47 research outputs found

    Parameterized Rural Postman Problem

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    The Directed Rural Postman Problem (DRPP) can be formulated as follows: given a strongly connected directed multigraph D=(V,A)D=(V,A) with nonnegative integral weights on the arcs, a subset RR of AA and a nonnegative integer \ell, decide whether DD has a closed directed walk containing every arc of RR and of total weight at most \ell. Let kk be the number of weakly connected components in the the subgraph of DD induced by RR. Sorge et al. (2012) ask whether the DRPP is fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) when parameterized by kk, i.e., whether there is an algorithm of running time O(f(k))O^*(f(k)) where ff is a function of kk only and the OO^* notation suppresses polynomial factors. Sorge et al. (2012) note that this question is of significant practical relevance and has been open for more than thirty years. Using an algebraic approach, we prove that DRPP has a randomized algorithm of running time O(2k)O^*(2^k) when \ell is bounded by a polynomial in the number of vertices in DD. We also show that the same result holds for the undirected version of DRPP, where DD is a connected undirected multigraph

    Odd properly colored cycles in edge-colored graphs

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    It is well-known that an undirected graph has no odd cycle if and only if it is bipartite. A less obvious, but similar result holds for directed graphs: a strongly connected digraph has no odd cycle if and only if it is bipartite. Can this result be further generalized to more general graphs such as edge-colored graphs? In this paper, we study this problem and show how to decide if there exists an odd properly colored cycle in a given edge-colored graph. As a by-product, we show how to detect if there is a perfect matching in a graph with even (or odd) number of edges in a given edge set

    Acyclicity in edge-colored graphs

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    A walk WW in edge-colored graphs is called properly colored (PC) if every pair of consecutive edges in WW is of different color. We introduce and study five types of PC acyclicity in edge-colored graphs such that graphs of PC acyclicity of type ii is a proper superset of graphs of acyclicity of type i+1i+1, i=1,2,3,4.i=1,2,3,4. The first three types are equivalent to the absence of PC cycles, PC trails, and PC walks, respectively. While graphs of types 1, 2 and 3 can be recognized in polynomial time, the problem of recognizing graphs of type 4 is, somewhat surprisingly, NP-hard even for 2-edge-colored graphs (i.e., when only two colors are used). The same problem with respect to type 5 is polynomial-time solvable for all edge-colored graphs. Using the five types, we investigate the border between intractability and tractability for the problems of finding the maximum number of internally vertex disjoint PC paths between two vertices and the minimum number of vertices to meet all PC paths between two vertices

    P_4-Decomposability in Regular Graphs and Multigraphs

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    The main objective of this thesis is to review and expand the study of graph decomposability. An H-decomposition of a graph G=(V,E) is a partitioning of the edge set, EE, into edge-disjoint isomorphic copies of a subgraph H. In particular we focus on the decompositions of graphs into paths. We prove that a 2,4 mutligraph with maximum multiplicity 2 admits a C_2,C_3-free Euler tour (and thus, a decomposition into paths of length 3 if it has size a multiple of 3) if and only if it avoids a set of 15 forbidden structures. We also prove that a 4-regular multigraph with maximum multiplicity 2 admits a decomposition into paths of length three if and only if it has size a multiple of 3 and no three vertices induce more than 4 edges. We go on to outline drafted work reflecting further research into path decomposition problems

    Safety in s-t Paths, Trails and Walks

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    Given a directed graph G and a pair of nodes s and t, an s-t bridge of G is an edge whose removal breaks all s-t paths of G (and thus appears in all s-t paths). Computing all s-t bridges of G is a basic graph problem, solvable in linear time. In this paper, we consider a natural generalisation of this problem, with the notion of “safety” from bioinformatics. We say that a walk W is safe with respect to a set W' of s-t walks, if W is a subwalk of all walks in W'. We start by considering the maximal safe walks when consists of: all s-t paths, all s-t trails, or all s-t walks of G. We show that the solutions for the first two problems immediately follow from finding all s-t bridges after incorporating simple characterisations. However, solving the third problem requires non-trivial techniques for incorporating its characterisation. In particular, we show that there exists a compact representation computable in linear time, that allows outputting all maximal safe walks in time linear in their length. Our solutions also directly extend to multigraphs, except for the second problem, which requires a more involved approach. We further generalise these problems, by assuming that safety is defined only with respect to a subset of visible edges. Here we prove a dichotomy between the s-t paths and s-t trails cases, and the s-t walks case: the former two are NP-hard, while the latter is solvable with the same complexity as when all edges are visible. We also show that the same complexity results hold for the analogous generalisations of s-t articulation points (nodes appearing in all s-t paths). We thus obtain the best possible results for natural “safety”-generalisations of these two fundamental graph problems. Moreover, our algorithms are simple and do not employ any complex data structures, making them ideal for use in practice.Peer reviewe