2,168 research outputs found

    Exploring audience perceptions of, and preferences for, online news videos

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    Journalism professionals and media experts have traditionally used normatively formed criteria to evaluate news quality. Although the digital news media environment has enabled journalists to respond at unprecedented speed to audience consumption patterns, little academic research has systematically addressed how audiences themselves perceive and evaluate news, and even less has focused on audio-visual news. To help fill this research gap, we conducted in-depth group interviews with 22 online news video consumers in the UK to explore their perceptions of online news videos—an increasingly popular news format. Thematic analyses suggest audiences evaluate online news videos using a complex and interwoven set of criteria, which we group under four headings: antecedents of perceptions, emotional impacts, news and editorial values and production characteristics. Some of these criteria can be positioned clearly in relation to the literature on news quality in general, while our documentation of the others contributes new, format-specific knowledge. Our findings offer journalists practical insights into how audiences perceive and evaluate a host of characteristics of online news videos, while our conceptual framework provides a foundation for further academic research on audience evaluations of online news videos, and even audio-visual news more generally

    Mirroring the past, from typewriting to interactive art: an approach to the re-design of a vintage technology

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    Obsolete and old technologies are often used in interactive art and music performance. DIY practices such as hardware hacking and circuit bending provide e ective methods to the integration of old machines into new artistic inventions. This paper presents the Cembalo Scrivano .1, an interactive audio-visual installation based on an augmented typewriter. Borrowing concepts from media archaeology studies, tangi- ble interaction design and digital lutherie, we discuss how investigations into the historical and cultural evolution of a technology can suggest directions for the regeneration of obsolete objects. The design approach outlined focuses on the remediation of an old device and aims to evoke cultural and physical properties associated to the source object

    Artificial Intelligence and Work – Building a New Employment Paradigm

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    This book is the result of the work done within the scope of the Innovation and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the School of Law of the University of Buenos Aires and the Public Prosecutor ́s Office of the City of Buenos Aires. Apart from promoting the development of the artificial intelligence Prometea, we will investigate and analyze the impact of artificial intelligence within the general interests of society, a project that takes place within the framework of a more extensive work linked to the impact of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). We would like to thank and highlight the collaboration of Melisa Raban, Gustavo Sa Zeichen, Inés Iribarne, Julián Palumbo, Denise Ciraudo, Fiorella Vigo, Carina Papini, Antonella Stringhini, Victoria Vázquez and Estefanía Mullally. Also, we are very grateful to Matías Puig, for his work in the development and expansion of Prometea. To William Gilles and Irene Bouhadara, world references, for their work and dedication to encourage the relationship between ICT and human rights

    Internship report at Evangelisti y Cia: the relationship between master and the apprentice

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    Este relatório surge na sequência do estágio realizado na Agência Evangelisti y Cia, em Alicante – Espanha, para a obtenção do grau de mestre na especialização de Design e Cultura Visual. Este relatório apresenta a descrição dos projetos desenvolvidos durante o período de estágio na agência, que permitiu consolidar e aprofundar os conhecimentos e as competências adquiridas na Licenciatura em Arquitetura no Politécnico de Milão e, posteriormente, no Mestrado em Design e Cultura Visual no IADE – Universidade Europeia. A oportunidade de realizar projetos reais em colaboração com uma equipa experiente foi ótima, tendo permitido desenvolver muitas capacidades praticas e profissionais e uma boa preparação para o desenvolvimento de novos projetos. Este estagio tocou diferentes áreas do Design, desde o Design Editorial ao Design de Identidade. Começou com a realização do projeto Cola e terminou com projeto ENSO 19, contribuindo desta forma para o desenvolvimento das capacidades criativas e responsabilidade na tomada de decisões rápidas, para cumprimentos dos prazos previstos.This report follows the internship held at the Evangelisti y Cia agency in Alicante – Spain to obtain the Master degree in the specialization of Design and Visual Culture. This report represents the description of the projects developed during the period of work in the agency, which allowed the consolidation and deepening of the knowledge and competences acquired in the architecture degree in the Polytechnic of Milan, followed by the master’s degree in Design and Visual Culture at IADE – Universidade Europeia. The opportunity to carry out real projects in collaboration with an experienced team was excellent, allowing for the development of many practical and professional skills, and it was a good preparation for the development of new projects. This internship touched on different areas of Design, from Editorial Design to Identity Design. It began with the realization of the Cola project and ended with the ENSO 19 project, thus contributing to the development of creative capacities and areas of responsibility for making fast decisions and meet deadlines

    Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine, no. 7

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    Special issue on the "Material Image: Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies." Editorial Team: Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director: Christiane Wagner Senior Editor: Martina Sauer Co-Editor for this Special Issue: Elisabeth Günther Associate Editors: Laurence Larochelle, Katarina Andjelkovic and Natasha Marzliak For more information about the magazine or for the full bios of the editorial team and scientific committee, please visit the Art Style Magazine’s website. Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine is an open access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, we also consider the significance of socio-cultural, historical, and market influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and environment. The images relate to the cultural changes and their time-space significance— the spirit of the time. Hence, it is not only about the image itself and its description but rather its effects on culture, in which reciprocity is involved. For example, a variety of visual narratives—like movies, TV shows, videos, performances, media, digital arts, visual technologies and video game as part of the video’s story, communications design, and also, drawing, painting, photography, dance, theater, literature, sculpture, architecture and design—are discussed in their visual significance as well as in synchronization with music in daily interactions. Moreover, this magazine handles images and sounds concerning the meaning in culture due to the influence of ideologies, trends, or functions for informational purposes as forms of communication beyond the significance of art and its issues related to the sociocultural and political context

