191 research outputs found

    On the Graceful Game

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    A graceful labeling of a graph GG with mm edges consists of labeling the vertices of GG with distinct integers from 00 to mm such that, when each edge is assigned as induced label the absolute difference of the labels of its endpoints, all induced edge labels are distinct. Rosa established two well known conjectures: all trees are graceful (1966) and all triangular cacti are graceful (1988). In order to contribute to both conjectures we study graceful labelings in the context of graph games. The Graceful game was introduced by Tuza in 2017 as a two-players game on a connected graph in which the players Alice and Bob take turns labeling the vertices with distinct integers from 0 to mm. Alice's goal is to gracefully label the graph as Bob's goal is to prevent it from happening. In this work, we study winning strategies for Alice and Bob in complete graphs, paths, cycles, complete bipartite graphs, caterpillars, prisms, wheels, helms, webs, gear graphs, hypercubes and some powers of paths

    4−Equitable Tree Labelings

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    We assign the labels {0,1,2,3} to the vertices of a graph; each edge is assigned the absolute difference of the incident vertices’ labels. For the labeling to be 4−equitable, we require the edge labels and vertex labels to each be distributed as uniformly as possible. We study 4−equitable labelings of different trees and prove all cater-pillars, symmetric generalized n−stars (or symmetric spiders), and complete n −ary trees for all n ∈ N are 4−equitable

    metodologi terapan

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    On the number of unlabeled vertices in edge-friendly labelings of graphs

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    Let GG be a graph with vertex set V(G)V(G) and edge set E(G)E(G), and ff be a 0-1 labeling of E(G)E(G) so that the absolute difference in the number of edges labeled 1 and 0 is no more than one. Call such a labeling ff \emph{edge-friendly}. We say an edge-friendly labeling induces a \emph{partial vertex labeling} if vertices which are incident to more edges labeled 1 than 0, are labeled 1, and vertices which are incident to more edges labeled 0 than 1, are labeled 0. Vertices that are incident to an equal number of edges of both labels we call \emph{unlabeled}. Call a procedure on a labeled graph a \emph{label switching algorithm} if it consists of pairwise switches of labels. Given an edge-friendly labeling of KnK_n, we show a label switching algorithm producing an edge-friendly relabeling of KnK_n such that all the vertices are labeled. We call such a labeling \textit{opinionated}.Comment: 7 pages, accepted to Discrete Mathematics, special issue dedicated to Combinatorics 201

    Alpha Labeling of Amalgamated Cycles

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    A graceful labeling of a bipartite graph is an \a-labeling if it has the property that the labels assigned to the vertices of one stable set of the graph are smaller than the labels assigned to the vertices of the other stable set. A concatenation of cycles is a connected graph formed by a collection of cycles, where each cycle shares at most either two vertices or two edges with other cycles in the collection. In this work we investigate the existence of \a-labelings for this kind of graphs, exploring the concepts of vertex amalgamation to produce a family of Eulerian graphs, and edge amalgamation to generate a family of outerplanar graphs. In addition, we determine the number of graphs obtained with kk copies of the cycle CnC_n, for both types of amalgamations
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