56 research outputs found

    A novel algorithm for dynamic student profile adaptation based on learning styles

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.E-learning recommendation systems are used to enhance student performance and knowledge by providing tailor- made services based on the students’ preferences and learning styles, which are typically stored in student profiles. For such systems to remain effective, the profiles need to be able to adapt and reflect the students’ changing behaviour. In this paper, we introduce new algorithms that are designed to track student learning behaviour patterns, capture their learning styles, and maintain dynamic student profiles within a recommendation system (RS). This paper also proposes a new method to extract features that characterise student behaviour to identify students’ learning styles with respect to the Felder-Silverman learning style model (FSLSM). In order to test the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, we present a series of experiments that use a dataset of real students to demonstrate how our proposed algorithm can effectively model a dynamic student profile and adapt to different student learning behaviour. The results revealed that the students could effectively increase their learning efficiency and quality for the courses when the learning styles are identified, and proper recommendations are made by using our method

    Personalized Course Sequence Recommendations

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    Given the variability in student learning it is becoming increasingly important to tailor courses as well as course sequences to student needs. This paper presents a systematic methodology for offering personalized course sequence recommendations to students. First, a forward-search backward-induction algorithm is developed that can optimally select course sequences to decrease the time required for a student to graduate. The algorithm accounts for prerequisite requirements (typically present in higher level education) and course availability. Second, using the tools of multi-armed bandits, an algorithm is developed that can optimally recommend a course sequence that both reduces the time to graduate while also increasing the overall GPA of the student. The algorithm dynamically learns how students with different contextual backgrounds perform for given course sequences and then recommends an optimal course sequence for new students. Using real-world student data from the UCLA Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering department, we illustrate how the proposed algorithms outperform other methods that do not include student contextual information when making course sequence recommendations

    E-Learning Course Recommender System Using Collaborative Filtering Models

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    e-Learning is a sought-after option for learners during pandemic situations. In e-Learning platforms, there are many courses available, and the user needs to select the best option for them. Thus, recommender systems play an important role to provide better automation services to users in making course choices. It makes recommendations for users in selecting the desired option based on their preferences. This system can use machine intelligence (MI)-based techniques to carry out the recommendation mechanism. Based on the preferences and history, this system is able to know what the users like most. In this work, a recommender system is proposed using the collaborative filtering mechanism for e-Learning course recommendation. This work is focused on MI-based models such as K-nearest neighbor (KNN), Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and neural network–based collaborative filtering (NCF) models. Here, one lakh of Coursera’s course review dataset is taken from Kaggle for analysis. The proposed work can help learners to select the e-Learning courses as per their preferences. This work is implemented using Python language. The performance of these models is evaluated using performance metrics such as hit rate (HR), average reciprocal hit ranking (ARHR) and mean absolute error (MAE). From the results, it is observed that KNN is able to perform better in terms of higher HR and ARHR and lower MAE values as compared to other models

    A Quality of Experience-based Recommender System for E-learning Resources

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    Web services are a rapidly developing and generally acknowledged technology across all areas of management. Independent software systems that can be shared and called from anywhere online. The creation of educational tools (such LMSs, MOOCs, and e-learning) now typically makes use of web services. Having these learning tools readily accessible online is a great method to acquire and disseminate information. The primary objective of this paper is to describe how web services can effectively manage educational resources by leveraging Quality of Experience and to develop an effective E-learning recommender system in the context of web services that help the user choose a course based on his needs in terms of availability, cost, and reputation

    Ontology-based recommender system in higher education

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    International audienceAcademic advising is limited in its ability to assist students in identifying academic pathways. Selecting a major and a university is a challenging process rife with anxiety. Students at high school are not sure how to match their interests with their working future or major. Therefore, high school students need guidance and support. Moreover, students need to filter, prioritize and efficiently get appropriate information from the web in order to solve the problem of information overload. This paper represents an approach for developing ontology-based recommender system improved with machine learning techniques to orient students in higher education. The proposed recommender system is an assessment tool for students' vocational strengths and weaknesses, interests and capabilities. The main objective of our ontology-based recommender system is to identify the student requirements, interests, preferences and capabilities to recommend the appropriate major and university for each one

    Career Recommendation System for Validation of Multiple Intelligence to High School Students

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    Career choice is a critical moment for any student. However, many students worldwide change of path during the first academic year. Vocational tests are tools to help students choose an upper education career by providing information about their abilities and interests. However, some of them are very difficult to apply high costs, availability, or not validated at diverse populations. Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence test is a popular test that measures the brain’s performance abilities in nine areas. Unlike IQ’s test, Gardner Test is helpful to understand students’ strengths and learning styles. Vocational tests and Multiple Intelligence test measure students’ abilities and interests. This research shows the implementation of a recommendation system based on the Gardner test, we considering familiar variables and results of a basic knowledge test. For validation, we compare it with a standard vocational test. Our system recommends a top five of careers with 88.2% success and 93.3% for the top one. © 2021, Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    A Novel Adaptation Model for E-Learning Recommender Systems Based on Student’s Learning Style

