680 research outputs found

    Early aspects: aspect-oriented requirements engineering and architecture design

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    This paper reports on the third Early Aspects: Aspect-Oriented Requirements Engineering and Architecture Design Workshop, which has been held in Lancaster, UK, on March 21, 2004. The workshop included a presentation session and working sessions in which the particular topics on early aspects were discussed. The primary goal of the workshop was to focus on challenges to defining methodical software development processes for aspects from early on in the software life cycle and explore the potential of proposed methods and techniques to scale up to industrial applications

    A Unified Framework for Solving Multiagent Task Assignment Problems

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    Multiagent task assignment problem descriptors do not fully represent the complex interactions in a multiagent domain, and algorithmic solutions vary widely depending on how the domain is represented. This issue is compounded as related research fields contain descriptors that similarly describe multiagent task assignment problems, including complex domain interactions, but generally do not provide the mechanisms needed to solve the multiagent aspect of task assignment. This research presents a unified approach to representing and solving the multiagent task assignment problem for complex problem domains. Ideas central to multiagent task allocation, project scheduling, constraint satisfaction, and coalition formation are combined to form the basis of the constrained multiagent task scheduling (CMTS) problem. Basic analysis reveals the exponential size of the solution space for a CMTS problem, approximated by O(2n(m+n)) based on the number of agents and tasks involved in a problem. The shape of the solution space is shown to contain numerous discontinuous regions due to the complexities involved in relational constraints defined between agents and tasks. The CMTS descriptor represents a wide range of classical and modern problems, such as job shop scheduling, the traveling salesman problem, vehicle routing, and cooperative multi-object tracking. Problems using the CMTS representation are solvable by a suite of algorithms, with varying degrees of suitability. Solution generating methods range from simple random scheduling to state-of-the-art biologically inspired approaches. Techniques from classical task assignment solvers are extended to handle multiagent task problems where agents can also multitask. Additional ideas are incorporated from constraint satisfaction, project scheduling, evolutionary algorithms, dynamic coalition formation, auctioning, and behavior-based robotics to highlight how different solution generation strategies apply to the complex problem space

    Formulating and managing viable SLAs in cloud computing from a small to medium service provider's viewpoint: A state-of-the-art review

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    © 2017 Elsevier Ltd In today's competitive world, service providers need to be customer-focused and proactive in their marketing strategies to create consumer awareness of their services. Cloud computing provides an open and ubiquitous computing feature in which a large random number of consumers can interact with providers and request services. In such an environment, there is a need for intelligent and efficient methods that increase confidence in the successful achievement of business requirements. One such method is the Service Level Agreement (SLA), which is comprised of service objectives, business terms, service relations, obligations and the possible action to be taken in the case of SLA violation. Most of the emphasis in the literature has, until now, been on the formation of meaningful SLAs by service consumers, through which their requirements will be met. However, in an increasingly competitive market based on the cloud environment, service providers too need a framework that will form a viable SLA, predict possible SLA violations before they occur, and generate early warning alarms that flag a potential lack of resources. This is because when a provider and a consumer commit to an SLA, the service provider is bound to reserve the agreed amount of resources for the entire period of that agreement – whether the consumer uses them or not. It is therefore very important for cloud providers to accurately predict the likely resource usage for a particular consumer and to formulate an appropriate SLA before finalizing an agreement. This problem is more important for a small to medium cloud service provider which has limited resources that must be utilized in the best possible way to generate maximum revenue. A viable SLA in cloud computing is one that intelligently helps the service provider to determine the amount of resources to offer to a requesting consumer, and there are number of studies on SLA management in the literature. The aim of this paper is two-fold. First, it presents a comprehensive overview of existing state-of-the-art SLA management approaches in cloud computing, and their features and shortcomings in creating viable SLAs from the service provider's viewpoint. From a thorough analysis, we observe that the lack of a viable SLA management framework renders a service provider unable to make wise decisions in forming an SLA, which could lead to service violations and violation penalties. To fill this gap, our second contribution is the proposal of the Optimized Personalized Viable SLA (OPV-SLA) framework which assists a service provider to form a viable SLA and start managing SLA violation before an SLA is formed and executed. The framework also assists a service provider to make an optimal decision in service formation and allocate the appropriate amount of marginal resources. We demonstrate the applicability of our framework in forming viable SLAs through experiments. From the evaluative results, we observe that our framework helps a service provider to form viable SLAs and later to manage them to effectively minimize possible service violation and penalties

    An adaptive service oriented architecture: Automatically solving interoperability problems.

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    Organizations desire to be able to easily cooperate with other companies and still be flexible. The IT infrastructure used by these companies should facilitate these wishes. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Autonomic Computing (AC) were introduced in order to realize such an infrastructure, however both have their shortcomings and do not fulfil these wishes. This dissertation addresses these shortcomings and presents an approach for incorporating (self-) adaptive behavior in (Web) services. A conceptual foundation of adaptation is provided and SOA is extended to incorporate adaptive behavior, called Adaptive Service Oriented Architecture (ASOA). To demonstrate our conceptual framework, we implement it to address a crucial aspect of distributed systems, namely interoperability. In particular, we study the situation of a service orchestrator adapting itself to evolving service providers.

    An adaptive service oriented architecture:Automatically solving interoperability problems

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    Organizations desire to be able to easily cooperate with other companies and still be flexible. The IT infrastructure used by these companies should facilitate these wishes. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Autonomic Computing (AC) were introduced in order to realize such an infrastructure, however both have their shortcomings and do not fulfil these wishes. This dissertation addresses these shortcomings and presents an approach for incorporating (self-) adaptive behavior in (Web) services. A conceptual foundation of adaptation is provided and SOA is extended to incorporate adaptive behavior, called Adaptive Service Oriented Architecture (ASOA). To demonstrate our conceptual framework, we implement it to address a crucial aspect of distributed systems, namely interoperability. In particular, we study the situation of a service orchestrator adapting itself to evolving service providers.

