26 research outputs found

    A heuristic approach for the allocation of resources in large-scale computing infrastructures

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    An increasing number of enterprise applications are intensive in their consumption of IT, but are infrequently used. Consequently, organizations either host an oversized IT infrastructure or they are incapable of realizing the benefits of new applications. A solution to the challenge is provided by the large-scale computing infrastructures of Clouds and Grids which allow resources to be shared. A major challenge is the development of mechanisms that allow efficient sharing of IT resources. Market mechanisms are promising, but there is a lack of research in scalable market mechanisms. We extend the Multi-Attribute Combinatorial Exchange mechanism with greedy heuristics to address the scalability challenge. The evaluation shows a trade-off between efficiency and scalability. There is no statistical evidence for an influence on the incentive properties of the market mechanism. This is an encouraging result as theory predicts heuristics to ruin the mechanism’s incentive properties. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd


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    A business ecosystem has evolved in the field of cloud computing whereby new types of market actors have emerged breaking up the traditional value chain of IT service provision. In order to create a pro-found understanding of this ecosystem, several scholars tried to capture it in a model. However, these models differ considerably from each other. The goal of this paper, therefore, is to develop a revised and comprehensive cloud computing ecosystem model according to the design science paradigm. For this purpose, the recently published Passau Cloud Computing Ecosystem Model (PaCE Model) is de-veloped significantly further by integrating the insights of an analysis of the existing cloud ecosystem models regarding ten criteria and by considering findings from the general cloud and business ecosys-tem literature. To ensure the integrity of the enhanced PaCE Model, the Internet is manually searched for companies occupying the roles of the model. As a result, the model comprises 26 roles and in-cludes the basic service flows. Since the missing market transparency is regarded as one of the main reasons for the low cloud adoption, the intended contribution is to foster a better understanding of the cloud ecosystem and to provide a conceptual framework for further research

    Benefits Related to Cloud Computing in the SMEs

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    Abstract: Nowadays Small Medium Enterprises have to face a wide range of challenges such as globalization, competitiveness, adaptability, speed of change, growth. Thus increasingly, there is a need of cutting-edge technology. How to tackle these challenges successfully depends largely on the implementation of cloud computing which could exploit and develop the potential in a company. Cloud computing can be an essential tool for the creation, development and growth of small and medium enterprises. The main reason for this is based on the fact that cloud computing has changed the Information Technology Service Business

    비즈니스와 IT 의 융합: 디지털 변환의 역할

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    학위논문(석사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 협동과정 기술경영·경제·정책전공,2019. 8. ALTMANN Jörn.디지털 전환은 빠르게 변화하는 환경에서 비즈니스 모델과 경제를 교란시킨다. 또한, 비즈니스-IT간의 제휴는 연구원들과 관리자들 사이에서 가장 큰 관심사가 되었다. 이 과정은 확고한 성과에 기여하는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 이러한 연속적인 정렬과 디지털 변환의 연관성은 충분히 연구되지 않았다. 본 연구는 디지털 전환이 비즈니스-IT의 조정과 확고한 성능에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 부분 최소 제곱 구조 방정식 모델링 기법을 사용하여 이 세 가지 개념 사이의 경로 관계를 관찰한다. 결과는 디지털 변환에 의해 정렬이 증가하며, 비즈니스-IT 조정을 통해 디지털 변환과 확실한 성능 사이에 간접적인 영향이 있음을 보여준다.Digital transformation disrupts business models and economies in fast-changing environments. Also, alignment between business-IT became a top concern among researchers and managers. This process showed a contribution to firm performance. However, the link between this continuous process of alignment and the digital transformation was not sufficiently studied. This research analyzes the effects of digital transformation on business-IT alignment and firm performance. Partial least squares structural equation modeling technique is used to observe the path relationships between these three concepts. Results show that alignment is increased by the digital transformation and that there is an indirect effect between digital transformation to firm performance via business-IT alignment.Abstract i Contents ii List of Tables iv List of Figures v Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Methodology 6 1.3 Contributions 7 1.4 Overview 9 Chapter 2 – Literature Review 10 2.1 Alignment 10 2.1.1 History 10 2.1.2 The Need for Business-IT Alignment 13 2.1.3 Definitions 15 2..1.4 Classifications of Alignment 18 2.1.5 Measures of Alignment 27 2.1.6 Enablers and Inhibitors of Alignment 30 2.1.7 Dynamic Capabilities 32 2.1.8 New Challenges for Alignment 34 2.2 Digital Transformation 35 2.2.1 History and Emergence 35 2.2.2 Definitions 37 2.2.3 Technologies of the Digital Transformation 39 2.2.4 Impact Dimensions of Digital Transformation 41 2.2.5 Digital Capabilities 42 2.3 Firm Performance 43 2.3.1 Definition 44 2.3.2 Resource-based View 44 Chapter 3 – Model and Methodology 46 3.1 Conceptual Model 46 3.2 Data 53 3.3 Variables 54 3.3.1 Latent Variables Model 54 3.3.2 Variables Used 54 3.3.3 Control Variables 58 3.4 Methodology 59 3.4.1 Technique 59 3.4.2 Software Used 60 Chapter 4 – Results and Analysis 61 4.1 Results 61 4.1.1 Results with the Control Variable 63 4.2 Tests for Reliability and Validity 64 4.3 Bootstrapping Test 65 4.3.1 Bootstrapping Test with the Control Variable 66 4.4 Analysis 67 4.5 Indirect Effects 68 Chapter 5 – Conclusion and Discussion 69 5.1 Summary of Findings 69 5.2 Discussion 70 5.2.1 Academic Contributions 70 5.2.2 Managerial Contributions 71 5.3 Limitations 72 5.4 Further Research 73 Bibliography (APA Style) 75 Abstract (Korean) 87Maste

