154 research outputs found

    On the Complexity and Performance of Parsing with Derivatives

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    Current algorithms for context-free parsing inflict a trade-off between ease of understanding, ease of implementation, theoretical complexity, and practical performance. No algorithm achieves all of these properties simultaneously. Might et al. (2011) introduced parsing with derivatives, which handles arbitrary context-free grammars while being both easy to understand and simple to implement. Despite much initial enthusiasm and a multitude of independent implementations, its worst-case complexity has never been proven to be better than exponential. In fact, high-level arguments claiming it is fundamentally exponential have been advanced and even accepted as part of the folklore. Performance ended up being sluggish in practice, and this sluggishness was taken as informal evidence of exponentiality. In this paper, we reexamine the performance of parsing with derivatives. We have discovered that it is not exponential but, in fact, cubic. Moreover, simple (though perhaps not obvious) modifications to the implementation by Might et al. (2011) lead to an implementation that is not only easy to understand but also highly performant in practice.Comment: 13 pages; 12 figures; implementation at http://bitbucket.org/ucombinator/parsing-with-derivatives/ ; published in PLDI '16, Proceedings of the 37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, June 13 - 17, 2016, Santa Barbara, CA, US

    Analysing symbolic music with probabilistic grammars

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    Recent developments in computational linguistics offer ways to approach the analysis of musical structure by inducing probabilistic models (in the form of grammars) over a corpus of music. These can produce idiomatic sentences from a probabilistic model of the musical language and thus offer explanations of the musical structures they model. This chapter surveys historical and current work in musical analysis using grammars, based on computational linguistic approaches. We outline the theory of probabilistic grammars and illustrate their implementation in Prolog using PRISM. Our experiments on learning the probabilities for simple grammars from pitch sequences in two kinds of symbolic musical corpora are summarized. The results support our claim that probabilistic grammars are a promising framework for computational music analysis, but also indicate that further work is required to establish their superiority over Markov models

    Saggitarius: A DSL for Specifying Grammatical Domains

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    Common data types like dates, addresses, phone numbers and tables can have multiple textual representations, and many heavily-used languages, such as SQL, come in several dialects. These variations can cause data to be misinterpreted, leading to silent data corruption, failure of data processing systems, or even security vulnerabilities. Saggitarius is a new language and system designed to help programmers reason about the format of data, by describing grammatical domains -- that is, sets of context-free grammars that describe the many possible representations of a datatype. We describe the design of Saggitarius via example and provide a relational semantics. We show how Saggitarius may be used to analyze a data set: given example data, it uses an algorithm based on semi-ring parsing and MaxSAT to infer which grammar in a given domain best matches that data. We evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm on a benchmark suite of 110 example problems, and we demonstrate that our system typically returns a satisfying grammar within a few seconds with only a small number of examples. We also delve deeper into a more extensive case study on using Saggitarius for CSV dialect detection. Despite being general-purpose, we find that Saggitarius offers comparable results to hand-tuned, specialized tools; in the case of CSV, it infers grammars for 84% of benchmarks within 60 seconds, and has comparable accuracy to custom-built dialect detection tools.Comment: OOPSLA 202

    Symbol–Relation Grammars: A Formalism for Graphical Languages

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    AbstractA common approach to the formal description of pictorial and visual languages makes use of formal grammars and rewriting mechanisms. The present paper is concerned with the formalism of Symbol–Relation Grammars (SR grammars, for short). Each sentence in an SR language is composed of a set of symbol occurrences representing visual elementary objects, which are related through a set of binary relational items. The main feature of SR grammars is the uniform way they use context-free productions to rewrite symbol occurrences as well as relation items. The clearness and uniformity of the derivation process for SR grammars allow the extension of well-established techniques of syntactic and semantic analysis to the case of SR grammars. The paper provides an accurate analysis of the derivation mechanism and the expressive power of the SR formalism. This is necessary to fully exploit the capabilities of the model. The most meaningful features of SR grammars as well as their generative power are compared with those of well-known graph grammar families. In spite of their structural simplicity, variations of SR grammars have a generative power comparable with that of expressive classes of graph grammars, such as the edNCE and the N-edNCE classes

    Object-oriented engineering of visual languages

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    Visual languages are notations that employ graphics (icons, diagrams) to present information in a two or more dimensional space. This work focuses on diagrammatic visual languages, as found in software engineering, and their computer implementations. Implementation means the development of processors to automatically analyze diagrams and the development of graphical editors for constructing the diagrams. We propose a rigorous implementation technique that uses a formal grammar to specify the syntax of a visual language and that uses parsing to automatically analyze the visual sentences generated by the grammar. The theoretical contributions of our work are an original treatment of error handling (error detection, reporting, and recovery) in off-line visual language parsing, and the source-to-source translation of visual languages. We have also substantially extended an existing grammatical model for multidimensional languages, called atomic relational grammars. We have added support for meta-language expressions that denote optional and repetitive right-hand-side elements. We hav

    A Graphical User Interface for Designing Graph Grammars

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    Graph grammar has been widely applied in many scientific areas. However, designing graph grammar is very challenging for users without strong computer science background. This paper presents a graphical user interface (GUI) for designing graph grammars following an edge-based context-sensitive graph grammar formalism, EGG. This GUI significantly eases graph grammar design, especially for users unfamiliar with the grammar format
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