155 research outputs found

    Selective Dynamic Analysis of Virtualized Whole-System Guest Environments

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    Dynamic binary analysis is a prevalent and indispensable technique in program analysis. While several dynamic binary analysis tools and frameworks have been proposed, all suffer from one or more of: prohibitive performance degradation, a semantic gap between the analysis code and the execution under analysis, architecture/OS specificity, being user-mode only, and lacking flexibility and extendability. This dissertation describes the design of the Dynamic Executable Code Analysis Framework (DECAF), a virtual machine-based, multi-target, whole-system dynamic binary analysis framework. In short, DECAF seeks to address the shortcomings of existing whole-system dynamic analysis tools and extend the state of the art by utilizing a combination of novel techniques to provide rich analysis functionality without crippling amounts of execution overhead. DECAF extends the mature QEMU whole-system emulator, a type-2 hypervisor capable of emulating every instruction that executes within a complete guest system environment. DECAF provides a novel, hardware event-based method of just-in-time virtual machine introspection (VMI) to address the semantic gap problem. It also implements a novel instruction-level taint tracking engine at bitwise level of granularity, ensuring that taint propagation is sound and highly precise throughout the guest environment. A formal analysis of the taint propagation rules is provided to verify that most instructions introduce neither false positives nor false negatives. DECAF’s design also provides a plugin architecture with a simple-to-use, event-driven programming interface that makes it both flexible and extendable for a variety of analysis tasks. The implementation of DECAF consists of 9550 lines of C++ code and 10270 lines of C code. Its performance is evaluated using CPU2006 SPEC benchmarks, which show an average overhead of 605% for system wide tainting and 12% for VMI. Three platformneutral DECAF plugins - Instruction Tracer, Keylogger Detector, and API Tracer - are described and evaluated in this dissertation to demonstrate the ease of use and effectiveness of DECAF in writing cross-platform and system-wide analysis tools. This dissertation also presents the Virtual Device Fuzzer (VDF), a scalable fuzz testing framework for discovering bugs within the virtual devices implemented as part of QEMU. Such bugs could be used by malicious software executing within a guest under analysis by DECAF, so the discovery, reproduction, and diagnosis of such bugs helps to protect DECAF against attack while improving QEMU and any analysis platforms built upon QEMU. VDF uses selective instrumentation to perform targeted fuzz testing, which explores only the branches of execution belonging to virtual devices under analysis. By leveraging record and replay of memory-mapped I/O activity, VDF quickly cycles virtual devices through an arbitrarily large number of states without requiring a guest OS to be booted or present. Once a test case is discovered that triggers a bug, VDF reduces the test case to the minimum number of reads/writes required to trigger the bug and generates source code suitable for reproducing the bug during debugging and analysis. VDF is evaluated by fuzz testing eighteen QEMU virtual devices, generating 1014 crash or hang test cases that reveal bugs in six of the tested devices. Over 80% of the crashes and hangs were discovered within the first day of testing. VDF covered an average of 62.32% of virtual device branches during testing, and the average test case was minimized to a reproduction test case only 18.57% of its original size

    A Framework for File Format Fuzzing with Genetic Algorithms

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    Secure software, meaning software free from vulnerabilities, is desirable in today\u27s marketplace. Consumers are beginning to value a product\u27s security posture as well as its functionality. Software development companies are recognizing this trend, and they are factoring security into their entire software development lifecycle. Secure development practices like threat modeling, static analysis, safe programming libraries, run-time protections, and software verification are being mandated during product development. Mandating these practices improves a product\u27s security posture before customer delivery, and these practices increase the difficulty of discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities. Since the 1980\u27s, security researchers have uncovered software defects by fuzz testing an application. In fuzz testing\u27s infancy, randomly generated data could discover multiple defects quickly. However, as software matures and software development companies integrate secure development practices into their development life cycles, fuzzers must apply more sophisticated techniques in order to retain their ability to uncover defects. Fuzz testing must evolve, and fuzz testing practitioners must devise new algorithms to exercise an application in unexpected ways. This dissertation\u27s objective is to create a proof-of-concept genetic algorithm fuzz testing framework to exercise an application\u27s file format parsing routines. The framework includes multiple genetic algorithm variations, provides a configuration scheme, and correlates data gathered from static and dynamic analysis to guide negative test case evolution. Experiments conducted for this dissertation illustrate the effectiveness of a genetic algorithm fuzzer in comparison to standard fuzz testing tools. The experiments showcase a genetic algorithm fuzzer\u27s ability to discover multiple unique defects within a limited number of negative test cases. These experiments also highlight an application\u27s increased execution time when fuzzing with a genetic algorithm. To combat increased execution time, a distributed architecture is implemented and additional experiments demonstrate a decrease in execution time comparable to standard fuzz testing tools. A final set of experiments provide guidance on fitness function selection with a CHC genetic algorithm fuzzer with different population size configurations

