12 research outputs found

    Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip

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    The design space for dynamically reconfigurable SoCs can be seen in three dimensions: 1) the system architecture for computation and communication, ranging from dataflow-oriented dedicated logic blocks to instruction flow-oriented microprocessor cores, from dedicated point-to-point connections to Networks-on-Chip. 2) the granularity of reconfigurable elements, ranging from simple logic Look-Up-Tables to complex hardware accelerator engines and reconfigurable interconnect structures. 3) the configuration life cycle, ranging from application changes (in the order of seconds) to instruction-based reconfiguration (in the order of nanoseconds). We propose to use dynamically reconfigurable computing for video processing in driver assistance applications. In future automotive systems, video-based driver assistance will improve security. Video processing for driver assistance requires real time implementation of complex algorithms. A pure software implementation, based on low cost embedded CPUs in automotive environments, does not offer the required real time processing. Therefore hardware acceleration is necessary. Dedicated hardware circuits (ASICs) can offer the required real time processing, but they do not offer the necessary flexibility. Specific driving conditions, e.g. highway, country side, urban traffic, tunnel, require specific optimized algorithms. Reconfigurable hardware offers high potential for real time video processing and adaptability to various driving conditions. Our system architecture consists of embedded CPU cores for high-level application code, dedicated hardware accelerator engines for low level pixel processing, and an application-specific memory system. The hardware accelerators and the memory system are dynamically reconfigurable, i.e. hardware accelerator engines can be exchanged during runtime, controlled by the application code on the CPU. The life cycle of a configuration depends on the change of driving conditions. A requirement on the reconfiguration time is given by the frame rate of the video signal, e.g. 40 msec for the exchange and relocation of new engines

    Towards Dilated Placement of Dynamic NoC Cores

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    Instead of mapping application task graphs in a compact manner onto reconfigurable devices using a network-on-chip for interconnecting application cores, we propose dilating the mappings as much as the available latencies on critical connections allow. In a dilated mapping, the unused resources between an application\u27s configured components can be used to provide additional flexibility when the configuration needs to change. We motivate the reasons for dilating application task graphs targeted at reconfigurable devices; derive a simulated annealing approach to dilating the placement of such graphs; and present preliminary results of applying the algorithm to synthetic test cases. The method appears to result in successful and meaningful graph dilation and could be further tuned to satisfy desired power constraints

    Dynamisch und partiell rekonfigurierbare Hardwarearchitektur mit adaptivem hardwaregestĂĽtzten Routing zur Laufzeit

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    Die Vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung einer rekonfigurierbaren Hardwarearchitektur für dynamische Funktionsmuster. Hierbei war die Zielsetzung neue und bestehende adaptive Konzepte in einer neuen Hardwarearchitektur, der HoneyComb-Architektur, zu vereinen und die Machbarkeit zu präsentieren. Zu den neuen Features dieser Architektur gehören Multikontextfähigkeiten, multigranulare Datentypen, programmierbare Ein-/Ausgabelogik und adaptives Routing zur Laufzeit

    A modeling front-end for seamless design and generation of context-aware Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a Model Driven Engineering (MDE) methodology for facilitating the modeling of the partial reconfiguration process, and for implementing Dynamic Reconfigurable System-on-Chip (DRSoC). The rationale for this approach is to provide a modeling front-end that enables to visually compose a hardware platform, containing heterogeneous components, using both static and context-management hardware wrappers. A model transformations engine (MTE) processes the high-level models to obtain the inputs for the Xilinx dynamic partial reconfiguration (DPR) design flow, with the benefit of better exploiting and reusing the designer intentions regarding the allocation of tasks into reconfigurable areas. Furthermore, the automatic synthesis of a reconfiguration controller (RecOS) with context-management and task relocation capabilities is supported in this version of our tool. The latter feature is possible due to the integration of relocation tool OORBIT into the design chain, but we point out at other avenues of research. We present a case study in which we assess the benefits of the methodology and present a thorough analysis of the reconfiguration costs associated with the context and relocation management, showing speedups of 1.5x over other solutions

    Towards Dynamically Reconfigurable SoCs (DRSoCs) in industrial automation: State of the art, challenges and opportunities