    A Classification Scheme for Characterizing Service Networks

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    This paper introduces an extended definition of service networks. The service network definition, which can be used for classifying service networks, comprises two parts: the service network declaration and the service network specification. The service network specification consists of the specification of the network characteristics, the node characteristics, and the link characteristics. Each of these three characteristics comprises a set of criteria. One fraction of the criteria has been identified through literature research on services, networked organizations, and service network concepts. The remaining fraction of criteria is the result of a case study analysis. The service network case study has been taken from the information technology sector (i.e., the network of Cloud computing services). The analysis of the case study identified characteristics that are important for describing IT service networks but cannot be captured with the existing definitions of service networks

    Benefits management of cloud computing investments

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    This paper examines investments in cloud computing using the Benefits Management approach. The major contribution of the paper is to provide a unique insight into how organizations derive value from cloud computing investments. The motivation for writing this paper is to consider the business benefits generated from utilizing cloud computing in a range of organizations. Case studies are used to describe a number of organizations approaches to benefits exploitation using cloud computing. It was found that smaller organizations can generate rapid growth using strategies based on cloud computing. Larger organizations have used utility approaches to reduce the costs of IT infrastructur

    Model-driven development of data intensive applications over cloud resources

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    The proliferation of sensors over the last years has generated large amounts of raw data, forming data streams that need to be processed. In many cases, cloud resources are used for such processing, exploiting their flexibility, but these sensor streaming applications often need to support operational and control actions that have real-time and low-latency requirements that go beyond the cost effective and flexible solutions supported by existing cloud frameworks, such as Apache Kafka, Apache Spark Streaming, or Map-Reduce Streams. In this paper, we describe a model-driven and stepwise refinement methodological approach for streaming applications executed over clouds. The central role is assigned to a set of Petri Net models for specifying functional and non-functional requirements. They support model reuse, and a way to combine formal analysis, simulation, and approximate computation of minimal and maximal boundaries of non-functional requirements when the problem is either mathematically or computationally intractable. We show how our proposal can assist developers in their design and implementation decisions from a performance perspective. Our methodology allows to conduct performance analysis: The methodology is intended for all the engineering process stages, and we can (i) analyse how it can be mapped onto cloud resources, and (ii) obtain key performance indicators, including throughput or economic cost, so that developers are assisted in their development tasks and in their decision taking. In order to illustrate our approach, we make use of the pipelined wavefront array

    The Impact of Software-as-a-Service on Business Models of Leading Software Vendors: Experiences from Three Exploratory Case

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    Abstract The number of software vendors offering 'Software-as-a-Service' ha

    Broker-based service-oriented content adaptation framework

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    Electronic documents are becoming increasingly rich in content and varied in format and structure. At the same time, user preferences vary towards the contents and their devices are getting increasingly varied in capabilities. This mismatch between rich contents and user preferences along with the end device capability presents a challenge in providing ubiquitous access to these contents. Content adaptation is primarily used to bridge the mismatch by providing users with contents that is tailored to the given contexts e.g., device capability, preferences, or network bandwidth. Existing content adaptation systems employing these approaches such as client-side, server-side or proxy-side adaptation, operate in isolation, often encounter limited adaptation functionality, get overload if too many concurrent users and open to single point of failure, thus limiting the scope and scale of their services. To move beyond these shortcomings, this thesis establishes the basis for developing content adaptation solutions that are efficient and scalable. It presents a framework to enable content adaptation to be consumed as Web services provided by third-party service providers, which is termed as “service-oriented content adaptation”. Towards this perspective, this thesis addresses five key issues – how to enable content adaptation as services (serviceoriented framework); how to locate services in the network (service discovery protocol); how to select best possible services (path determination); how to provide quality assurance (service level agreement (SLA) framework); and how to negotiate quality of service (QoS negotiation). Specifically, we have: (i) identified the key research challenges for service-oriented content adaptation, along with a systematic understanding of the content adaptation research spectrum, captured in a taxonomy of content adaptation systems; (ii) developed an architectural framework that provides the basis for enabling content adaptation as Web services, providing the facilities to serve clients’ content adaptation requests through the client-side brokering; (iii) developed a service discovery protocol, by taking into account the searching space, searching time, match type of the services and physical location of the service providers; (iv) developed a mechanism to choose the best possible combination of services to serve a given content adaptation request, considering QoS levels offered; (v) developed an architectural framework that provides the basis for managing quality through the conceptualization of service level agreement; and (vi) introduced a strategy for QoS negotiation between multiple brokers and service providers, by taking into account the incoming requests and server utilization and, thus requiring the basis of determining serving priority and negotiating new QoS levels. The performance of the proposed solutions are compared with other competitive solutions and shown to be substantially better

    Wedding planner in a box

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    Marriage describes the connection of two souls who promise to become one heart. Everyone dreams their marriage to be nearly perfect and that will happen only if they are able to make their wedding plan with best packages. In this busy world, many couples delay their wedding mainly because of high budget required to meet their dream wedding ceremony. Wedding ceremony requires careful and meticulous planning from many aspects such as choosing the food, make up, decoration, and gifts