42 research outputs found

    EvoBot: Towards a Robot-Chemostat for Culturing and Maintaining Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)

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    In this paper we present EvoBot, a RepRap open-source 3D-printer modified to operate like a robot for culturing and maintaining Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs). EvoBot is a modular liquid handling robot that has been adapted to host MFCs in its experimental layer, gather data from the MFCs and react on the set thresholds based on a feedback loop. This type of robot-MFC interaction, based on the feedback loop mechanism, will enable us to study further the adaptability and stability of these systems. To date, EvoBot has automated the nurturing process of MFCs with the aim of controlling liquid delivery, which is akin to a chemostat. The chemostat is a well-known microbiology method for culturing bacterial cells under controlled conditions with continuous nutrient supply. EvoBot is perhaps the first pioneering attempt at functionalizing the 3D printing technology by combining it with the chemostat methods. In this paper, we will explore the experiments that EvoBot has carried out so far and how the platform has been optimised over the past two years

    Physarum polycephalum: Towards a biological controller

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    Microbial fuels cells (MFCs) are bio-electrochemical transducers that generate energy from the metabolism of electro-active microorganisms. The organism Physarum polycephalum is a slime mould, which has demonstrated many novel and interesting properties in the field of unconventional computation, such as route mapping between nutrient sources, maze solving and nutrient balancing. It is a motile, photosensitive and oxygen-consuming organism, and is known to be symbiotic with some, and antagonistic with other microbial species. In the context of artificial life, the slime mould would provide a biological mechanism (along with the microbial community) for controlling the performance and behaviour of artificial systems (MFCs, robots). In the experiments it was found that P. polycephalum did not generate significant amounts of power when inoculated in the anode. However, when P. polycephalum was introduced in the cathode of MFCs, a statistically significant difference in power output was observed

    Small scale/large scale MFC stacks for improved power generation and implementation in robotic applications

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    Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) are biological electrical generators or batteries that have shown to be able to energise electronic devices solely from the breakdown of organic matter found in wastewater. The generated power from a single unit is currently insufficient to run standard electronics hence alternative strategies are needed for stepping-up their performance to functional levels. This line of work deals with MFC miniaturisation; their proliferation into large stacks; power improvement by using new electrode components and finally a novel method of energy harvesting that will enhance the operation of a self-sustainable robotic platform. A new-design small-MFC design was developed using 3D printing technology that outperformed a pre-existing MFC of the same volume (6.25 mL) highlighting the importance of reactor configuration and material selection. Furthermore, improvements were made by the use of a cathode electrode that facilitates a higher rate of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) due to the high surface area carbon nanoparticles coated on the outer layer. Consequently, a 24-MFC stack was built to simulate a small-scale wastewater treatment system. The MFC units were connected in various arrangements, both fluidically as a series of cascades and electrically in-parallel or in-series, for identifying the best possible configuration for organic content reduction and power output. Results suggest that in-parallel connections allow for higher waste removal and the addition of extra units in a cascade is a possible way to ensure that the organic content of the feedstock is always reduced to below the set or permitted levels for environmental discharge. Finally, a new method of fault-proof energy harvesting in stacks was devised and developed to produce a unique energy autonomous energy harvester without any voltage boosting and efficiencies above 90%. This thesis concludes with the transferability of the above findings to a robotic test platform which demonstrates energy autonomous behaviour and highlights the synergy between the bacterial engine and the mechatronics

    Allometric scaling of microbial fuel cells and stacks: The lifeform case for scale-up

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    © 2017 Elsevier B.V. This case study reports for the first time on the comparison between allometric scaling of lifeforms and scale-up of microbial fuel cell entities; enlarging individual units in volume, footprint and electrode surface area but also multiplying a static size/footprint and electrode surface area to scale-up by stacking. A study published in 2010 by DeLong etal. showed for the first time that Kleiber's law does not apply uniformly to all lifeforms, and that in fact growth rate for prokaryotes is superlinear, for protists is linear and for metazoa is sublinear. The current study, which is utilising data from previous experiments, is showing for the first time that for individual MFC units, which are enlarged, growth rate/power is sublinear, whereas for stacks this is superlinear

