22 research outputs found

    Validating Virtual Reality as an effective Training Medium in the Security Domain

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    Virtual Reality (VR) training simulations are an idea which is being explored in numerous industries and professions. However, evidence purporting to the effectiveness of VR technology in relation to standard real-world exercises is still relatively thin. In this paper, we discuss our approach for validating the effectiveness of a VR training for law enforcement professionals in the context of the AUGGMED project, and present results of the validation study. Our study indicates that realistic VR-based trainings, either by themselves or in combination with the traditional hands-on training, can be as effective as highly resource-intensive practical training sessions

    High-Accuracy Facial Depth Models derived from 3D Synthetic Data

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    In this paper, we explore how synthetically generated 3D face models can be used to construct a high accuracy ground truth for depth. This allows us to train the Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to solve facial depth estimation problems. These models provide sophisticated controls over image variations including pose, illumination, facial expressions and camera position. 2D training samples can be rendered from these models, typically in RGB format, together with depth information. Using synthetic facial animations, a dynamic facial expression or facial action data can be rendered for a sequence of image frames together with ground truth depth and additional metadata such as head pose, light direction, etc. The synthetic data is used to train a CNN based facial depth estimation system which is validated on both synthetic and real images. Potential fields of application include 3D reconstruction, driver monitoring systems, robotic vision systems, and advanced scene understanding

    Expressing Disaster Situations for Evacuation Training Using Markerless Augmented Reality

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    Evacuation training is crucial for protecting human lives from natural and man-made disasters, but it should be more realistic to achieve training effects. In this study, we focused on expressing disaster situations using markerless augmented reality to achieve realistic evacuation training. We prototyped a scenario-based evacuation training system that superimposed three-dimensional computer graphics of disaster situations (e.g. fire and debris) onto real-time vision (captured by Android tablets or smartphones) using ARCore and Unity3D. Through preliminary experiments, we found that the prototype system can provide realistic expression and potentially be used for evacuation training, but we have not yet clarified the training results and how the expressions influenced participants’ emotions

    Lab work activities of computer network using virtual reality application

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    Lab work activities are one of the hearts of science learning, but several students have limited use and time to explore computer network tools. This study proposes a virtual reality (VR) application used to support lab work activities of a computer network so that students may conduct lab work activities by themselves at any time. The method used in this study is a multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) that consists of five stages, they are concept, design, material collecting, assembly, and testing & evaluation. A formative evaluation carried out by involving two experts, namely software expert and material expert, to measure the feasibility of application before conducting user testing. Meanwhile, a summative evaluation used to evaluate the VR application by involving 25 students who were taking the course of computer networking. Statistical analysis shows that the score of Cronbach's alpha test is higher than 0.6 for aspects of material subject and experience. Hence, the VR application can be used to support the lab work activities of a computer network


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    Permukiman tidak terencana dapat dijelaskan sebagai lingkungan yang dirancang dan dibangun tanpa bantuan tenaga ahli. Ruang terbuka dan jalur sirkulasi yang terbentuk di permukiman tidak terencana terbentuk sebagai elemen sisa dari rumah yang dibangun. Ketika terjadi erupsi Gunung Merapi pada 2010 lalu di Yogyakarta, daerah di sepanjang aliran sungai yang dilalui material vulkanik menjadi rawan banjir lahar dingin. Pada kasus permukiman padat penduduk di Indonesia, proses evakuasi warga oleh petugas menjadi tidak maksimal. Kendala teknis yang dijumpai berupa struktur bangunan tidak memenuhi standar hingga akses keluar masuk yang dipenuhi perabot warga di area akses rumah mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi potensi tempat aman dan ruang terbuka publik yang dapat digunakan untuk mendukung evakuasi di permukiman tidak terencana. Proses pengumpulan data menggunakan metode town watching di RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan Kali Code. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan kali ini menunjukan bahwa permukiman dengan standar tatanan dan ukuran yang tidak seturut dengan peraturan tata cara perencanaan lingkungan perumahan di perkotaan yang tertuang dalam SNI 03-1733-2004, merupakan permukiman yang rawan terhadap proses evakuasi. Lebar sirkulasi di RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan Kali Code cenderung tidak memenuhi peraturan tata cara perencanaan lingkungan perumahan di perkotaan. Diakhiri dengan pemenuhan tujuan yaitu ruang terbuka di RW 11 Kampung Jogoyudan Kali Code yang dapat digunakan sebagai titik evakuasi sementara adalah jalan kolektor yang terletak menjauhi bantaran Kali Code. Jalan Kolektor dengan ketinggian 7-meter dari jalan lingkungan bantaran sungai. Titik ini sudah melebihi standar ketinggian freeboard yang digunakan yaitu 4,5 meter. Freeboard diambil berdasar perkiraan ketinggian banjir lahar dingin hingga 5 meter

    Graphical tools for helping firefighters in victim rescues. Assessment during a live fire training program

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    This study compares three different methods to communicate the features of a building to firefighters, before starting a victim rescue during a live fire training program. Participants in this study did not previously know the hotel used for developing the activities. The effective number of participants was 144, all professional firefighters. One of the exercises in this training program was thoroughly designed not only for training purposes, but also to test different guide versions. The innovative guides were based on two different technologies (simple stapled sheets of paper and digital content displayed on a tablet) and were developed using several graphical tools (conventional pictures, aerial images captured with drone, 3D models, 360° pictures, etc.). With the intention of facilitating firefighters’ activity during a victim rescue, results obtained using these tools were compared with a conventional communication method. The assessment methodology applied in this study included the use of an anonym questionnaire, as well as the analysis of the videos captured with action cameras, attached with a harness to the chest of two of the four firefighters in every team, during the training activities. Thanks to these videos, it was possible to compare the time required for rescuing the victim and to observe followed paths, visited rooms and substantial information about the tested tools, including valuable participants’ comments. For in emergency situations, the tools described in this paper were preferred to the already existent self-protection plans, usually considered too extensive for fast communication, a matter of special importance in victim rescues

    Factors Associated with Knowledge of Evacuation Routes and Having an Emergency Backpack in Individuals Affected by a Major Earthquake in Piura, Peru

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    Information on the prevention of earthquakes in Peru, a high-risk country, is still emerging. We determined the frequency and factors associated with knowledge of evacuation routes and the use of emergency backpacks in people affected by a major earthquake. A cross-sectional study using secondary data was conducted from August–December 2021 on people that experienced the 6.1 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Piura, Peru on 30 July 2021. The outcome was self-reported knowledge of evacuation routes and the use of emergency backpacks. The association with self-reported earthquake preparation training, use of sources of information on earthquakes, and sociodemographic variables was investigated. A total of 69.5% of participants knew evacuation routes, and 46.3% had an emergency backpack. A higher frequency of knowledge of evacuation routes was associated with previous training (PR: 1.47; 95% CI: 1.15–1.87), use of the media (PR: 1.35; 95% CI: 1.06–1.72), having received information from the COEN (PR: 1.19; 95% CI: 1.02–1.40), and with a greater number of household members (PR: 1.03; 95% CI: 1.01–1.06). There is a high frequency of knowledge of evacuation routes among participants. However, basic notions of prevention culture are still needed. This research contributes to policy development on earthquake preparation at the community level