    Contributions to topology discovery, self-healing and VNF placement in software-defined and virtualized networks

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    The evolution of information and communication technologies (e.g. cloud computing, the Internet of Things (IoT) and 5G, among others) has enabled a large market of applications and network services for a massive number of users connected to the Internet. Achieving high programmability while decreasing complexity and costs has become an essential aim of networking research due to the ever-increasing pressure generated by these applications and services. However, meeting these goals is an almost impossible task using traditional IP networks. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging network architecture that could address the needs of service providers and network operators. This new technology consists in decoupling the control plane from the data plane, enabling the centralization of control functions on a concentrated or distributed platform. It also creates an abstraction between the network infrastructure and network applications, which allows for designing more flexible and programmable networks. Recent trends of increased user demands, the explosion of Internet traffic and diverse service requirements have further driven the interest in the potential capabilities of SDN to enable the introduction of new protocols and traffic management models. This doctoral research is focused on improving high-level policies and control strategies, which are becoming increasingly important given the limitations of current solutions for large-scale SDN environments. Specifically, the three largest challenges addressed in the development of this thesis are related to the processes of topology discovery, fault recovery and Virtual Network Function (VNF) placement in software-defined and virtualized networks. These challenges led to the design of a set of effective techniques, ranging from network protocols to optimal and heuristic algorithms, intended to solve existing problems and contribute to the deployment and adoption of such programmable networks.For the first challenge, this work presents a novel protocol that, unlike existing approaches, enables a distributed layer 2 discovery without the need for previous IP configurations or controller knowledge of the network. By using this mechanism, the SDN controller can discover the network view without incurring scalability issues, while taking advantage of the shortest control paths toward each switch. Moreover, this novel approach achieves noticeable improvement with respect to state-of-the-art techniques. To address the resilience concern of SDN, we propose a self-healing mechanism that recovers the control plane connectivity in SDN-managed environments without overburdening the controller performance. The main idea underlying this proposal is to enable real-time recovery of control paths in the face of failures without the intervention of a controller. Obtained results show that the proposed approach recovers the control topology efficiently in terms of time and message load over a wide range of generated networks. The third contribution made in this thesis combines topology knowledge with bin packing techniques in order to efficiently place the required VNF. An online heuristic algorithm with low-complexity was developed as a suitable solution for dynamic infrastructures. Extensive simulations, using network topologies representative of different scales, validate the good performance of the proposed approaches regarding the number of required instances and the delay among deployed functions. Additionally, the proposed heuristic algorithm improves the execution times by a fifth order of magnitude compared to the optimal formulation of this problem.Postprint (published version

    The Vehicle Routing Problem with Release and Due Dates

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    A novel extension of the classical vehicle routing and scheduling problems is introduced that integrates aspects of machine scheduling into vehicle routing. Associated with each customer order is a release date that defines the earliest time that the order is available to leave the depot for delivery and a due date that indicates the time by which the order should ideally be delivered to the customer. The objective is to minimize a convex combination of the operational costs and customer service level, represented by the total distance traveled and the total weighted tardiness of delivery, respectively. A path-relinking algorithm (PRA) is proposed to address the problem, and a variety of benchmark instances are generated to evaluate its performance. The PRA exploits the efficiency and aggressive improvement of neighborhood search but relies on a new path-relinking procedure and advanced population management strategies to navigate the search space effectively. To provide a comparator algorithm to the PRA, we embed the neighborhood search into a standard iterated local search algorithm (ILS). Extensive computational experiments on the benchmark instances show that the newly defined features have a significant and varied impact on the problem, and the performance of the PRA dominates that of the ILS algorithm. The online supplement is available at https://doi.org/10.1287/ijoc.2017.0756 . </jats:p

    Open queueing networks : optimization and performance evaluation models for discrete manufacturing systems

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    Includes bibliographical references (p. 41-45).Research supported by Fundac̦ão de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil.by Gabriel R. Bitran, Reinaldo Morabito

    On the Ex Ante Valuation of IT Service Investments - A Decision Theoretical Perspective

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    The paradigm of service orientation and its incarnation in the form of service-oriented architecture (SOA) and information technology (IT) services play a crucial role in enabling companies to achieve considerable competitive advantages. However, to be able to leverage the opportunities of SOA and IT services, companies need to gain a thorough understanding of the business value of IT service investments. Nevertheless, research on IT services has focused mainly on technical questions so far; the economic perspective largely has been neglected. Therefore, the authors aim to contribute to the ex ante valuation of IT service investments from a decision theoretical point of view. Using decision theory as a theoretical base, the main aim is to identify and discuss specific challenges regarding the financial ex ante valuation of IT service investments, which arise from the inherent flexibility of IT services and the various interdependencies within a company’s IT service portfolio. The authors thereby emphasize that the application of common methods from financial theory for valuating IT service investments has to be treated with caution, as these methods are often tied to rather restrictive assumptions based on the specifics of capital markets. By analyzing different clusters of IT service investment decision problems using decision theory, the authors identify and discuss pitfalls that might occur when applying financial valuation methods to capture the flexibility and interdependencies of IT service investments. The decision theoretical considerations are intended to help build a solid basis for future multi-criteria valuation approaches, of which an essential component is a theoretically well-founded financial valuation