33 research outputs found

    Oxfam's DFID General PPA Year Four Annual Review

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    The UK's Department for International Development (DFID) is one of Oxfam's most strategically important partners. The Programme Partnership Arrangement (PPA) is a major element of Oxfam's relationship with DFID, providing valuable opportunities for collaboration and engagement, as well as financial support for Oxfam's work. Oxfam is one of four organisations in the UK which receive both a 'general' PPA to support core operations, and a 'conflict, security and justice, and humanitarian' (CHASE) PPA to support humanitarian policy work. This is Oxfam's Year Four Annual Review of its general PPA

    Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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    Condensed matter systems, ranging from simple fluids and solids to complex multicomponent materials and even biological matter, are governed by well understood laws of physics, within the formal theoretical framework of quantum theory and statistical mechanics. On the relevant scales of length and time, the appropriate ‘first-principles’ description needs only the Schroedinger equation together with Gibbs averaging over the relevant statistical ensemble. However, this program cannot be carried out straightforwardly—dealing with electron correlations is still a challenge for the methods of quantum chemistry. Similarly, standard statistical mechanics makes precise explicit statements only on the properties of systems for which the many-body problem can be effectively reduced to one of independent particles or quasi-particles. [...

    Lanthorn, vol. 24, no. 16, January 10, 1990

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    Lanthorn is Grand Valley State\u27s student newspaper, published from 1968 to the present

    El futuro de la reproducción humana y sus consecuencias

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    Texto de la Conferencia EL FUTURO DE LA REPRODUCCIÓN HUMANA Y SUS CONSECUENCIAS, impartida por el Prof. Dr. D. Joaquín De Juan Herrero, Médico Especialista en Patología, Catedrático de Biología Celular y Director de la Cátedra de Medicina Reproductiva de la Universidad de Alicante. Conferencia invitada por ASEMEYA y celebrada en Madrid el 19 de abril de 2017 a las 19 horas en la ORGANIZACIÓN MÉDICO COLEGIAL, Plaza de las Cortes 11, 3ª Planta, 28014 Madrid.La reproducción es uno de los fenómenos más fascinante de la naturaleza, especialmente la humana. Como todo fenómeno vital, se puede analizar siguiendo cuatro ejes fundamentales: 1) desde el nivel molecular al nivel de organismo, 2) desde el nivel de individuo hasta el nivel social, 3) desde el pasado hasta el futuro y 4) desde las concepciones “mágicas” hasta las estrictamente científicas. El objetivo de ésta conferencia es doble: Primero, describir cómo han evolucionado los conocimientos sobre la reproducción humana, desde los albores de la humanidad hasta nuestros días. Segundo, reflexionar sobre el devenir de la reproducción humana, atendiendo al desarrollo de la Medicina Reproductiva. Esta disertación se desarrollará en los siguientes apartados: 1) Introducción (Concepto de organismo y de reproducción), 2) Reproducción y población (salud reproductiva de la población y del individuo), 3) Pasado presente y futuro de la reproducción humana, 4) Nuevas técnicas de investigación en biología reproductiva y 5) Posibles consecuencias de las nuevas tecnologías: ¿Se producirán ad libitum óvulos y espermatozoides humanos en el laboratorio? ¿Se desarrollarán embriones humanos en úteros artificiales? ¿Dejará de ser el coito el principal modo de tener descendencia? ¿Se producirán bebés a la carta? ¿Modificará esto la estructura de la sociedad?Asociación Española de Médicos Escritores y Artistas (ASEMEYA

    How feasible is the rapid development of artificial superintelligence?

