841 research outputs found

    On the necessity of removing 'cruelty' from the teaching of computing

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    In his famous article [1] Edsger Dijkstra reflected upon how cruel it would be truly to teach computer science. For some reason the CS community over the years have taken the sadistic element of his entreaties to heart. Why is this so? Does it have intuitive appeal to those CS educators who believe in the "hard man" school of computer science and the "real programmers don't eat quiche" model of education

    Mutual exclusion

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    Almost all computers today operate as part of a network, where they assist people in coordinating actions. Sometimes what appears to be a single computer is actually a network of cooperating computers; e.g., some supercomputers consist of many processors operating in parallel and exchanging synchronization signals. One of the most fundamental requirements in all these systems is that certain operations be indivisible: the steps of one must not be interleaved with the steps of another. Two approaches were designed to implement this requirement, one based on central locks and the other on distributed order tickets. Practicing scientists and engineers need to come to be familiar with these methods

    Edsger Dijkstra. The Man Who Carried Computer Science on His Shoulders

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    This a biographical essay about Edsger Wybe Dijkstra.Comment: 12 pages. Originally appeared in Inference, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2020, see https://inference-review.com/article/the-man-who-carried-computer-science-on-his-shoulder

    Aplikasi Diagnosa Penyakit Jantung dan Sistem Pelacakan Rumah Ssakit Menggunakan Alogritma Fuzzy-Tsukamoto dan Edsger Dijkstra Berbasis Android untuk Masyarakat Indonesia

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    AbstrakAdapun penelitian ini merancang aplikasi diagnosa penyakit jantung dan sistem pelacakan rumah sakit berbasis android untuk masyarakat Indonesia. Hasil penelitian ini dapat memberikan gambaran dan penejelasan kepada user dalam mendiagnosa lebih dini penyakit jantung berdasarkan gejala-gejala atau penyebab yang ada dengan cepat dan tepat. Selain itu, aplikasi ini mempermudah user dalam memberikan gambaran mengenai informasi kesehatan penyakit jantung yang dialami dan memberikan pengetahuan tentang jenis-jenis penyakit jantung dan gejala, penyebab disertai tindakan yang harus diambil untuk pencegahannya sebagai langkah awal dalam mengantisipasi penyakit jantung. Di sisi lain, aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi fitur-fitur lainnya, seperti artikel, video, dan info rumah sakit terkait dan terdekat yang dapat dilacak oleh user.Kata Kunci: aplikasi, diagnosa, jantung, pelacakan, AndroidAbstract This study aims to design android-based heart disease diagnosis application and hospital tracking system for Indonesian community. The result of this study can provide a quick and precise overview and explanation about early diagnosis of heart disease based on the existing symptoms or causes to the users. In addition, it also provides an overview on the heart disease experienced and provides knowledge about the types of heart disease, the symptoms, the causes along with actions to take for prevention. In addition, this application also features articles, videos, and partner hospitals close to the user’s location.Keywords: Application, Diagnosis, Heart, Tracking, Android, Society, IndonesiaTanggal Terima Naskah : 07 Juni 2017Tanggal Persetujuan Naskah : 20 Oktober 201

    Flight-schedule using Dijkstra's algorithm with comparison of routes findings

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    The Dijkstra algorithm, also termed the shortest-route algorithm, is a model that is categorized within the search algorithms. Its purpose is to discover the shortest-route, from the beginning node (origin node) to any node on the tracks, and is applied to both directional and undirected graphs. However, all edges must have non-negative values. The problem of organizing inter-city flights is one of the most important challenges facing airplanes and how to transport passengers and commercial goods between large cities in less time and at a lower cost. In this paper, the authors implement the Dijkstra algorithm to solve this complex problem and also to update it to see the shortest-route from the origin node (city) to the destination node (other cities) in less time and cost for flights using simulation environment. Such as, when graph nodes describe cities and edge route costs represent driving distances between cities that are linked with the direct road. The experimental results show the ability of the simulation to locate the most cost-effective route in the shortest possible time (seconds), as the test achieved 95% to find the suitable route for flights in the shortest possible time and whatever the number of cities on the tracks application

    Automatic character recognition based on graph theory: a new approach to automation

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    The aim of this paper is to present a new method Optical Character\ud Recognition (OCR).\ud For it will be used for projections of images and the technique of\ud Dijkstra's shortest path in graph-based structures can To validate the model presented\ud in this work is implemented using software techniques commented above in the\ud knowledge base organized around the Latin alphabet.\ud We made several tests on the\ud software and thus validating the proposed model.\ud The presented method has the benefit\ud that the training time of knowledge is much lower when compared to a neural network\ud that performs the same operation