    A vulnerability assesment framework for the IMS

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    Includes bibliography.With multimedia services being made available via more and more devices to end users, it is no longer feasible to develop a delivery platform for each new type of service. The IP multimedia subsystem (IMS) aims to provide a unified service delivery platform capable of supporting a wide range of multimedia, data and voice services. It has been developed with a focus on content delivery and rich communications, and has already begun to replace existing legacy GSM network components. The IMS is intended to be an access agnostic platform, capable of providing services over both mobile and fixed networks using a multi-access all-IP platform. By providing a feature-rich all IP platform, operators are able to deploy open IP-based networks, allowing for easy deployment and development of new, rich multimedia centric communication services. With the IMS in place, an operator may take the role of a service broker, providing them with far more revenue generating opportunities than just traditional voice and data. Application services may leverage the functionality provided by the IMS to create new services quickly while allowing them to be easily integrated into the network infrastructure. With the IMS gaining more and more attention from telecoms operators, and already being adopted by some, the ability to assess the security of the system becomes critical to the success of the IMS platform. While the 3GPP has placed emphasis on security throughout the development of the IMS, implementation is left up to vendors looking to create their own IMS systems. Implementation specific vulnerabilities may be missed by standard quality assurance testing, as they may be triggered only by boundary or near boundary conditions, or non-standard or unexpected state transitions

    Hardware-Assisted Processor Tracing for Automated Bug Finding and Exploit Prevention

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    The proliferation of binary-only program analysis techniques like fuzz testing and symbolic analysis have lead to an acceleration in the number of publicly disclosed vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, while bug finding has benefited from recent advances in automation and a decreasing barrier to entry, bug remediation has received less attention. Consequently, analysts are publicly disclosing bugs faster than developers and system administrators can mitigate them. Hardware-supported processor tracing within commodity processors opens new doors to observing low-level behaviors with efficiency, transparency, and integrity that can close this automation gap. Unfortunately, several trade-offs in its design raise serious technical challenges that have limited widespread adoption. Specifically, modern processor traces only capture control flow behavior, yield high volumes of data that can incur overhead to sift through, and generally introduce a semantic gap between low-level behavior and security relevant events. To solve the above challenges, I propose control-oriented record and replay, which combines concrete traces with symbolic analysis to uncover vulnerabilities and exploits. To demonstrate the efficacy and versatility of my approach, I first present a system called ARCUS, which is capable of analyzing processor traces flagged by host-based monitors to detect, localize, and provide preliminary patches to developers for memory corruption vulnerabilities. ARCUS has detected 27 previously known vulnerabilities alongside 4 novel cases, leading to the issuance of several advisories and official developer patches. Next, I present MARSARA, a system that protects the integrity of execution unit partitioning in data provenance-based forensic analysis. MARSARA prevents several expertly crafted exploits from corrupting partitioned provenance graphs while incurring little overhead compared to prior work. Finally, I present Bunkerbuster, which extends the ideas from ARCUS and MARSARA into a system capable of proactively hunting for bugs across multiple end-hosts simultaneously, resulting in the discovery and patching of 4 more novel bugs.Ph.D

