uses three phases of survey to collect data concerning productivity as reported by the productivity application and students’ beliefs concerning how the percentage reflects their actual computer use

    Un marco de referencia para las Enseñanzas Artísticas Visuales en dispositivos móviles: Español

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    The entry of mobile devices into the teaching-learning process in education, occurred during the last years, has permeated all educational sectors, and has consequently required the incorporation in every discipline of new working methodologies or the adjustment of the existing ones. In any event, the incorporation of this kind of technology is demanding the implementation of organizational structures capable of adapting to the inherent potentialities of mobile devices, as well as to the different conceptual approaches in the teaching-learning process. In this work we propose a model of structure for the Visual Arts Education, which integrates the different phases and the necessary actions to be carried out, while considering learners as the central axis of the process. This model is based, on the one hand, on the definition of the learning setting, the strategic planning and the operational phase, and on the other hand, on the contexts and the working spaces from where the forms of intervention in the Visual Arts Education may be organised. As a final result, the instructional design of the mobile devices determines the planning of the actions in spaces of autonomous and authentic learning in which Visual Arts Education takes place. Finally, we propose the definition of the prototype, the test, the evaluation and the implementation of the strategy at the moment of production.La irrupción de los dispositivos móviles en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en educación, acaecido en los últimos años, ha permeado en todos los sectores educativos, y consecuentemente, ha requerido la incorporación en cada disciplina de nuevas metodologías de trabajo, o la adecuación de las existentes. En todos los casos, la incorporación de esta tecnología está demandando la concreción de estructuras organizativas capaces de adaptase a las potencialidades inherentes de los propios dispositivos móviles, y a los diversos enfoques conceptuales del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el presente trabajo se propone un modelo de estructura para las Enseñanzas Artísticas Visuales que integra las distintas fases y actuaciones necesarias para llevarlo a cabo, manteniendo al alumnado como eje central del proceso. El modelo se fundamenta por un lado, en la definición del escenario de aprendizaje, de la planificación estratégica, y de la fase operativa, y por otro lado en los contextos y los espacios de trabajo desde los que organizar las formas de intervención en las Enseñanzas Artísticas Visuales. Como resultado, el diseño de la instrucción de los dispositivos móviles, determina la planificación de las acciones en espacios de aprendizaje autónomo y auténtico, en los que la educación artística visual se desenvuelve. Finalmente se plantea la definición del prototipo, prueba, evaluación, e implementación, de la estrategia en el momento de producción

    Relevancy of New Higher Education Approaches in ‘Second Republic Zimbabwe’

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    Through face-to-face interviews with lecturers, this research explored the relevancy of new higher education approaches in Zimbabwe particularly Education 5.0 and virtual learning environments (VLEs). The main finding suggests that the five missions of Education 5.0 are not new in higher education and training in the country. However, they being nigh on greased following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID 19) is exceptional and unplanned for up take. Education 5.0 charges that turned to be virtually oiled have already been cherished under the auspices of Education 3.0. Thus, lecturers do not perceive it as new. But, only the means and ways upon which it is delivered to learners in the COVID 19 era. The hype around it coming from the ‘Second Republic’ government is factory-made and politically calculated. Besides, it is difficult to underpin the development given the economic problems the country is currently facing. This research also finds out that VLEs are just more than a saga in Zimbabwe since she still lags behind the world order of internet of things. A few of the interviewees were of the view that teaching and learning though virtual means and ways is not different from the old face-to-face model

    Validation of an e-Learning 3.0 Critical Success Factors Framework: A Qualitative Research

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