239 research outputs found

    Research reports: 1990 NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program

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    Reports on the research projects performed under the NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program are presented. The program was conducted by The University of Alabama and MSFC during the period from June 4, 1990 through August 10, 1990. Some of the topics covered include: (1) Space Shuttles; (2) Space Station Freedom; (3) information systems; (4) materials and processes; (4) Space Shuttle main engine; (5) aerospace sciences; (6) mathematical models; (7) mission operations; (8) systems analysis and integration; (9) systems control; (10) structures and dynamics; (11) aerospace safety; and (12) remote sensin

    Strength in Flexibility; Research into Innovative Flexible Bearing Designs for Wave Convertor Permanent Magnet Generators

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    Originally this research was to investigate the use of hydrostatic bearings in large linear machines, such as linear generators, and determine their viability in a power generation context. It quickly became clear that it was possible to make hydro-static bearings viable, however the methods employed to do so gave rise to new possibilities which altered the scope of the research. The overall aim of the research has become to look at flexible construction, using modular generation units, as a means of creating more reliable and cost effective generators. The methods employed to do this involved modularising the generator's structure. Each module then acts as a generator in its own right transferring its power to the parent machine. The potential for each module design was assessed based on its losses, due to the bearings, and its economic potential, such as how it impacted the operation and maintenance costs or transport costs and consideration of how each design affected the power density of the parent machine. The basic structural analysis showed that, of the arrangements tried, there was a distinct advantage to restricting the number of bearings because it reduces energy losses. This is particularly true of designs that take advantage of the MMA concepts. The magnitude of the forces within the generators, during operation, lead to the creation 2-stage bearing and MMA concepts. The key reasons for them being to reducing dynamic forces within the generator and increase tolerance to design flaws and damage. Reducing the dynamic forces reduces losses in all types of bearings improving overall efficiency. Not all the concepts present in this document show commercial promise, however from the basic principles used to understand their working, there are some whose potential is clear. In general the modules have reduced the weight necessary to operate a successful generator and reduced the bearing losses no matter the type of bearing being used. Predicted force reductions mean that less strength critical and more cost effective materials can be used in the machines construction. Given that the original scope of the research was to assess a single type of bearing it has come a long way to incorporate construction methods that will reduce operation and transport costs, as well as being more efficient on some of the construction materials. The final module designs show great promise to increase the power density of generators whilst making them easy to maintain. Although hydrostatic bearings provide excellent lubrication the basic analysis performed herein shows that their energy consumption exceeds the energy loss of normal roller bearings reducing overall generator efficiency. The modular constructions presented may not provide a great jump in efficiency over previous designs however they do show a way to simplify operation and maintenance costs improving overall commercial viability. All 3D/CAD models contained herein were created by the author for this work unless otherwise stated/referenced

    Embedded Sensors and Controls to Improve Component Performance and Reliability Conceptual Design Report

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    The objective of this project is to demonstrate improved reliability and increased performance made possible by deeply embedding instrumentation and controls (I&C) in nuclear power plant (NPP) components and systems. The project is employing a highly instrumented canned rotor, magnetic bearing, fluoride salt pump as its I&C technology demonstration platform. I&C is intimately part of the basic millisecond-by-millisecond functioning of the system; treating I&C as an integral part of the system design is innovative and will allow significant improvement in capabilities and performance. As systems become more complex and greater performance is required, traditional I&C design techniques become inadequate and more advanced I&C needs to be applied. New I&C techniques enable optimal and reliable performance and tolerance of noise and uncertainties in the system rather than merely monitoring quasistable performance. Traditionally, I&C has been incorporated in NPP components after the design is nearly complete; adequate performance was obtained through over-design. By incorporating I&C at the beginning of the design phase, the control system can provide superior performance and reliability and enable designs that are otherwise impossible. This report describes the progress and status of the project and provides a conceptual design overview for the platform to demonstrate the performance and reliability improvements enabled by advanced embedded I&C