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    In recent years, a substantial increase has been witnessed in the use of online learning resources by learn- ers. However, owing to an information overload, many find it difficult to retrieve appropriate learning resources for meeting learning requirements. Most of the existing systems for e-learning make use of a “one-size-fits-all” approach, thus providing all learners with the same content. Whilst recommender systems have scored notable success in the e-commerce domain, they still suffer from drawbacks in terms of making the right recommendations for learning resources. This can be attributed to the differences among learners’ preferences such as varying learning styles, knowledge levels and sequential learning patterns. Hence, to identify the needs of an individual student, e-learning systems that can build profiles of student preferences are required. In addition, changing students’ preferences and multidimensional attributes of the course content are not fully considered simultaneously. It is by failing to review these issues that existing recommendation algorithms often give inaccurate recommendations. This thesis focuses on student learning styles, with the aim of dynamically tailoring the learning process and course content to meet individual needs. The proposed Ubiquitous LEARNing (ULEARN) system is an adaptive e-learning recommender system geared towards providing a personalised learning environ- ment, which ensures that course learning objects are in line with the learner’s adaptive profile. This thesis delivers four main contributions: First, an innovative algorithm which dynamically reduces the number of questions in the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles (FSLSM) questionnaire for the purpose of initialising student profiles has been proposed. The second contribution comprises examining the accuracy of various similarity metrics so as to select the most suitable similarity measurements for learning objects recommendation algorithm. The third contribution includes an Enhanced Collaboration Filtering (ECF) algorithm and an Enhanced Content-Based Filtering (ECBF) algorithm, which solves the issues of cold-start and data sparsity in- herent to the traditional Collaborative Filtering (CF) and the traditional Content-based Filtering (CBF), respectively. Moreover, these two new algorithms have been combined to create a new Enhanced Hybrid Filtering (EHF) algorithm that recommends highly accurate personalised learning objects on the basis of the stu- dents’ learning styles. The fourth contribution is a new algorithm that tracks patterns of student learning behaviours and dynam- ically adapts the student learning style accordingly. The ULEARN recommendation system was implemented with Visual Studio in C++ and Windows Pre- sentation Foundation (WPF) for the development of the Graphical User Interface (GUI). The experimental results revealed that the proposed algorithms have achieved significant improvements in student’s profile adaptation and learning objects recommendation in contrast with strong benchmark models. Further find- ings from experiments indicated that ULEARN can provide relevant learning object recommendations based on students’ learning styles with the overall students’ satisfaction at almost 90%. Furthermore, the results showed that the proposed system is capable of mitigating the problems data sparsity and cold-start, thereby improving the accuracy and reliability of recommendation of the learning object. All in all, the ULEARN system is competent enough to support educational institutions in recommending personalised course content, improving students’ performance as well as promoting student engagement.Arab academy for science technology & maritime transpor

    Random forest application on cognitive level classification of E-learning content

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    The e-learning is the primary method of learning for most learners after the regular academics studies. The knowledge delivery through e-learning technologies increased exponentially over the years because of the advancement in internet and e-learning technologies. Knowledge delivery to some people would never have been possible without the e-learning technologies. Most of the working professional do focused studies for carrier advancement, promotion or to improve the domain knowledge. These learner can find many free e-learning web sites from the internet easily in the domain of interest. However it is quite difficult to find the best e-learning content suitable for their learning based on their domain knowledge level. User spent most of the time figuring out the right content from a plethora of available content and end up learning nothing. An intelligent framework using machine learning algorithms with Random Forest Classifier is proposed to address this issue, which classifies the e-learning content based on its difficulty levels and provide the learner the best content suitable based on the knowledge level .The frame work is trained with the data set collected from multiple popular e-learning web sites. The model is tested with real time e-learning web sites links and found that the e-contents in the web sites are recommended to the user based on its difficulty levels as beginner level, intermediate level and advanced level

    An Architecture of Decision Support System for Visual-Auditory-Kinesthetic (VAK) Learning Styles Detection Through Behavioral Modelling

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    Learning style (LS) is a description of the attitudes and behaviors which determine an individual’s preferred way of learning. Since each student has different LS, it is important for the teacher to recognize the differences in LS. Thus, an appropriate technique to detect students' LS, improve the motivation and academic achievement are required. The common approach using questionnaires to identify LS is less accurate due to complete the questionnaire is a tedious task for students and tend to choose answers randomly without understanding the questions. Emotions such as anger, sadness, and happiness resulting the different questionnaire answers. Due to the approach constrains, this study has focused on automated approaches that identify student LS from student behavior in the learning process. Implementation of decision support system (DSS) as automated application systems is needed to help teachers make decisions in determining students' LS. Thus, the objective of this study is to propose the architecture of LS detection automatically using decision support system. The development of the architecture is applying the behavioral modelling, that are contained student’s behavior parameters for visual-auditory-kinesthetic (VAK) model. Evaluation of the architecture is tested with the precision DSS engine. The accuracy of the rule technique achieves significant 80% accuracy. This study aims to help teachers to identify the ability of the student through the learning style (LS) in order to create effectiveness of learning and improving student’s achievement indirectly. Keywords— decision support system, reasoning engines, learning style detection, user behavior, visual-auditory-kinesthetic (VAK) mode
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