6 research outputs found

    An adaptive algorithm for Internet multimedia delivery in a DiffServ environment.

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    To meet the Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of multimedia applications and to reduce the network congestion, several service models and mechanisms have been proposed. Among these, Differentiated Service (DiffServ) architecture has been considered as a scalable and flexible QoS architecture for the Internet. DiffServ provides class-based QoS guarantees. Applications in different classes receive different QoS and are priced differently. If network congestion occurs, DiffServ may not be able to guarantee the QoS for the application. Thus, the QoS may not reflect the price paid for the service. A problem of considerable economic and research importance is how to achieve a good price and quality tradeoff even at times of congestion. This thesis presents an Adaptive Class Switching Algorithm (ACSA) which intends to provide good quality with good price for real-time multimedia applications in a DiffServ environment. The ACSA algorithm combines the techniques of Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP), DiffServ, and Adaptation together. It also takes both QoS and price into account to provide users a good QoS with a good price. The algorithm dynamically selects the most suitable class based on both the QoS feedback received and the highest user utility. The user utility is a function of quality, price, and the weight which reflects the relative sensitivity to quality and price. The class with the highest user utility is the class that provides the best quality and price tradeoff. The QoS feedback is conveyed by RTP\u27s Control Protocol (RTCP) Receiver Reports. The results of simulation demonstrate that ACSA can react fast to the current class state in the network and reflects the best QoS and price tradeoff. It always seeks to find a class which provides the highest user utility except when the Internet is congested and the required QoS in all classes can not be satisfied. If this happens, the real-time multimedia flow chooses Best-Effort class with no payment. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis2005 .F46. Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 44-01, page: 0389. Thesis (M.Sc.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 2005

    A stream scheduling scheme based on local regularity of internet traffic

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    Orientador: Lee Luan LingDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Nas redes de comunicações, a atual integração de vários tipos de serviços, cada qual com características estatísticas e requisitos de qualidade de serviço distintos, traz consigo a necessidade de esquemas eficientes de gerenciamento e controle de congestionamento do tráfego presente. Em pequenas escalas de tempo, os esquemas atuais podem ter sua eficiência reduzida devido à alta irregularidade do tráfego. Desta forma, neste presente trabalho, tendo como base à disciplina de escalonamento Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS), propõe-se um esquema de escalonamento de fluxos de dados que utiliza o expoente de Hölder pontual para caracterização local de cada fluxo. Para isso, propõe-se conjuntamente um estimador dinâmico destes expoentes e um preditor. Os expoentes de Hölder pontuais são estimados dinamicamente por meio do decaimento dos coeficientes wavelets em janelas de tempo. O preditor proposto possui características adaptativas e baseia-se no filtro de Kalman e no filtro de Mínimos Médios Quadrados Normalizado (Normalized Least-Mean-Square - NLMS). As avaliações realizadas mostram que este esquema de escalonamento contribui para o controle dinâmico preventivo no sentido de se obter uma menor perda de dados e um melhor uso da taxa de transmissão do enlace, em comparação com o GPS convencionalAbstract: Today network traffic is composed of many services with different statistical characteristics and quality of service requirements. This integration needs efficient traffic congestion control and management schemes. Dynamic and preventive schemes usually anticipate traffic conditions by means of a prediction process. Nevertheless, at fine-grained time scales, traffic exhibits strong irregularities and more complex scaling law that make this prediction process a non-trivial task. In this work we model network traffic flows as multifractal processes and introduce the pointwise Hölder exponent as an indicator of the local regularity degree. Also we propose a new traffic flow scheduling scheme based on the Generalized Processor Sharing (GPS) discipline that incorporate the pointwise Hölder exponent to locally characterize each data flow. For this end we explicitly present both dynamic pointwise Hölder exponent estimation and prediction mechanisms. The pointwise Hölder estimation is carried out dynamically based on the decay of the wavelet coefficients in the selected time windows. The proposed predictor is adaptive and implemented with both Kalman and Normalized Least Mean Squares (NLMS) filters. Experimental evaluations have validated the proposed scheduling scheme, resulting in low data loss rate and a better sharing of the network resources in comparison with the usual GPS schemeMestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    Quality of service and resource management in IP and wireless networks