    Program crash analysis : evaluation and application of current methods

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    After decades of development in computer science, memory corruption bugs still pose a threat to the reliability of software. Automatic crash reporting and fuzz testing are effective ways of gathering information about program bugs. However, these methods can potentially produce thousands of crash dumps, motivating the need for grouping and prioritizing crashes. In addition, the time necessary to analyze the root cause of crashes and to implement a reliable fix in source code should be reduced. This thesis demonstrates how fuzzing can produce a large set of different crashes in a real program. An empirical study explores methods for analyzing these crashes. Automatic bucketing and classification is performed. Call stack based grouping algorithms are compared, and modifications are suggested. Taint analysis is demonstrated as a complementary method to automatic classification based on crash dumps. Dynamic analysis using execution traces is demonstrated as a method for root cause analysis. The empirical study suggests some general results regarding program crash analysis. Crashes should be grouped based on related crash locations and identified similarities in call stacks. A distance algorithm can be used for call stack based grouping and to identify relations between groups. It is suggested that a weighted priority model should be used for prioritizing crashes based on a strategic policy. Some possible metrics are frequency, reliability, severity estimate and relations to already fixed bugs. In order to properly fix a memory corruption bug, the underlying cause should be understood at machine-level. Execution traces with logged operands, differential debugging, Crash Graphs and input analysis might help developers analyze different aspects of memory corruption bugs

    Learning the language of apps

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    To explore the functionality of an app, automated test generators systematically identify and interact with its user interface (UI) elements. A key challenge is to synthesize inputs which effectively and efficiently cover app behavior. To do so, a test generator has to choose which elements to interact with but, which interactions to do on each element and which input values to type. In summary, to better test apps, a test generator should know the app's language, that is, the language of its graphical interactions and the language of its textual inputs. In this work, we show how a test generator can learn the language of apps and how this knowledge is modeled to create tests. We demonstrate how to learn the language of the graphical input prior to testing by combining machine learning and static analysis, and how to refine this knowledge during testing using reinforcement learning. In our experiments, statically learned models resulted in 50\% less ineffective actions an average increase in test (code) coverage of 19%, while refining these through reinforcement learning resulted in an additional test (code) coverage of up to 20%. We learn the language of textual inputs, by identifying the semantics of input fields in the UI and querying the web for real-world values. In our experiments, real-world values increase test (code) coverage ~10%; Finally, we show how to use context-free grammars to integrate both languages into a single representation (UI grammar), giving back control to the user. This representation can then be: mined from existing tests, associated to the app source code, and used to produce new tests. 82% test cases produced by fuzzing our UI grammar can reach a UI element within the app and 70% of them can reach a specific code location.Automatisierte Testgeneratoren identifizieren systematisch Elemente der Benutzeroberfläche und interagieren mit ihnen, um die Funktionalität einer App zu erkunden. Eine wichtige Herausforderung besteht darin, Eingaben zu synthetisieren, die das App-Verhalten effektiv und effizient abdecken. Dazu muss ein Testgenerator auswählen, mit welchen Elementen interagiert werden soll, welche Interaktionen jedoch für jedes Element ausgeführt werden sollen und welche Eingabewerte eingegeben werden sollen. Um Apps besser testen zu können, sollte ein Testgenerator die Sprache der App kennen, dh die Sprache ihrer grafischen Interaktionen und die Sprache ihrer Texteingaben. In dieser Arbeit zeigen wir, wie ein Testgenerator die Sprache von Apps lernen kann und wie dieses Wissen modelliert wird, um Tests zu erstellen. Wir zeigen, wie die Sprache der grafischen Eingabe lernen vor dem Testen durch maschinelles Lernen und statische Analyse kombiniert und wie dieses Wissen weiter verfeinern beim Testen Verstärkung Lernen verwenden. In unseren Experimenten führten statisch erlernte Modelle zu 50% weniger ineffektiven Aktionen, was einer durchschnittlichen Erhöhung der Testabdeckung (Code) von 19% entspricht, während die Verfeinerung dieser durch verstärkendes Lernen zu einer zusätzlichen Testabdeckung (Code) von bis zu 20% führte. Wir lernen die Sprache der Texteingaben, indem wir die Semantik der Eingabefelder in der Benutzeroberfläche identifizieren und das Web nach realen Werten abfragen. In unseren Experimenten erhöhen reale Werte die Testabdeckung (Code) um ca. 10%; Schließlich zeigen wir, wie kontextfreien Grammatiken verwenden beide Sprachen in einer einzigen Darstellung (UI Grammatik) zu integrieren, wieder die Kontrolle an den Benutzer zu geben. Diese Darstellung kann dann: aus vorhandenen Tests gewonnen, dem App-Quellcode zugeordnet und zur Erstellung neuer Tests verwendet werden. 82% Testfälle, die durch Fuzzing unserer UI-Grammatik erstellt wurden, können ein UI-Element in der App erreichen, und 70% von ihnen können einen bestimmten Code-Speicherort erreichen