
Equivalences on Acyclic Orientations


The cyclic and dihedral groups can be made to act on the set Acyc(Y) of acyclic orientations of an undirected graph Y, and this gives rise to the equivalence relations ~kappa and ~delta, respectively. These two actions and their corresponding equivalence classes are closely related to combinatorial problems arising in the context of Coxeter groups, sequential dynamical systems, the chip-firing game, and representations of quivers. In this paper we construct the graphs C(Y) and D(Y) with vertex sets Acyc(Y) and whose connected components encode the equivalence classes. The number of connected components of these graphs are denoted kappa(Y) and delta(Y), respectively. We characterize the structure of C(Y) and D(Y), show how delta(Y) can be derived from kappa(Y), and give enumeration results for kappa(Y). Moreover, we show how to associate a poset structure to each kappa-equivalence class, and we characterize these posets. This allows us to create a bijection from Acyc(Y)/~kappa to the union of Acyc(Y')/~kappa and Acyc(Y'')/~kappa, Y' and Y'' denote edge deletion and edge contraction for a cycle-edge in Y, respectively, which in turn shows that kappa(Y) may be obtained by an evaluation of the Tutte polynomial at (1,0).Comment: The original paper was extended, reorganized, and split into two papers (see also arXiv:0802.4412

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