112,094 research outputs found

    Mirror curve of orbifold Hurwitz numbers

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    Edge-contraction operations form an effective tool in various graph enumeration problems, such as counting Grothendieck's dessins d'enfants and simple and double Hurwitz numbers. These counting problems can be solved by a mechanism known as topological recursion, which is a mirror B-model corresponding to these counting problems. We show that for the case of orbifold Hurwitz numbers, the mirror objects, i.e., the spectral curve and the differential forms on it, are constructed solely from the edge-contraction operations of the counting problem in genus 00 and one marked point. This forms a parallelism with Gromov-Witten theory, where genus 0 Gromov-Witten invariants correspond to mirror B-model holomorphic geometry

    Parameterized Complexity of Biclique Contraction and Balanced Biclique Contraction

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    In this work, we initiate the complexity study of Biclique Contraction and Balanced Biclique Contraction. In these problems, given as input a graph G and an integer k, the objective is to determine whether one can contract at most k edges in G to obtain a biclique and a balanced biclique, respectively. We first prove that these problems are NP-complete even when the input graph is bipartite. Next, we study the parameterized complexity of these problems and show that they admit single exponential-time FPT algorithms when parameterized by the number k of edge contractions. Then, we show that Balanced Biclique Contraction admits a quadratic vertex kernel while Biclique Contraction does not admit any polynomial compression (or kernel) under standard complexity-theoretic assumptions

    Parameterized Complexity of Two Edge Contraction Problems with Degree Constraints

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    Motivated by recent results of Mathieson and Szeider (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 78(1): 179–191, 2012), we study two graph modification problems where the goal is to obtain a graph whose vertices satisfy certain degree constraints. The Regular Contraction problem takes as input a graph G and two integers d and k, and the task is to decide whether G can be modified into a d-regular graph using at most k edge contractions. The Bounded Degree Contraction problem is defined similarly, but here the objective is to modify G into a graph with maximum degree at most d. We observe that both problems are fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized jointly by k and d. We show that when only k is chosen as the parameter, Regular Contraction becomes W[1]-hard, while Bounded Degree Contraction becomes W[2]-hard even when restricted to split graphs. We also prove both problems to be NP-complete for any fixed d ≥ 2. On the positive side, we show that the problem of deciding whether a graph can be modified into a cycle using at most k edge contractions, which is equivalent to Regular Contraction when d = 2, admits an O(k) vertex kernel. This complements recent results stating that the same holds when the target is a path, but that the problem admits no polynomial kernel when the target is a tree, unless NP ⊆ coNP/poly (Heggernes et al., IPEC 2011)

    Equivalences on Acyclic Orientations

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    The cyclic and dihedral groups can be made to act on the set Acyc(Y) of acyclic orientations of an undirected graph Y, and this gives rise to the equivalence relations ~kappa and ~delta, respectively. These two actions and their corresponding equivalence classes are closely related to combinatorial problems arising in the context of Coxeter groups, sequential dynamical systems, the chip-firing game, and representations of quivers. In this paper we construct the graphs C(Y) and D(Y) with vertex sets Acyc(Y) and whose connected components encode the equivalence classes. The number of connected components of these graphs are denoted kappa(Y) and delta(Y), respectively. We characterize the structure of C(Y) and D(Y), show how delta(Y) can be derived from kappa(Y), and give enumeration results for kappa(Y). Moreover, we show how to associate a poset structure to each kappa-equivalence class, and we characterize these posets. This allows us to create a bijection from Acyc(Y)/~kappa to the union of Acyc(Y')/~kappa and Acyc(Y'')/~kappa, Y' and Y'' denote edge deletion and edge contraction for a cycle-edge in Y, respectively, which in turn shows that kappa(Y) may be obtained by an evaluation of the Tutte polynomial at (1,0).Comment: The original paper was extended, reorganized, and split into two papers (see also arXiv:0802.4412

    Randomized Contractions for Multiobjective Minimum Cuts

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    We show that Karger\u27s randomized contraction method (SODA 93) can be adapted to multiobjective global minimum cut problems with a constant number of edge or node budget constraints to give efficient algorithms. For global minimum cuts with a single edge-budget constraint, our extension of the randomized contraction method has running time tilde{O}(n^3) in an n-node graph improving upon the best-known randomized algorithm with running time tilde{O}(n^4) due to Armon and Zwick (Algorithmica 2006). Our analysis also gives a new upper bound of O(n^3) for the number of optimal solutions for a single edge-budget min cut problem. For the case of (k-1) edge-budget constraints, the extension of our algorithm saves a logarithmic factor from the best-known randomized running time of O(n^{2k} log^3 n). A main feature of our algorithms is to adaptively choose, at each step, the appropriate cost function used in the random selection of edges to be contracted. For the global min cut problem with a constant number of node budgets, we give a randomized algorithm with running time tilde{O}(n^2), improving the current best determinisitic running time of O(n^3) due to Goemans and Soto (SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2013). Our method also shows that the total number of distinct optimal solutions is bounded by O(n^2) as in the case of global min-cuts. Our algorithm extends to the node-budget constrained global min cut problem excluding a given sink with the same running time and bound on number of optimal solutions, again improving upon the best-known running time by a factor of O(n). For node-budget constrained problems, our improvements arise from incorporating the idea of merging any infeasible super-nodes that arise during the random contraction process. In contrast to cuts excluding a sink, we note that the node-cardinality constrained min-cut problem containing a given source is strongly NP-hard using a reduction from graph bisection

    On the Parameterized Complexity of Contraction to Generalization of Trees

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    For a family of graphs F, the F-Contraction problem takes as an input a graph G and an integer k, and the goal is to decide if there exists S subseteq E(G) of size at most k such that G/S belongs to F. Here, G/S is the graph obtained from G by contracting all the edges in S. Heggernes et al.[Algorithmica (2014)] were the first to study edge contraction problems in the realm of Parameterized Complexity. They studied cal F-Contraction when F is a simple family of graphs such as trees and paths. In this paper, we study the F-Contraction problem, where F generalizes the family of trees. In particular, we define this generalization in a "parameterized way". Let T_ell be the family of graphs such that each graph in T_ell can be made into a tree by deleting at most ell edges. Thus, the problem we study is T_ell-Contraction. We design an FPT algorithm for T_ell-Contraction running in time O((ncol)^{O(k + ell)} * n^{O(1)}). Furthermore, we show that the problem does not admit a polynomial kernel when parameterized by k. Inspired by the negative result for the kernelization, we design a lossy kernel for T_ell-Contraction of size O([k(k + 2ell)] ^{(lceil {frac{alpha}{alpha-1}rceil + 1)}})
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