60 research outputs found

    Penerapan Gamification dalam Bidang Pendidikan Formal dan Nonformal: Survey Paper

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    Pendidikan merupakan pondasi utama dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia (SDM), dengan meningkatnya SDM maka suatu negara dapat berkembang dan maju dengan didasari pendidikan baik secara formal ataupun non-formal. Gamifikasi merupakan alternatif dalam sebagai inovasi dalam pendidikan. Gamifikasi merupakan teknik desain permainan untuk menghasilkan hal yang dianggap sebagai hal yang membosankan menjadi menarik layaknya sebuah game. Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics (MDA) merupakan model utama dalam menerapkan sebuah gamifikasi. MDA berfungsi untuk memetakan komponen-komponen agar menjadi sebuah kesatuan dalam merancang sebuah game, belajar merupakan salah satu bagian dalam pendidikan, untuk merancang sebuah gamifikasi pada pembelajaran maka diperlukan model gamifikasi yang tepat yaitu The Dynamical Model for Gamification Learning (DMGL) dan Attention Relevance Confidence Satisfaction (ARCS) kedua model gamifikasi ini menerapkan MDA sebagai dasar dalam gamifikasi dan menambahkan komponen yang dapat memotivasi siswa dalam belajar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memetakan literatur untuk lebih memahami penerapan model gamifikasi pada pendidikan secara formal dan juga non-forma

    Dynamical model for gamification of learning (DMGL)

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    Using gamification in teaching physical education: A survey review

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    Nowadays, the determining role that Physical Education (PE) assumes for cognitive, psychomotor and affective development is widely accepted. Even so, several investigations continue to report the difficulty in motivating children to be involved and participate in PE classes through traditional teaching methods. Thus, to combat this scourge, gamification has been suggested as a useful tool to increase students' motivation to practice PE. Based on these considerations, the main objective of this survey review was to critically analyze the potential impact of using gamification in PE classes. The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses literature search extension (PRISMA-S) guidelines were advised for this survey review. After searching procedures, 68 articles remained for analysis. Traditional teaching models can be applied by using the direct instruction model, and teaching dominated approaches. By contrast, nowadays physical education and sports education have been based on game-based models. From this, gamification strategies seem to be valid and efficient as a contribute to the previous ones, applying game elements, mechanics, and principles to non-game contexts to enhance engagement and intrinsic motivation. Thus, gamification models extend to as fundamental element the theory of self-determination expressed by theory of gamified learning, dynamical model for gamification of learning, goal-access-feedback-challenge-collaboration, gamification, and virtual gamification. This investigation allows us to conclude that the inclusion of gamification in PE classes seems to translate into an increase in motivation in children and youth. For this reason the introduction of technology in classes seems to be a key factor to increase sports participation, regular physical activity and improve motor learning and control.Funding This project was supported by the National Funds through the FCT-Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (project UIDB04045/2020)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Modelo Teórico Integrado de Gamificación en Ambientes E-Learning (E-MIGA).

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    The presence of game elements on the educational context, specifically on the E-learning modalities, shows that incorporating gamification systematizes the user experience based on parameters related to the games. Considering this issue, this paper presents the integration of two conceptual models of gamification extracted from the literature review published between 2012 and 2015, validating each of the dimensions and indicators through a Delphi study with experts in pedagogy and game design. The application of the model in 6 educational mobile applications for 7 months (June 2015- January 2016) demonstrating the correlation of selected models according to the criteria of suitability and relevance. In short, the following model builds a connection path between the theoretical basis and empirical analysis of gamification in order to overcome the challenges of E-learning education in the XXI century having as ultimate implication the transposition of the theoretical model to a quantitative utility model at the service of future research

    Integrated Theoretical Gamification Model in E-Learning Environments (E-MIGA)