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    What kinds of fundamental limits are there in how capable artificial intelligence (AI) systems might become? Two questions in particular are of interest: (1) How much more capable could AI become relative to humans, and (2) how easily could superhuman capability be acquired? To answer these questions, we will consider the literature on human expertise and intelligence, discuss its relevance for AI, and consider how AI could improve on humans in two major aspects of thought and expertise, namely simulation and pattern recognition. We find that although there are very real limits to prediction, it seems like AI could still substantially improve on human intelligence

    Creative Play Pedagogy

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    This thesis serves as a primer text for creative play pedagogy, a new approach to teaching arts subjects. In accordance with the author’s teaching experience, this text is primarily concerned with the application of new pedagogical shifts to center creative play in the community college creative writing classroom. Part One lays out a definition and rationale for creative play as a concept for teachers. The research outlined in this section illustrates how engagement with the arts benefits students’ mental-emotional and social well-being. Following this research, the author investigates barriers to creative play that exist in traditional pedadogies as well as institutional structures. This section also includes some theory on emotion in the classroom. Part Two focuses on revising some of the traditional pedagogies of the creative writing classroom, both to update them for the community college context and to make space for creative play. The section includes common catchphrases that are used in the creative writing classroom, explores the harms and limitations of these catchphrases, and offers revised methods for addressing key lessons. Also in this section, the author ponders grading and feedback practices, and explores the effects of reactive vs. proactive teaching as it pertains to creative writing. Part Three outlines examples from the author’s own classroom. This section begins with the broad concerns of course design and learning objectives. Then, it moves toward student self-determination and, using quotations from the author’s students, offers rationale for why students choose creative writing at the community college. Overwhelmingly, students are looking for a fun class in which they can be part of a writing community. Lastly, the text in this section suggests some classroom activities that may foster fun and community. Advisor: Shari Stenber

    Bioinformatic approaches to identify key genes involved in microbial metabolic control

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    This thesis combines biological experiments, computational analyses and software development in order to gain new knowledge of microorganisms that could be of benefit to industrial biotechnology processes. It has three linked components. The main part involves the identification of genomic locations in a dataset of Whole Genome Sequenced (WGS) Saccharomyces cerevisae strains that correlate with furfural resistance, a chemical common in treated lignocellulosic waste biomass. The project comprises both experimental data gathering and computational analysis of the resulting datasets. Following an association analysis of the strains' phenotypes and genome-wide genotypes, directed evolution (DE) experiments are carried out to assess the impact on the strains' genomes. The sequence composition of the resulting strains is then compared to their states prior to the DE experiments in order to assess potential evolutionary paths, and to discover whether multi-strain resistance analysis is comparable to the directed evolution of select strains. In the second part, diverse yeast strains are grown in YNB media, with subsequently obtained Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectra analysed computationally to quantitatively assess metabolite concentrations. Various Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains are also grown in malt extract media. The results of both analyses are examined and, where possible, compared in order to assess the relative potential of the strains in various industrial brewing processes. A Genome Wide Association Study on the malt datasets indicates genes potentially involved in metabolite quantity, that may taken forward in future research activities. The final part of this thesis considers the computational prediction of specific cytochrome operons in all bacterial CDS genomes in the RefSeq database (2020). A new software program, ETMiner, is introduced and illustrated through its application to datasets with potentially interesting industrial profiles. Github link for additional resources: https://github.com/Joenetics/PhD_Thesis.gi

    Análisis clínico y posturográfico en ancianos con patología vestibular y su relación con las caídas