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    International audienceIn this paper we analyze the state of the IEC 61499 standard for the specification of distributed control systems (DCS). First, we discuss the limitations of previous efforts regarding the implementation of DCS, as well as the rationale for the introduction of the IEC 61499. Then, we embark in a succinct analysis of the standard and the associated models for DCS platforms, outlining the main barriers that have hindered its widespread adoption. We argue that a common architectural framework (which is currently lacking) for implementing full-fledged IEC 61499 is necessary, especially if features such as fine-grained distribution and reconfiguration are to be supported. We posit that Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems on Chip (DRSoCs) represent an excellent implementation choice for enabling such platforms,thanks to the strides made by the reconfigurable computing community in recent years, in terms of tools for implementing such systems, but also in new architectural principles and design paradigms based on Reconfigurable OSes. Moreover, we provide some compelling reasons for bringing those two domains together, as well as the challenges that need to be overcome in order to harmonize both efforts

    A Service-Oriented Component-Based Framework for Dynamic Reconfiguration Modeling Targeting SystemC/TLM

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    International audienceTo deal with the complex design issues of Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip (DRSoCs), it is extremely relevant to raise the abstraction level in which models are expressed. A high abstraction level allows great flexibility and reusability while bypassing low-level implementation details. In this context, model-driven engineering (MDE) provides support to build and transform precise and structured models for a particular purpose at different levels of abstraction. Indeed, high-level models are successively refined to low-level models until reaching the executable ones. Thus, this paper presents an MDE-based framework for DRSoCs design enabling the transformation of UML/MARTE specifications to SystemC/TLM implementation. To achieve a high degree of expressiveness for modeling dynamic reconfiguration, we use a suitable software engineering approach based on service-oriented component architecture. Since MARTE does not cover the common features of dynamic reconfiguration domain and service orientation concepts, new stereotypes are created by refinement to add missing capabilities to the profile. Likewise, SystemC does not provide native support for dynamic reconfiguration, thus leading us to adopt a design pattern based solution for DRSoCs implementation in compliance with standards. The proposed framework is validated through a reconfigurable active 3-way crossover case study in which we demonstrate the practicability of the approach by gradual model transformations with reduced implementation effort and significant design productivity gain

    Architecture matérielle et logicielle favorisant l’exploitation par l’industrie de systèmes embarqués hétérogènes dont le matériel est dynamiquement adaptable

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    This thesis aims to define software and hardware mechanisms helping in the management the Heterogeneous and dynamically Reconfigurable Systems-on-Chip (HRSoC). The heterogeneity is due to the presence of general processing units and reconfigurable IPs. Our objective is to provide to an application developer an abstracted view of this heterogeneity, regarding the task mapping on the available processing elements. First, we homogenize the user interface defining a hardware thread model. Then, we pursue with the homogenization of the hardware threads management. We implemented OS services permitting to save and restore a hardware thread context. Conception tools have also been developed in order to overcome the relocation issue. The last step consisted in extending the access to the distributed OS services to every thread running on the platform. This access is provided independently from the thread location and is is realized implementing the MRAPI API. With these three steps, we build a solid basis to, in future work, provide to the developer, a conception flow dedicated to HRSoC allowing to perform precise architectural space explorations. Finally, to validate these mechanisms, we realize a demonstration platform on a Virtex 5 FPGA running a dynamic tracking application.Cette thèse s'intéresse à la définition de mécanismes, aussi bien au niveau logiciel que matériel, facilitant la gestion des systèmes-sur-puce hétérogènes et dynamiquement reconfigurable (HRSoC). L'hétérogénéité de ses architectures se manifeste par la présence à la fois de processeurs de calcul généralistes et de modules matériels reconfigurables. L'objectif de cette thèse est de permettre à un développeur d'application de s'abstraire de cette hétérogénéité en ce qui concerne l'allocation des tâches sur les différentes unités de calcul disponibles. Cette abstraction passe par une première phase d'homogénéisation des interfaces utilisateurs (API) et la définition d'un modèle de thread matériel, au même titre qu'il existe des threads logiciels. Cette homogénéisation se poursuit ensuite dans la gestion de ces threads matériels. Nous avons implémenté des services au niveau du système d'exploitation permettant de sauvegarder, préempter, et restaurer le contexte d'un thread matériel. Des outils de conception ont également été développés afin de surpasser le problème de la relocation d'un thread matériel au sein d'un FPGA. Enfin, la dernière étape a été d'étendre l'accès aux services offerts par tous les systèmes d'exploitation distribués au sein de la plateforme à tous les threads s'exécutant sur celle-ci, indépendamment de leur localisation. Ceci a été réalisé via une implémentation originale de l'API MRAPI. Avec ces trois étapes, nous avons apporté une base solide afin, dans le futur, de proposer au développeur un flot de conception dédié aux architectures HRSoC lui permettant de procéder à une exploration architecturale précise de son système. Finalement, afin d'éprouver le fonctionnement de ces mécanismes, nous avons réalisé une plateforme de démonstration sur FPGA Virtex 5 mettant en scène une application de suivi de cibles dynamique