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    La presencia de elementos lúdicos en el contexto educativo, específicamente en la modalidad de formación E-learning, demuestra que la incorporación de la gamificación sistematiza la experiencia del usuario en base a parámetros relacionados con los juegos. Este artículo presenta la integración de dos modelos conceptuales de gamificación extraídos de la revisión literaria publicada entre el 2012 y el 2015, validando cada una de las dimensiones e indicadores mediante un estudio Delphi con expertos en pedagogía y diseño de juegos. Posteriormente, se exhiben los resultados cualitativos de la aplicación del modelo en 6 aplicaciones móviles educativas analizadas durante 7 meses (junio 2015- enero 2016) manifestando la correlación de los modelos seleccionados según los criterios de idoneidad y pertinencia. En definitiva, el siguiente modelo construye una vía de conexión entre la base teórica y el análisis empírico de la gamificación con el fin de sobreponerse a los retos de la educación E-learning en el siglo XXI teniendo como última instancia la transposición del modelo teórico a un modelo de utilidad cuantitativo al servicio de futuras investigaciones.The presence of game elements on the educational context, specifically on the E-learning modalities, shows that incorporating gamification systematizes the user experience based on parameters related to the games. Considering this issue, this paper presents the integration of two conceptual models of gamification extracted from the literature review published between 2012 and 2015, validating each of the dimensions and indicators through a Delphi study with experts in pedagogy and game design. The application of the model in 6 educational mobile applications for 7 months (June 2015- January 2016) demonstrating the correlation of selected models according to the criteria of suitability and relevance. In short, the following model builds a connection path between the theoretical basis and empirical analysis of gamification in order to overcome the challenges of E-learning education in the XXI century having as ultimate implication the transposition of the theoretical model to a quantitative utility model at the service of future researc

    The potential use of augmented reality in gamification

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    The use of augmented reality (AR) and gamification in various fields is currently gaining popularity for its capability in engaging users.Gamification is a term that defines the use of game-based elements, such as game mechanics, aesthetics, dynamics, and game thinking in the non-game context environment.Meanwhile, AR is a technology that has an ability to overlap computer graphics onto the real environment.However, as a newly emerging concept, gamification seems to have some arguments related to its elements, concepts, and effectiveness in a similar intervention. Therefore, this paper discusses gamification. Although dozens of studies have implemented AR games, there is still an obvious lack in discussing and relating it to a gamified platform. Nevertheless, previous adaptation of games in AR seems that there are also potentials to utilise gamification and AR concepts and elements, as well as AR and AR games in brief.This paper also justifies several previous empirical studies in AR and gamification to look into its elements, research design, and the potentials of AR and gamification combinatio

    Análisis de la gamificación en la estructura de las aplicaciones móviles de e-learning

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    La presente investigación propone la aplicación del modelo integrado para la evaluación cualitativa de la gamificación en ambientes de E-Learning, a partir de la conjunción de las dimensiones de dos modelos precedentes: el «Modelo Conceptual de la Gamificación en ambientes E-Learning» de Tomé et al (2015) y el «Modelo Dinámico de Gamificación de la Enseñanza» de Kim & Lee (2013) se desarrolla una conjunción integrativa de las dimensiones- componentes de ambos modelos en referencia, seguido por un estudio Delphi con expertos del ámbito académico y profesional de la gamificación. Posteriormente, el modelo integrativo se aplicó a una muestra de 6 aplicaciones móviles de e-learning que coinciden en el «top 10» de las stores de iOS y Android durante 6 meses (junio 2015 -enero 2015), los resultados obtenidos demuestran la efectiva correlación de las dimensiones e indicadores de los modelos de gamificación integrados y su idoneidad y pertinencia para la evaluación cualitativa de aplicaciones móviles educativas. También se concluye que el modelo puede servir como marco de aproximación para posteriores estudios cuantitativos sobre dinámicas de gamificación en ambientes E-Learning

    Los efectos de las actividades enriquecidas con elementos de juego en las lecciones de matemáticas