    Large-scale Text-to-Image Generation Models for Visual Artists' Creative Works

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    Large-scale Text-to-image Generation Models (LTGMs) (e.g., DALL-E), self-supervised deep learning models trained on a huge dataset, have demonstrated the capacity for generating high-quality open-domain images from multi-modal input. Although they can even produce anthropomorphized versions of objects and animals, combine irrelevant concepts in reasonable ways, and give variation to any user-provided images, we witnessed such rapid technological advancement left many visual artists disoriented in leveraging LTGMs more actively in their creative works. Our goal in this work is to understand how visual artists would adopt LTGMs to support their creative works. To this end, we conducted an interview study as well as a systematic literature review of 72 system/application papers for a thorough examination. A total of 28 visual artists covering 35 distinct visual art domains acknowledged LTGMs' versatile roles with high usability to support creative works in automating the creation process (i.e., automation), expanding their ideas (i.e., exploration), and facilitating or arbitrating in communication (i.e., mediation). We conclude by providing four design guidelines that future researchers can refer to in making intelligent user interfaces using LTGMs.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Art Style, Art & Culture International Magazine, no. 7

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    Special issue on the "Material Image: Affordances as a New Approach to Visual Culture Studies." Editorial Team: Editor-in-Chief and Creative Director: Christiane Wagner Senior Editor: Martina Sauer Co-Editor for this Special Issue: Elisabeth Günther Associate Editors: Laurence Larochelle, Katarina Andjelkovic and Natasha Marzliak For more information about the magazine or for the full bios of the editorial team and scientific committee, please visit the Art Style Magazine’s website. Art Style | Art & Culture International Magazine is an open access, biannual, and peer-reviewed online magazine that aims to bundle cultural diversity. All values of cultures are shown in their varieties of art. Beyond the importance of the medium, form, and context in which art takes its characteristics, we also consider the significance of socio-cultural, historical, and market influence. Thus, there are different forms of visual expression and perception through the media and environment. The images relate to the cultural changes and their time-space significance— the spirit of the time. Hence, it is not only about the image itself and its description but rather its effects on culture, in which reciprocity is involved. For example, a variety of visual narratives—like movies, TV shows, videos, performances, media, digital arts, visual technologies and video game as part of the video’s story, communications design, and also, drawing, painting, photography, dance, theater, literature, sculpture, architecture and design—are discussed in their visual significance as well as in synchronization with music in daily interactions. Moreover, this magazine handles images and sounds concerning the meaning in culture due to the influence of ideologies, trends, or functions for informational purposes as forms of communication beyond the significance of art and its issues related to the sociocultural and political context

    10th International Conference on Business, Technology and Innovation 2021

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    Welcome to IC – UBT 2021 UBT Annual International Conference is the 10th international interdisciplinary peer reviewed conference which publishes works of the scientists as well as practitioners in the area where UBT is active in Education, Research and Development. The UBT aims to implement an integrated strategy to establish itself as an internationally competitive, research-intensive university, committed to the transfer of knowledge and the provision of a world-class education to the most talented students from all background. The main perspective of the conference is to connect the scientists and practitioners from different disciplines in the same place and make them be aware of the recent advancements in different research fields, and provide them with a unique forum to share their experiences. It is also the place to support the new academic staff for doing research and publish their work in international standard level. This conference consists of sub conferences in different fields like: Security Studies Sport, Health and Society Psychology Political Science Pharmaceutical and Natural Sciences Mechatronics, System Engineering and Robotics Medicine and Nursing Modern Music, Digital Production and Management Management, Business and Economics Language and Culture Law Journalism, Media and Communication Information Systems and Security Integrated Design Energy Efficiency Engineering Education and Development Dental Sciences Computer Science and Communication Engineering Civil Engineering, Infrastructure and Environment Architecture and Spatial Planning Agriculture, Food Science and Technology Art and Digital Media This conference is the major scientific event of the UBT. It is organizing annually and always in cooperation with the partner universities from the region and Europe. We have to thank all Authors, partners, sponsors and also the conference organizing team making this event a real international scientific event. Edmond Hajrizi, President of UBT UBT – Higher Education Institutio

    The ‘Logic’ of Mediatization Theory in Religion:

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    The concept of mediatization was introduced to research on religion a decade ago by several scholars of communication: Hepp, Hjarvard and Sá Martino. The approach is controversial and has been debated in religious studies and beyond. This article critically analyses the core elements of mediatization theory in religion. These elements are the dating and measurement of mediatization, the secularization and the concept of ‘banal religion,’ the understanding of ‘religion’ and of ‘media,’ and the process of deterritorialization. This analysis questions the empirical evidence for and the theoretical consistency of the mediatization approach. Finally, some alternative research perspectives are presented