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    RESUMEN INTRODUCCIÓN: El equilibrio postural se logra merced a la interacción entre los receptores sensoriales localizados en los sistemas vestibular, visual y somatosensorial, el Sistema Nervioso Central y los arcos reflejos musculares esqueléticos. Las enfermedades vestibulares pueden originar una alteración postural que contribuya a la mayor incidencia de caídas en los ancianos. El control postural puede estudiarse mediante test clínicos o a través de un estudio instrumental (posturografía), el cual permite objetivar y cuantificar aspectos estático y dinámicos del equilibrio e incluso incorporar pasillos de marcha para conocer las características biomecánicas de la misma. OBJETIVOS: 1) Determinar si existen diferencias en el número de caídas, los resultados de un conjunto de test clínicos específicos de equilibrio y el estudio instrumental practicado mediante el sistema NedSVE/IBV entre ancianos normales y con patología vestibular; 2) Establecer las correlaciones entre test clínicos, estudio instrumental y caídas, 3) Conocer la relación entre el estado de compensación vestibuloocular y el control postural de la muestra estudiada. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: se estudian 120 sujetos (60 normales, 60 patológicos). Los patológicos se dividen en 4 subgrupos de diagnóstico clínico; los patológicos periféricos se dividen según el estado de compensación vestibular. Toda la muestra estudiada realizó 4 test clínicos (tiempos de apoyo unipodal, Timed Up and Go, test de Tinetti y test de Berg) y un estudio instrumental (posturografía estática, límites de estabilidad, pruebas de control rítmico y direccional y estudio de la marcha) RESULTADOS. A) Caídas: Los pacientes tuvieron significativamente mayor número de caídas que los sujetos normales. El número de caídas en los subgrupos de diagnóstico clínico y según el estado de compensación vestibular fue muy similar. B) Test clínicos: alta correlación de los resultados de los test clínicos con el número de caídas. No se observaron diferencias significativas entre los grupos y subgrupos comparados. C) Posturografía estática: la mejor condición para discriminar sujetos normales de patológicos y a éstos según su compensación vestibular, fue la de RGA. Sólo finalizaron la condición de RGC 46 sujetos normales y 22 patológicos. Múltiples correlaciones entre los test clínicos y las oscilaciones posturales en RGA. El desplazamiento máximo anteroposterior en ROA fue el único parámetro que se correlacionó con el número de caídas. D) Límites de estabilidad y de control rítmico-direccional: No diferencias significativas entre los grupos y subgrupos estudiados. Escasa correlación con test clínicos. No correlación con caídas. E) Marcha: parámetros cinemáticos: amplia correlación con test clínicos pero no correlación con caídas; parámetros cinéticos: escaso valor para distinguir entre los distintos subgrupos. Múltiples correlaciones con los test clínicos. Muy escasa correlación con el número de caídas durante el año anterior al estudio. CONCLUSIONES. Los pacientes sufrieron más caídas que los sujetos normales. El número de caídas se correlacionó bien con los resultados de los test clínicos pero no con el estudio instrumental. La condición de RGA fue la más útil para conocer el estado funcional del equilibrio. Los resultados de las pruebas de límites de estabilidad y control rítmico direccional fueron muy similares en los diferentes subgrupos estudiados. La velocidad fue el parámetro de la marcha mejor correlacionado con los test clínicos. __________________________________________________________________________________________________INTRODUCTION: vestibular disorders can origine postural disturbances and contribute to the higher incidence of falls among the elderly. The balance can be studied through clinical tests or through a posturography system, which allows quantify static and dynamic aspects of balance. OBJECTIVES: 1) To determine whether there are differences in the number of falls, the clinical tests and the posturographic studies (NedSVE / IBV) among normal and vestibular old patients; 2) To establish correlations among clinical tests, posturographic studies and falls, 3) To know the relationship between the vestibular compensation and postural control of the sample studied. MATERIALS AND METHODS: we studied 120 subjects (60 normal, 60 pathological). Patients were divided into clinical diagnosis groups. All sample made 4 clinical tests (one leg standing, Timed Up and Go, Tinetti test and the Berg Balance Scale) and a posturographic study (static posturography, stability limits, rhythmic weight shift and gait analysis) RESULTS. A) Falls: patients had more greater number of falls that normal subjects. B) Clinical Tests: high correlation with the number of falls. No significant differences among the compared groups and subgroups. C) Static posturography: the RGA was the best condition to discriminate pathological and normal subjects and the compensated vs. non compensated patients. A lot of normal people and patients didnt finish RGC condition. Multiple correlations among clinical tests and postural oscilations in RGA. D) Stability limits and rhythmic weight shift: No significant differences among the groups and subgroups studied. Low correlation with clinical tests. No correlation with falls. E) Gait: kinematic parameters: good correlations with clinical tests but not with the number of falls; kinetic parameters: good correlation with clinical tests. Poor correlation with the number of falls. CONCLUSIONS. Patients had more falls than normal subjects. The number of falls was correlated with the clinical tests but not with the posturographic studies. The RGA condition was the most useful in order to know the functional status of balance. The stability limits and rhythmic weight shift results were similar in the studied subgroups. Velocity was the gait parameter better correlated with the clinical tests