    MOD-0A 200 kW wind turbine generator design and analysis report

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    The design, analysis, and initial performance of the MOD-OA 200 kW wind turbine generator at Clayton, NM is documented. The MOD-OA was designed and built to obtain operation and performance data and experience in utility environments. The project requirements, approach, system description, design requirements, design, analysis, system tests, installation, safety considerations, failure modes and effects analysis, data acquisition, and initial performance for the wind turbine are discussed. The design and analysis of the rotor, drive train, nacelle equipment, yaw drive mechanism and brake, tower, foundation, electricl system, and control systems are presented. The rotor includes the blades, hub, and pitch change mechanism. The drive train includes the low speed shaft, speed increaser, high speed shaft, and rotor brake. The electrical system includes the generator, switchgear, transformer, and utility connection. The control systems are the blade pitch, yaw, and generator control, and the safety system. Manual, automatic, and remote control are discussed. Systems analyses on dynamic loads and fatigue are presented

    Advances in Theoretical and Computational Energy Optimization Processes

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    The paradigm in the design of all human activity that requires energy for its development must change from the past. We must change the processes of product manufacturing and functional services. This is necessary in order to mitigate the ecological footprint of man on the Earth, which cannot be considered as a resource with infinite capacities. To do this, every single process must be analyzed and modified, with the aim of decarbonising each production sector. This collection of articles has been assembled to provide ideas and new broad-spectrum contributions for these purposes

    Aeronautical engineering: A continuing bibliography with indexes (supplement 269)

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    This bibliography lists 539 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in August, 1991. Subject coverage includes: design, construction and testing of aircraft and aircraft engines; aircraft components, equipment and systems; ground support systems; and theoretical and applied aspects of aerodynamics and general fluid dynamics

    Small-Scale Hydropower and Energy Recovery Interventions: Management, Optimization Processes and Hydraulic Machines Applications

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    Several topics in the small-scale hydropower sector are of great interest for pursuing the goal of a more sustainable relationship with the environment. The goal of this Special Issue entitled “Small-Scale Hydropower and Energy Recovery Interventions: Management, Optimization Processes and Hydraulic Machines Applications” was to collect the most important contributions from experts in this research field and to arouse interest in the scientific community towards a better understanding of what might be the main key aspects of the future hydropower sector. Indeed, the Guest Editors are confident that the Special Issue will have an important impact on the entire scientific community working in this research field that is currently facing important changes in paradigm to achieve the goal of net-zero emissions in both the energy and water sectors

    Index to 1985 NASA Tech Briefs, volume 10, numbers 1-4

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    Short announcements of new technology derived from the R&D activities of NASA are presented. These briefs emphasize information considered likely to be transferrable across industrial, regional, or disciplinary lines and are issued to encourage commercial application. This index for 1985 Tech Briefs contains abstracts and four indexes: subject, personal author, originating center, and Tech Brief Number. The following areas are covered: electronic components and circuits, electronic systems, physical sciences, materials, life sciences, mechanics, machinery, fabrication technology, and mathematics and information sciences

    Research and Technology 1996

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    This report selectively summarizes the NASA Lewis Research Center's research and technology accomplishments for fiscal year 1996. It comprises 116 short articles submitted by the staff scientists and engineers. The report is organized into six major sections: Aeronautics, Aerospace Technology, Space Flight Systems, Engineering & Computational Support, Lewis Research Academy, and Technology Transfer. The diversity of topics attests to the breadth of research and technology being pursued and to the skill mix of the staff that makes it possible. This report is not intended to be a comprehensive summary of all research and technology work done over the past fiscal year

    Embedded Sensors and Controls to Improve Component Performance and Reliability: Conceptual Design Report

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    The overall project objective is to demonstrate improved reliability and increased performance made possible by deeply embedding instrumentation and controls (I&C) in nuclear power plant components. The project is employing a highly instrumented canned rotor, magnetic bearing, fluoride salt pump as its I&C technology demonstration vehicle. The project s focus is not primarily on pump design, but instead is on methods to deeply embed I&C within a pump system. However, because the I&C is intimately part of the basic millisecond-by-millisecond functioning of the pump, the I&C design cannot proceed in isolation from the other aspects of the pump. The pump will not function if the characteristics of the I&C are not embedded within the design because the I&C enables performance of the basic function rather than merely monitoring quasi-stable performance. Traditionally, I&C has been incorporated in nuclear power plant (NPP) components after their design is nearly complete; adequate performance was obtained through over-design. This report describes the progress and status of the project and provides a conceptual design overview for the embedded I&C pump