    Toward Energetically Autonomous Foraging Soft Robots

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    © 2016, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. A significant goal of robotics is to develop autonomous machines, capable of independent and collective operation free from human assistance. To operate with complete autonomy robots must be capable of independent movement and total energy self-sufficiency. We present the design of a soft robotic mouth and artificial stomach for aquatic robots that will allow them to feed on biomatter in their surrounding environment. The robot is powered by electrical energy generated through bacterial respiration within a microbial fuel cell (MFC) stomach, and harvested using state-of-the-art voltage step-up electronics. Through innovative exploitation of compliant, biomimetic actuation, the soft robotic feeding mechanism enables the connection of multiple MFC stomachs in series configuration in an aquatic environment, previously a significant challenge. We investigate how a similar soft robotic feeding mechanism could be driven by electroactive polymer artificial muscles from the same bioenergy supply. This work demonstrates the potential for energetically autonomous soft robotic artificial organisms and sets the stage for radically different future robots

    Optimisation of Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) through bacterial-robot interaction

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    For over 100 years, Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs) have been developed as eco-friendly alternatives for generating electricity via the oxidation of organic matter by bacteria. In the early 2000s, collectives of MFCs were proven fea-sible energy providers for low-power robots such as Gastrobot and EcoBots. Even though individual MFC units are low in power, significant progress has been achieved in terms of MFC materials and configurations, enabling them to generate higher output levels. However, up to this date, MFCs are produced and matured using conventional laboratory methods that can take up to three months to bring the MFCs to their maximum power aptitudes. In this work, an approach to use a low-cost (£1.5k) RepRap liquid handling robot called EvoBot was employed with the aim to automate the maturing process of MFCs and allow them to reach their maximum power ability in a shorter time span. Initially, the work focused on establishing an interface and interconnection between the living cells (in the MFC) and the robotic platform, and investigating whether the MFC voltage can trigger a feedback loop feeding mechanism. It was shown that the robot successfully matured the MFCs in just 6 days and, they were also 1.4 times more powerful than conventionally matured MFCs (from 19.1 mW/m2 to 26.5 mW/m2). This work took a rounded approach in improving the overall MFC perfor-mance. 3D-printable materials that can emerge from EvoBot were investi-gated for fabricating MFCs. MFCs employing these materials improved their power output by almost 50% (from 66μW to 130 μW) compared to the ones based on conventional, fluorinated materials. Furthermore, EvoBot was able to improve the fuel supply frequency and composition using evolutionally algorithms. For the first time, this project has demonstrated that the fabrica-tion, maintenance and power generation of MFCs can be optimised via the interaction and support of a dedicated robotic system

    Towards a self-powered biosensors for environmental applications in remote, off-grid areas

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    One important factor for developing biosensors is taking the source of electrical energy into account. The source of electricity is needed whenever we consider point-of-care diagnostics, in-vivo tests or in particular – environmental applications. The need of supplying energy to biosensor may be an important obstacle for its everyday use, particularly in developing countries. Here, we present the concept of biosensor able to generate power by bioelectrochemical oxidation of the analyte and thus – able to autonomously maintain its operation

    Soft robotics: the route to true robotic organisms

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    Air-breathing cathode self-powered supercapacitive microbial fuel cell with human urine as electrolyte

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    In this work, a membraneless microbial fuel cell (MFC) with an empty volume of 1.5 mL, fed continuously with hydrolysed urine, was tested in supercapacitive mode (SC-MFC). In order to enhance the power output, a double strategy was used: i) a double cathode was added leading to a decrease in the equivalent series resistance (ESR); ii) the apparent capacitance was boosted up by adding capacitive features on the anode electrode. Galvanostatic (GLV) discharges were performed at different discharge currents. The results showed that both strategies were successful obtaining a maximum power output of 1.59 ± 0.01 mW (1.06 ± 0.01 mW mL−1) at pulse time of 0.01 s and 0.57 ± 0.01 mW (0.38 ± 0.01 mW mL−1) at pulse time of 2 s. The highest energy delivered at ipulse equal to 2 mA was 3.3 ± 0.1 mJ. The best performing SC-MFCs were then connected in series and parallel and tested through GLV discharges. As the power output was similar, the connection in parallel allowed to roughly doubling the current produced. Durability tests over ≈5.6 days showed certain stability despite a light overall decrease