4,693 research outputs found

    Mapping DSP algorithms to a reconfigurable architecture Adaptive Wireless Networking (AWGN)

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    This report will discuss the Adaptive Wireless Networking project. The vision of the Adaptive Wireless Networking project will be given. The strategy of the project will be the implementation of multiple communication systems in dynamically reconfigurable heterogeneous hardware. An overview of a wireless LAN communication system, namely HiperLAN/2, and a Bluetooth communication system will be given. Possible implementations of these systems in a dynamically reconfigurable architecture are discussed. Suggestions for future activities in the Adaptive Wireless Networking project are also given

    A Reconfigurable Tile-Based Architecture to Compute FFT and FIR Functions in the Context of Software-Defined Radio

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    Software-defined radio (SDR) is the term used for flexible radio systems that can deal with multiple standards. For an efficient implementation, such systems require appropriate reconfigurable architectures. This paper targets the efficient implementation of the most computationally intensive kernels of two significantly different standards, viz. Bluetooth and HiperLAN/2, on the same reconfigurable hardware. These kernels are FIR filtering and FFT. The designed architecture is based on a two-dimensional arrangement of 17 tiles. Each tile contains a multiplier, an adder, local memory and multiplexers allowing flexible communication with the neighboring tiles. The tile-base data path is complemented with a global controller and various memories. The design has been implemented in SystemC and simulated extensively to prove equivalence with a reference all-software design. It has also been synthesized and turns out to outperform significantly other reconfigurable designs with respect to speed and area

    Virtual Prototyping for Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures using Dynamic Generic Mapping

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    This paper presents a virtual prototyping methodology for Dynamically Reconfigurable (DR) FPGAs. The methodology is based around a library of VHDL image processing components and allows the rapid prototyping and algorithmic development of low-level image processing systems. For the effective modelling of dynamically reconfigurable designs a new technique named, Dynamic Generic Mapping is introduced. This method allows efficient representation of dynamic reconfiguration without needing any additional components to model the reconfiguration process. This gives the designer more flexibility in modelling dynamic configurations than other methodologies. Models created using this technique can then be simulated and targeted to a specific technology using the same code. This technique is demonstrated through the realisation of modules for a motion tracking system targeted to a DR environment, RIFLE-62

    Design exploration and performance strategies towards power-efficient FPGA-based achitectures for sound source localization

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    Many applications rely on MEMS microphone arrays for locating sound sources prior to their execution. Those applications not only are executed under real-time constraints but also are often embedded on low-power devices. These environments become challenging when increasing the number of microphones or requiring dynamic responses. Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are usually chosen due to their flexibility and computational power. This work intends to guide the design of reconfigurable acoustic beamforming architectures, which are not only able to accurately determine the sound Direction-Of-Arrival (DoA) but also capable to satisfy the most demanding applications in terms of power efficiency. Design considerations of the required operations performing the sound location are discussed and analysed in order to facilitate the elaboration of reconfigurable acoustic beamforming architectures. Performance strategies are proposed and evaluated based on the characteristics of the presented architecture. This power-efficient architecture is compared to a different architecture prioritizing performance in order to reveal the unavoidable design trade-offs

    Partially reconfigurable TVWS transceiver for use in UK and US markets

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    With more and more countries opening up sections of unlicensed spectrum for use by TV White Space (TVWS) devices, the prospect of building a device capable of operating in more than one world region is appealing. The difficulty is that the locations of TVWS bands within the radio spectrum are not globally harmonised. With this problem in mind, the purpose of this paper is to present a TVWS transceiver design which is capable of being reconfigured to operate in both the UK and US spectrum. We present three different configurations: one covering the UK TVWS spectrum and the remaining two covering the various locations of the US TVWS bands

    Dynamic reconfiguration technologies based on FPGA in software defined radio system

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    Partial Reconfiguration (PR) is a method for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) designs which allows multiple applications to time-share a portion of an FPGA while the rest of the device continues to operate unaffected. Using this strategy, the physical layer processing architecture in Software Defined Radio (SDR) systems can benefit from reduced complexity and increased design flexibility, as different waveform applications can be grouped into one part of a single FPGA. Waveform switching often means not only changing functionality, but also changing the FPGA clock frequency. However, that is beyond the current functionality of PR processes as the clock components (such as Digital Clock Managers (DCMs)) are excluded from the process of partial reconfiguration. In this paper, we present a novel architecture that combines another reconfigurable technology, Dynamic Reconfigurable Port (DRP), with PR based on a single FPGA in order to dynamically change both functionality and also the clock frequency. The architecture is demonstrated to reduce hardware utilization significantly compared with standard, static FPGA design

    Reconfigurable Mobile Multimedia Systems

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    This paper discusses reconfigurability issues in lowpower hand-held multimedia systems, with particular emphasis on energy conservation. We claim that a radical new approach has to be taken in order to fulfill the requirements - in terms of processing power and energy consumption - of future mobile applications. A reconfigurable systems-architecture in combination with a QoS driven operating system is introduced that can deal with the inherent dynamics of a mobile system. We present the preliminary results of studies we have done on reconfiguration in hand-held mobile computers: by having reconfigurable media streams, by using reconfigurable processing modules and by migrating functions

    Dynamically reconfigurable management of energy, performance, and accuracy applied to digital signal, image, and video Processing Applications

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    There is strong interest in the development of dynamically reconfigurable systems that can meet real-time constraints in energy/power-performance-accuracy (EPA/PPA). In this dissertation, I introduce a framework for implementing dynamically reconfigurable digital signal, image, and video processing systems. The basic idea is to first generate a collection of Pareto-optimal realizations in the EPA/PPA space. Dynamic EPA/PPA management is then achieved by selecting the Pareto-optimal implementations that can meet the real-time constraints. The systems are then demonstrated using Dynamic Partial Reconfiguration (DPR) and dynamic frequency control on FPGAs. The framework is demonstrated on: i) a dynamic pixel processor, ii) a dynamically reconfigurable 1-D digital filtering architecture, and iii) a dynamically reconfigurable 2-D separable digital filtering system. Efficient implementations of the pixel processor are based on the use of look-up tables and local-multiplexes to minimize FPGA resources. For the pixel-processor, different realizations are generated based on the number of input bits, the number of cores, the number of output bits, and the frequency of operation. For each parameters combination, there is a different pixel-processor realization. Pareto-optimal realizations are selected based on measurements of energy per frame, PSNR accuracy, and performance in terms of frames per second. Dynamic EPA/PPA management is demonstrated for a sequential list of real-time constraints by selecting optimal realizations and implementing using DPR and dynamic frequency control. Efficient FPGA implementations for the 1-D and 2-D FIR filters are based on the use a distributed arithmetic technique. Different realizations are generated by varying the number of coefficients, coefficient bitwidth, and output bitwidth. Pareto-optimal realizations are selected in the EPA space. Dynamic EPA management is demonstrated on the application of real-time EPA constraints on a digital video. The results suggest that the general framework can be applied to a variety of digital signal, image, and video processing systems. It is based on the use of offline-processing that is used to determine the Pareto-optimal realizations. Real-time constraints are met by selecting Pareto-optimal realizations pre-loaded in memory that are then implemented efficiently using DPR and/or dynamic frequency control