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    A common theme in the publications included in this thesis is the quality of service and resource management in IP and wireless networks. This thesis presents novel algorithms and implementations for admission control in IP and IEEE 802.16e networks, active queue management in EGPRS, WCDMA, and IEEE 802.16e networks, and scheduling in IEEE 802.16e networks. The performance of different algorithms and mechanisms is compared with the prior art through extensive ns-2 simulations. We show that similar active queue management mechanisms, such as TTLRED, can be successfully used to reduce the downlink delay (and in some cases even improve the TCP goodput) in different bottlenecks of IP, EGPRS, WCDMA, and IEEE 802.16e access networks. Moreover, almost identical connection admission control algorithms can be applied both in IP access networks and at IEEE 802.16e base stations. In the former case, one just has to first gather the link load information from the IP routers. We also note that DiffServ can be used to avoid costly overprovisioning of the backhaul in IEEE 802.16e networks. We present a simple mapping between IEEE 802.16e data delivery services and DiffServ traffic classes, and we propose that IEEE 802.16e base stations should take the backhaul traffic load into account in their admission control decisions. Moreover, different IEEE 802.16e base station scheduling algorithms and uplink channel access mechanisms are studied. In the former study, we show that proportional fair scheduling offers superior spectral efficiency when compared to deficit round-robin, though in some cases at the cost of increased delay. Additionally, we introduce a variant of deficit round-robin (WDRR), where the quantum value depends on the modulation and coding scheme. We also show that there are several ways to implement ertPS in an efficient manner, so that during the silence periods of a VoIP call no uplink slots are granted. The problem here, however, is how to implement the resumption after the silence period while introducing as little delay as possible

    User-Centric Quality of Service Provisioning in IP Networks

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    The Internet has become the preferred transport medium for almost every type of communication, continuing to grow, both in terms of the number of users and delivered services. Efforts have been made to ensure that time sensitive applications receive sufficient resources and subsequently receive an acceptable Quality of Service (QoS). However, typical Internet users no longer use a single service at a given point in time, as they are instead engaged in a multimedia-rich experience, comprising of many different concurrent services. Given the scalability problems raised by the diversity of the users and traffic, in conjunction with their increasing expectations, the task of QoS provisioning can no longer be approached from the perspective of providing priority to specific traffic types over coexisting services; either through explicit resource reservation, or traffic classification using static policies, as is the case with the current approach to QoS provisioning, Differentiated Services (Diffserv). This current use of static resource allocation and traffic shaping methods reveals a distinct lack of synergy between current QoS practices and user activities, thus highlighting a need for a QoS solution reflecting the user services. The aim of this thesis is to investigate and propose a novel QoS architecture, which considers the activities of the user and manages resources from a user-centric perspective. The research begins with a comprehensive examination of existing QoS technologies and mechanisms, arguing that current QoS practises are too static in their configuration and typically give priority to specific individual services rather than considering the user experience. The analysis also reveals the potential threat that unresponsive application traffic presents to coexisting Internet services and QoS efforts, and introduces the requirement for a balance between application QoS and fairness. This thesis proposes a novel architecture, the Congestion Aware Packet Scheduler (CAPS), which manages and controls traffic at the point of service aggregation, in order to optimise the overall QoS of the user experience. The CAPS architecture, in contrast to traditional QoS alternatives, places no predetermined precedence on a specific traffic; instead, it adapts QoS policies to each individual’s Internet traffic profile and dynamically controls the ratio of user services to maintain an optimised QoS experience. The rationale behind this approach was to enable a QoS optimised experience to each Internet user and not just those using preferred services. Furthermore, unresponsive bandwidth intensive applications, such as Peer-to-Peer, are managed fairly while minimising their impact on coexisting services. The CAPS architecture has been validated through extensive simulations with the topologies used replicating the complexity and scale of real-network ISP infrastructures. The results show that for a number of different user-traffic profiles, the proposed approach achieves an improved aggregate QoS for each user when compared with Best effort Internet, Traditional Diffserv and Weighted-RED configurations. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that the proposed architecture not only provides an optimised QoS to the user, irrespective of their traffic profile, but through the avoidance of static resource allocation, can adapt with the Internet user as their use of services change.France Teleco

    Intelligent adaptive bandwidth provisioning for quality of service in umts core networks

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