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    Differentiated instruction is a form of teaching. The content, processes, products, or learning environment can be differentiated with respect to students' readiness to learn, interests, and learner profiles. Enrichment, one of the differentiation strategies, can be described as the student’s intensive work on any subject or area. Using game elements can also impact students' achievement, mathematics attitude, and motivation. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of activities enriched with game elements on students’ learner profiles in mathematics lessons and their achievement, motivation, and attitudes. This current study used the quantitative quasi-experimental approach with 24 6th-grade students during two weeks. The Learner Profile Scale was used on the students and then mathematics activities with game elements were prepared for experimental group. An Academic Achievement Test and Attitude and Motivation Towards Mathematics Scales were used as data collection tools before and after the implementation of activities enriched with game elements. Mann Whitney U Test is used to analyse the differences between experimental and control group. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test is used to analysed the difference pre- and post-test both experimental and control group. According the result significant point for students’ academic achievement, motivation and attitude is found as .229, .002 and .043 respectively. Effect size is calculated for students’ academic achievement, attitudes and motivation as .34, .58 and .58 respectively. As a result of this study, the use of enriching game elements had positive and larger effect on students’ motivation, and attitude in mathematics lessons. Although the differences between experimental and control group is not found significantly for the student's achievement, there is a difference between pre- and post-test and the size of effects is calculated as medium. Hence, the educational gamify activities should be design by considering the students’ types.La instrucción diferenciada es una forma de enseñanza. El contenido, los procesos, los productos o el entorno de aprendizaje se pueden diferenciar con respecto a la disposición para aprender, los intereses y los perfiles de aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El enriquecimiento, una de las estrategias de diferenciación, se puede describir como el trabajo intensivo del estudiante en cualquier materia o área. El uso de elementos del juego también puede afectar al rendimiento, la actitud matemática y la motivación de los estudiantes. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la influencia de las actividades enriquecidas con elementos de juego en los perfiles de aprendizaje de los estudiantes en lecciones de matemáticas y su rendimiento, motivación y actitudes. Este estudio utilizó el enfoque cuasi-experimental cuantitativo con 24 estudiantes de sexto grado durante dos semanas. Se utilizó la Escala de Perfil de Aprendiz en los estudiantes y luego se prepararon actividades matemáticas con elementos de juego para el grupo experimental. Se utilizó un Test de Rendimiento Académico y Escalas de Actitud y Motivación hacia las Matemáticas como instrumentos de recolección de datos antes y después de la implementación de actividades enriquecidas con elementos lúdicos. La prueba U de Mann Whitney se utiliza para analizar las diferencias entre el grupo experimental y el de control. La prueba de rango con signos de Wilcoxon se utiliza para analizar la diferencia antes y después de la prueba, tanto en el grupo experimental como en el de control. Según el resultado, el punto significativo para el rendimiento académico, la motivación y la actitud de los estudiantes se encuentra en .229, .002 y .043 respectivamente. El tamaño del efecto se calcula para el rendimiento académico, las actitudes y la motivación de los estudiantes como .34, .58 y .58 respectivamente. Como resultado de este estudio, el uso de elementos de juego enriquecedores tuvo un efecto positivo y mayor en la motivación y actitud de los estudiantes en las lecciones de matemáticas. Si bien las diferencias entre el grupo experimental y el de control no fue significativa para el rendimiento de los estudiantes, existe una diferencia entre el pre y post test con un tamaño de los efectos medio. Por lo tanto, las actividades educativas de gamificación deben diseñarse considerando los tipos de estudiantes

    Game mechanics and aesthetics differences for tangible and intangible goods provided via social media

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    Companies aspire to fulfil consumers’ needs, wants and desires by offering products and services. Due to globalization and digitization, the world became a small village by facilitating the obtainability of products/services across the globe. Furthermore, the online purchasing via social platforms mirrors the traditional purchasing process. Gamification, game techniques and elements have been employed in the different domain for engaging and motivating consumers, students, end-users in numerous countries and cultures. Gamification is considered the appliance of game techniques and game elements in the non-game environment. It’s been adjusted in different models founded as a need to explore and explain variables, phenomena and theories. Game mechanics as one of the game elements are applied in different disciplines to achieve better performance, fruitful collaboration, active and enthusiastic participation, creating enjoyable, pleasurable and entertaining environment. Aesthetics are described as the sensory part that game evoke within the player. To identify the differences within consumers who purchase via social media when game mechanics and aesthetics are applied, the chi-square test for independence has been employed. The results estimate that the association between products and services as variables is not statistically significant and the relationship between them is weak or moderated. The findings of this research are useful for private companies and other interested stakeholders. © 2019, Sciendo. All rights reserved.Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FaME/2018/2020