80,433 research outputs found

    Medical Image Segmentation by Water Flow

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    We present a new image segmentation technique based on the paradigm of water flow and apply it to medical images. The force field analogy is used to implement the major water flow attributes like water pressure, surface tension and adhesion so that the model achieves topological adaptability and geometrical flexibility. A new snake-like force functional combining edge- and region-based forces is introduced to produce capability for both range and accuracy. The method has been assessed qualitatively and quantitatively, and shows decent detection performance as well as ability to handle noise

    Image and Volume Segmentation by Water Flow

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    A general framework for image segmentation is presented in this paper, based on the paradigm of water flow. The major water flow attributes like water pressure, surface tension and capillary force are defined in the context of force field generation and make the model adaptable to topological and geometrical changes. A flow-stopping image functional combining edge- and region-based forces is introduced to produce capability for both range and accuracy. The method is assessed qualitatively and quantitatively on synthetic and natural images. It is shown that the new approach can segment objects with complex shapes or weak-contrasted boundaries, and has good immunity to noise. The operator is also extended to 3-D, and is successfully applied to medical volume segmentation

    Segmentation of ultrasound images of thyroid nodule for assisting fine needle aspiration cytology

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    The incidence of thyroid nodule is very high and generally increases with the age. Thyroid nodule may presage the emergence of thyroid cancer. The thyroid nodule can be completely cured if detected early. Fine needle aspiration cytology is a recognized early diagnosis method of thyroid nodule. There are still some limitations in the fine needle aspiration cytology, and the ultrasound diagnosis of thyroid nodule has become the first choice for auxiliary examination of thyroid nodular disease. If we could combine medical imaging technology and fine needle aspiration cytology, the diagnostic rate of thyroid nodule would be improved significantly. The properties of ultrasound will degrade the image quality, which makes it difficult to recognize the edges for physicians. Image segmentation technique based on graph theory has become a research hotspot at present. Normalized cut (Ncut) is a representative one, which is suitable for segmentation of feature parts of medical image. However, how to solve the normalized cut has become a problem, which needs large memory capacity and heavy calculation of weight matrix. It always generates over segmentation or less segmentation which leads to inaccurate in the segmentation. The speckle noise in B ultrasound image of thyroid tumor makes the quality of the image deteriorate. In the light of this characteristic, we combine the anisotropic diffusion model with the normalized cut in this paper. After the enhancement of anisotropic diffusion model, it removes the noise in the B ultrasound image while preserves the important edges and local details. This reduces the amount of computation in constructing the weight matrix of the improved normalized cut and improves the accuracy of the final segmentation results. The feasibility of the method is proved by the experimental results.Comment: 15pages,13figure

    Fusion of aerial images and sensor data from a ground vehicle for improved semantic mapping

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    This work investigates the use of semantic information to link ground level occupancy maps and aerial images. A ground level semantic map, which shows open ground and indicates the probability of cells being occupied by walls of buildings, is obtained by a mobile robot equipped with an omnidirectional camera, GPS and a laser range finder. This semantic information is used for local and global segmentation of an aerial image. The result is a map where the semantic information has been extended beyond the range of the robot sensors and predicts where the mobile robot can find buildings and potentially driveable ground

    Image segmentation with adaptive region growing based on a polynomial surface model

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    A new method for segmenting intensity images into smooth surface segments is presented. The main idea is to divide the image into flat, planar, convex, concave, and saddle patches that coincide as well as possible with meaningful object features in the image. Therefore, we propose an adaptive region growing algorithm based on low-degree polynomial fitting. The algorithm uses a new adaptive thresholding technique with the L∞ fitting cost as a segmentation criterion. The polynomial degree and the fitting error are automatically adapted during the region growing process. The main contribution is that the algorithm detects outliers and edges, distinguishes between strong and smooth intensity transitions and finds surface segments that are bent in a certain way. As a result, the surface segments corresponding to meaningful object features and the contours separating the surface segments coincide with real-image object edges. Moreover, the curvature-based surface shape information facilitates many tasks in image analysis, such as object recognition performed on the polynomial representation. The polynomial representation provides good image approximation while preserving all the necessary details of the objects in the reconstructed images. The method outperforms existing techniques when segmenting images of objects with diffuse reflecting surfaces

    MRI image segmantation based on edge detection

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    Cílem této práce je představit základní segmentační techniky používáné v oblasti medicínského zpracování obrazových dat a pomocí 3D prohlížeče schopného zobrazit 3D obrazy implementovat segmentační modul založený na hranové detekci a vyhodnotit výsledky. Navrhovaný prohlížeč je sestavený v prostředi Matlab GUI a je schopen načíst objem 3D snímků představující lidskou hlavu. Navrhovaný segmentační modul je založen na použití hranových detektorů, zejména Cannyho detektoru.The aim of this thesis is to present the basic segmentation techniques uses in the field of medical image processing and by using a 3D viewer able to visualize 3D images, implement a segmentation module based on edges detection and evaluate the results. The proposed viewer is a 3D viewer build using matlab GUI and is able to load a volume of images representing the human head. The proposed segmentation module is based on the use of edge detectors particularly the Canny algorithm.

    Fast Graph-Based Object Segmentation for RGB-D Images

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    Object segmentation is an important capability for robotic systems, in particular for grasping. We present a graph- based approach for the segmentation of simple objects from RGB-D images. We are interested in segmenting objects with large variety in appearance, from lack of texture to strong textures, for the task of robotic grasping. The algorithm does not rely on image features or machine learning. We propose a modified Canny edge detector for extracting robust edges by using depth information and two simple cost functions for combining color and depth cues. The cost functions are used to build an undirected graph, which is partitioned using the concept of internal and external differences between graph regions. The partitioning is fast with O(NlogN) complexity. We also discuss ways to deal with missing depth information. We test the approach on different publicly available RGB-D object datasets, such as the Rutgers APC RGB-D dataset and the RGB-D Object Dataset, and compare the results with other existing methods

    Gaussian mixture model based probabilistic modeling of images for medical image segmentation

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    In this paper, we propose a novel image segmentation algorithm that is based on the probability distributions of the object and background. It uses the variational level sets formulation with a novel region based term in addition to the edge-based term giving a complementary functional, that can potentially result in a robust segmentation of the images. The main theme of the method is that in most of the medical imaging scenarios, the objects are characterized by some typical characteristics such a color, texture, etc. Consequently, an image can be modeled as a Gaussian mixture of distributions corresponding to the object and background. During the procedure of curve evolution, a novel term is incorporated in the segmentation framework which is based on the maximization of the distance between the GMM corresponding to the object and background. The maximization of this distance using differential calculus potentially leads to the desired segmentation results. The proposed method has been used for segmenting images from three distinct imaging modalities i.e. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), dermoscopy and chromoendoscopy. Experiments show the effectiveness of the proposed method giving better qualitative and quantitative results when compared with the current state-of-the-art. INDEX TERMS Gaussian Mixture Model, Level Sets, Active Contours, Biomedical Engineerin
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